A: Yes, it is all OM. Well, it
is all stillness -- inner silence, which is beyond OM.
We are not likely to experience that very much in this life if we aren't
doing something concrete about the neurobiological discrepancy in our
Intellect can't do it alone. More often,
intellect is in the way, even when it thinks it is helping. In that sense
the cognition of "enlightenment" may be the greatest illusion of them all.
That helps explain the failures of so-called "enlightened" people. It seems
the minute we put on the label, it is no longer that.
It is much simpler than that, I think...
joy, peace, love, compassion, energy, creativity, serving the evolutionary
flow of life... These are qualities that really do emerge in people who
regularly practice effective spiritual methods - deep meditation, spinal
breathing, etc. Why give it a name like "enlightenment?" Well, we must,
being a species that has a name for everything. But we do so at the risk of
building a castle in the air. Sooner or later that castle will fall. As they
say, "What goes up must come down."
As for the intellect, it does have an important role in
the evolutionary process. The way we reason things out can inspire us to
practice, or not. It is we who choose whether or not to do the things that
are necessary to advance. That is the role of the intellect - it is in the
choosing that we do. Also, if we have been meditating for some months or
years, inner silence will be coming up, and then we have more options with
intellect in relation to our "inner witness" which becomes increasingly
available to us. We can then choose from that place within us that is the
essence of wisdom itself. For an interesting exploration of this, see this
topic in the AYP Forums called: "Self-Inquiry
-- A Practice Between Our Meditations."
The guru is in you.