
Advanced Yoga Practices
Topic Index

 Note: For the complete lessons with additions, see the
AYP Easy Lessons Books and AYP Plus

This index provides multiple links for topics covered in the Advanced Yoga Practices lessons. The main techniques are listed first, in the order given in the lessons, followed by many related topics listed in alphabetical order for easy reference. Use the "back button" to return to this topic index from any lesson link selected here.

Note: Short descriptions of many practices and experiences can also be found in the Glossary of Sanskrit Terms.

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Advanced Yoga Practices (main techniques):

      Desire/Bhakti - 12, 67, 68, 69, 88, 93, 109, 112, 120, 165, 187,
                  214, 220, 221, T19, 240, 246, T37, 252, 282, 335, 337, 338,
                  339, 340, 341, 342, 344, 347, 348, 349, 358, 360, T69, 391, 425,
       Meditation - 13, 14-37, 59, 79, 106, 115, 116, 117, 157, 158, 159,
                  160, 176, 180, 186, 188, 190, 195, 196, 232, 244, 282, 298,
                  355, 358, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 375,
                  397, 414, 420, 427
       Spinal Breathing Pranayama - 39, 41, 42-53, 69, 96, 135, 156, 160,
                  182, 200, 206, 229, 239, 241, 288, 378, 381, 401, 407
       Mulabandha/Asvini - 55, 64, 91, 105, 119, 130, 156, T71, 401
       Sambhavi Mudra - 56, 65, 91, 131, 169, 174, 189, 190, 212      
       Asanas - 69, 71, 80, 107, 145, 147, 149, 183, 216, 239, 285, 300, 383, 409
       Siddhasana - 33, 75, 127, 128, 156, 174, 177, T16, T28, 235, T66
       Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka - 91, 94, 95, 99, 144, 204, 281, 288
       Uddiyana/Nauli/Navi Kriya - 91, 129, 139, 275, 316
       Kechari Mudra - 91, 108, 114, 192, 197, 205, 212, T34, T35,
                  223, 224, 229, 237, 271, 284, T61, 412
       Chin Pump (Dynamic Jalandhara) - 139, 140, 143, 144, 281
       Samyama - 76, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 176, 184, 221,
                  243, 264, 269, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 317, 351, 353, 359, 374,
                  399, 408, 415, 419, 420
       Spinal Bastrika Pranayama - 171, 172, 173
       Targeted Bastrika Pranayama - 198, 199
       Self-Inquiry - 283, 302, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330,
                  331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 349, 350, 351, 353, 354, 356, 357,
                  359, 361, 362, 375, 376, 380, 392, 398, 403, 405, 408, 426, 428
       Service (Karma Yoga) - 98, 120, 166, 228, 264, 277, 344, 345, 346, 347,
                  348, 363, 391
       Self-Pacing - 38, 81, 99, 102, 104, 105, 107, 120, 144, 145, 160,
                  168, 172, 173, 182, 203, 216, 217, 219, 226, 231, 244
                  247, 250, 252, 332, 341, 355, 367, T72, 378, 385, 406, 409,
                  411, 414, 425, 427
       Summary of Principles and Practices - 204, 385, 430

Related Topics (listed alphabetically):

Addiction - 10, T38, T39, 272, 308
Advaita-Vedanta (non-duality) - 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328,
              329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353,
              356, 357, 361, 362, 376, 391, 392, 398, 403, 405, 408
Adyashanti - 332
Ajna - 56, 77, 188, 189, 198, 199, 201, 212, 277, 416     
Akasha - 150, 151, 152
Albert Einstein - 13, 246
Alcohol and Tobacco - 29, 307      
Allah - 67
Amaroli (urine therapy) - T32, T40, 310, 319, T63, T77
Astral Projection - 264
Astrology/Jyotish (influence of the stars) - 93, 103, 146, 343
Atheists and Agnostics - 20      
Automatic Yoga (and movements) - 104, 183, 202, 203, 210, 218,
               T35, 224, 232, 385, 417, 425
Ayurveda - 69, 90, 200, 304

Basti (yogic enema) - 314
Beatles - 67, 93, 253
Bhagavad Gita - 74, 253, 330
Bible - 13, 47, 113, 126, 151
Bliss - 16, 35, 85, 113, 143, 331, 382     
Bob Dylan - 93
Book List - 253
Brahmacharya - 101, T9
Brahma Sutras - 350     
Breath Meditation - 367, 368, 404, 425
Breath Suspension - 45, 46, 51, 52, 62, 91, 106, 144, 167, 175   
Buddha/Buddhism - 20, 134, 253, 317, 367, 380, 389, 400
Byron Katie - 349, 350

Caduceus - 89, 90      
Carl Jung - 134
Celibacy - 101, T9, T79   
Chakras - 21, 47, 73, 77, 206, 220, T61    
Chanting - 37, 59, 186, 377
Children and Yoga - 256
Chiropractic - 104
Concentration 263, 317
Connectedness of Yoga - 104, 149, 150, 169, 178, 180, 183, 185,
                191, 204, 212, 252
Cosmic Samyama - 299, 317, 399
Crown Opening (avoiding premature) - 69, 77, 125, 181, 188, 199,
                201, 208, 230, 273, 277, 287

Daily Practices      
       Establishing - 58, 86, 147, 148, 187, 427      
       Maintaining - 102, 148, 187
       Expanding - 148, 193
       Compressing - 18, 50, 209
Darshan - 332
Dhauti (intesinal wash) - 315
Death (yogic) - 286, 376
Deepak Chopra - 69, 253
Destiny - 103      
Devotion - 12, 67, 68, 88, 109, 112, 338, 339, 340, 341      
Dharma - 178      
Diet - 30, 69, 167, 200, 216, 220, 304, 305, 306, 309, 310, 311, 312
Digestion - 51, 133, 304, 310   
Divine Love - 110, 113, 138, 143, 182, 345, T67, T71
Divine Union - 69, 113, 169  
Doshas (Ayurveda: vatta, pitta & kapha) - 69, 200
Drugs - 29, 307

Eckhart Tolle - 332, 355
Ecstasy - 64, 66, 78, 95, 113, 138, 143, 203, 235, 258, 284, 331, 382, 424
Ecstatic Bliss - 78, 113, 120, 139, 143, 169, 235, 331, 382, 424   
Ecstatic Confessions (by Martin Buber) - T22, 258
Ecstatic Conductivity - 64, 65, 143, 169, 170, 191, 198, 212, T35, 252, 331,
              T68, T71, 378, 379, T74, 424
Ecstatic Radiance - 42, 44, 90, 139, 152, 331, T71, 379, T74, 424
Ego - 85, 120, 121, 149, 327, 334, 350, 354, 355, 356, 357, 361, 428
Eight Limbs of Yoga - 149, 151, 153, 156, 176, 243, 253, 330, 342, 385
Emerson - 253
Energy Blockages - 104, 134, 171, 194, 198, 235, 288, 372, 406
Energy/Chakra Healing - 73, 77, 104, 124
Enlightenment Milestones - 35, 85, 100, 120, 138, 274, 297, 318, 333, 357, 363,
              382, 390, 426, 430
Esoteric/Secret Yoga - 93, 105, 108, 189, 201, 214, 253

Fasting (and fasting effect) - 310
Fear - 259, 373
Fifth Dimension - 36      
Free Will - 103

Gandhi - 347
Global Mediations (synchronized) - 332
Glossary of Sanskrit Terms - here
Gopi Krishna (kundalini excesses) - 73, 99, 181, 188, 208, 253, 381
Granthis (the three knots) - 276
Grieving Process - 68
Group Practice - 37, 332, 386, 387, 419
Guided Meditations - 37
Guru in you - 57, 72, 214, 260, 389

Hatha Yoga - 71, 130, 136, 145
Hatha Yoga Pradipika - 71, 253
Health - 24, 25, 30, 48, 73, 194, 200, 220, T32, 253, 305, 306, 420
Heart Breathing - 220, 221
Henry Ford - 93
Hindustan Times Articles (2) - 141
Holy Ghost - 71

Ida and Pingala - 89, 90, 381
Inner Sensuality - 53, 121, 126, 169, 221, 222
Inner Silence (Stillness) - 13, 35, 36, 85, 109, 157, 203, 273, 302, 318, 321,
               358, 375
Integration of Practices - 10, 19, 136, 149, 204, 427
Intellect - 11, 126, 134, 157, 176, 182, 185, 207, 283
Intelligence/Genius - 246
Internet (role of) - 38, 301, 394, 395
Ishta (chosen ideal) - 67, 68, 112, 220, 221, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342
Issac Newton - 13
Iyengar - 253

Jalandhara - 91, 143
Jala Neti (nasal wash) - 313
Jesus/Christianity - 12, 16, 20, 25, 31, 34, 35, 37, 54, 56, 67, 92, 94, 131, 132,
               134, 164, 184, 221, 243, 253, T69
Jnana Yoga (yoga of knowledge) - 185, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327,
               328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 350, 351, 353,
               356, 357, 361, 362, 376, 398

Kapalbhati - 316
Karma - 79, 85, 98, 103, 132, 144, 153, 158, 171, 184, 198, 201,
               220, 252, 298, 343, 344, 346, 347, 393
Ken Wilber - 355
Kirtan - 377
Krishna - 67, 94, 134
Krishnamurti, J. - 84, 157, 253
Kriya Yoga - 136, 181, 206, 239, 253, 273
Kumbhaka - 91, 139, 140, 144, 191, T33, 229, 378, 379, 407
Kundalini - 54, 63, 64, 69, 83, 85, 91, 94, 113, 125, 129, 135, 149, 169,
               170, 191, 199, 200, 201, 208, 216, 253, 261, 280, 287, 297, 304,
318, 320, 331, T70, 378, 379, 381, 406, 407, 409, 410, 422

Lahiri Mahasaya - 201, 206, T19, 258
Lao Tsu - 134
Lester Levenson (Release/Sedona Method) - 349, 350
Levitation - 137, 150, 151, 155
Liberation - 92, 120, 200, 330, 351, 363, 430
Lotus Feet - 135
LSD - 29, 307

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - 93, 253
Mala Beads - 86
       I AM (AYAM) - 13, 59, 79, 188, 195, 244
       Location - 21, 27, 188, 368, 370
       Language and Meaning - 13, 115, 117, 188
       Enhancements - 116, 186, 188-add, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 375, 404
       Alternate Enhancements - 369, 371, 404
       Design - 188, 369
       Sensitivity - 365, 366, 367, 404
Mantra Yoga - 136, 239
Marijuana - 29, 307
Marriage and Yoga - 98, T66
Martin Luther King - 347
Massage - 104
Micro-Movements (whole-body mudra) - 91, 129, 143, 212, T34, 275
Mohammed - 94
Moses - 94
Mother Teresa of Calcutta - 67, 347
Mozart - 13, 246
Muktananda - 153, 253

Nada Yoga (yoga of sound) - 377
Nadis (subtle nerves) - 77, 118, 121, 125
Nadi Shodana (alternate nostril breathing) - 41 (addition), 256, 381
Narayanananda - 253
Nasal Wash (jala neti) - 313
Natural Principles - 58, 149, 204  
Navi Kriya - 275    
Nectar (amrita and nectar cycle) - 51, 133, 137, 304, T62, 379, T77
Neo-Advaita - 356
Nervous System - 15, 24, 25, 39, 94, 107, 134, 138, 143, 149, 204,
New Age - 93, 146, 149, 165, 253, 332, 365  
Nisargadatta Maharaj - 253, 331, 332, 349, 350, 361, 398
Norman Paulsen - 92, 206, 253

OM (AUM) - 59, 121, 186, 188, 244, 283
Osho (Rajneesh) - 136, T21, 253

Padmasana - 127      
Paramahansa Yogananda - 92, 93, 146, 253, T67, 378
Pay it Forward - 166      
Perspiration - 49, 182      
Physical Fitness - 80, 147  
Pineal and Pituitary - 65, 125, 189, 288      
Pleasure - 10, 43, 55, 56, 64, 66, 78, 113, 163, 169, 191      
Prana (life force) - 39, 47, 51, 71, 97, 113, 139, 146, 167, 182, 378
Pratyahara - 121, 126, 149, 320, 359      
Prayer - 150, 301, 302, 317, 415
Pure Bliss Consciousness - 13, 35, 36, 85, 122, 138, 143, 157, 163,
               213, 273, 430     
Purification and Opening - 94, 104, 134, 138, 145, 168, 171, 175, 194,
               182, 184, 203, 207, 251, 298, 378

Raja/Ashtanga Yoga - 136, 149, 248
Ramacharaka - 253
Ramakrishna - 67, 84, 108, T2, 253, 258, 260, T69
Ramana Maharshi - 126, 253, 349, 350, T69, 361, 398
Reiki - 104, 125
Reincarnation - 74 , 185, 201, 262, 376
Relational Self-Inquiry - 325, 328, 356, 398, 426, 428
Religion - 11, 67, 132, 221, 233, 253
Research on Practices - 384, 400, 420
Restlessness - 15, 213    
Retreats - 148, 193, 250, 387   
Romantic Love - 66, 98, 110, T19    
Rumi - 134, T19, T22, 258, 423, 429

Sai Baba - 181
Samadhi - 146, 149, 150, 157, 176, 248, 264
Saint Francis of Assisi - T22, 258
Saint John of the Cross - T19, T22, 258
Saint Theresa of Avila - 258, T69
Satsang (keeping spiritual company) - 332, 394, 396
Satyananda - 253
Scenery (visions, energy experiences, etc.) - 37, 81, 90, 92, 94, 170,
               175, 179, 180, 185, 201, 204, 224, 225, 382, 421
Science and Yoga - 19, 93, 182, 248, 400, 402
Sensitivity to Meditation - 160, 200, 218, 365, 366, 367, 373, 404, 409, 417,
Sex and Yoga - 54, 55, 66, 69, 97, 98, 101, 105, 174, 177      
Shaktipat - 146, 181, 253, 332, 419
Shankara - T4, 253, T67, 350
Shatkarmas - 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 379
Shiva and Shakti - 69, 113, 125, 138, 143, 157, 169, T45     
Siddhis/Powers - 76, 149, 150, 155, 164, 167, 176, 184, 210, 243, 264, 303,
317, 320

Sigmund Freud - T10
Sin - 132, 252, 344  
Sivananda - 253
Skepticism - 134, 180, 182, 427      
Sleep - 17, 157, 158, 213, 251    
Solar Centering Enhancement - 368, 370, 374
Spinal Nerve (Sushumna) - 44, 52, 64, 90, 96, 143, 189, 206, 229      
Spiritual Anatomy - 47, 89, 90, 92      
Sri Yantra - 92, 169, T25      
Star and Circle Vision - 92, 179
Suffering - 321, 403, 405
Sufi (whirling dervishes) - 143, 253
Sutras - 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 176, 299, 300, 301, 317, 351,
                353, 374, 415     

Swami Rama - 253

Tai Chi - 69, 80, 104
Tantra (mature students only, please)      
       What is Tantra? - T1, 66, 97, T65, T80
       Holdback Method - T4, T43, T67, T78
       Blocking Method - T5, T43, T78
       Brahmacharya - T9, 101, T69, T79
       Breast Stimulation - T74
       Sexual Healing and Equality - T10, T42, T50, T64, T73, T75
       Pornography - T38, T39
       Homosexuality - T39
       Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (112 practices) - T21, 136
       Count Method - T23
       Sri Vidya - T25, 169
       Advanced Siddhasana - T28, 177
       Vajroli Mudra - T30, T46, T60, T62, T63, T68, T77
       Kechari Secret Spot - T34, T61, 412
       Family Values - T66
       Birth Control - T76, T77
       Neo-Tantra -  T65, T80
       Sex and Kundalini - 54, T70
Taoism - 20, 51, 157, T32, 253
Tapas (intensity) - 67, 149
Teaching Yoga Practices (by everyone) - 255, 256, 257, 384, 388, 418, 429
Teddy Roosevelt - 55
Theosophy - 253
Third Eye - 56, 65, 91, 92, 131, 169, 189, 198, 199, 206, 212, 416      
Thomas Edison - 93, 246
Thoreau - 253
Time Management in Practices - 18, 50, 86, 181, 193, 209      
Traditions - 19, 93, 165, 221, 253
Transcendental Meditation - 246, 253
Trataka - 316
Turiya - 157      
Twelve Step Programs - T38, T39, 308, T64
Twice a day (practices) - 13, 148, 209, 244, 385  

Ujjayi (with epiglottis) - 41
Unity - 333, 336, 375
Upanishads - 253, 350     

Vedanta (advaita/non-duality) - 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328,
              329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 350, 351, 352, 353,
              356, 357, 361, 362, 391, 392, 398, 403, 405, 408
Vivekananda - 93, 248, 253

Western Psychology - 134
Whole Body Mudra - 212, 275, T74 
Witnessing - 109, 122, 138, 157, 203, 213, 250, 318, 321, 333, 350, 357, 372,
Woodroffe, Sir John - 253
World Peace - 34, 37, 93, 146, 415, 429
Worship - 67, 112, 220
Wright Brothers - 53, 93

Yama and Niyama - 149, 150, 185, 228, 253
Yoga (what is it?) - 11, 430
Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) - 213, 250, 299, 317
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - 10, 76, 149, 153, 176, 184, 243, 253, 330
Yuga - 93
Yukteswar - 146, T67