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Advanced Yoga Practices
Books, eBooks and AudioBooks

The Advanced Yoga Practices (AYP) Books by Yogani are available in English and other languages in these formats:

  • eBooks streaming on AYP Plus and PDF, EPUB & MOBI/Kindle downloads through multiple internet channels.

  • Paperback and Hardcover books through internet channels and retail bookstores worldwide.

  • AudioBooks streaming on AYP Plus and downloads through multiple channels. Direct downloads of AudioBooks from AYP include a free eBook for the same title.

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See additional sources for the AYP books after the title listings.

Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
A large user-friendly textbook providing 240 detailed lessons covering the core methods of the AYP self-directed system of practices. This comprehensive text includes substantial additional material beyond the original internet lessons, enabling the serious practitioner to successfully navigate the journey to enlightenment.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
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AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA    Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

French    German    More Translations

Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living, Vol. 2
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
A second large user-friendly textbook, continuing the detailed lessons for the AYP integrated system, bringing the total for both volumes to over 400 lessons. Substantial additional material beyond the original internet lessons is provided, covering a wide range of practical methods for middle and end stage spiritual development.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
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Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA    Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

French    German    More Translations

Advanced Yoga Practices - The AYP Plus Lessons
    (AI Podcast)
Large books covering the nearly 1000 AYP Plus lessons on practices and experiences. This is a complement to the extensive online AYP Plus resources, provided for off-line study when online access to the lessons is not available.

eBook (all lessons):  AYP Plus (streaming)
Kindle USA   Kindle CA   Kindle UK   Kindle DE
Google Play  Apple iBook  Kindle FR  Kindle IT  Kindle BR  Kindle JP  Kindle AU
Kindle IN   Kindle ES   Kindle MX  
Kindle NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Paperback (Part 1):
Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK    Amazon France    Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain    Amazon Japan
Amazon India    Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Paperback (Part 2):
Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK    Amazon France    Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain    Amazon Japan
Amazon India    Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Audiobook (all lessons):
AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA    Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

The Secrets of Wilder - A Story of Inner Silence, Ecstasy and Enlightenment
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
This modern story was written before AYP, helping inspire the practical writings on self-directed spiritual practice that became the AYP Lessons. Join John Wilder on his journey through deep meditation, spinal breathing, tantric sexual methods, and  other powerful techniques, leading to a global awakening.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
Google Play   Apple iBook   Kindle IT   Kindle BR   Kindle JP   Kindle AU
Kindle IN
   Kindle ES   Kindle MX   Kindle NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Paperback (compact edition):
Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK   Amazon France   Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain   Amazon Japan
Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Paperback (standard edition):
Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK   Amazon France   Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain   Amazon Japan
Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA    Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

German    Arabic    French    More Translations


Easy-to-read instruction books on yoga and spiritual practices, including:

Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
A concise step-by-step instruction book for a powerful method of meditation that will systematically unfold inner peace, creativity and energy in daily life. Deep Meditation is an effective tool for reducing stress, improving your relationships, achieving more success in your career, and for revealing the ultimate truth of life.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming) 
Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
Google Play    Apple iBook    Kindle IT    Kindle BR    Kindle JP    Kindle AU
Kindle IN
    Kindle ES    Kindle MX   Kindle NL   All Amazon Sites  More Sources

Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
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Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK   Amazon France   Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain   Amazon Japan
Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

AudioBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
MP3 Direct Download from AYP (includes Free eBook)
AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA   Audible
   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play   MP3 Amazon   MP3 Apple   CD Amazon
All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Spanish   German   French   Norwegian   Czech   Russian   Hindi
Dutch   Croatian    Arabic    Chinese   Persian   More Translations

Spinal Breathing Pranayama - Journey to Inner Space
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
Practical instructions on one of the most effective breathing techniques for purifying and opening the nervous system to our inner realms. Spinal Breathing Pranayama is a vital complement to Deep Meditation for expanding pure bliss consciousness to enliven ecstatic conductivity and radiance within and around us.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
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AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
Google Play   Apple iBook   Kindle IT   Kindle BR   Kindle JP   Kindle AU
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Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
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Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

AudioBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
MP3 Direct Download from AYP (includes Free eBook)
AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA   Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Google Play   MP3 Amazon   MP3 iTunes   CD Amazon
All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Spanish   German    French    Czech    Russian   Hindi
Dutch   Arabic   Chinese   Persian   More Translations

Tantra - Discovering the Power of Pre-Orgasmic Sex
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
A common-sense guide on utilizing sexuality to complement a full-scope system of yoga practices. Techniques are included enabling couples and solo practitioners to utilize the sexual response to cultivate sexual energy to its highest levels of spiritual ecstasy. A practical instruction book on sexuality in relation to our spiritual path.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
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AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
Google Play   Apple iBook   Kindle IT   Kindle BR   Kindle JP   Kindle AU
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Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK   Amazon France   Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain   Amazon Japan
Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

AudioBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
MP3 Direct Download from AYP (includes Free eBook)
AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA   Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play   MP3 Amazon   MP3 iTunes   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Spanish   German   French   Arabic    Persian   Russian   More Translations

Asanas, Mudras & Bandhas - Awakening Ecstatic Kundalini
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
Physical postures and special internal maneuvers can bring relaxation, good health, and much more. With correct application and sequencing in combination with sitting practices, whole-body ecstatic conductivity can be safely awakened. See here for key Asanas, Mudras and Bandhas, plus a yoga-friendly exercise program.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
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Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
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AudioBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
MP3 Direct Download from AYP (includes Free eBook)
AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA   Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play   MP3 Amazon   MP3 iTunes   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Spanish   German   French   Arabic   Chinese   Persian   More Translations

Samyama - Cultivating Stillness in Action, Siddhis and Miracles
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
With Deep Meditation comes stillness and the ability to accomplish great things in life. This is stillness in action, and it is greatly expanded through the simple yet powerful technique of Samyama. Detailed instructions are provided enabling all of our actions to be conducted from within our inner divine realm of unlimited power.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
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AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
Google Play   Apple iBook   Kindle IT   Kindle BR   Kindle JP   Kindle AU
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Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
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AudioBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
MP3 Direct Download from AYP (includes Free eBook)
AYP Plus (streaming)    Amazon USA    Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play  
MP3 Amazon   MP3 iTunes   All Amazon Sites   More AudioBook Sources

Spanish   German   French   Arabic   Persian   More Translations

Diet, Shatkarmas and Amaroli - Yogic Nutrition & Cleansing for Health and Spirit
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
This is more than a diet book. It is an integrated set of instructions on yogic nutrition, hygiene and rejuvenation, for facilitating good health and the process of human spiritual transformation. These approaches and methods will be the most effective when applied as part of a balanced program of yoga practices.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
Google Play   Apple iBook   Kindle IT   Kindle BR   Kindle JP   Kindle AU
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Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK   Amazon France   Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain   Amazon Japan
Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

AudioBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
MP3 Direct Download from AYP (includes Free eBook)
AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA   Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play  
MP3 Amazon   MP3 iTunes   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Spanish   German   French   Arabic   Persian   More Translations

Self-Inquiry - Dawn of the Witness and the End of Suffering
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
With Deep Meditation and the rise of inner silence, we find an increasing ability to observe our thoughts as objectsSelf-Inquiry provides practical methods for making use of our inner witness in daily activity and relationships, resulting in increased inner stability and happiness amidst the ups and downs of life.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
Google Play   Apple iBook   Kindle IT   Kindle BR   Kindle JP   Kindle AU
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Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK   Amazon France   Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain   Amazon Japan
Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

AudioBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
MP3 Direct Download from AYP (includes Free eBook)
AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA   Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play   
MP3 Amazon
   MP3 iTunes   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

German   French   Arabic   More Translations

Bhakti & Karma Yoga - The Science of Devotion and Liberation Through Action
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
By systematic application of the essential principles of desire and devotion we can achieve our goals and spiritual aspirations. Through action we can transform our life experience to one of ecstatic bliss. Bhakti and Karma Yoga reveals how desire and action can be  utilized to hasten our progress toward enlightenment.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
Google Play   Apple iBook   Kindle IT   Kindle BR   Kindle JP   Kindle AU
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Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
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Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
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Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

AudioBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
MP3 Direct Download from AYP (includes Free eBook)
AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA   Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play  
MP3 Amazon
   MP3 iTunes   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

German   French    Arabic   More Translations

Eight Limbs of Yoga - The Structure and Pacing of Self-Directed Spiritual Practice
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
The center of all spiritual progress is found within each human nervous system. When time-tested methods for stimulating the transformation are applied in an integrated way, progress can occur within any cultural or religious setting. Building a self-directed practice routine for the long term is covered here.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
Google Play   Apple iBook   Kindle IT   Kindle BR   Kindle JP   Kindle AU
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Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
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Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

AudioBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
MP3 Direct Download from AYP (includes Free eBook)
AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA   Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play  
MP3 Amazon   MP3 iTunes   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

German   French    Arabic   More Translations

Retreats - Fast Track to Freedom - A Guide for Leaders and Practitioners
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
With many undertaking individual self-directed practice using the AYP open-source approach, there has been increasing interest in doing AYP retreats. Additional sittings in scheduled group practice mode provide the opportunity to cultivate greatly increased abiding inner silence, with corresponding long-lasting benefits.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
Google Play   Apple iBook   Kindle IT   Kindle BR   Kindle JP   Kindle AU
Kindle IN
   Kindle ES   Kindle MX   Kindle NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Amazon USA
  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK   Amazon France   Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain   Amazon Japan
Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK   Amazon France   Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain   Amazon Japan
Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

AudioBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
MP3 Direct Download from AYP (includes Free eBook)
AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA   Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play  
MP3 Amazon   MP3 iTunes   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

German   French    Arabic   More Translations

Liberation - The Fruition of Yoga
Amazon Reviews
    (AI Podcast)
A survey of the methods of yoga in relation to the arising of the non-dual condition of enlightenment. This covers the rise of the witness and evolution to "ripeness," leading to the direct realization of the observer being one with all objects of perception, and the emergence of an unending flow of divine love in the world.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
Google Play   Apple iBook   Kindle IT   Kindle BR   Kindle JP  
Kindle AU
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Amazon UK   Amazon France   Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain   Amazon Japan
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Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK   Amazon France   Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain   Amazon Japan
Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

AudioBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
MP3 Direct Download from AYP (includes Free eBook)
AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA   Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play  
MP3 Amazon   MP3 iTunes   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

German   French    Arabic   More Translations

Prayers and Poems - Dissolving the Ego in the Divine
Amazon Reviews
    (AI Podcast)
Provides a snapshot of what life was like for the author as a busy householder on the path in the 1980s. The strains of career and family life served as fuel for powerful bhakti (devotion) during those years, leading to a transformation. This was after 15 years of meditation, and the addition of powerful techniques now found in the extensive instructional AYP writings. The events described here occurred 15 years before the AYP lessons began, which have continued for another 20 years. This book records a "middle stage" turning point on the author's path, and it is shared with love.

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE 

Google Play  Apple iBook  Kindle FR  Kindle IT  Kindle BR  Kindle JP  Kindle AU

Kindle IN
  Kindle ES  Kindle MX  Kindle NL  All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK    Amazon France    Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain    Amazon Japan
Amazon India    Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK   Amazon France   Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain   Amazon Japan
Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites  
More Sources

AudioBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
MP3 Direct Download from AYP (includes Free eBook)

AYP Plus (streaming)   Amazon USA   Audible   Apple Audiobooks
Spotify   Google Play   All Amazon Sites  
More Sources

Arabic   More Translations


Advanced Yoga Practices Support Forum Posts of Yogani, 2005-2010
Amazon Reviews    (AI Podcast)
A large book containing all AYP Support Forum posts by Yogani over a six year period. About 2,000 posts are included, providing extensive commentary on spiritual practices and experiences in Q&A mode, supplementing the AYP Lessons. Links to all posts, forum topics and referenced sources are included. 

eBook: (save with AYP Download Bundles)
eBook - Direct Download from AYP
AYP Plus (streaming)  Kindle USA  Kindle CA  Kindle UK  Kindle DE  Kindle FR
Google Play   Apple iBook   Kindle IT   Kindle BR   Kindle JP  
Kindle AU
Kindle IN
   Kindle ES   Kindle MX   Kindle NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources

Paperback (includes free eBook download on request):
Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon China  Amazon Italy
Amazon UK   Amazon France   Amazon Germany   Amazon Spain   Amazon Japan
Amazon India   Amazon Australia   Amazon NL   All Amazon Sites   More Sources


(For international translations of the AYP Online Lessons, see here)

Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living (English)

 French    German



Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living, Vol. 2 (English)

 French    German



The Secrets of Wilder - A Story of Inner Silence, Ecstasy and Enlightenment (English)

German    Arabic    French



Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom (English)

Spanish    German    French   Norwegian   Czech   Dutch

Croatian   Arabic   Russian   Chinese   Persian   Hindi

Spinal Breathing Pranayama - Journey to Inner Space (English)

Spanish    German    French   Czech   Dutch

Arabic   Russian   Chinese   Persian   Hindi


Tantra - Discovering the Power of Pre-Orgasmic Sex (English)

Spanish   German    French

Arabic   Russian   Persian


Asanas, Mudras & Bandhas - Awakening Ecstatic Kundalini (English)

Spanish   German    French

Chinese     Arabic   Persian


Samyama - Cultivating Stillness in Action, Siddhis and Miracles (English)

Spanish   German     French   Arabic   Persian


Diet, Shatkarmas and Amaroli - Yogic Nutrition & Cleansing for Health and Spirit (English)

Spanish   German     French   Arabic   Persian


Self-Inquiry - Dawn of the Witness and the End of Suffering (English)

  German     French    Arabic


Bhakti & Karma Yoga - The Science of Devotion and Liberation Through Action (English)

  German     French    Arabic


Eight Limbs of Yoga - The Structure and Pacing of Self-Directed Spiritual Practice (English)

  German     French    Arabic

Retreats - Fast Track to Freedom - A guide for Leaders and Practitioners (English)

  German     French    Arabic

Liberation - The Fruition of Yoga (English)

  German     French    Arabic


Prayers and Poems - Dissolving the Ego in the Divine (English)



* * * * * * *

Sources for the AYP eBooks
(English and Other Languages):

AYP Plus Streaming  (unlimited access to all AYP eBooks)

AYP Direct Downloads (PDF-EPUB-MOBI/Kindle eBooks, and Bundled Offerings)

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Draft2Digital (EPUB editions from Apple, Kobo, Smashwords, Angus & Robertson, and more...)

Apple iBooks (EPUB editions)

Google Play (PDF/EPUB editions) 

Goodreads (Reviews and sources)

Sources for the AYP Paperback and Hardcover Books
(English and Other Languages):

All Amazon Sites Worldwide (search "yogani") (USA) (Canada) (UK) (Spain) (France) (Germany) (Italy) (Japan) (China) (India)

Barnes&Noble (USA)

BooksAMillion (USA)

DirectTextBook Search (Sources ranked by price)

Goodreads (Reviews and sources)

Sources for the AYP AudioBooks

AYP Plus Streaming  (unlimited access to all AYP AudioBooks)

AYP Direct Downloads (MP3 AudioBooks with Free eBooks, and Bundled Offerings)

All Amazon Sites Worldwide (search "yogani") (USA - MP3 AudioBooks) (UK - MP3 AudioBooks)

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Apple Audiobooks

Apple iTunes (MP3 Audiobooks)

CD Universe (CD AudioBooks)


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Spotify (or Tap for Mobile)  Spotify App users search in Audiobooks for "yogani ayp advanced yoga practices"


Goodreads (Reviews and sources)

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* * * * * * *

May you find the AYP Books to be useful resources as you travel along your chosen path. Practice wisely, and enjoy!

The guru is in you.