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Lesson 281 - Yoni Chin Pump - Leveraging Two Practices  (Audio)

From: Yogani
Date: Thu Mar 30, 2006  2:24 pm

New Visitors: It is recommended you read from the beginning of the archive, as previous lessons are prerequisite to this one. The first lesson is, "Why This Discussion?"

For those who are well established in the practices of Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka (lesson #91) and Dynamic Jalandhara - Chin Pump (lesson #139), we would now like to add an optional new feature. This is not a new practice, but the leveraging of chin pump with a key element of yoni mudra kumbhaka. Our routine will not change, but we will have a much more robust version of chin pump to work with if we incorporate this option.  I call the enhanced practice "Yoni Chin Pump." It is an opportunity to greatly accelerate the rise of ecstatic conductivity and energy flow in the head and upper body, which, in turn, translates into increased ecstatic conductivity and radiance throughout the whole body and beyond. 

The enhanced practice is quite simple. 

What we do is, during our normal session of chin pump, instead of engaging in breath retention (kumbhaka) by using the epiglottis to hold our breath in, we leave the epiglottis in the throat open and block our nostrils from the outside by pinching our nose between the thumb and index finger of one hand. This produces a steady, gentle pressure in the nasal pharynx, nasal passages and sinuses in the same way that we do when practicing yoni mudra kumbhaka. Only now we are doing it in chin pump mode, which makes the whole process of chin pump much more stimulating and dynamic.

No doubt, the first question that comes to mind is: "How do I pinch my nostrils closed with one hand while rotating my head in chin pump?"

It is not so difficult. It is a matter of developing the habit of tracking the rotations of the head with the arm and hand in "zero gravity" mode. By this we mean lifting the arm and hand as the head is going up, and letting the arm and hand go down with the head as it swoops in the downward flowing chin pump rotation. Like that, we can train our arm and hand to be as though in zero gravity, and then they will easily track the head as though having no weight. The test (feedback) in accomplishing this zero gravity function will be in noticing that we are neither putting a drag on our nose, or leading ourselves by the nose with our hand either. If we are dragging or leading we will notice and can make the necessary adjustment. It is very easy to do. The nose leads. In yoni chin pump, the nose knows! 

Of course, if we would like to use a clip of some sort on our nose (like a swimmer's clip), that would be okay too. There is nothing sacred about using the hand. It is the "no-props" way to do it, and that is all. If we use a clip, we will be faced with the issue of taking it off and putting it back on between inhalations and exhalations, unless we do all of our breathing through our mouth while leaving the clip on for the whole session - yet another option. This would eliminate the airflow through the nasal passages, leaving only the gentle pressure of the yoni effect, so breathing through the mouth is not the ideal. But it is not unacceptable either. It is a matter of personal choice on how we accomplish the mechanics of yoni chin pump. We can adjust our own practice for best results. Regardless of the procedure we use, the mudras we are using in chin pump will not have to be changed, including whatever stage of kechari we may be doing.

A couple of reminders: Beginning practitioners should not engage in this practice. Better to go through the lessons in order, building our practice routine in a stable step-by-step fashion. Those who are ready to take on yoni chin pump should review the yoni mudra kumbhaka and chin pump lessons mentioned above first. 

As with all of the practices discussed in these lessons, if there are any health issues that could be aggravated by doing yoni chin pump, then better check with the doctor before attempting this. Remember, we never force in any aspect of these practices. We are very gentle and measured, especially in rotating the head, and in keeping the pressure in our lungs and sensitive upper passages light, without any undue pressure or forcing. The natural pressure from relaxed filled lungs is ideal.

What sort of effects could we notice with yoni chin pump? Essentially an amplification of whatever our experience has been with chin pump so far. If we have ecstatic conductivity coming up, then that will very likely be enhanced significantly, and will tend to stay will us for longer during the day as we go about our regular activities, stabilizing the overall effects gained in our twice-daily sitting practices.

Do not be surprised if you find some noticeable excess energy flow occurring in the days or weeks after beginning yoni chin pump. It is a powerful practice enhancement, so make sure to self-pace the practice if excess purification is occurring. It is like everything else we are doing in AYP. This is self-directed practice, and it is up to us to regulate according to the sound principles of self-pacing as necessary. If we do that, we will reap the most from our practices. 

As mentioned above, we can continue with our regular practices, including yoni mudra kumbhaka, as we have been doing before. We each will find the right application of our practices according to our bhakti (spiritual desire) and prudent application of the principles of self-pacing.

There is also a practical time saving element in yoni chin pump. If time is short, we can gain most of the benefits of doing yoni mudra and chin pump by doing yoni chin pump only. So, if we are on the go we can stimulate more ecstatic cultivation in less time. Of course, we do not expect to see people doing yoni chin pump on the way to work on the train, but who knows?

Remember too, that success with all of these energy-related practices is highly dependent on our practice of deep meditation and the cultivation of our inner silence. Everything we accomplish in yoga rides on that. In time, it is the marriage of inner silence and ecstatic conductivity within us that gives rise to the outpouring of our divine nature in every day living. And that is good for everyone. It is as practical as it is profound.

The guru is in you.

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Note: For instructions on mudras and bandhas, see the Asanas, Mudras and Bandas book, and AYP Plus.

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