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Lesson 198 -
Targeted Bastrika - A Laser for Karmic Cleansing (Audio)
From: Yogani
Date: Mon May 24, 2004 1:05pm
New Visitors: It is recommended you read from the beginning of the archive, as previous
lessons are prerequisite to this one. The first lesson is, "Why
This Discussion?"
Back in lesson #171,
we introduced the powerful practice of spinal bastrika. Before proceeding
with the current lesson, it is suggested you review that lesson.
Now we are going to consider additional
applications of bastrika as a discretionary targeted tool. Why?
Sometimes we may run
into a really stubborn obstruction somewhere in the body, and with focused
bastrika we can put a lot of pressure in a localized area and literally burn
the karma away. It is like using laser surgery in a small area of the body.
This is in great contrast to the "global" methods of meditation and spinal
breathing we use as our core practices.
It is important that we
have met the yoga practice and health-related prerequisites for spinal
bastrika before we add targeted bastrika. This cannot be over-emphasized.
Targeted bastrika is not a shortcut to enlightenment. In fact, it could land
us in substantial discomfort if applied prematurely. If we are new to yoga,
and try targeted bastrika without the prerequisite global cleansing provided
by meditation and spinal breathing, we could create an unpleasant energy
imbalance in our nervous system.
So, keep in mind that
targeted bastrika is for cleaning out stubborn residual karmas. It is not
for going into an area for the first time, thinking it is all we need for a
good cleaning out. It doesn't work like that.
Targeted bastrika is a close relative of spinal
bastrika. We are still working in the spinal nerve with targeted bastrika.
The difference is we are tightening the range of attention moving up and
down in the spinal nerve with our rapid bastrika panting.
For example, let's say we have been doing
meditation, spinal breathing, associated mudras and bandhas, and spinal
bastrika for quite a few months. All is going fairly smoothly. We are
experiencing some ecstatic conductivity, which is detected by a pleasurable
reaction coming up from the root when we do sambhavi. Still, we still feel
some resistance in the area of our third eye between the center of our head
and the point between the eyebrows. This is possibly a good candidate for
some targeted bastrika. I say "possibly" because we will only know when we
try. If we do try, and find too much obstruction there to remove comfortably
with targeted bastrika, we will have to back off and rely on the less
intensely targeted means for some more time, i.e., meditation, spinal
breathing, sambhavi, yoni mudra kumbhaka, etc.
When we use targeted bastrika we do it at the end
of our sitting practices, after meditation, samyama and yoni mudra, but
before rest. We set up just the same as for spinal bastrika (including
associated mudras and bandhas), but we limit the cycling of attention during
rapid breathing to the area we are targeting. So, if we are targeting the
area between the center of the head and the point between the eyebrows, then
we let our attention cycle quickly there during bastrika. Attention goes in
the same direction as in spinal breathing and spinal bastrika - up with
in-breath and down with out-breath.
When first learning
targeted bastrika, we only go for two minutes, and then do our normal rest
period at the end of our sitting practices routine - preferably lying down
for at least 5-10 minutes. Then we monitor how we feel during our daily
activities. If there is no undue roughness, then we know the targeted
bastrika is probably okay. But we won't know for sure for a few more
sessions, so be cautious about ramping up targeted bastrika to more time
until you know you are stable with it. Once we know we are stable, and still
wish to focus on a particular area, then we can creep the time up to three
minutes, and then five minutes, monitoring for stability in daily activity
each step along the way.
As with spinal bastrika,
targeted bastrika can be very pleasurable, and we should be careful not to
overdo if we get into a reverie with it. It can happen. When it does happen
we may find ourselves in the position of having ecstatic sitting practice
and crabby daily activity - that is not what we want happening over the long
term, because it is not sustainable. Better we should have enjoyable sitting
practice and enjoyable daily activity. That is the balance we are looking
for. Our friends and loved ones will appreciate it too.
Targeted bastrika is the most discretionary of
all the practices we have covered so far. It is for those who are well
established in their daily practice routine, and who have a clear
recognition of their inner silence and ecstatic conductivity in relation to
localized obstructions in the nervous system. Some ability for "inner
seeing" should be developed before using targeted bastrika. Without some
inner sensory ability, using targeted bastrika is like using laser surgery
without the magnifying glass that is necessary to see to aim it accurately.
Then who knows what will be burned up with the laser beam? Inner seeing
comes with ecstatic conductivity. Then we will know where the obstructions
are and can target them accurately with attention in the spinal nerve
oscillating in combination with the power of bastrika. Even then it could be
too much upheaval, and often those with inner seeing have to back off too.
It is not a perfect world inside, not until we have gotten all the
obstructions loosened and out. That is what all of these advanced yoga
practices are for, working on many levels in our nervous system.
What are some of the
areas where targeted bastrika can be used?
We mentioned the third
eye area (ajna). This is a very important one because the purification of
the entire nervous system ultimately depends on the region of the third eye
becoming fully functional as the "command and control center" of our rising
Other areas where targeted bastrika can be used,
according to our inner seeing, include the throat, the heart, the abdomen
and the pelvic region. In advanced yoga practices involving pranayama, we
are always best off to be in the spinal nerve. So we will be working in the
spinal nerve on whatever level in the body we may find the need for targeted
purification. The spinal nerve is the foundation for all spiritual
purification and opening of the nervous system. As long as we are working in
the spinal nerve, we will be in cooperation with the natural process of
evolution going on within us, and this is how we keep our journey of
spiritual transformation both progressive and smooth.
Another area where
targeted bastrika can be used in a discretionary manner is the crown - the
sahasrar. This is a completely different situation from any other part of
our spiritual neuro-anatomy, and will be covered in the next lesson. There
are huge repercussions to doing any practice at the crown, so please don't
start doing targeted bastrika at the crown until you review the next lesson
and understand the delicate dynamics that are involved there.
Always err on the side
of caution when considering the use of targeted bastrika anywhere in the
body, and always use it in the spinal nerve. It is a powerful practice that
will be effective only when the necessary prerequisites have been met. Once
the right conditions are in place, targeted bastrika can be used with good
effectiveness, and it will greatly enhance our steadily rising experience of
ecstatic bliss.
The guru is in you.
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