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3189 Posts

Posted - Jan 28 2009 :  11:50:45 AM  Show Profile  Visit CarsonZi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi again Anthony....

For me SBP really started to work once I got the abdomen fully involved...do you practice uddiyana and mula bandha while doing SBP? For me these two ended up becoming one bandha that happens instinctually, but that happened after making a concerted effort to "pull" the kundalini energy up from the root with "vacuum pressure" created by these two bandhas. If on your inhale you can manage to create some internal pressure with the ab muscles (and keep that pressure all the way up) I think you may find that your SBP will start to take on a new shape. At least this is how it happened for me. And I guess I should say that you can keep this "pressure" during the outbreath as well, but the pressure will likely be felt in the third eye on the way down as opposed to the feeling of pressure in the root on the inbreath.

Also I found that the key (again for me) in DM was letting the mantra "refine" into almost nothing. This did not happen for me until after reading the Wilder book....I had read the Easy Lessons book and the DM book, but for some reason I did not clue into the real meaning of "let the mantra refine itself" until reading the Wilder book. Something in that book clued me into the fact that I should not be "reciting" the mantra, but that the mantra should be reciting me....and I acheived that like this....I used to visualize the mantra in my minds eye at first...I would picture the words in capital letters and recite it in my mind a few times like this. Then I would switch to visualizing the words "i am" as lower case letters...then I would let the "font size" get smaller, and smaller and smaller, until I didn't "see" the words anymore and was just sort of "feeling" them. After a while I found that I wasn't "reciting the mantra" anymore and I found that it was reciting itself. And at this point I didn't have to "focus" on the mantra and could just let all focus go and revel in the silence because the mantra was doing itself. Make any sense at all?


Edited by - CarsonZi on Jan 28 2009 11:57:07 AM
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United Kingdom
857 Posts

Posted - Jan 28 2009 :  12:20:21 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Carson

yep that all makes sense I think quite lot of us have been there.

At the beginning I got in a bit of a state with the mantra and tried visualising the words it worked for a bit as well

The mind will often play tricks on you next time you have any problem with the mantra just try going back to basics always starting off the same way by just saying the mantra mentally, as long as you don't force it it WILL refine on its own and then just think about it, in actual fact just the idea of the mantra is all that's needed.

Edited by - Richard on Jan 28 2009 12:22:45 PM
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2072 Posts

Posted - Jan 28 2009 :  1:06:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
hen I would switch to visualizing the words "i am" as lower case letters...then I would let the "font size" get smaller, and smaller and smaller, until I didn't "see" the words anymore and was just sort of "feeling" them.

Ha, funny Carson, that's exactly what I do too! It works!
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549 Posts

Posted - Jan 28 2009 :  1:19:52 PM  Show Profile  Visit anthony574's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I thought that if you are visualizing the mantra (or anything) that you are OFF the mantra. For me, the mantra would turn into patterns - like equalizer waves or circular lines but I always took that as being OFF the mantra.

Carson, I practice mulabhanda and the stomach thing happens automatically cuz of that. I tend to only want to do it on the in-breath though. Sambhavi for me is just something that happens cuz for some reaosn sometimes the eyes wanna go there and it will feel good to tense up the eyebrows - like the tensing causes release of the muscles or something.
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3189 Posts

Posted - Jan 28 2009 :  2:02:03 PM  Show Profile  Visit CarsonZi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Anthony,

I didn't write the lessons so I can't say for sure what Yogani was meaning when he wrote them, so everything I say is purely my personal interpretation of the lessons....BUT, what I am suggesting to you has worked for me, and my personal experience seems to be similar to some others here as well so....maybe I am not too too far off the mark. I don't think there is anything wrong with visualizing the mantra, whatever that means to the individual, whether visualizing the letters, or visualizing the feelings the words give you..... I think the most important part of DM is letting the object of your focus slowly refine, whether that be a visualization or otherwise, so that you can experience the beautiful silence that rests underneath it all. There are many ways to skin a cat as they say.
And about the SBP, I suggest that you try to keep abdominal tension throughout the entire session as much as possible. IMO this will greatly increase the effect it has on the nervous system and could be the missing link you feel is not there to create the experiences you are expecting. But again, expecting anything is the best way to dissappoint yourself so.....try not to expect anything to happen...be satisfied that you are doing the practices and have faith that they are doing what they should be even if you don't "feel" like they are. This is the best advice I can give....sorry if it falls short of usable. Best of luck my brother.

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United Kingdom
1812 Posts

Posted - Jan 28 2009 :  3:13:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by anthony574

I thought that if you are visualizing the mantra (or anything) that you are OFF the mantra. For me, the mantra would turn into patterns - like equalizer waves or circular lines but I always took that as being OFF the mantra.

The mantra is there regardless of how you do it, sometimes for me it is just a vague sensation without any words at all. Sometimes it is quick and high pitched, sometimes I have visualized the letters, sometimes it's low, slow and booming.

As long as you have it, thats fine, even when you dont have it, it's fine, just let the mantra start again when your ready. It's like doing sprints or press ups, sometimes you just fly, sometimes you can hardly move. It's all about the practise and the self pacing.

Even when your head is full of music, thoughts, breath patterns and your body is distracted by pains and cramps. Just notice them all and let them go. If they stay then just notice them more, even if you spend the whole time in what feels like 'off mantra' your really not and when there is nothing more to disturb your thoughts just go back easily to the mantra until you even let that go.

Your practising a very advanced technique despite it's apparent simplicity. Think about it like this. It takes around 20 years of solid practise to become an accomplished musician, thats 20 years of regular practise several hours a day. To dissolve the Ego and be truly free is many times more challenging, many people become musicians but the goal of true enlightnment (and I have no idea what that could be and neither do I think that I will ever achieve it in my lifetime, it's just a point to aim at like world peace, or a disease free civilisation).

Some people might naturally find things easier and quicker, but it's all relative.

I remember reading something about drummers (I am one). It said that drummers tend to constantly play around with 'grooves' to keep things interesting for them (yep, I agree). It said that the best way to be a drummer was to forget what you have learned and to bang out one basic groove until you had perfected it, keep going until you were bored, continue until you began to hate it and finally you begin to love it. Your need to be different, your ego has vanished and you are one with the groove, indistinguishable from it, you are the groove and the groove is you.

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brother neil

752 Posts

Posted - Jan 28 2009 :  4:25:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by anthony574

[quote]Originally posted by brother neil

dy, but then would try just observing and watch myself act of its own accord.

But yes brother neil, there are many moments that my problem does not seem apparent to me.

Ok, now that you know you can be beyond your suffering if you can do it for one moment, can you do it for all moments?
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2072 Posts

Posted - Jan 29 2009 :  01:52:43 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
"Short moments of awareness repeated many times becomes automatic!"
/Candice O'Denver

This woman has set up a practice of only doing that! From whatever level of awareness we are, we can always just take a short, short moment of just watching ourselves - present thoughts, emotions, movements whatever. That's awareness. That's how close it is, that's how present it is with us all the time. That's the awareness that holds ALL scenery inside of it and goes beyond the scenery all together! It's very ordinary and so natural that we hardly even care about it normally... Yet it's the biggest thing! Cause you can't notice what's happening Now without being in the Now...
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64 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2009 :  8:08:42 PM  Show Profile  Visit rabar's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi everybody! I'm back to this my favorite website after some time away! A quick suggestion to those
who find their thoughts looping. Swat them away with a voluntary blink that I described some
time ago here: http://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic....TOPIC_ID=518.
More about this and some other home-grown exercises here: http://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic....TOPIC_ID=370

A longer version of the Candice O'Denver quote:

Relying on awareness is made easy in the following way: short moments of awareness, repeated many times, become automatic. “Short moments” is to cultivate many moments of awareness many times, until it comes automatic and permanent. Then there is not need to rely on short moments any longer. When we stop trying to control the natural flow of points of view and simply rely on awareness, we experience powerful clarity and a balanced view. We realize that all points of view have their origin in awareness and that no point of view can be found to exist in its own right.
By the power of a short moment of awareness, we directly experience freedom from ups and downs. We begin to have a balanced outlook. We are better able to be of benefit to ourselves, family, community and world. When we rely on awareness, we ta pinto our innate strengths, gifts, and talents, and contribute them to the benefit of all.

And while I'm quoting, this very valuable (for me) tip from a friend who reads a Tibetan Buddhist list.
I describe it as 'relaxed spacing out while remaining alert' but perhaps others have a better one-sentence description:
Gazing into Space… the gazing is itself Awareness as Clear Light Space, the empty Space of Being. In that empty and pristinely clear knowing Awareness, there is no "other". It is all-inclusive.
As one relaxes in a state of total Presence, eyes open and focused into objectless space, a profound sense of Being and Seeing begins to appear and expand both outward and inward… until there is neither. No longer is there self-doubt nor fear, both being replaced by a self-arising certainty of Being.

As one continues to stare into space, the inner energy channels begin to relax, open and expand. Kundalini begins to rise within the central channel and fills the skull with liquid Clear Light that soothes like a cool Spring breeze blowing against your face...

The Clear Light, now able to arise within the channel of Light known as the Kati channel, directly from the Mother Light centered in the Heart or Citta, overflows in crystalline clarity and brilliance at the pupils of the eyes. The Kati is... a transparent and pure channel that connects the Heart center or Citta to the pupils of the eyes. The Kati channel at the eyes splits into two segments, one to each eye, and open to the exterior space in front of the eyes at the pupil. This Kati appears to be only known about in the Tibetan Dzogchen system... one of its secret teachings traditionally.

Only when the channels are completely relaxed, the mind is free of all conceptualizing and intellectual grasping, will the Kati channel of Light begin to expand and open. As the Kati channel becomes filled with the effulgence of Clear Light, starting with the subtle light channels at the eyes, the complex of light channels in the head, overflowing with Clear Light, give the distinct impression that one's head is transparent. . . Everything arising in consciousness is experienced as utterly empty Space yet with a momentary gesture of form, like a hologram. The body and perceptions are experienced in the same manner. As the effulgence of Clear Light fills all the channels of the subtle body… the coarse elements of the physical body begin to transmute into Clear Light. Eventually the physical body dissolves into pure rainbow-colored Light, as a release of the most subtle essences of the five elements dissolve and disperse.

As one's Presence and relaxation deepens, the chakras begin to open like flower buds. Especially noticeable is the blossoming of the crown chakra. As it opens, there is a tremendous sense of spaciousness and opening, as though a cocoon has burst open and your Awareness, now expansive, reveals itself to be the Space of Clear Light Being.

The inner Sky of the Heart now begins at some point to be appearing "out there" in the space before your eyes. The outer space of Awareness and the inner space as Awareness merge in that total opening up or appear to be non-dual as has always been the case. This is the moment of non-dual Samadhi.
. . .

Again all doubts as to one's True Nature have been removed and replaced with the absolute certainty of Being, an intrinsic quality of Being. Waves of bliss permeate one's entire body and consciousness... the Natural Bliss of Being.
. . .
Thigle or points of Clear Light arise from within the Kati channel of Light, originating from the Heart center. They glow in total darkness and are most easily seen in total darkness, or using a light source to illuminate the background field of vision that they become "lit up" by.

These experiences of Clear Light and Kundalini require that Dzogchen trekchod be well developed... meaning a state of total relaxation being attained called Lhugpa. Hence the practices of "sky gazing" and the 4 "letting be's" known as the 4 chozhag. There is no need to study anything first. Clear Light is an experience of absolute non-dual Being that lies far beyond the functioning of thought, conceptualization or mind. Intellectualizing or trying to "get it" only prevents "getting it" as any intellectual grasping produces tension, just enough tension to keep the most subtle channels of Light closed tight. That applies to any mindfulness practices as well. Absolutely no effort is required!

Great to be back! Wishing all you illusory self-refreshing pristine awareness embodiments-emanations a festive absorption into the light!
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