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 Do Angels have sex?
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Posted - Jun 29 2008 :  11:21:32 PM  Show Profile  Visit arzkiyahai's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Hello everyone,

Do Angels, demiGods, Gods, or any soul who is up in heavens.. do they have sex with each other?

Because some of the gurus claim that there is no sex in heavens?

kind regards to everyone


420 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2008 :  02:12:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
They're prolly looking down at us, and then they try it, and they're like, hmmm, weird, and then move on with their ermm... day?
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United Kingdom
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Posted - Jun 30 2008 :  09:05:46 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi arzkiyahai,

Good question, and one that I have wondered about myself.
The higher beings that I have encoundered I believe do not have sex. They simply don't vibrate on an energy level that would make them even think about it. They are very pure, and other things occupy their minds. It is said of the Gods that they are in eternal union with their spouces, but I believe this is more of a joined in love eternally kind of co-union, than anything that we would call sex.

The only exception to this is a race of angels who have been responsible for creating humans. This is why we walk on two legs and not on all fours (like every other monkey species) and why we build churches to God (unlike any other monkey species).

This crossing of the races was recorded in the bible... "and then the Sons of God slept with the daughters of men".(Genesis)

The most recently recorded cross-breeding of humans and angels was the impregnation of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Jesus's mother was a human, and his father was an Elohim. These angels still exist very close to the earth realm and have a very active interest in the wellbeing of the human race.

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3115 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2008 :  10:52:45 AM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
hello everyone, sorry christy but i tend to disagree that jesus is the son of an angel and i concider him as being the direct creation of god.

and concerning spirituality well that sort of was my specialty a few years back and concerning angels they have no sex, so there is no sexual relations going on upthere.

but concerning jin, demons and elementals well that's a different story bcz they have sex, families communities etc and they do inter mingle with humans until nowadays too and this stuff is common folklore here in the middle east and any1 with a small amount of dealing with spirituality knows these facts and can experience them too and see for himself.

but i'm not pro dealing with jins elemental etc; but the yogis do have the experience of meeting with spirits and higher beings.

and these beings usually offer there favors sometimes and the person thinks that he got a good share from the deal concerning the acts of healing and miracles or some secret teachings etc

but what he doesn't realize is that an etherical connection is built in the heart chakra between the human and the spiritual entity.

and that entity benefits more from the deal cz we humans have more potentials than any other creatures and these entities either jin or elementals or jins of the higher realms envy the humans 1st and the feed on our energy plus incense and to each spiritual entity it's liking of certain kinds of incense........


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Posted - Jun 30 2008 :  3:25:59 PM  Show Profile  Visit Wolfgang's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Christi

The only exception to this is a race of angels who have been responsible for creating humans. This is why we walk on two legs and not on all fours (like every other monkey species) and why we build churches to God (unlike any other monkey species).

This crossing of the races was recorded in the bible... "and then the Sons of God slept with the daughters of men".(Genesis)

The creation and evolution of humanity is a very interesting topic.
How Spirit incarnated into the human body and how the human body
evolved during thousands of years is very intriguing for me.
But there is a lot of room for interpretaion for those bible quotes ...

The most recently recorded cross-breeding of humans and angels was the impregnation of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Jesus's mother was a human, and his father was an Elohim. These angels still exist very close to the earth realm and have a very active interest in the wellbeing of the human race.

I personally doubt this interpretation/opinion very much !
Please don't state this as fact, state it as your opinion.

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910 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2008 :  2:49:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Very interesting opinions stated so matter of factly! I would be curious to know the sources of these "facts" or how one could easily experience these "facts" for themself! There are many fascinating myths in many cultures about many non human entities but personally I have never met any outside of books and I suspect that is the case of most all of the rest of you. Now if there are exceptions and you have personal experience it would be very interesting to hear about how that came about and what the story is.
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304 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2008 :  6:19:36 PM  Show Profile  Visit x.j.'s Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Victor

Very interesting opinions stated so matter of factly! I would be curious to know the sources of these "facts" or how one could easily experience these "facts" for themself! There are many fascinating myths in many cultures about many non human entities but personally I have never met any outside of books and I suspect that is the case of most all of the rest of you. Now if there are exceptions and you have personal experience it would be very interesting to hear about how that came about and what the story is.

I second Victor's comments on this subject. Yogani talks about not getting too caught up or fascinated with the "scenery" along the way of our spiritual journey of transformation, and secondly, the imagination is a powerful thing that must be reckoned with, and thirdly, there are visions and dreams or sometimes both in a fusion of some sort. So I think that the bottom line is that talking about other realms of demons or angels or gods is either misguided delusion, baloney, insanity, or just a hyperactive imagination, until proven otherwise. And to put it most diplomatically, it's just "scenery." The latter is the most non-judgmental way to go.
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Posted - Jul 01 2008 :  6:54:48 PM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
dear Victor and john c,

concerning experiencing with this stuff it's easier then most people think and you might call it scenery and i know a lot about scenery i've experienced it myself.

but concerning this stuff in precise i tend to disagree as a lot of others do and ofcourse there are some dillusional cases and so on but this stuff is pretty real and some of it takes 7 days to be achieved.

now i've learned this stuff in the past from an old person and it was out of curiousity to be accurate concerning the matter.

plus as there are forums that deals with yoga and scenery and enlightenment and so on there are forums who deal with this stuff too in this middle east and there is one in particular that looks a like like ayp concerning the free teachings and if anyone reads arabic here i would gladly show him the site so that he could check the posts for himself and see how the guys over there react and complete each others spiritual encounters and it's not rare it's too common.

and even though i don't advise experiencing such things badly, i tell people if you are too curious then experience yourself and don't tell this is illusion and hallicunations and so on without experiencing this stuff 1st hand.

so just a little bit of advice arround the matter, if som1 is very curious and wants to experience then just go and do it yourself reach with some shamans cz they seem to be a little popular in the west even though i disagree with the mixture of drugs and spirituality.

or even better yet get in touch with some suffis either they would be able to show you direct proof at the same time and that's a rare thing but it exists or they would show you the way to a rouhani who is experienced in this stuff.

and some might tell me well why don't you prove it to us, well if you lived in lebanon or do speak arabic i'd definitley would do that but not vis a vis myself i would show him the way how to myself even though i'm against it but i would do it just to prove that judging without experience is wrong.

it's like when a person judges a book from it's color ;)

plus i don't know about you guys but i'm kind of like very affected by the christian and muslim faith and they show a lot of evidence concerning this stuff and that's the theoratical part and it should not be taken for granted ofcourse.

so if anyone lives in lebanon or speaks arabic then plz i say it again just send me an email and i'll even show you how to do this on your own and if not well you can always do the stuff i mentioned above it's not that difficult.

kind regards,

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Posted - Jul 01 2008 :  7:37:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit Scott's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
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Posted - Jul 01 2008 :  7:58:15 PM  Show Profile  Visit jillatay's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Not to mention our minds are capable of "creating" imagery of such beautiful lucidity but it is still phenomenon, completely within the realm of the individual mind. I remember when I was about 23 having a flash of an image of the devil. It was so intricate and vivid but along with it came the realization/insight that imagination is so powerful and can make anything breathtakingly beautiful. Do I make
any sense here or do I sound like a babbling idiot?

Love to all,
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2602 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  12:12:06 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I don't either like to see people pronouncing things as fact that are generally considered fantastic and which they can't provide any kind of evidence.

That isn't to say that they can't state their beliefs. But the phrase "I believe" -- or some other contextualizer -- makes all the difference. If that polite contextualizing is left out, the statements can come across badly and be unhelpful for dialog.

That said, it's still a common thing to do, especially in forums which are considered 'spiritual'. It's common even from people whom a lot of people here look up to. Eckhart Tolle does it by the way, and I don't think its good when he does it either.

There's an exception that makes it OK for them not to say 'I believe' -- that's when they are in the company only of people who share those beliefs.
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3115 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  03:46:35 AM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
hello everyone again,

not to take things out of context, to each his own beliefs and experiences i'm not forcing anything on anyone i'm just stating smthg i've been through a few years back.

you can take my word for it or not or you can go for it and give it a try yourselfs.

and in the end to each his sailing boat.


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2072 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  04:09:01 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I'm equally surprised everytime proof gets into the discussion when it comes to spiritual experiences... and frankly I don't understand how the mind is set when one can engage in meditation and spiritual practices and then deny when spiritual stuff starts happening...?! If you would have asked me 3 years ago if kundalini existed I would have said "Oh, there's no evidence for a "life force" of that type to exist. Can't be measured by any physical instrument, can't be prooved. So all your symptoms are probably just classical "psychosomatic" symptoms created in your mind! Have you suffered from much stress lately or some negative life events that could be the underlying cause?"

Now I know better.

I don't ask Yogani for any proof of the reality of Inner Stillness or Kundalini. I discover it myself through direct experience. And as long as I don't have any direct experience of what others tell about here in forum... I just think:

- Oh - how wonderful. There must be so many other things in universe I haven't yet experienced directly! Wonder what will come next?

And I have come to realize that in fact... it's all scenery! My understandings have been confirmed by Yogani, Bernie and others so many times now - scenery is not to be poo-poohed! It's all we've got. This very life is a gigantic scenery! It's a film! What happens when we climb into higher realms of consciousness is that our view widens, and energy on higher frequencies is suddenly perceivable. Everything is energy. We are about to cultivate and transform it. A sign that that is happening is enlarged vision - clairvision. It comes with the opening of the third eye.

Some see a lot, some see less - there's nothing that says we have to see the same things as someone else. That's how I have understood it to be. And there is no chance I can "prove" what I see to someone who can't see. It's the design. So asking for proofs is absolutely and utterly futile the way I see it. We can't prove our transformation of DNA... it just happens and we experience it.

Therefore, I don't dismiss ANYONE's experiences. They are REAL for them at the moment. And I can't have a clue what it's all about. So I humbly accept that others may experience stuff I don't. And when I experience stuff myself... it is so OBVIOUS it's no BELIEF. It's direct experience! And I'm so happy that others can recognize it and say: YES, YES... that's how it is for me as well!

There are NO LIMITS to what can be experienced in this universe! We are universal beings without boundaries. We are pure consciousness creating form - any form!!! All visions are form, all sound vibrations are form, all thoughts are form, all what we may call hallucinations are form, all physical matter is form... That's what we ARE in existence. All of it! No exception whatsoever. We are movement, form... waves on the Ocean. And it's ALL scenery! No exception. None of it is REAL - only THAT is real!

(Do I sound excited? I am! I AM!!!!!)


PS: And if someone now steps in to say "Oh, but this is also THAT, so it IS real... I totally agree! But that is step 2. Step 1 is to realize it's ALL scenery!

Edited by - emc on Jul 02 2008 04:36:28 AM
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Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  04:57:29 AM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
:) great post emc, good i checked in b4 signing out and it's true what's real is that and everything else is energy or scenery, illusion, ignorance name it whatever you want we are it's witness.

kindest regards,

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United Kingdom
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Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  06:01:14 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Ananda,
hello everyone, sorry christy but i tend to disagree that jesus is the son of an angel and i concider him as being the direct creation of god.

Of course I would agree with you completely. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and not only is the direct creation of God, but is one with God in eternity.
But I was talking about the manner of the creation of the body that Jesus took form in on this earth 2000 years ago. This is why Christians believe (universally) that the mother of Jesus was a virgin. When God acts in the world of form he has to do so through the creation of form, and in this case, his creation was an angel.


In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, 'Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you.'
Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favour with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.'

'How will this be,' Mary asked the angel, 'since I am a virgin?'

The angel answered, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God.'

'I am the Lord's servant,' Mary answered. 'May it be to me as you have said.' Then the angel left her.

Luke 1: 26-38

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United Kingdom
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Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  06:05:57 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi emc,

I'm equally surprised everytime proof gets into the discussion when it comes to spiritual experiences... and frankly I don't understand how the mind is set when one can engage in meditation and spiritual practices and then deny when spiritual stuff starts happening...?! If you would have asked me 3 years ago if kundalini existed I would have said "Oh, there's no evidence for a "life force" of that type to exist. Can't be measured by any physical instrument, can't be prooved. So all your symptoms are probably just classical "psychosomatic" symptoms created in your mind! Have you suffered from much stress lately or some negative life events that could be the underlying cause?"

Now I know better.

I don't ask Yogani for any proof of the reality of Inner Stillness or Kundalini. I discover it myself through direct experience. And as long as I don't have any direct experience of what others tell about here in forum... I just think:

- Oh - how wonderful. There must be so many other things in universe I haven't yet experienced directly! Wonder what will come next?

And I have come to realize that in fact... it's all scenery! My understandings have been confirmed by Yogani, Bernie and others so many times now - scenery is not to be poo-poohed! It's all we've got. This very life is a gigantic scenery! It's a film! What happens when we climb into higher realms of consciousness is that our view widens, and energy on higher frequencies is suddenly perceivable. Everything is energy. We are about to cultivate and transform it. A sign that that is happening is enlarged vision - clairvision. It comes with the opening of the third eye.

Great post! This is the difference between belief and revelation, in my humble opinion .
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United Kingdom
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Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  07:24:04 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi David,
I don't either like to see people pronouncing things as fact that are generally considered fantastic and which they can't provide any kind of evidence.

That isn't to say that they can't state their beliefs. But the phrase "I believe" -- or some other contextualizer -- makes all the difference. If that polite contextualizing is left out, the statements can come across badly and be unhelpful for dialog.

That said, it's still a common thing to do, especially in forums which are considered 'spiritual'. It's common even from people whom a lot of people here look up to. Eckhart Tolle does it by the way, and I don't think its good when he does it either.

There's an exception that makes it OK for them not to say 'I believe' -- that's when they are in the company only of people who share those beliefs.

Of course, this is something I am guilty of, and something we are all guilty of from time to time. Many statements that Yogani makes could be considered fantastic for a lot of people and he could have prefixed them with the words "I believe". Usually he chooses not to. As you mention, Ekhart Tolle often omits these words as well. In fact, many of the statements that you make as statements of fact, are actually simply your own beliefs, but you also usually omit the words "I believe" as well .

The difficulty here comes when our own experience of reality begins to diverge so much from what is considered "normal" that almost everything we say would be considered "fantastic" or "incredulous" by the majority of people. When that happens should we prefix everything we say with the words "I believe"? It could become quite tedious and make for difficult reading in a forum. The alternative is to upset some people who have not directly experienced such things as angels and who "believe" that they are part of human fantasy.

What to do?

If a blind man were to say to you "you cannot proove to me that there are stars in the sky, therefor do not speak about them as if they are real" what would you reply?


Edited by - Christi on Jul 02 2008 07:34:07 AM
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Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  08:10:03 AM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
it's all good christy,

and a lot of us here have different minds and opinions on certain matters and it's all good we get more knowledge from hearing them and to each his right of choosing whatever he sees right or wrong.


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Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  09:10:21 AM  Show Profile  Visit shankar's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Christi

Hi Ananda,
hello everyone, sorry christy but i tend to disagree that jesus is the son of an angel and i concider him as being the direct creation of god.

Of course I would agree with you completely. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and not only is the direct creation of God, but is one with God in eternity.
But I was talking about the manner of the creation of the body that Jesus took form in on this earth 2000 years ago. This is why Christians believe (universally) that the mother of Jesus was a virgin. When God acts in the world of form he has to do so through the creation of form, and in this case, his creation was an angel.


In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, 'Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you.'
Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favour with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.'

'How will this be,' Mary asked the angel, 'since I am a virgin?'

The angel answered, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God.'

'I am the Lord's servant,' Mary answered. 'May it be to me as you have said.' Then the angel left her.

Luke 1: 26-38



Very interesting discussions. Everyone has a point of view that contributes to making it clearer to one and all that we are capable of both reasoning and not reasoning at the same time.

Faith is one such thing. It is not a matter for discussion. Experience is a matter of personal enlightenment. But there are some things that we can be careful about. The Bible is an excellent source of inspiration and enlightenment. But we must remember that Jesus spoke in Aramaic, not in English. There are two living languages that are related to Aramaic in use today - Arabic and Hebrew.

The English bibles that are most widely-used today are adapted from the King James version, which again, was transalated from the Latin. The Latin version of the bible, which the church insisted was the only one allowed for centuries (vernaculars like English were considered too vulgar for translations to be allowed), was based on Greek texts.

Now, the word in the Greek text describing Mary could equally have meant "young woman". But the church in its early years decided that "virgin" suited its purpose much better. There are many modern versions of the bible that make this clear. But once the belief in the virgin birth got going, there was no stopping it. It became part of the belief of many millions of people down millennia. But for me, the person who was Jesus would have been no less miraculous if his mother had been described, as in the original Greek, as a "young woman". Because he was undoubtedly a spiritual person, who had achieved the divine spirit within his short lifespan.

Most of us are so caught up in mythology that we are not aware that the works we swear by are the handiwork of men down the ages.

But back to my original point. If you wish to believe Mary was a virgin, I could bring out the Greek version that says she was a "young woman". But neither one of us is going to serve any useful purpose.

For belief, in itself, serves a purpose. If it makes us search for the truth and makes us more aware of our connection to a greater divine presence than that which our eyes perceive, then I am more than willing to support you in your beliefs.


Edited by - shankar on Jul 02 2008 09:19:57 AM
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Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  09:31:21 AM  Show Profile  Visit YogaIsLife's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
If a blind man were to say to you "you cannot proove to me that there are stars in the sky, therefor do not speak about them as if they are real" what would you reply?

That one made me wonder...thanks Christi!

Actually, maybe a blind man would love to hear about the beautiful stars in the sky that the other can see. It would make him dream. Dreams breed desire to see. So, maybe, due to his desire, later he will start seeing the stars as well!

It's all good, like Ananda says.
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Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  10:25:29 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Christi said:
Of course, this is something I am guilty of, and something we are all guilty of from time to time. Many statements that Yogani makes could be considered fantastic for a lot of people and he could have prefixed them with the words "I believe". Usually he chooses not to. As you mention, Ekhart Tolle often omits these words as well. In fact, many of the statements that you make as statements of fact, are actually simply your own beliefs, but you also usually omit the words "I believe" as well

Well, what can I say? Yes. There are degrees of this, and I'm sure I'm guilty of the same thing myself at times. I would also say that Eckhart Tolle walks quite a bit further out in the domain of the controversial (without the 'I believe') than Yogani does.

EMC, I don't agree with you if you're saying all beliefs are equally fine and good. You can imagine where that can go....

If a blind man were to say to you "you cannot proove to me that there are stars in the sky, therefor do not speak about them as if they are real" what would you reply?

There are the experiences and the interpretations of them, and a lot happens in between. If the blind man can't even allow that having an experience of seeing points of light in the dark sky exists as an experience, then we are lost in taking him further. If he recognizes the experiences and has alternative explanations, the situation is different, and we should be able to consider his alternative explanations.

Another question is if someone can see stars in the sky but calls them gods, what do we say to him?

Edited by - david_obsidian on Jul 02 2008 12:56:27 PM
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3115 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  12:29:29 PM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by david_obsidian

Another question is if someone can see stars in the sky but calls them gods, what do we say to him?

if it makes him happy and closer to his god or gods then i'd tell him go for it be happy.

this is a saying that i'm really affected by, it's one of Rama krishna's and there was a similar one like it in the past for a suffi named ben mansour el hallaj:

all roads (religions, beliefs...) lead to god and if there was anything wrong in one of them then God himself will intervene to change that wrong if the person's heart (faith,love, devotion...) is true and faithful.

plus there's another suffi saying for Ibn Aarabi who was kind of a bit very textual concerning his islamic faith b4 he practiced suffism:

"love has made my heart a monk's sanctuary and a pagans temple..." this is a clear sign of that outporing divine love that yogani speaks of :).


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Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  12:55:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
if it makes him happy and closer to his god or gods then i'd tell him go for it be happy.

I agree. Let him just say 'I believe' though when he knows he's in the domain of controversy.
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2072 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  1:59:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
All beliefs stem from the mind. We are here to transcend all beliefs - good and bad! We are here to see through our minds as total fake constructions currently present only to create the veil covering clear sight of what's Real. Mind stuff - no matter how intelligent and useful for this existence (yes, I don't deny some of it is useful) - is still... mind stuff. And we are more than that. Much more. If we see the mind as a bowl containing both intellect, will, thoughts, and emotions... we are none of that. We are consciousness who is both intellect, will, thoughts, emotions, the bowl itself, the space inside the bowl and the space outside the bowl. What does it matter if one of those small beliefs in the bowl pops up and eagerly holds up a placard that says "Christ was born from a virgin." or "Angels exist but they don't mate!" or "We should always be careful to say 'I believe' when we speak"? When beliefs become like objects in the space of consciousness, they don't bother us anylonger. Not my beliefs, not yours, not the way you put your boxes inside (what you believe to be) your mind to understand the Universe, not the way I put them. Truth is then known directly. And that's what really matters.

And... to forestall the counter argument of passivity... No - the beliefs although not bothering us will not make us passive. Stillness is ACTION, so we will most certainly do what's supporting evolution on the planet, thus what you may call "bad beliefs" will probably not stand unanswered! But it will be answered with love - not moral annoncements of what's right and wrong, good or bad. It will probably be answered with something like... "Is that really true?" (I know you love that one, David! And I love bouncing that question back and forth, back and forth, cause there will always lurk around some belief that I REALLY think is correct and it's so wonderful when it looses its grip and gives me freedom...)

Edited by - emc on Jul 02 2008 1:59:59 PM
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Posted - Jul 02 2008 :  5:28:37 PM  Show Profile  Visit jillatay's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Even to say "everything is scenery" is an interpretation. There are some scenery that is changing me in some profound way. I don't consider those things to be JUST anything. Those experiences are the whole point of our traversing this thing called the Path. (my opinion) If it is all just this or just that, then it is no different than going to the bar and getting drunk. But we know there is a difference. (my opinion) It is a subjective thing I know so bear with me.

I used to read about the Eightfold Path and thought it sounded a lot like "first you get Enlightened and then you get Enlightened," a sort of logic error called begging the question. And yet it seems to be true. (my opinion) There has to be a glimpse of That before we can see the Truth. Where does that glimpse arise? I would say it is Grace or something built into the Universe which longs for us to get it. It is all a mystery to me. A lovely mystery.

Love to all,
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Posted - Jul 05 2008 :  07:39:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
plus as there are forums that deals with yoga and scenery and enlightenment and so on there are forums who deal with this stuff too in this middle east and there is one in particular that looks a like like ayp concerning the free teachings and if anyone reads arabic here i would gladly show him the site so that he could check the posts for himself and see how the guys over there react and complete each others spiritual encounters and it's not rare it's too common.

Hi ananda,

I am very much interested in learning or experiencing these things (just as a proof to myself that there are such things and/or I can also do it). Can you post the link to the website here? Is there an english version of the website (or any such website)?

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