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Posted - Sep 12 2013 :  08:23:34 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Perhaps someone is tasting the bliss of arahatship off and on by using
dzogen method.
Perhaps someone else is tasting the bliss of arahatship off and on by
Kundalini crown yoga method.
And to all the wise would be arahats experiencing bliss who have been reading this thread.

My advice is. Just be AWARE of this bliss.
Bliss/light will come and go and come for more and more time.
And a time will come when it will be all bliss.

Do not run away from bliss, just be AWARE of it.
And with AWARENESS even bliss/light will also fade away to be replaced
by peace of NO-SELF/ ARHATSHIP.

And the PEACE will be of knowing that your EGO/ CONSCIOUSNES is
also a dharma and is EMPTY.
Remember this emptiness of dharmas. Make it your WISDOM again and
Deeper this WISDOM experience is deeper will your path GROW to
become a CREATOR.
This WISDOM of Emptiness will be a weapon for you on the path of

With this weapon you are on the path of growth/NO OUTFLOWS.
It would lead you to experience creativity behind blackhole at the end of an era.It will be your choice to grow for as many births as you can.
It will be your choice to experience richness, luxuries, Kingship, etc. etc. etc. on this way of rebirths.
And now you will be collecting more and more WISDOMS along with
path of growth by experiencing the EXISTENCE.

Each one of you then will be walking the path of chapter after chapter of Lotus sutra.

In some EXISTENCE you will be the WISE ONE.
This WISE ONE will be AWARE of past Buddhas who had created
EXISTENCES of their choices earlier.
Even past Buddhas all went into Emptiness, leaving behind the samples of their WISDOMS and its effects for you to observe and learn.
You the WISE ONE will build a higher existence based on their past
experiences and will leave behind experiences for the FUTURE.
Here you will sacrifice your Buddhahood for the sake of future existences.
And then you will be in the peace of NIRVAN. A peace millions times
You will have done the JOB assigned by ALMIGHTY GOD .

This ALMIGHTY God part sacrificed his Godship (yet remaining whole) for
Existence to flower and he gave us all the weapons of AWARENESS AND
EMPTINES. HE IS WITH IN US ALL in the form of awareness.

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84 Posts

Posted - Sep 14 2013 :  09:11:14 AM  Show Profile  Visit BuddhiHermit's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Dear Riju,

Thank you for your wonderful post.

I became very excited when I saw how these ideas could make a fabulous Fantasy or Science Fiction novel series.
Visions of Dan Brown's "DaVinci Code", and L Ron Hubbard's Scientology quickly came to mind, outlining how a secret code within the Lotus Sutra could be mastered by adepts who were taken under the tutelage of their Galactic Divisional Buddhas.
We could have adepts(Sons of Buddha, Bodhisattvas, etc) using the "Force" similar to Star Wars, and each vying for maximum power to be rained upon themselves.

Of course, there would be many wonderful battles of supremacy between the Buddhas of the Lotus Sutra, and the Buddhas of the Diamond Sutra, and of course the Buddhas of the Heart Sutra - each with their own special set of powers, seeking dominion over as many galactic empires as possible, by converting the locals to their particular Sutra.
Then the adepts could use the faith-power of the people to become even stronger and allow them to take over even more galactic dominions - Just like the Aurii versus the Ancients in Star Gate.

I can see how such a wonderfully creative idea blended with just the right measure of truth, could appeal to literally millions of people.

So watch out for the next blockbuster series, "Buddha Wars", by a mysterious new author, known only as "Hermit"


Edit: Oh Bother! - Going back on this thread, I see others have already seen the true SF potential of these ideas. Ah well, back to the drawing board then.

Edited by - BuddhiHermit on Sep 14 2013 09:49:47 AM
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Posted - Sep 14 2013 :  11:11:18 AM  Show Profile  Visit BuddhiHermit's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
As to tyre changing, and completion stages, and all of the excellent ideas shared by Jeff and Experientialknowing, I can see a real commonality in understanding, albeit with individual differences. Although my poetic side can understand the mythic approach that Riju describes, I prefer to use different language.

In answer to Experientialknowing on completion: Generally, I find instructions to be counter productive. Snippets, hints, and personal reflections are useful, and will often open new doors for me, but I find this part of the path is so individual, that a canned approach proves far too limiting - although I will experiment with any part that has appeal.

Generally, I use concentration practice, to provide a deeper field for my clarity. This results in less of me and more understanding, joy, and freedom instead, which I finde quite satisfying. Continuous learning or discovery then seems to blossom out ahead of me and the cycle happily continues. There is very little in the way of dissatisfaction driving me any longer, but rather a settling into the sense of divine longing and learning, and letting that take me along in its flow.

I sit in formal sessions, but I also live the process in my normal day to day life. Metta, Meditation, and Insight are not practices, they are part of what I am. They seem more like faculties of action and perception, than practices.

I observe how reality and manifestations seem to depend on how we choose or not choose, to see, or desire - That our linear world in not just linear at all - we just personally insist that it should be seen that way, and disregard all experiences to the contrary.

Yoga, Hieros Gamos, The Secret of the Golden Flower, and energy practices generally seem to enhance the the process - as long as they are in service to Clarity, and Metta.
Perhaps seen as the poorest of the cousins, I feel that the lack of Metta, grown into its true form, is the the one key that Arahats don't seem to consider as important, when striving for completion.

I'm more of the opinion that it's Wisdom and Metta that primarily lead to Buddhahood, with Samadhi and Energy practices acting as accelerants.

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263 Posts

Posted - Sep 17 2013 :  12:57:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
to Buddhhermit I am going to copy and paste part of an email conversation I have sent to Jeff due to what you have written The timing is perfect.

On mobile now posting soon.

Ok back now first of all thank you I find myself in agreement with nearly everything you have just shared.

This is the way I perceive things to be. Others thoughts, replies and those willing to teach welcome indeed.

When I was very young long before movies like the matrix it came to me on a long walk that my life was like my video games, in that there was a large event field with probabilities that could be played out within in it. 

The probabilities and variables were not infinite for example some while desiring great wealth never achieve it no matter how hard they work at it. 

Some while possessing the most wicked character have wealth dumped in their lap with little or no effort. 

Some are born to privilege yet are incapable of the most basic tasks. Some are born to poverty but have great intelligence are allot smarter than myself yet the breaks never open for them even though they are far more capable than myself.

Some like myself have always been allowed to have a nice time of things no matter how bad the environmental conditions were for me living is like being oil I float on the water of life for others it is like being sugar dissolved within life and enmeshed in the weave of it all.

Yet if I really try really, really hard I have been able to do and make myself miserable in the process as they do, but eventually like a cork I bobbed to the surface again.

I did this on purpose in this life because I thought I was missing the whole point of being here. As it was I was not.

A bigger stronger more popular friend of mine would be bitten by a venomous snake I would accidentally pick up the same kind of snake in my hand and not be bit. I would get a job opening that others were far more qualified for. I would not want positions of authority placed on me that others desire yet it happens time and again that I must direct others work. 

Some are born with the gift of music and rarely use it other yern to be able to produce one sweet note yet no matter how hard they try it never happens.

So finite parameters with finite variables pre programmed for the particular life experience. 

Sometimes the finite barriers are very strict and the variables narrow for example wear eyeglasses or do not see as much or as clearly. There is little variable here and in extreme cases those born blind will never see.

No two life constructs are the same and the stage or plane of existence is common to all that I have ever known the sinner and the saint all here on this plain of existence this stage of experience yet not alike.

Still this fits in with free will and offers a large amount of freedom to express and experience.

We say hello my name is Jeff but in reality on this plane of existence we are saying hello I am expressing and experiencing this life construct with the name Jeff that represents so many parameters and variables within the construct life called Jeff.

We are all the same core thing, the lives are just opportunities to experience and express to grow more aware of what it is one really is what the core being truly is. 

So from this I conclude that what is going on is very real but at the same time is only so for the smallest measurement of the un-capturable unable to return to exact moment that can be conceived of by the one doing the experiencing yet that moment exists forever and that which I call my life is in fact an event catalog that other animating principals have already experienced are experiencing all at the same time but not within the unit called the moment as that is where this core being currently resides and moves through in moment by moment thereby granting the illusion of linear temporal existence as a moment is experienced by this core being doing the writing it is vacated and another core being may make use of it and so on and will experience according to some governing principal of need and those that do not will not.

Whatever it is we all are, I call the Animating Principal or core being which is defined as that which experiences, that which is aware that which exists independent of and in the  moment concurrently. I am aware of both conditions of being awareness and therefore may relate it thusly.

To me this has been the very point of sadhana not to control the parameters nor the program nor the variables but to understand in an experiential manner just what it is existence truly is.

What is existance and in how many ways concurrently the why has ever been of little importance because by experiencing the why is revealed in a known way. The why without the experience is fiction and stretching of the imagination and entertaining to be sure it is also important so when a thing is experienced the mind can say ah so that is what was meant by that.

 It is my belief that what we truly are has to be revealed and known by experience of living it yet it is already full and complete in every way and always has been.

It is like telling someone to get up and walk but the person is unaware that they have legs. Like telling a bird to fly yet the bird is not aware it has wings.

In both cases both examples already have the required equipment to perform the action. The missing ingredient is awareness the one has legs and the other has wings but neither are aware they do.

So in nature of this existence we know the following:

In each case the being in either form experiences an infant form that first becomes aware of these limbs and seeing others with similar limbs using them to perform a task the desire to perform that task rises into conscious awareness through trial and error the being learns to use these limbs to carry out the requested task little by little.

When we consider the Macrocosmic and the Microcosmic tend to parallel one another it is comforting to think this way and draw wrong conclusions many spiritual groups use this false reasoning for a selling ploy.

Something else is going on though on the quantum level we know that things just are not what we perceive or are aware of.

So now the big question? How to become aware, how to wake up?

The answer comically enough as related to me by a neighbor with little formal education and poor command of the American English language summed it up quite well.

He was showing me his Viagra pill I asked what is that? he said Viagra, Keep livin you'll find out!  that made me bust out laughing.

He misunderstood my Kensho or Ah Ha moment and repeated himself Keep Livin dont B doubtin what I B sayin.

To which I replied oh No sir I wouldn't dare I am still trying to get where you have already been, but I'm not sure I'm gonna like where I wind up according to you.

 We both had a good laugh.

Keep livin or Keep Living the tool is already in place.

So the next real question is this how to accelerate the pace? This is the real question is it not?

So when those like myself and yourself come to the point of understanding there is something more to it than just this so to speak and start getting experiences and have a different understanding than most. 

Is not the next question where may I find the company of others of like awareness?

Where can I find such a one who has gone before me that can show me how to educate myself how to do a thing that will lead to advancement in awareness at an accelerated rate?

Edited by - Experientialknowing on Sep 17 2013 1:36:32 PM
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Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  3:33:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by riju . . Sept 9, 5:58:03am, page 4

When we walk the path of WISDOM AWARENESS following changes should happen in the person.
1.Mentally his emotions should subside.
2.His desires will go minimum to maintain his purpose of present birth.
3. His physical body skin will grow healthy and shining.
4.His closed eyes in meditation will re-enter white light again and again. The light will get brighter and then again when his path rises higher the light will slowly start dimming. When this person comes out of meditation automatic compassion will start INFLOWS from surroundings
and his growth will start.And the process will continue again and again.
But if this person enjoys the bliss and love of white light, he will be trapped in this situation.(OUTFLOWS OF BLISS AND LOVE)

Hi Riju

Thank you for bringing your perspective and insight into the forum although it is possible your message is beyond this mind's ability to grasp. Nevertheless much thought has been given to your counsel and many questions arise in that process.

Your message struck me as valid and true, so attempts were made to pay attention and understand. Now it appears that my experience is partially answering some of those questions that have arisen.

In attempting to understand what you meant by inflows and outflows, there is much familiarity here with outflows as bhakti or love/ devotion. However because you have emphasized the importance of inflows, it seemed advisable to embrace the inflow experience as well. But as far as I knew, it wasn't happening, until recently that is.

Since reading your advice, and especially for the past week or so in my life, there seems to be some experience regarding these inflows. Or recognition of the inflows. Perhaps you would care to comment on this:

There was a generalized sense of peace, bliss and equanimity which had sort of stabilized. But as reading of your counsel progressed - this peace, bliss and equanimity gradually gave way to a feeling of almost nihilism which didn't initially feel right. It felt like a wrong turn had been taken somewhere on the spiritual path. That so-called nihilism is now recognized as an absence of the Outflow of love and devotion that had become the default foundation of my spiritual state. And to be honest, the absence of love and bliss was initially devastating, like the foundation had been jerked out from underneath me. There was longing for it to return...but a much stronger longing had taken hold.. and that was just to let the universe flow into me (no matter what might result) as that is what was spontaneously being experienced anyway.

Even though this was a somewhat uncomfortable state of consciousness (new), it wasn't feared or pushed away. Rather there was incentive to get deeper into it and just be present with it. In so doing, it's character changed. And what was experienced was an overwhelming sense of emptiness. So rather than nihilism, or absence of love/ devotion.. it was experienced as - what you have called compassion. It felt as though energy was being pulled into myself and also there was a rather surprising sense of expansion.

This compassion was not altogether different from my formerly outflowing state of love and devotion - except that the polarity had shifted. Rather than the love flowing OUT of me, something (facilitated by compassion perhaps) was flowing INTO me. When love had been flowing OUT of me, it felt as though it was coming through my heart. But when the compassion (for my Self) enabled the INFLOW, it came FROM everywhere INTO everywhere. My Self was being sustained in a sea of compassion, and it was expanding.

Now this energy had a different quality to it than kundalini energy, which is familiar. It wasn't intense nor was it exhilarating or ecstatic. Whatever this was, it had nothing to do with sensory perception. There was something about my state of consciousness that was causing this inflow and no attempt was made to either stop it or change it. Rather at some point it just ended by itself. Although it affected me on a very deep level, and is still affecting me.

The question: Is it possible that this is what you are talking about with regard to Inflow? It is somewhat similar to what I used to regard as compassion, yet there is more a quality of neutrality i.e., it's just there and it's all encompassing. It definitely lacks the quality of outwardly directed love, devotion and longing for god. However, something was flowing into me that was beyond completion and wholeness. It was so far beyond a sense of well-being that it defies description. What seems odd is that my longing vanished. There was no longing to remain in the state nor to escape from it. And there seemed to be nothing particularly spiritual about it at the time. It was quite ordinary. Only in retrospect did it seem to be extraordinary or different from my normal state of consciousness, with outflows of love and devotion.

My state of semi-stabilized equanimity, bliss, love, devotion felt right. I would not have wanted to give it up at all. However when you began posting in the forum, I wanted to understand what you were talking about. And that desire to understand has perhaps resulted in a direct experience, apparently beyond mental comprehension and physical sensation.

Is this what you meant by 'automatic compassion will start INFLOWS from surroundings' in the above quoted post? While the bliss and love was very much enjoyed, and it did not feel to be a trap at all, your wise counsel was heeded (an attempt was made to understand).


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United Kingdom
84 Posts

Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  6:12:19 PM  Show Profile  Visit BuddhiHermit's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you Experientialknowing, for that informative post.

It's a pleasure hearing things expressed in straightforward and modern English. I too see few differences between probability theory, quantum physics, and teachings of the major traditions, including that of the Western Mystery tradition.

Mostly, I find it easy to describe Karma and this expression of life in terms of probability - Which is to say, that the most probable manifestation of anything is based on the preceding parameters and variables. It is worth noting the obvious - that we cannot always perceive those precedents. I think Buddha calls that dependant origination.

So the next real question is this how to accelerate the pace? This is the real question is it not?

Is not the next question where may I find the company of others of like awareness?

Where can I find such a one who has gone before me that can show me how to educate myself how to do a thing that will lead to advancement in awareness at an accelerated rate?

For me, pace acceleration has always been down to getting into clearer/deeper Samadhi, then accepting the truths I perceive, and translating them into an Ethics that can be pragmatically exercised as part of a modern lifestle. The more I do this, the more I am reminded that the wisdom found in Samadhi, is the best guide for me. Those teachers I HAVE found, have only ever dispensed generic wisdom.

In my own life, I have been blessed by having been in the presence of one truly enlightened teacher. Sadly however, it was never a personal teaching relationship, his fame having attracted so many, that I was merely one of thousands. It did, however, start me meditating seriously.

Many years have passed, and the absence of any more candidates is suggesting that probability may only have had one throw of the dice. It's not probably helped that I'm somewhat demanding. I would need to be confident of their knowledge, experience, and their ability to communicate in terms potentially intelligible to me.

I don't know what your path will bring. I did notice though, that some of the early Buddhist literature reveals that his disciples felt similarly, even while with him. One of the more advanced, related his surprise to his friend Ananda when he achieved full absorbtion, and lost the connection with the senses that Buddha said would happen. (Pratyahara for Patanjali) In short, it seems he was told to achieve Dhyana, given breath vipassana as a method, and told to get on with it. His advantage being that he had most of his day to devote to this work.

Many Zen masters relate similar solo searching stories, though a few did find good teachers and most found supportive fellows. This today, may mean internet journeying, to find suitable Dharma communities, and those with whom a mutually meaningful dialog is possible. I have found this site, Dharma Overground, and Tao Bums to be sites with more meaningful content.

One dilemma, as always, is that those closer to the truth, tend not to express themselves very much, whereas those, breathless with a new thought, seek to share it as widely as possible.

Disciple: "Master, my friend would like to join our evening walks"
Master: "Ok, as long as he doesn't chatter all the way"
Later, all three stopped to take in a beautiful sunset.
Friend: "Beautiful!"
Master to Disciple later on: "Please don't bring your friend again. He talks too much"

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193 Posts

Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  11:02:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Paravati9 wrote....
Even though this was a somewhat uncomfortable state of consciousness (new), it wasn't feared or pushed away. Rather there was incentive to get deeper into it and just be present with it. In so doing, it's character changed. And what was experienced was an overwhelming sense of emptiness. So rather than nihilism, or absence of love/ devotion.. it was experienced as - what you have called compassion. It felt as though energy was being pulled into myself and also there was a rather surprising sense of expansion.

It is like you have discovered an eternal source of prosperity, peace, happiness and health. Your kundalini energy will now flow into YOUR EMPTINESS (for storage). Your expansion rate will also grow exponantially. No words can explain the fortune that you have stumbled upon.
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Posted - Sep 24 2013 :  01:09:08 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

You made my day yesterday. Since 1994, I have been telling each and every spiritualist that one must study Lotus sutra. I travelled all over India and also talked on forums. I must have tried more than a few thousands different souls.
In all cases I failed.
But failure meant nothing to me as Lotus sutra had warned me again and again chapter after chapter that lotus sutra is extremely difficult to understand. Guatam Buddha has given a special chapter no 20 (The Bhoddisattva never disparaging) for a person like me so that I do not get discouraged by a failure.

Then I read your turn around. You can understand how that made my day.

Edited by - riju on Sep 24 2013 01:54:55 AM
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587 Posts

Posted - Sep 24 2013 :  9:49:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Riju

So glad it made your day, this fortune I may have stumbled upon. There are many inarticulated questions, none of them clarified yet. Maybe this is not all due to inflows.

My mind wants to own the experience and it isn't possible. Nevertheless it's the tool for the task. In trying to convey what might be inflows, it's really hard to pin it down verbally. All I can do is look within.

In the above report, it was claimed that the experience just ended. I thought it had, but it has not; it seems to be ongoing. And today something unusual happened. There's been so much work to do that it has been overwhelming and on one recent occasion I over-exerted and then was sick the next day. Today there was even more work to do and likelihood of over-exerting again. Yeah, I got very tired initially but that didn't last, although at one point I felt extremely sick from overwork.. but that passed.

There was something subtle and inexplicable going on. I was getting a flow of energy (doesn't seem to be kundalini) and inspiration to do the jobs more efficiently. When finished, I should have been exhausted, however I was not. Instead I felt pretty normal, not fatigued or exhausted and barely tired at the end. This to me was puzzling. There seems to be no explanation except the experience of inflows. If it is something else, I don't know what that would be. There is a greater sense of being physically robust and healthy (unusual for me).

Also, in looking within, something is there that I'm fairly certain was not there prior to the inflow experience. There is a current. It seems to be like a ripple or reverberation. It's not really a vibration. But mentally or verbally, there isn't much difference between a vibration and a reverberation. Well, I can't account for that. It's even more like a fluttering than a vibration. Like moving in the wind, or like an ocean current or ripple in the water.

Then, the oddest part of all is that this is like laughter. Being present with that, being with it for several hours, and it is accurate. If one takes the sound out of laughter and makes it emotionally neutral, that is what is happening. Odd. It feels like I'm being stimulated or moved in a way that has pretty much the same effect as continuous gentle laughter. And yet it's not exactly joy that is being experienced here. More like loosening my grip, expanding, strengthening, everything becoming quite a bit easier and tending toward effortless. Not effortless in the sense of avoiding or dodging suffering, but effortless in the sense of greater efficiency, competence, well-being and strength.

It's a movement. It feels that I'm being brought in harmony with a movement of sorts. It might be om, but I've had a very powerful samadhi with om, and this isn't the same. Om, from my experience, is very much like a vibration. And it is impossible to explain how this is not quite a vibration. It feels like I'm being carried along on the water. Yet it seems to be emotionally neutral and therefore isn't what is usually recognized as either joy or suffering. It just is and perhaps it is a blessing.

Thank you very much for the teaching and inspiration Riju.

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Posted - Sep 24 2013 :  10:58:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Try to remain in AWARENESS in all situations. There will be Inflows and outflows of physical energy in form of sensations, pain, bliss etc.This may make you weak or energetic or healthy or sick for short periods.

And there will be Inflow of cosmic energies of hate love anger fear and emptiness.
You will sometimes be afraid, angry or in hatred etc. But AWARENESS with growing WISDOM will turn that cosmic energy in emptiness and go to the storage or strengthen the WISDOMS/CREATIVITY/LOGIC.

Road signs of progress will be increased health, wealth, better physical appearances in the form of features and skin, better relationships and PEACE. These signs of change will be very very slow as aging tries to reverse the effects to some extent.

Edited by - riju on Sep 24 2013 11:09:07 PM
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Posted - Sep 25 2013 :  08:20:40 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I have heard of a few cases of kundalini, who get into trouble.
In fact AWARENESS is intelligent godly cosmic energy.
In kundalini cosmic and physical energies go up and down for persons who have karmas as well as karma skandhs. And a person experiencing these forces somtimes uses his SELF effort in wrong direction and gets into trouble. It is better that a person leaves these forces to AWARENESS and its intelligence.
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587 Posts

Posted - Sep 25 2013 :  11:58:41 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Simplified post.

Aren't inflows and outflows both necessary?
A balance.

(edited for clarity and simplicity)

Edited by - parvati9 on Sep 25 2013 1:38:48 PM
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Posted - Sep 25 2013 :  9:53:16 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Aren't inflows and outflows both necessary?
A balance.

We have negative and positive past karmas, skandhs and sentients.
All are to be neutralised by Awareness with Wisdom. In this process (if perfectly done) there will be outflows of physical energies, in the form of pain, ecasticy, sensations etc. etc.

Our physical energy movements are the ones that we feel.And there will be outflows and inflows of these physical energies.
Inflow of cosmic energies also invites matching physical energies inflows and we feel them also.

Whether it is Kundalini or vipassana, we only observe physical counterpart. And it is intelligence of AWARENESS that does the work.

The eye for cosmic energy gets developed much later and only then Inflow of cosmic energies are observed.

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Posted - Oct 20 2013 :  11:01:30 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Guatam Budha spoke on Lotus sutra approx 2500 years back.
Lotus sutra was written down in sanskrit approx 2000 years back.

And then it seems that Lotus sutra was forgotten.

In Japan and in near by lands Lotus sutra is worshipped by Nirchin society but they have not opened or explained Lotus sutra.

In the last 100 years Husan Hua a great saint of Buddhism took up Lotus sutra for expansion, but then immediately stopped. He gave the reason that it is very very deep and any minor mistake on my part can HARM.

Lotus sutra also WARNS again and again not to misinterpret it. The punishment will be very severe.

Some Cosmic energy entered in Riju's heart in a cosy comfortable rooms in Pune (India) and expanded this lotus sutra.

Riju tried to explain this knowledge to saints in Himalayas and failed.

Riju contacted Buddist forum "DHARMA WHEEL" and was abused and thrown out. I do not know how even to recover my writings on Lotus sutra.

Another buddhist forum "DHAMMA WHEEL" said that they are thervadians and Mahayana of lotus sutra cannot be discussed here.

Another buddhist forum "BHUDDIST WITHOUR BOUNDRIES" almost
neglected my writings.

Another Buddhist forum 'FREE SANGHA" tried hard to understand.

And now this YOGA forum where Riju is trying to open up lotus sutra for those who are scholars in yoga and advait.

Latest discoveries of modern space scientists also confirm Lotus sutra.

Latest micro physicts also confirm that matter came out of consciouness. Lotus sutra also said that mind and matter are interconnected.
(Planck particle billion dollars experiment)
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Posted - Oct 21 2013 :  08:58:19 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Some of Riju's teachings are valuable and appreciated, but with other aspects of his instruction, there are points of contention.


(edited for content and brevity)

Edited by - parvati9 on Oct 22 2013 11:40:45 AM
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Posted - Oct 22 2013 :  10:50:56 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by parvati9

Some of Riju's teachings are valuable and appreciated, but with other aspects of his instruction, there are points of contention.


(edited for content and brevity)

Points of contention are welcome to be brought out and discussed. It will help all of us who are interested in this thread.
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193 Posts

Posted - Oct 23 2013 :  04:38:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
The target of changing this present impure world population to pure world free from death, old age and sickness seems reachable in the coming 100 years or so on the following lines.

1. INNER BUDDHA... After the coming of Guatam Buddha some 2500 year ago, Buddha mind has developed in many persons.

2. OUTER BUDDHA... After the development of electricity, science, computer, atomic and satelites, this outer buddha is almost fully open.

3. The concept of ONE VEHICLE of Guatam is now possible. It requires a mind who is part master of OUTER BUDDHA through information of all types with the help of computers and science gadgets.

And the same mind (INNER BUDDHA) is simultaneously part developed in the science of Vipassana and science of EXPANSION of Lotus sutra.

4. Perfection is not required. Bhoddisattva gets created with a person who pursues these two lines simultaneously.

5. If Information Technology engineers are goaded to pursue Vipassana without METTA , these minds will be future Bhoddisattvas and will be able to rule over the world and change it. Thus the combination of Buddha (Guatam) and these part developed bhoddisattva can change this world and make it free from old age, death and sicknesses.
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193 Posts

Posted - Oct 23 2013 :  04:42:41 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by parvati9

Some of Riju's teachings are valuable and appreciated, but with other aspects of his instruction, there are points of contention.


(edited for content and brevity)

I have not gone into many details as it would require a few hundred pages. But I have written many different type of posts explaining the same point on other sites. I have mentioned the names of those sites at the top. One can read them, try to clear ones concepts and then can put up further questions.

Edited by - riju on Oct 23 2013 08:02:25 AM
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193 Posts

Posted - Nov 01 2013 :  08:07:12 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Fastest method of expansion is now FALUN DAFA.
Fastest method of purification is now AWARENESS/VIPASSANA.

Does this help? The answer is NO.

What is needed is WISDOM.
There are powerful GODS who fall down powerless due to lack of
WISDOM in handling their existence.
And the best method of getting the WISDOM is to keep only that
much power which YOUR WISDOM can handle. Thereby increase the
types of various WISDOMS and also strengthen each type of WISDOM.

This is the main reason that Buddha suggested the MIDDLE PATH.
And this also proves HIS point that only TWO LEGGED HUMAN
BEINGS are the source of all that is controlling the evoultionary
existence. And the :Buddhas came from human beings.

This is confirmed by LOTUS SUTRA.

Edited by - riju on Nov 01 2013 08:41:37 AM
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193 Posts

Posted - Nov 29 2013 :  10:55:40 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

The above 16 words sentence is the ultimate wisdom or the only
mantra. If any one conemplates on this sentence one can become a

BUDDHA is the wisdom God who rules over a vast number of galaxis in the sky. Each galaxi consists of millions of stars and innmerable life.

VEHICLE is the two legged human body with all its physical and
mental aggregates.

EMPTINESS ...I have given its technical definition earlier. One can experience when ones all senses see emptiness in all phenomenon.

ABIDE means to live or to bring oneself to remember all the time.

FOLLOW THE SUTRA .... means putting up effort to bring one to the
state where remebering becomes a habit.

Each moment of Emptiness that we achieve results in INFLOWS.
This is called state of COMPASSION.
Each Inflow enlarges the power of VEHICLE (body).

And this growing of VEHICLE reaults in rebirths at higher and higher level. One becomes richer, healthier, ruler , celestial ruler, God and ultimately a Buddha.

Edited by - riju on Nov 29 2013 11:10:47 PM
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193 Posts

Posted - Apr 25 2014 :  11:53:55 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
A small seed of cosmic existence having an inborn understanding of INFLOWS can be greater than an ABSOLUTE GOD.

This seed can grow to become a full bloom tree with billions of BUDDHA FRUITS with continuous INFLOWS. Each Buddha fruit when ripened in that tree can convert these INFLOWS into various WISDOMS and then create a universe with billions of stars and galaxis and has life trillion of billion years.
Each Buddha fruit from the past experience of earlier Buddha can improve upon the previous universe.


Edited by - riju on Apr 25 2014 12:00:25 PM
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971 Posts

Posted - Apr 25 2014 :  3:24:16 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by riju

Each Buddha fruit from the past experience of earlier Buddha can improve upon the previous universe.

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193 Posts

Posted - Apr 25 2014 :  10:58:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Where is SOUL?

Ramana Maharishi sat in meditation to search for answers on "WHO AM I? "

He became SILENT when others asked for answers.

How could he explain this that "I AM NO WHERE ==== YET I AM EVERYWHERE"

Edited by - riju on Apr 25 2014 11:45:37 PM
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193 Posts

Posted - Apr 26 2014 :  12:00:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

This is one of the Buddha's WISDOMS.

Those who understand this WISDOM either live in luxuries, happiness, health and peace in HEAVENS.
Or they come down on earth to help everyone because OF COMPASSION.

This WISDOM nullifies "EG0/I".


I/EGO needs GOD , needs SOUL and also needs LOVE.


Edited by - riju on Apr 26 2014 12:12:23 AM
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193 Posts

Posted - May 06 2014 :  02:13:58 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
After Emperor Buddha (PHANTOM WORLD of lotus sutra) with his 15 sons had completely regularised most of milkiway, our galaxy and Guatam Buddha and a few surrounding remained.

Whatever was left behind by them formed a SAHA world in this remaining part of this galaxy. They now all of them (15 sons and Emperor) manifested in Guatam Buddha.

So Guatam Buddha was not a small VEHICLE. He was all of 16 sons and the Emperor.

And yet this Guatam Buddha was not ready to come to our world, as it was supposed to be very dark and dangerous. The desire was there and yet WISDOMS were not. Guatam Buddha was not ready to wither away in this darkness. He wanted to come out winner. So he waited and waited with "AWARENESS IN AWARNESS"
AND waited for a very long time gathering INFLOWS at gigantic speed.

And then a strange moment came in his meditation. His mind went beyond and beyond to connect with "TREASURE TOWER BUDDHA". Then he came to know that in the long past the same type of Saha worlds existed and they were partly cleared again and again and in this way "TREASURE TOWER BUDDHA " formed out of EMPTINESS. Buddha is accumulation of immense knowledge, logic and wisdom. Treasure tower Buddha is also knowledge, logic and wisdom, (albeit increasing in every experiment of involvement) but it is made of matter.

Together these both Buddhas fought the Saha worlds earlier. These both Buddhas gained a huge store of KNOWLEDGE, LOGIC AND WISDOMS.

After coming to know all this he became ready to appear on our earth. He made a lot of preparations to gather Brahma and smaller gods. He informed them that he is going to take birth in such a part of Saha world of ours which is less dark. And he informed these gods to try to dispel darkness to some extent in this part of world.

He took birth, he remained in darkness till the age when his time came at BODH GAYA in India. At Bodh Gaya he came to know that he is BUDDHA. And yet he was not ready to go ahead. Because he saw too too
much darkness alround. And then Lord Brahma and gods came to him and prayed and made him remember his
vow to appear on this earth. It took him 7 weeks at Bodh Gaya after he became Buddha. After the 7 weeks he came to know the immense help that he will get from Treasure Tower Buddha.

From these past experiences with Treasure Tower buddha, he designed the method of teaching that he is going to follow.
He decided to remain for approx. 40 years in this physical life. For first 20 years he will teach HINAYANA method of "Awareness watching awareness".
Next 20 years he will select a few who are ready for MAHAYANA teaching. Lotus sutra is mahayana teaching.
And then he along with these few disciples will teach in astral form and also purify this saha world.
Guatam Buddha in his physical form 2600 years back was in first stage.
Treasure Tower Buddha started rising in second stage in the form of many scientific discoveries that came one after one on this earth in last 300-400 years.
As the Treasure Tower rises higher and higher, Guatam Buddha in second stage is accelerating INFLOWS
and Treasure Tower is rising in the form of latest discoveries of internet, computers and mobiles and what not. And then after many thousand years will come the end of second stage of Emperor, sons and Guatam Buddha. This galaxi will be stabilised by them. After a few billion years of stabilistion second stage of Buddha will end.

If my reading is right then our SUN which was one of the smallest and unimportant star earlier, It will become now the centre of galaxi. It will grow brighter and brighter, collect more planets and will be the last to go into Black hole. This will end the third stage of Guatam Buddha along with emperor and other sons.
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