Advanced Yoga Practices
Tantra Lessons
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T41 -
Sexual Indulgence, Bhakti and Tantra (Audio)
From: Yogani
Date: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:24pm
New Visitors:
It is recommended you read from the beginning of this tantra yoga archive,
as previous lessons are prerequisite to this one. The first lesson is, "What
is tantra yoga?"
Q: I have started the yoga practices one
year ago and now for the past two weeks I got some improvements like
ecstatic feeling rising in my sitting sessions which inspire me to go to
yoga time with eagerness, not as a compulsion. I feel very much joyful in
meditation and also attained the state of stillness sometimes.
with things going well, now I have some doubts:
- I got very much
raised with sexual feelings after my yoga session and mind scatters to such
- I have a habit of masturbating once weekly, but now I
masturbated two days in a row.
- Can yoga practitioners have
contacts with porno matters like porno stories, videos, etc.
clear my situation and doubts.
A: Thank you for writing and
Your experiences are very good. Just be easy in your
practices, favoring them over experiences that may come up.
AYP does
not suggest life-style preferences one way or the other, because any
lifestyle can be used for yoga if bhakti (the habit of desire for our
highest ideal) is there. So, masturbation or not, porno or not, if you are
for turning your desires to your highest ideal, yoga will be happening. In
any life-style situation, the AYP methods can be used effectively for that.
If masturbation is happening, use the holdback
and blocking methods, and the experience will
gradually come into a different realm, shifting to more manifestation in
sitting practices with mulabandha, sambhavi, siddhasana, kechari, etc. In
other words, with tantric practice, over time, sex will refine to become
more directly a part of the spiritual transformation process. That is much
more fulfilling than sexual indulgence, so our tendencies will shift. Even
if we do indulge in sexual pleasures later on, it will be in a way that is
going higher along with our bhakti. That is the blessing of having bhakti
and knowing tantric means. It is a very good combination.
Keep in
mind that we go through many phases as purification and opening are
occurring in us. We may feel erotic today, spiritually ecstatic tomorrow,
and then back to erotic the day after. Over time, we gradually leave the
lower inclinations behind, because the higher ones are much more fulfilling,
and do indeed indicate purification and opening inside. So try and take a
long view of the process. Today you may want porno. Don't stress about it
too much. Use the tantric practices in the situation you find yourself. Know
it will be all right, and going higher. AYP is obviously not for encouraging
sexual indulgence, but if we have it occurring, it can be dealt with through
the means of tantra. Your desire is the most important thing. Learn to
cultivate every emotion to your highest ideal (ishta) and you cannot miss --
you are doing this already, or you would not be writing with these
questions. If you feel erotic, feel erotic for God. If you feel angry or
fearful, be so for God. If you want porno, want it for God. Like that. That
guarantees positive change. This was the way of Ramakrishna with every
emotion and desire he had, high and low, so you are in good company.
Erotic feelings will happen in yoga, because that is what kundalini is
on the biological level. Later on, kundalini becomes divine ecstasy and
opens us to celestial realms within. Whenever experiences come up, no matter
what they are, we just ease back to the practice we are doing. Over time,
experiences will move to much higher manifestations of ecstatic bliss and
divine love throughout the nervous system, and there will be less tension
about the sexual aspect because it will be transformed to higher functioning
in the nervous system. Even then, with divine experiences happening in and
all around us, we just easily favor the practice we are doing, so we will go
higher still.
You are doing very well. I wish you all success as you
continue on your chosen spiritual path. Enjoy!
The guru is in you.
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detailed instructions on the methods of tantra in relation to the broad
scope of yoga practices and the enlightenment process,
see the AYP Tantra book.
For detailed instructions on
employing desire and action on our spiritual path, see the
AYP Bhakti and Karma Yoga book.
Also see AYP Plus.
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