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Lesson 34 - Meditation and World Problems  (Plus) (Audio)

AYP Plus Additions:
34.1 - "Law of Attraction" and Solving World Problems

From: Yogani
Date: Mon Dec 8, 2003 10:52am

New Visitors: It is recommended you read from the beginning of the archive, as previous lessons are prerequisite to this one. The first lesson is, "Why This Discussion?"

Q: Certainly there must be more important things to think about than I AM. What about the pressing problems of the world: terrorism and war, poverty, hunger? I don't get it. Are you sure meditation isn't an escape from reality?

A: Keep in mind that meditation is not about thinking I AM in a haphazard way. As has been discussed in detail, it is a precise procedure that brings us to the deepest level of peace and bliss in us, and brings these qualities out into our daily activity. Meditation is not an escape from reality. Rather, it is a preparation for it. You could even say that meditation is a revealer of reality, because what we consider to be reality is almost entirely a product of our perception. Specifically, do we see the glass as half full, or half empty?

If we see the glass as half full, there is hope. There is boundless energy to do good, even in the most daunting of circumstances. We see ways for things to get better, and we work towards that. When we see the glass as half empty, there is little hope, little energy to work for something better. There is misery, and we become a drag on everyone around us. We become part of the problem, rather than part of the solution. So, if you find that meditation is a source of peace, inner happiness, optimism and strength in your life, then this is a formula for bettering your surroundings, and the world.

The results of meditation are infectious. When we meditate, others are affected not only by our inspired actions, but also by the invisible radiation of pure bliss consciousness emanating from us. We can induce peace and optimism in others by opening ourselves to the infinite within.

Jesus said, "You are the light of the world."

If millions of people engaged in meditation each day, the world would be illuminated. We can each do our part by bringing out the divine light within us. It is not an escape. It is a responsibility. To become more is not only about us. It is about everyone on the earth.

So meditate every day, and wholeheartedly go do the work you feel in your heart is most important. May your glass overflow for the benefit of the world.

The guru is in you.

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Note: For detailed instructions on deep meditation, see the AYP Deep Meditation book, and AYP Plus.

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