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Lesson 243 - Meditation and Powers (Siddhis) (Audio)
AYP Plus Additions:
243.1 -
Research on the Samyama Sutras of Patanjali (Audio)
From: Yogani
Date: Mon Jan 3, 2005 3:26pm
New Visitors: It is recommended you read from the beginning of the web archive, as previous
lessons are prerequisite to this one. The first lesson is, "Why
This Discussion?"
Q: I have been experimenting with mantras and I am a firm believer that
there is something beyond science, which is an actual part of science but
will not be looked into by the modern western scientist as it is beyond
them. Sound is a vibration and certain sounds and vibrations can effect our
surroundings and environments in the way that we may will. I believe myself
to be a spiritual scientist (Rishi) using the power of the mind at its
Now, I have a few questions regarding siddhis and samyama. It is said that
whatever a yogi meditates on, he feels 'like he is falling into that...or
becoming one with it'. Now I have been meditating on a small flame between
my eyebrows and have a weird sensation of falling into it and I stop
existing and so does the flame. Can I ask what effects this will have on me?
Will I take on the personality of the flame?
Also, do you think it is possible to manipulate matter energy and transform
something into nothing using just 'will' and also the possibility of moving
something from one place to another? In Swami Rama's book, "Living with the
Himalayan Masters," he said it was possible and he was taught it, but
stopped after making a promise to his Guru. What exercises or meditations
must one do to experiment with such siddhis? Patanjali has not mentioned
this type of siddhi in his sutras.
Hoping for some guidance.
A: Thank you for writing and sharing.
The role of science is to enter new frontiers of knowledge and apply what is
learned in practical ways. The infinite inner realm of humanity is the next
big frontier for science -- yoga science!
The full range of yoga reaches beyond mind into pure bliss consciousness.
Mind is the small tail on the big dog of infinite divine silent awareness,
our essence. You are finding this already with your meditation experiments.
So yoga is not mainly about increasing mind-power in the world for miracles,
etc., though this is a side-effect. Better not to get too hung up on the
side-effects -- the scenery. See "scenery" in the topic
paths on
the AYP web site for more on that.
The process you experienced with attention on the inner flame is the last
three limbs of Patanjali's eight limbs of yoga -- attention going from focus
on an object (dharana on the flame), expanding beyond it (dhyana/meditation)
to empty awareness with no object at all (inner silence/samadhi). If this
process is repeated systematically on a daily basis, over time, the
functioning of the nervous system will be opened to higher experience of
unending ecstatic bliss and outpouring divine love. And, yes, you will have
the siddhis too -- any that your illuminated life may need to serve your
self in the form of everyone else. That is how it works.
As Jesus said, "Seek first the kingdom of God within and all will be added
to you." First things first, yes?
As for meditating daily on the flame instead of mantra or other object, I
can't say what will be the exact path of opening in your nervous system.
From the AYP lessons, you know that different vibrations open the nervous
system in different ways -- some more comfortable and progressive than
others. We will do best to settle in with a proven object of meditation
(such as a mantra) and stay with it for the long haul. Digging deep in one
place with a good shovel is usually the best way to strike water, rather
than making small holes everywhere with lots of different shovels.
Once you have daily meditation in place, with some inner silence coming up,
you can add systematic daily samyama practice right after meditation, if you
wish. The series of lessons starting at #149 covers
this. This is the application of samyama aiming for much more than some
worldly powers. Enlightenment! This is the purpose of samyama practice, and
what Patanjali encourages us to use it for. Then you will have everything,
and will be a seer -- a rishi.
Your experience is very good. I wish you all success on your chosen
spiritual path. It is in your hands. Carry on wisely, and enjoy!
Click here to
lesson content for research on the 30 Samyama Sutras of Patanjali
The guru is in you.
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For detailed instructions on deep meditation, see the
AYP Deep Meditation book.
For detailed instructions on samyama
practice, covering multiple applications, see the
AYP Samyama book,
and AYP Plus.
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