Advanced Yoga Practices
Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living
Welcome to Advanced
Yoga Practices (AYP). This website introduces nearly 1000 instructional lessons and additions, and
many other resources that have been
developed and enhanced since 2003. Join the thousands of people who have
been using these easy-to-follow teachings, and begin to incorporate
powerful advanced yoga practices into your daily life in a practical, safe,
and results-oriented way.
The AYP techniques act directly through heart,
mind, body, breath and sexuality. Practices taught include
Deep Meditation using an efficient universal mantra, advanced Spinal
Breathing Pranayama methods,
and an integration of Hatha, Kundalini and
Tantra techniques, all for steadily cultivating inner peace and
enlightenment through an easy daily practice. Everyone is encouraged to go
at their own speed in taking on new practices. Much attention is devoted in
AYP to developing skill in "self-pacing," with the aim of assisting every
practitioner to become self-sufficient with these powerful tools that
cultivate human spiritual transformation.
If you find the introductory resources on this website helpful
on your path, consider taking action to go much deeper, greatly benefiting
yourself and many others. AYP is sustained and continues to move forward as
a dynamic global community of practitioners, teachers and volunteers through
AYP Plus subscriptions,
Retreats and Teacher Training Courses, and
private donations.
However you choose to get involved, your participation and support are
much appreciated, accelerating your own spiritual progress while helping to
share the AYP teachings and programs with many around the world.
The author, Yogani, is an American spiritual scientist with
more than 50 years experience in
blending powerful yoga methods with the modern lifestyle. The focus here is on revealing
practices that work, not on promoting a sectarian view. All are invited to join in,
regardless of background or level of skill in spiritual practice.
This is a flexible, scientific approach rather than a rigid, arbitrary one.
The author has no desire for guru status - only to have the joy of making a
contribution to helping the formerly secret disciplines of
effective spiritual practice become open
and useful for everyone. He wishes to remain anonymous, preserving a quiet life in practices. AYP is
not about the author. It is about all who long for knowledge.
It is hoped you will find the AYP
teachings and programs to be useful resources as you travel along
your chosen spiritual path. Practice wisely, and enjoy!
The guru is in you.
Copyright Notice:
All online writings by Yogani are copyrighted.
"Fair use" samples (a few lines) of the lessons may be quoted by anyone.
Please include a link back to this
website along with any quotes copied to other websites, newsletters,
forums, blogs,
etc. Reproduction, downloading or
printing of the online lessons in whole or substantial part is not
permitted. For downloading and/or
printing of the complete lessons
(with substantial additions), please
download the
AYP eBooks.
All downloaded AYP eBooks and AudioBooks are
copyrighted and are for the purchaser's use only.
If any of them have come to you from an unauthorized source, it is requested
that you go to the
AYP Direct Downloads Page
and pay for them there. You can also obtain the leading e-reader formats at
no extra cost in this way. The Books, eBooks and AudioBooks are a primary
source of financial support for AYP operations, helping make the teachings
available for everyone worldwide. Your help in supporting the AYP work is
much appreciated. Thank you.
Questions submitted to Yogani and in the
AYP Support Forums are done so with understanding and permission
that they may be published anonymously for the benefit of all in the online
lessons in a Q&A or testimonial, and/or in a subsequent book, except in the
case where it is requested that the contents of an email submittal remain
private. Reader privacy is fully respected, and all comments are welcome.
Disclaimer: Each is responsible
for his or her own spiritual progress, and for the methods applied. What you
do with the AYP resources and all related content and programs is your call.