This has come from a post I made to a question regarding difficulty identifying the spinal nerve. During tantric practices, with a partner or solo, is one time where I do sense the Sushumna/spinal nerve (same thing right?) and feel it strongly more so than others, while doing it also utilizing a light Mula Bandha and Sambhavi Mudra seems to help.
I don't know if anyone else experiences this?
Just thought I would share.
What is the theory behind this? Why is it so much more palpable than in other practices?
There's alot of energy being cultivated during tantra which makes our internal senses (clairsentience) more acute. Why this is more so than during other practices I don't know, maybe its meant to be the best practice? :)
Although, I find that meditation is also necessary to make tantra effective and safe.
Heck, why not throw in pranayam as well. Maybe a sacred sitting asana too. Uhh, some mudras and bandhas to go with that.. ehh diet shatkarmas and nada yoga to boot. That's one blissful salad we've got here. Err where were we? Don't listen to me I don't know anything.