just started doing my asana starter kit and have noticed ecstatic energy rising and quite a lot of the symptoms of ecstasy but the positive one's. I feel great :)
it seems to have such a profound effect on my mind body connection and has really helped me with some of my mental illness.
anyways my question is this,
i'm going camping in the spring and was thinking of a basic yoga routine to do whilst away.
given that there lots of space when camping i can do just about anything but i thought if it was wet i'd plan to have a backup to do in backpackers tent.
i considered these postures:
Yoga mudra locust cobra sitting toe touch spinal twist any other ideas?
would it be considered a balanced routine or do i need inversions too?
Hi Joe! My favorite posture is pigeon pose which is a great hip-opener and can be done inside a tent. Also any pose where your heart is above your head can be considered an inversion so try down dog and plow if you are confined to the inside of a backpackers tent.
Your intuition and body will guide you as to the balance of the routine...