I have always viewed the Kundalini aspects of meditative practise with squinted eyes.
Sometimes during practises I have cut back and self paced when there was a general feeling of edginess.
However, a few weeks ago I developed a rash over my upper body. Now, I do have Eczma so that is not so unusual, but it is usually found in small areas and not my entire trunk. I have been treating it in the usual way with Betnovate and moisturising cream but it seems to be making little difference.
I went to the Doctor on Friday and was a bit suprised by his response. He thought the rash was a bit unusual, he wasn't entirely convinced that it was eczma, or if it was it was infected in some way. He gave me some stronger cream and a course of antibiotics. There was also an out break of something like eczma on my face, again he seemed a bit confused by what it was and asked to see me again in two weeks.
Last night I suddenly remembered reading something about a rash in the Secrets of Wilder and started looking at some of the posts on Kundalini rashes. There does seem to be a certain similarity with what is described but how would you know for certain ?
Thing is, now I have read this I shall be self pacing as well as continuing on the steroid cream, so between them both I'm certain everything will get back to normal so I won't really know if I am a victim of too much practise.