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Posted - Jul 26 2010 :  1:37:15 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Message
Pronams to All,

I have been a kriyaban through SRF (Self-Realization Fellowship) for about 10 years.  I have very earnestly practiced Kriya with intensity.  I have also studied and used the AYP Lessons to fill in certain gaps for many years.

I am at a point in my sadhana where I realize the need for guidance from a living Kriya master. As I will explain below, SRF is no longer able to fulfill my spiritual guidance needs.

For reasons which I will not state publicly, I have become aware that there are many limitations within an organization which does not have a living guru guiding and advising sincere students.

I am ever-grateful to SRF for getting me to this point, however, it is time I seek guidance from a living Kriya master who can resolve subtle points for me.

Many claim that Yogananda is an ever-living guru, however, I must be honest with myself; I am not yet a master, therefore, my intuition is not yet reliable and I question how much of ‘Yogananda’s guidance’ is my ego.

Also, Yogananda has not materialized in personal form to me so I have not been able to discuss things with him.

Additionally, it is said in SRF that ‘the lessons are the guru,’ however, there are limitations in learning the subtleties of Kriya from written material. And lastly, when I attempt to get guidance from the SRF monastics, I am (over and over again) counseled that the lessons are the guru. Since the lessons have not been able to answer my questions, this circular guidance just leads me back to the same questions.

Now a little about where I am at now:

I have been saturated with the Omkar (sound of OM) vibration since I was a little boy and it is getting progressively stronger over the last several years.  Also, the currents in the spine are getting strong and the chakras are very perceptible (both audibly and as feeling of energy currents in the spine). Also, there are times when the brain lights up and the spiritual eye becomes very radiant. I do not let these things become distractions; in fact, I just dissolve (to the best of my ability) into them. Great bliss is had. Nonetheless, there are other things happening which need attention and SRF is unable to guide me.

Therefore, I am seeking to find a bonafide Kriya master in the direct lineage of Lahiri Mahasaya who can teach the unadulterated subtleties of Kriya, as well as offer personal guidance.

I know that God is the True Guru alone; and I understand that, through the inner Light and Sound manifestations of God we are ultimately 'led home', but I still need clear guidance on some points and am at a very critical juncture in my spiritual evolution.

I emailed Yogani and he suggested that I post this in the Forum, He feels that perhaps there is someone here who can lead me to a legitimate living Kriya master.

I am also inquiring with well-known Kriyabans on other websites. I know that the sincerity of my search will lead me to where I need to be.

Thank you,



4854 Posts

Posted - Jul 26 2010 :  1:45:01 PM  Show Profile  Visit Shanti's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Welcome to the AYP forums KriyabanSeeking.

I cannot guide you to a guru, sorry.

Just want to welcome you and wish you all the best in your journey.

PS: Maybe stop looking for one, and one will come your way. Make an intention and let it go in stillness, and all is answered.
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149 Posts

Posted - Jul 26 2010 :  3:42:19 PM  Show Profile  Visit Panthau's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Hello & welcome KryabanSeeking,

If you dont mind, id like to ask you how these 10 years of Kriya yoga went for you, and how it changed you?

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Posted - Jul 26 2010 :  7:14:17 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Shanti and Panthau,

Thank you for your replies and your warm welcomes!

10 years of Kriya has changed me drastically. I am an extremely happy person now. I am a much more well-centered, serviceful, loving, kind and gentle hearted individual now. Also, great blessings on the outside have come (good fortune in the world). Spiritually speaking, I am sustaining a state of consciousness which I never thought was even humanly possible and I know I still have far to go. My efforts have successfully converted my faith into belief, and my belief into experience, and my experience into realization; I can summarize by saying I have realized that, in the words of Sri Yukteswar, "Ever-new Joy is God." :)

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3615 Posts

Posted - Jul 26 2010 :  9:57:13 PM  Show Profile  Visit Etherfish's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Kriyabanseeking,
I used to study SRF also, and started kriya, but felt it wasn't right for me. Then i practiced AYP meditation and sbp, and it's better for me, and way easier! But each person has to decide for themselves.

I think Shanti gave you the perfect advice above, "Make an intention and let it go in stillness, and all is answered".
If finding a kriya master is right for you, this is the way to do it. You don't need to look at all in the physical world. I think you are beyond me, and I don't have the manifestations you describe, but this method works for me every time, and is extremely powerful.

If I want something, and it is right for me to have it, I can easily get it this way. I just put all my concentration on what I want, fervently ask God for it, and let the emotion of wanting it be very strong for a minute. Then completely let it go, and know that God will do the rest. If that same desire pops up later, dismiss it by saying God is handling it, and change the subject. You can substitute another name for God, whatever your highest inspiration is if you prefer.
Don't be in a rush, some answers take days or weeks or months. For me usually a few days.

I would like to make one more suggestion that could greatly improve your quest, if you have the courage to follow it: You have to let go of wanting to find a Kriya master. This may sound wacky, but there are a couple very good reasons.
One, if a kriya master is best for you, the attachment of wanting it can slow down the manifestation. So letting go helps it happen.
And two, by limiting your desire to one thing, you may be excluding something that is much better for you.
Instead, if you ask to be given what you need to take you to the next spiritual level, you are leaving it open for something that you may not even know about. Incredible things can happen when you leave it up to a power higher than yourself.
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24 Posts

Posted - Jul 26 2010 :  10:17:03 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply

Thank you! Your sincere words are beautiful!

I have done that. I let go of it since January of this year. Then a few weeks ago I had an extraordinary experience. My guidance from God was to seek such a one out. So, perhaps this is God's response.

I know that in the life of Paramahansa Yogananda, he never waited for these things. He would pray, "Lord, I will wait a lifetime if needed; and I will reason, will, and feel, but guide my reason will and feeling to the right thing that I should do."

I prayed just like that and my reason, will, and feeling have guided me to actively seek. Also, it should be noted that I am not attached to any result. If such a one comes, great! If not, great! All is the same. I trust in His will and at the same time I feel I must do my part.

A poor man can't sit home and say, "God, I need money to pay the bills. I let this need go." and then keep sitting there doing nothing. God certainly helps those who help themselves. The man has to go out and ask for a job and likely get rejected a number of times before he achieves his goal. Likewise, at least for me, I have always had the most success when I present God with my need, let my expectation of the DESIRED RESULT go, and then get busy trying help create the circumstances that are fertile for God to manifest whatever He wishes.

Again, I think your suggestions are wonderful! And yet all I can do is what I feel led to do. Surely, if I am going astray in seeking such a one, He will certainly let me know - He always has. :)

Thank you for taking the time to share.

Also, in the FAQ section, it says, "To Subscribe or Unsubscribe from any level of subscription, you can use the "My Subscriptions" link, located near the top of each page to manage your subscriptions. Or you can click on the subscribe/unsubscribe icons ( ) for that Category/Forum/Topic you want to subscribe/unsubscribe to/from." however, I dont;t see these anywhere. How do I subscribe to specific posts? Thanks!

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3615 Posts

Posted - Jul 26 2010 :  10:48:56 PM  Show Profile  Visit Etherfish's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Yes, if you pray for money to pay the bills, God will usually show you the means, not give you the money.
So maybe God has shown you what to do. Only you would know that. I just use that method when i can't clearly see the way, or don't understand something, and need guidance.
I have never had to prepare anything for God's answer.
It just appears in front of me. At first I don't recognize it. I think "Why am i witnessing this strange interaction by complete strangers? It's interesting, but weird, and they don't seem to notice me listening."
Then a little later I realize - what they were saying was an exact answer to my question! But it is likely that
God talks to every person differently.
I don't know about subscriptions. I have never used it, and don't see it either, so maybe it is not enabled here.
If you click your user name, it shows topics you have posted in lately. Or click active topics above right, and it shows only what is new since you were here last.
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5201 Posts

Posted - Jul 26 2010 :  10:54:59 PM  Show Profile  Visit yogani's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by KriyabanSeeking

Also, in the FAQ section, it says, "To Subscribe or Unsubscribe from any level of subscription, you can use the "My Subscriptions" link, located near the top of each page to manage your subscriptions. Or you can click on the subscribe/unsubscribe icons ( ) for that Category/Forum/Topic you want to subscribe/unsubscribe to/from." however, I dont;t see these anywhere. How do I subscribe to specific posts? Thanks!

Hi KriyabanSeeking, and welcome!

Due to technical and resource factors, we have the subscriptions feature for the forums turned off. That is why you don't see it here.

One of the easiest ways to keep up with what is going on in forum categories and topics of interest is to become familiar with the "active topics" feature on the top menu. This enables you to see the latest posts for a selected period of time, sorted by forum category and topic. To see the last post in a topic, click the blue arrow next to the last poster's name.

The forums also have an RSS feature, which can be found under "communities" near the bottom of the left border menu on any page.

All the best!

The guru is in you.

PS: You can link any forum or topic by bookmarking it in your browser. You can also get a link for any specific post in the forums by clicking on the little globe icon with the arrow in it at the top of any post of interest. There are other ways to navigate that you will discover as you become more familiar with the forums. Those are a few of the basics.

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John C

76 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2010 :  02:30:08 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi KriyabanSeeking,
Ennio Nimmis, at KriyaYogaInfo, is the advanced Kriya master who comes to mind. I love his website and free book download. He's very kind too. That's always a good sign.
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24 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2010 :  02:50:55 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Dear Etherfish,

Thank you! Your advice is very welcome and I think it is beautiful how we can 'all get along' even amidst our differences. Actually, I find your way to be very beautiful! It is total surrender and that is quite notable. I have always had 'different ways' than many I know, but God has never failed me, so I don't worry. It is truly a blessing to share in this Divine exchange of ideas. Thank you!

Yogani, Thank you very much for your kind welcome and help in getting me off to a good start here. It is apparent that there are many fine souls here. It is a joy to share the company of such ones. I will check out the 'active topics'. Thanks again and I wish you Joy!

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329 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2010 :  04:38:04 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi KriyabanSeeking,

I am a Kriyaban myself, though of a much lower vintage.I found that the core practices of YSS/SRF are the same as that of AYP and hence decided to follow AYP.
The great advantage is we have Yogani here, who despite his modesty, is acknowledged by AYPers, to be a highly spiritually advanced soul, who never hesitates to give you the benefit of his vast experience.
We all wish he would reveal his identity to us someday,so that we can have the good fortune of meeting him face-to-face .
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3615 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2010 :  08:01:20 AM  Show Profile  Visit Etherfish's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
You wrote:
" let my expectation of the DESIRED RESULT go, and then get busy trying help create the circumstances that are fertile for God to manifest whatever He wishes."

This is the part I disagree with. Spiritual endeavors are not the same as needing basic food or shelter. To manifest a spiritual desire, you have to let go of it completely. But if you are trying to "create circumstances that are fertile" for God you are not letting go. You are mentally narrowing the possibilities of what will satisfy your desire. To let go in silence, you have to completely get it out of your mind. So either doing nothing or doing something entirely different would be more fertile ground for God to manifest. Any preparation for the desired result is not letting go.
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24 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2010 :  5:01:58 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Krish, Thank you!

Etherfish, thank you for your clarifications.

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John C

76 Posts

Posted - Jul 29 2010 :  03:35:39 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi KriyabanSeeking,and others,
Interesting issue about seeking a living teacher in say, the Kriya, SRF tradition. One answer that is pretty standard to this generall question, generally asked by the student and seeker, is that one doesn't actually seek a teacher or a living master, but rather, that ultimate teacher will find you instead, when you are ready to receive that blessing. And so, in the meantime, just be true, and this association will happen quite spontaneously. Because, what are any of us really seeking that isn't either already self evident, or will be, eventually, in due course. And, ...what is there to attain?
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397 Posts

Posted - Jul 29 2010 :  03:55:29 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Try Yogiraj Siddhanath. He visits the US quite often.
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24 Posts

Posted - Jul 30 2010 :  12:23:28 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you all. My seeking has proven fruitful. Thank you all for your help. It is time to get busy.


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28 Posts

Posted - Aug 02 2010 :  11:57:43 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply

Edited by - Kriyaban on Aug 04 2010 09:47:59 AM
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3115 Posts

Posted - Aug 03 2010 :  07:30:42 AM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Kriyaban

Originally posted by KriyabanSeeking

Thank you all. My seeking has proven fruitful. Thank you all for your help. It is time to get busy.


None of the Kriya Yoga "gurus/masters" listed are what you are probably looking for... Ennio's techniques are wrong and not of the original tradition, he is not a master. Gurunath isnt either at least of the original Kriya tradition, charismatic yes. I dont want to bash them so i wont continue on this subject line. it sounds like you are and have been sincere in your practice and therefore i am willing to help. You would have to go to India.

Yes God and Truth are only in India, everywhere else all our beloved teachers and saints are false.

what is this kriya fundementalism.
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28 Posts

Posted - Aug 03 2010 :  09:37:49 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply

Edited by - Kriyaban on Aug 04 2010 09:48:29 AM
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3115 Posts

Posted - Aug 03 2010 :  10:19:33 AM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
The guru inside is the only authority. There are tons of gurus out there who disagree on what's happening here at AYP but still it's happening and you can't deny the fact that it works. all this lineage stuff is really just labels in the end. I am myself in a certain lineage of teachers (here in the middle east) but i've really woken up from that cause inside the Truth is one and the experience is the same for everyone no matter what's the approach. the only thing that matters is sincere spiritual desire non stop.

I adore India btw don't take me wrong, but i disagree wholeheartedly with the conditioning you are projecting on others.

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28 Posts

Posted - Aug 03 2010 :  11:03:42 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Ananda

The guru inside is the only authority. There are tons of gurus out there who disagree on what's happening here at AYP but still it's happening and you can't deny the fact that it works. all this lineage stuff is really just labels in the end. I am myself in a certain lineage of teachers (here in the middle east) but i've really woken up from that cause inside the Truth is one and the experience is the same for everyone no matter what's the approach. the only thing that matters is sincere spiritual desire non stop.

I adore India btw don't take me wrong, but i disagree wholeheartedly with the conditioning you are projecting on others.


And your allowed to disagree. I am not projecting only speaking what is true as it pertains to Kriyayoga and again we are talking about Kriya here on the other systems and alternate approaches forum. LOL so if your post isnt going to pertain to the above thread and is only going to PROJECT your conditioning that has nothing to do with Kriya then i am sure another thread somewhere else would benefit from it. also, i dont deny that AYP works. I know it does as i practiced many of the technqiues long before i posted on the forums.

Edited by - Kriyaban on Aug 03 2010 11:12:28 AM
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3115 Posts

Posted - Aug 03 2010 :  11:14:08 AM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Yes we are speaking about kriya which is another path like so many others toward Truth, isn't it?
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3115 Posts

Posted - Aug 03 2010 :  11:15:49 AM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
All i am saying is again and again, your guru isn't the only genuine guru out there and you can't say that "false" about another teacher whom someone is really devoted too.
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28 Posts

Posted - Aug 03 2010 :  2:40:40 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply

Edited by - Kriyaban on Aug 04 2010 09:48:49 AM
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89 Posts

Posted - Aug 03 2010 :  6:12:09 PM  Show Profile  Visit michaelangelo7's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
here read this library.. full of lahiri's accounts of yoga on the divine sounds and lights that appear at the kutasht chaitanya
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3115 Posts

Posted - Aug 03 2010 :  8:12:16 PM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
No hard feelings, peace bro

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