namaskar would anyone like to do a simple meditation technique all it requires is few individuals even two would do i call it the connecting technique assuming that we are all connected to each other in someway or another sort of a humannet. taking the universe as infinite and try and locating its center which is you as in infinity whereever you are you become the center so is it possible for 2 or more centers of the universe to communicate. if yes leave very little details about yourself and request the other person to keep you in mind. the following day ask the other person what he7she felt about you as just a pure being could he7she receive vibrations from each other if yes what type of vibrations were felt, you may get some suprising results. Peace
We run two groups, One Global Meditation Group East that starts meditation at 11.45 AM IST (India) and a Global meditation group West that starts meditation at 11.15 am EST (USA). After which we have a samyama healing session