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United Kingdom
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Posted - Mar 28 2010 :  6:14:22 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Hi want to tell you about a very extraordinary experiance i have had

It started during a magic mushroom trip, half way through i had a bath and got out i found it very refreshing and while drying myself i noticed the towel felt very soft on my body, i started to then caress and cuddle the towel and felt a huge rush of energy with every touch this energy got more powerfull and felt very orgasmic i then began to have visions or revelations in my head about sexual energy as you do on psychedelics it intriged me and i wondered where it came from and what the source is for this great energy, im interested in the occult and have read about aleister crowley and sex magic.

I begin to close my eyes and start waving my arms and feeling this energy, I felt this great wave of energy pulsating through my body and everything i touched felt like one giant orgasm i then spent about 2 hours rolling around in my bed touching and feeling everything, this great energy was rushing through me it was like an all over orgasm that went on forever, my hands felt like the tips were shooting energy I would put my arms out in the air and pull great globs of explosive orgams towards me, my head was exploding with wave after wave of powerfull orgasmic force, I could at will rush this energy to any point in my body that i wished at any intensity it was so intense and blissfull i had a smile ear to ear the whole time in this trance like state

The most powerfull thing about it was i felt my being had a connection to something while in this very alterted state, i can only explain it as being one with this energy and feeling a great love for it, i would show my love by cuddling a pillow or even the air and hold it tight and each sqeeze produced a massive rush of orgasm, i could sqeeze my fist and feel power rush through me, every movement every touch gave me a all over orgasm of cosmic power beyond anything i thought was possible, my head space was one of communing with a great loving energy of pure love that filled my soul with glowing bliss, i felt like i had experianced the very heights of magical estatic love and nothing can compare to what happened to me.

this lasted hours and at the end i was exhuasted and fell into a deep refreshing sleep, the nextday i felt a nice calming afterglow of the experiance.

Intriged by what happened i search the internet to see if i can find some refrences to sexual all over orgasms that lasted hours, everything i read mentioned tantra and tao, i have read alot of tao philosophy and zen so this eastern esoteric art caught my attention,

I had come to the conclusion before i read about this that my experiance was mostly a result of the mushrooms but i had felt i had control over this energy and it was all sexual energy.

I decided to try and recreate the experiance even if it did not work it would be fun trying, i smoked some cannabis which helps me get into a deep relaxsation and it gives me great control over my body as i can feel the tention in my muscles better. I got very relaxed and did some deep breathing, the anticipation had me aroused before i even started i have no probelm getting aroused by thought alone, i then did as i had read and built up sexual energy and when i reached the heights of pleasure i relaxed and breathed, i felt great control and continued to build the energy then it started to get intense as the energy started to expand into my body i felt it all over, i then got to the point it had built up into an all over orgasm just like before, i got great waves of it by feeling and touching and being sensual, i had got the same feelings i had described before with a powerfull all overbody orgasm, it felt like I was pulling energy in and i could pull it up into my head and at will feel a massive orgasmic force take over my body. allthough it did not last as long it was a good 40 mins by which point i fell asleep but with a massive after glow that lasted till the nextday...

I felt it all the nextday and this is the part which has me amazed that the orgasm energy lasted over a day, this energy inside me gentaly pulsating even in my fingers, i do not know how to explain it but i felt this energy made me so charged i felt touch was more sensitive i could pick up something soft and caressing it gave me a felling of great love inside that made me smile and this energy built which gave me a high like a ripple through me of orgasm with every touch and i just felt amazing and full of bliss.

Im going to see where this takes me as im in total awe at this, i never knew how powerfull we really can be by connecting to our bodys, maybe i can form new pathways for this energy to travel. Im going to go on a raw vegan diet for alittle while to see if i can clean and revitalise my body.

The interesting part is to achieve this I have to come to it with a feeling of love and peace not with a lust desire for orgasm, it has to be a feeling inside which grows and then seems to bring energy into the body. just amazing.

Anyone else had something that resembles my experiance? i want to have more control and learn more.


107 Posts

Posted - Mar 29 2010 :  08:32:08 AM  Show Profile  Visit Shivoham's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
hey dude, that was a great experience. Thank u for sharing it. This is an another proof that yoga and psychedelics are connected. Every one have different kinds of experiences depends on their energy circuits.When we take psychedelic drugs we raise the Prana (energy). Depends on our pranic circuits it goes to higher brain circuits. If you are already a spiritual guy it will open up 5th brain very easily which gives spiritual experience.
Three years back I used to smoke Ganja. Sometimes when I smoke really good I used to have strange experience of raising the energy. I didnt know anything about yoga those days.
The experience goes like this:
I feel energy getting concentrated on a point in my body, mostly on the tip of my nose. Then it start moving downwards on front side of my body through chakras. After it reach down it raises to the back of my body along the spine. This goes on n on. When it reaches the eyebrow center there is white light. As it goes on happening , my body kept on moving automatically to different postures. Now I know these postures as Mudras,Bandas, Tai Chi steps, Indian classical dance poses etc.. :) And also today I know that these things happens when the energy is raised through yoga practices too.

Unlike Alcohol which contract consciousness, psychedelic drugs expands our consciousness. But there is a great difference when we raise it by Drugs and yoga. In yoga we prepare our nerves for handling the rush of huge energy. We strengthen our nerves by sending the energy little by little day by day. In Meditation we use our own will power to raise the energy. But when we take drugs The huge energy rushes through the unprepared nerves. If this goes on everyday the nerves get depressed and damaged. And also when we take drugs it is the drugs that take control. We become slaves of the chemical. This suppresses our will power which is the main strength we must have to progress in our spiritual path. So those who takes drugs so frequently wont be able to progress spiritually. There is no spiritual progress without Strong nerves and will power.

What I have to tell you from my own experience is that, once you have got some spiritual experience from drugs, leave it.Bcos You can get more greater experience through meditation than drugs. I have not smoked anything for three years.only meditated on self. Some days back I thought I will smoke one Joint just to see how it effect me.And I didn't feel any difference after smoking :)
I proved myself two things by doing that.One is that Psychedelic drugs are conscious expanding.second is that the same state(More than that) can be attained through meditation :)

Edited by - Shivoham on Mar 29 2010 08:48:46 AM
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Posted - Mar 29 2010 :  08:45:43 AM  Show Profile  Visit Shivoham's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
These are my posts about Ganja from 'Psychedelic spirituality' community in facebook

I used to smoke ganja regularly . It helped to bring my mind in present helping me to be in a kind of meditative state. I did it for almost a year and stopped immediately when I got initiated in to yoga.
Last month I got a chance to talk about ganja smoking with a Siddha yogi. He has knowledge on siddha medicinal plants.
According to him Drugs are not for yogis. Only for common people who don’t have will power and dedication in yogic path.
If u smoke Ganja heavily for a long time it will depress ur nervous system. Because when u take a drug u are raising the energy upward without any preparation. The nerves get overloaded with current. That’s y in yoga u need to practice asanas and pranayama to strengthen ur nerves before u go for long meditation.
u will also loose Dhadu's if u dont eat too much. Biggest problem is that u loose sex energy which is actually the same energy which is to be converted to Divine energy. Those who have less sex energy has only very less scope in Spiritual path. He won’t be able to have that transcendental experience without it. Same things happens to Sadhus who smoke ganja heavily. Initially they may have good experiences but as they smoke it regularly their mind becomes dull not spiritual. All they can do is smoke ganja and sleep. My own experience with Sadhus is that Ganja sadhus are not that spiritual as I thought. I think many of u people are more spiritually higher than them.He told me that most of the Sadhus are not holy men but common men. sometimes less than that.
So if any of u are planning to become a yogi, please dont go for Drugs. At least dont take it regularly.

This is the only where I see the use of Ganja Mentioned in a Ancient Text, in YONI TANTRA

Shiva tells Parvathi

"The devotee should place a Shakti in a circle who is wanton, beautiful, devoid of shame and disgust, charming by nature, supremely alluring or beautiful. Finally, after giving her VIJAYA (Ganja), the devotee should worship her with utmost devotion".

What Shiva told about Chemicals (drugs)

5. Now I shall describe, O Parvati, the obstacles which arise from knowledge. Sitting on the Goumukh
posture and practising Dhauti (washing the intestines by Hatha Yoga). Knowledge of the distribution of the
nadis (the vessels of the human body), learning of pratyahar (subjugation of the senses), trying to awaken
the Kundalini force, moving quickly the belly (a process of Hatha Yoga), entering into the path of the
indriyas, and knowledge of the action of the nadis; these are the obstacles. Now listen to the mistaken
notions of diet, O Parvati!

[[[[6. That samadhi can be at once induced by drinking certain new chemical essences, and by eating certain kinds of food is a mistake.]]]]]

- Shiva Samhita

Ayurvedic point of view
Ayurveda Point Of View For Narcotic Effect:

According to Ayurveda, the narcotic herbs have two dominant elements - The Wind and The Fire. Plus the qualities of narcotic herbs are opposite from the ten qualities of Ojas - the essence form of energy of all of our tissues. These narcotic herbs derange the Ojas and then alter the mind and intellect.
Four Stages Of Narcotic Effect:

Ayurveda explains the effects of narcotic herbs as producing four clinical stages.


The Stage Of Exhilaration: This is the first stage where both the activities of Wind and Fire elements are clearly seen - general excitement and wellbeing, enthusiasm, happiness and some alertness. The therapeutic dosage of such herbs in ayurveda are far below even from the dosage that could produce this stage when they are used.
2. The Second Stage Of Delirium: In this stage the activity of Wind element becomes stronger. The subject enters the stage of delirium and starts to talk and behave under the control of intoxication.
3. The Third Stage Of Depression And Coldness: On further intoxication the subject enters the stage where the nervous system become depressed and skin become cold.
4. The Fourth Stage Of Loss Of Consciousness Or Death: Gradually the person losses the consciousness and death is the final consequence.

Two Facets Of Modern Medical Controversy:

There are two streams of thought in this regard. The one maintains that the nervous system is first stimulated and then depressed later. They base their position on the observations in the persons.

The second stream maintains that the nervous system is depressed from the onset. They argue that the so called excitement is due to initial depression of the higher centers of the brain. Then the higher cortical inhibitions give way and the person sheds his inhibitions. On further intoxication, the further depression of the central nervous system produces the above mentioned effects The conclusion is same in both the streams. The first uses the observed state of the person and the second explains the observed state of the person based upon the condition of the nervous system.
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Posted - Mar 29 2010 :  2:51:43 PM  Show Profile  Visit brunoloff's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
zeroman52: Be careful. You might be going through what is well know in burmese traditions as the "arising and passing away." Your description fits. I went through the same kind of super-powered energy experiences on LSD. But there is a threshold after which you will crash. In mystical traditions, it is called "Naive Enlightenment," and there's a reason for the adjective naive.

This is what happened to me, and then I went through a phase which burmese call "the dark night" (aka the dukkha nanas). It seems this phase will not go away until nirvana is reached, which usually takes a lot of work.

It is much better if you begin doing these AYP practices instead of relying on psychedelics. Although you might think that there is nothing better than "full body super-orgasms," let me tell you from personal experience: there is. And only meditation will bring you there.

If you want a magick approach to enlightenment, you can read the book: "Advanced Magick For Beginners" by Alan Chapman. It is very no-bullsh*t and practical, and discusses what in magical tradition is called "the great work," which is enlightenment.

Edited by - brunoloff on Mar 29 2010 2:57:31 PM
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United Kingdom
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Posted - Mar 29 2010 :  3:30:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Can I just state this experiance started and was relised on psychedelics but the many follow on's have used no drugs.

The second time was very powerfull i felt it for days and i was blissed out dancing with the energy surging through me every movement and touch was bringing me blissfull power, it left me in awe that I thought something was happening to me which was unexplainable and mysterious but i knew it was some form of sexual power because i could feel it coming up from the genitals into the heart and then up into the head.

This lasted about 3-4 days before it calmed down. I do not know where to go from here but it changed everything, im just going to concentrate on healing for awhile.

I have been having very potent green, hemp and fruit smoothies every morning for a couple of weeks and I can feel surges and tingles in my arms and back after drinking it, I can only assume it is doing good.

Thanks for the input everyone im going to be doing some reading on what you have mentioned.
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Posted - Mar 30 2010 :  06:15:55 AM  Show Profile  Visit Shivoham's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by zeroman52

Can I just state this experiance started and was relised on psychedelics but the many follow on's have used no drugs.

The effect of drug stays for a while.
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Posted - Mar 30 2010 :  06:25:05 AM  Show Profile  Visit Shivoham's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by brunoloff

This is what happened to me, and then I went through a phase which burmese call "the dark night" (aka the dukkha nanas). It seems this phase will not go away until nirvana is reached, which usually takes a lot of work.

Is not this also known as Vishadha Yoga. But this is inevitable
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Posted - Mar 31 2010 :  05:09:26 AM  Show Profile  Visit brunoloff's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Shivoham could be, any references mentioning that name?
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Posted - Mar 31 2010 :  05:44:14 AM  Show Profile  Visit Shivoham's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Vishada means depression. Vishada yoga happens when a person loses interest in mundane pleasures in life and search for the meaning of life out of that depression.
This word is popular trough Bhagavad gita where Arjuna becomes confused and depressed in battlefield and desperately seek the Advice of krishna.

This can also happen with drug users as you have said
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