I would like to know what the purpose of Khechari mudra is. The lessons say that it stimulates kundalini but people seemingly have kundalini experiences even before they achieve Khechari mudra. Hence my confusion.
Its funny, because it is hard to find a logical or scientific explanation for kechari. I can say this however. Before learning kechari I really had not been able to meditate with any depth even though I had tried many times over many years. After learning kechari meditation became much easier and felt natural. The other observation was that pranayama practice deepened as did my ability to sense energy currents within my body and internalize awareness. These can subjectively explain the purpose of kechari although I really don't have a logical reason other than the explanation of an energy contact or switch that becomes activated
The energy flows more directly and stronger upwards into the brain region and to the third eye. The outcome of this you can find in the main lessons in great detail. Victor has also given some info.
Finding out yourself through practice is the best anyway in the end.