Hey guys, Ive been studying and practicing the broad philosophy of yoga for about 3 months and picked up a lot of information and experience through practice. Iam making this thread in the hopes of clearing some confusion for new comers or anyone who feels they need a push toward the spiritual path. the most important things that have helped me was to understand how the mind works and how to gently and lovingly work with it.
The best things to cultivate when stilling to mind is.
- Acceptance. Accept what evers going on. Let your mind be. You will soon realize what ever movie is playing is just an imagination and doesn't need your attention. Make no effort to let it go just let it be--its nothing but noise that with through practice wont be affective at hogging your attention.
- Un-identification Get unidentified with sensations and emotions. We have been conditioned to be identified with sensations and emotions. We get so entangled with these things we call thoughts. When in reality they are nothing but our imaginations No matter how Real they might feel. They Mean Absolutely nothing--its just noise that you dont have to be identified with that you can accept
-Let go This is similar to acceptance but its a great ket word to keep in mind. We need to be able to drop everything--just like when you drop something into a well. just let feelings, thoughts let them go--we do this through Not making any effort.
-Go beyond Go beyond everything. Go beyond language, Imagery, sensations, Everything! Why does a specific picture and a symphony of sounds make us feel a certain bad way? Who knows! Just go beyond. ---------------------------------------------------------
Things to to help cultivate the three tips i listed.
Question everything ever notice that we always pay attention to the sensation of our brains and head?Why the heck do we do that? Ive noticed that being universally aware of your body or anywhere below your neck helps you get out of your thoughts. Its things like this we need to look within and become aware of. Always question yourself. ask why to everything until you reach the very depth of you.
-Semantics We need to realize how words have a certain stimulus on us through conditioning and understand that the "feel" words and concepts have on us are imaginary. For example what feel does the word god have on you? A Huge man who shoots thunder bolts? This is just imagination--which is the foundation that thoughts roam and have their power to disturb us
-Duality duality is dual concepts like Good and bad--Ugly and pretty. We need to understand that these things are nothing but are imaginations and no vaule outside of our practical lives. Theres no right or wrong way to do Anything Always keep that in mind.
Perspective We all have different ways of looking at the same things. We need to be aware of this. Its easy to be confused with all the complex traditions and religions. Its helpful to keep in mind that everything Absolutely everything serves the purpose to stimulate a feeling. Whether it be happiness, understanding whatever. All the paths lead to the same goal.
Thoughts and feelings are JUST noise and vibrations Always remember that! We still our mind by not trying to still it--its a downhill journey; really easy when we stop thinking too much.
Remember that your the idea that ur mind is a challenge is just an imagination in your mind!