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 Feeling tight after DM- Impasse or a 2nd st cycle?
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421 Posts

Posted - Jun 09 2009 :  5:50:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
HI all.

I've practiced DM since i joined-that'll be about 6-7 weeks now..

I got all these opening in my body. As my mind freed up and became more flexible then so did the body.....

but the openings kinda seemewd to taper off or stop around say 3 weeks ago.

- Is this an impasse or another clunky cycle (like a second beginning stage) i have yet to break through?

I know everyone's time line is different depending on whether one practices or not. And i've found myself cutting back,as i've just felt greater physical discomfort after rather than less.Like yesterday i did no DM and i felt rather good,until i did some DM in the evening.. Then an hour or two ago today i did 20 mins meditation on no-thought, no mantra, which seemed rather easy,pleasant(relatively effortless,no struggling) and scenic-ish, but i'm not sure if i derived any benefit. I actually enjoying diving into the meditative state but have'nt felt so comfortable afterwards as of recently-- the true gauge!!

Perhpas there are distinctive cycles within the 6 month period

I have felt a purging on the frontal region on the left,ajna nexus. This might square with my left-right/ida/pingala imbalance.I've had this for aout 2.5 years so the imbalnces may just be alittle stubborn to smooth out.So i am trying to allow this region to purge and flush through,as i feel it maybe heping, as weel as other activty in thehead, based on what i have read of yogani's writings.

I just feel the amazinf effects i first got with the DM have stopped. Though the habit is now established. The mantra is so hazy i may be wondering i fi am still intoning it.

1)DM purifies the nervous system,"globally".

2)SbP ,root-to-brow, purifies the spinal nerve.

I need to cultivate No.2 above.

The DM feels like a road blaock currrently.

So may i could just practice SbP- just re-introduced that 7-10 days ago.

I would'nt like to think my tyres are spinning in the mud

Any insight or experience (to shed any possible light on this) appreciated. Cheers!

Edited by - Akasha on Jun 09 2009 6:44:05 PM


2072 Posts

Posted - Jun 10 2009 :  01:37:07 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Akasha, these are very powerful tools, and you are just in the beginning of using them. You have already come far and is very open - then the tools will amplify in their effects!

Spinal Breathing and Deep meditation goes hand in hand. It is the meditation that does the job, spinal breathing is "preparing the soil". Don't stop the Deep Meditation on the mantra I AM. If you are consistent with it in regular practices - which is the most necessary part - and don't flip around in other constellations, it will work it's way through your system.

The openings you have sensed are not a consistent ingredient in DM. The quality of the sessions might be lousy or beautiful, in turns, for months and for years. They may be deep or sensed to be shallow, stuck or flowing... it doesn't matter. It's not a measure of how good or bad it's working. Only long-term effects in your daily life will be a measure of that - more peace, calm, access to pure emotions, witnessing etc.

The natural cutting back after discomfort is a sign that you need to self-pace. Reduce the time in both SpB and DM, but keep up the habit.

I have for quite a while now, only been doing twice daily: 2-3 min Sp B, 5-7 min DM and only once a day samyama, repeating 9 sutras once. That's enough for me, and I'm still on the verge of overload all the time, but for now I'm pretty ok with the level and can put up with the symptoms that comes along with a "full gas system".

Following AYP regularly is not spinning your tyres in the mud - it's just a matter of being consistent and patient, and create a habit and explore the effects of keeping that habit for a loooong time!

Good luck!
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421 Posts

Posted - Jun 10 2009 :  3:57:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi emc & all,

thanks for the feedback.

i got a wee mini-opening today. i wwent over that little green book----->

i was using the full yogic breath, with SbP, with slow,deep breathing,root-to-brow, ujjayi on the out-breath & a full open back throat in the in-breath( with sensations in the brain stem region) and mild pressures at opposite poles perineum-brow.I read about visualisation moving to perception of the spinal thread,and about how one could skip over or flush through bits that felt stuck. I felt a something release -deep- inside,afterwards. i think i read there wer four addition. i did'nt bother with DM. (though the habit is there :*))

as i say a small one but encouraging!!
and if i continue to encounter stuckness and feel an impasse i'll let you know.******

but could just concentrate on SbP then return to the combination....in the long run a stable platform, as they say...i do like the sound of the samyama practice-i think i could get good openings there with my DM. and am aware with rising kundalini tha the tantra practices are most benficial but one step at a time. must'nt count my chickens before they hatch,so to speak.

yes i think self-pacing is prudent if i feel uncomfortable ( rather than just emotionally tender, though that as well can be furstrating too)after practice. if it means taking days off.( now i sound like an addict)

i think this forum is great,btw!!--like having various gurus and practitoners lodging in your house,avaiable and always sharing their insights all times of day- fantastic!!! i'd still feel quite lost without ayp, yogani's writings and this forum.appreciative...

much Love


Edited by - Akasha on Jun 10 2009 4:19:50 PM
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421 Posts

Posted - Jun 13 2009 :  11:29:25 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
between 2-10 mins of SbP might be the best sole practice for me right now. maybe a little self-inquiry and abiding( at least tryin to) by the yamas and niyamas,( doiing good,action,moral restraints -k.yoga)

i had a thougth there- maybe relavant to self-pacing that one's tolerance to amounts and frequencies of pratice like 2X daily 2 core ayp practices- there might be some correlation between tolerance/sensitivity and how active a lifestyle you lead. suggesting that more sedentary folk may favour less mins and feqency of daily practice. but i guess we all have to find our own individual balnce with selfpacing over the long-term .granted there probably other factors like health,karmic baggage,lifetsyle or dosha/constition even perhaps and others. but level of activity in life may correlate with tolerance/senstiivty to amount & freqwunecy of practice. I'm finding one practice session adequate and two sometimes feeling like overkill, with the notion to take days off , now and agin according to progress but i think i've had quite a few issues to work through that have been holding me back through the years mentally,emotionaly and physically etc. but it's definitely another cycle now i'mbegining to gain a better handle on SbP and letting it mature.


Edited by - Akasha on Jun 13 2009 11:44:14 AM
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421 Posts

Posted - Jun 16 2009 :  11:10:38 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
i sometimes get a stiffnes in the sternum(bottom-ish) after light asnana or DM, after practicing.( avoid inversions)

might be just the ribcage trying to re-position itself.

i am going to try and cultivate a more relaxed attitude to my practices, i'm thinking of during my DM especially, and let go completely. my usual left-right imbalance can be a bit stubborn to undo. My life is'nt very active either so that might mean i am a lot less tolerant/sensitive to the twice daily prescription( i don't run marathons or work out etc)

i'd like to continue opening with the DM in balanced way. it may be because one side of the brain/mind is still residually holding on (say to tensions there) and needs purged.

i know the SbP can open me up if i make it "industrial-proof" with the enhancments.the two occassions i did that.

as ever, long-term patience and persitence.

cease the struggle.give it up.
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421 Posts

Posted - Jun 25 2009 :  08:30:04 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
It would seem to be amuch more subtle process and affair extracting openings out of my DM now .it's like i have to stay with the mantra, pronounce it more slowly , while feeling it's vibrations and the gaps,reverberations- observe how they affect me while being forvere mindful.

Whereas before it was like i just had to say the mantra and wham bang- big openings all day long.

The mantra is so refined i trust it's refined state more than the orginal thought of the mantra to devliver openings. But i will try to practice without expectation of reward or fear of discomfrot,and try and rest easy with it ,followiing some sage advice recently offered. I may refer back to that or the little blue book if i continue to encounter difficulties & continual issues. I think i may be forcing the mantra,as carson suggested( thanks for that & miguel and evryone else) although it is early days like you you say emc.
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1197 Posts

Posted - Jun 25 2009 :  09:39:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
it's like i have to stay with the mantra, pronounce it more slowly

Its not necessary. Some days you will observe that you need to repeat the mantra slowly,but there are other days when you find you need to repeat it more fast.It happens also during the sessions...there are different phases in your dm session...phases when you want to repeat it fast and phases when you need to repeat it slowly...it depends...let it be like it wants to be....let it free...

while feeling it's vibrations and the gaps,reverberations- observe how they affect me while being forvere mindful.

I think its not necesary also...just pick up the mantra,dont worry about how it affect you.Just repeat,pick it up softly,but try not to analize it very much...let it work "alone"...

i will try to practice without expectation of reward or fear of discomfrot

Dont force it....if there are expectations,fear or disconfort,dont fight against it.Let it be and TRY TO STAY with it,observe it...stop fighting...

And finally,dont try to refine the pronuntiation,it will happen slowly with practice over the long term.Im sure.

This key points works here.Hope it helps.

all the best.

Edited by - miguel on Jun 25 2009 09:43:15 AM
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421 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2009 :  9:51:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
pick it up softlY


dont try to refine the pronuntiation

These two comments are helpful. And i've bookmarked your 'should i self-pace' thread'(http://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic....&whichpage=2) in 'Self-pacing' forum which i hijacked abit ,at the end ,(where more related advice is offered).& Not forgetting lesson 13

yogani authors an interesting post there too, mentioning how the mantra changes with each individual over time as purification continues.

so i dive deep into the inner silence-then access, or pick up ,a faint version of the mantra,an easy one, a soft one,( i remember you said elsewhere -say it 'very softly') perhaps that has least resitance and which can run of it's own accord...be allowed to,perhaps where i left off, i will get a more fruitful DM session..... although the procedure can seem quite delicate at times.

thanks miguel...

Edited by - Akasha on Jul 01 2009 10:02:23 PM
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1197 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2009 :  03:27:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Use the mantra like if you were making love to your nervous system.While you softly pick it up you must "listen" to your nervous system.You must become your nervous system.

Yoganis dm is a very simple procedure,and thats the reason why it becomes very complicated sometimes.Our mind tends to make all things more difficult that they really are.

But in my experience,its an extraordinary tool of purification and spiritual development.

Practice,practice and practice.Give it a chance.carry on!

Thank you akasha.

All the best.

Edited by - miguel on Jul 02 2009 03:45:56 AM
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421 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2009 :  12:55:04 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi All,

A Little update:-

Fortunately, My DM has been picking up these past few weeks.

My motivation to practice, did take a bit of a dent, so is now recovering.I was just doing SbP;now i've gone back to DM.

I came across this lesson recently which summarised a similar situation quite well, and possible flaws in my technique-

Lesson 102 Q&A – Importance of smooth long-term meditation routine

Here's an excerpt from the lessson :-

(1)- Am I picking up the mantra easily, not forcing a particular pronunciation of it? Am I fighting with thoughts to go back to the mantra? We want to be gentle with the process, just easily favoring the mantra when we realize we are off it. It does not have to be a clear pronunciation. In fact, if it goes naturally to a very fuzzy pronunciation, that is just right. That is the mind taking us naturally to stillness.

The pronuncuation did go naturally to a very fuzzt level (sometime after a month at the middle of May) but i think i ended up forgetting where i left off. And i began to force a very matter-of-fact pronunciation.Factor that in ,with Istarted
doing it on the ground(sometimes in the park)now and again
in a ill-prepared for posture without adequate suppor under the pelvic sit-bones. Now i've recently transtioned to
to meditating on the floor ,( from a seat)but this time i lay out 3 sofa cushions. 2 lay down+ cushion on top if required,& one in front. This way the pelvis is raised ,and has a slight forward tilt(the chest opened out ,not hunched over as much, that way).The knees would otherwise be higher than pelvis in un-modified siddhasana without a raise, and typically i would get a tightness in the sternum at the end of p( yeah i know how it sounds- hardened/closed heart- maybe i am still quite damaged after all-? - quite possibly but i trust the practices will heal )

- i sit mod. siddhasana with support(pelvis raised sit-bones higher than knees-like in an iyengar yoga class)
-So i identify known bodily tensions and relax them, first of all
-Body-Scan --Relax all areas,legs,waist torso,hip flexors,shoulders etc completely- i.e Surrender ,And dive into Bliss State, PBC
-Rest easy in PBC for a couple of mins( i got this suggesstion from an old post)
-Then Gently introduce the mantra, a faint comfortable pronunciation of it( i.e where i've left off)
Of course take required rest at the end.

Obviously The quicker( and more effectively) we can access the inner silence,i.e let go, the better. : )

Here's another link to another helpful thread Procedure with Mantra
in the 05' archives. It touches soomewhat on the changing character and nature of the pronunciation.

Forcing bold pronunciations of mantra or going over alloted time – is not the way;
Feeling the mantra go to quieter levels of inner silence, letting it go less, IS.

I also think i'm beggining to understand the signifiance and meaaning of self-pacing.Perhaps one can only remove so much karmic muck off at once.

That said ,it's best one's sadhana does'nt get de-railed as chronicled in this thread-

1)I use an apporpriate sitting posture(on a seat or supported siddhasana)
2)And i favour a fuzzy pronunciation(i should not be trying to force any rock-solid pronunciations like i was)


Edited by - Akasha on Jul 15 2009 06:17:01 AM
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