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 Kundalini and the End of Time
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Posted - Oct 07 2007 :  07:29:48 AM  Show Profile  Visit torino's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Dear members of this Forum,

Some time ago I discovered the Forbidden Letters to Philip Gardiner and Gary Osborn. They explain alchemy IMO (I do agree with the experts here), and if everything is true, then we are in the 'End of Time'.

The thing to do would be to read the Letters part 1 and 2 and then the response-articles (in the left column). Especially everything down from the Otto Reich-article on.

Here is a selection of quotes that will help you understand those Letters.


In his 1945 Festschrift for Gustav Senn, Carl Jung said that the Stone of Alchemy was 'a great embarrassment to the alchemist, for since it had never been produced, no one could say what it really was.' It was said it was 'born from a living thing' and 'extracted from man,' and 'its connection with immortality was attested from very early times,' but, again, 'no one could say what it really was.'

For Jung the most probable hypothesis was, that that stone represented 'a psychic experience.' This suggests that he indeed missed 'the deeper level of alchemy and thereby of resurrection.'
[de Renzi, Fenelon, de la Censerie]


"I too have approached several alchemists about the Letters, and they all have been in favour of them; that what is being divulged in them is true. One said that the secrets of Alchemy are no longer secret. Simple as that." [Gary Osborn on July 12 2007]


Because through the Forbidden Letters we know now that the Stone of Transmutation is indeed a real stone. That it...

'...grows from flesh and blood...'[Jung]

...that it...

'...is produced about where the liver is...'[The Paris 4]

...and that it is...

'...even pointy and about the size of a child's fist.'[The Paris 4]

That it...

'...ignites the Kundalini-fire...'[The Paris 4]

... and that the Phoenix is a metaphor for the alchemist in that fire. [see footnote 2]


'Following this thread, we found evidence that Alchemy is a demonstration of the physics at work in the galactic core [which resides in our microcosm, according to the Paris 4/Jonathan Rice].The true inner core of Alchemy appears in this light as the ability to apply the physics of creation to the task of personal immortality.' [Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges]


And this is very important too: if you produce that stone and were consumed and reproduced through that fire, you will achieve individual and physical immortality, and nothing less. Something for the End of Time therefore. Who ever died was not an alchemist and did not produce the stone.

By the way, your man is a gay man. Born on the 17th of January. In possession of that very special balance in microcosmic male and female forces. A balance never possessed by heterosexual men. And your stone is Christ (He who is near me is near the fire, and he who is near the fire is near the Kingdom). Also: 1 Peter 2:4.


'In view of the recognized frequency of this phenomenon [of homosexuality], its interpretation as a pathological perversion is very dubious. The psychological findings show that it is rather a matter of incomplete detachment from the hermaphroditic archetype, coupled with a distinct resistance to identify with the role of a one-sided sexual being. Such a disposition should not be adjudged negative in all circumstances, in so far as it preserves the archetype of the Original Man, which a one-sided sexual being has, up to a point, lost.' [Carl Jung "Concerning the Archetypes and the Anima Concept," CW 9i, par. 146./italics by me] [see footnote 1]


It has been proposed by the Paris 4, although with reservations [see footnote 1], that only certain homosexuals [see footnote 2] possess the necessary balance of the microcosmic male and female [see footnote 3] to safely conduct the forces of resurrection[see footnote 4]. Resurrection being phase one of the Great Work of Alchemy: the furnace of Kundalini. A work serving deification of a human being from within, and possibly, through such a human being then, of all of creation in the end too, if creation is in reality microcosmic, and the world hence...

'... my projection.' [Schopenhauer]

This is intriguing, homosexuality being a requirement for apotheosis, since so little seems known about the cause of homosexuality. Because in spite of the fact that...

'... the accumulation of evidence from independent laboratories across the world has shown that the biological differences between gay and straight people cannot be ignored...' [Wilson and Rahman in Born Gay/BG hereafter]

... and we also know that...

'...sexual orientation is largely determined by the time of birth, partly by genetics, but more specifically by hormonal activity in the womb arising from various sources...'[BG]

...it remains a mystery...

'...how homosexuality could survive in the face of evolutionary forces*, especially given its genetic component.' [BG]

[*Alchemy is evolution proper. [The CE2] [see footnote 5]

In their brain...

'...gay men are found to be more like women, and lesbians show similarities to men.' [BG] The brain of gay men and lesbian women...

'...seems to be cross-sex shifted in certain respects, more than those of heterosexuals.' [BG]


Summarizing the resurrection.

1978 : Pope John Paul (de labore solis = of the work of the sun) comes to power. During his reign 90% of the work of the sun in our gay man is taking place.

March 1986 : testicle-pain starts (the work of the sun starts)

July 1986 : testicle-pain is at his height and stays at his height till a about a week after the resurrection (September 4 1986)

End of august till September 4 1986 : our gay man becomes a child. That is, psychologically during certain minutes. During those minutes, and to his own surprise, he even produces a child's voice. (pupulus nudus means the naked young boy and this reminds us of the words of Jesus too: you must become like a little child again if you want to enter the Kingdom of God.)

September 4 1986 (little after midnight 'silentio noctis' ( in the silence of the night): resurrection.

a) Our man is on the floor on his back. He had his eyes closed during the whole resurrection. A 'thread' (very thin) is closing around his neck. The head is decapitated by that 'thread'.

b) The stone is produced about where the liver is. The stone ignites the Kundalini fire (the fire can actually be heard) and starts to move about, increasingly violently. Fire getting stronger. Arms and legs break into pieces.

c) The snake is driven out. Our friend doesn't know where it went. Up the spine, but after that: no clue. (Into the earth?)

d) The wheel starts to spin and is raised to the forehead.

e) One starts to descend into the earth. After 2 minutes our man 'fell asleep' or passed out in another hypnagogic way. Hypnagogic, because he couldn't remember that moment the morning after. If you lose consciousness you remember. So he 'fell asleep'.

f) 10.30 in the morning. He woke up. Coccyx and back of the head firmly attached to the floor. As said before, it took him about 30 minutes to free himself.

g) September 5 1986 : the top-chakra opens.[The Paris 4]


... like the authors of those letters do. What's more, all the mysteries of alchemy seem solved. From the ludus puerorum to the decapitation, and from the role of the stone to the alchemist having to visit the center of the earth. Everything fits, and fits neatly. Even the Phoenix is explained, being a metaphor for the human body consumed and recomposed in kundalini-fire.'


For you will remember too that in certain grail-lore heads are taken of and replaced by other heads. Now, we are not talking about the head of flesh to be taken of. That would be lethal ofcourse. It is the microcosmic, subtle head, interwoven in the head of flesh that is taken of and replaced after the fire by a new subtle head (the Christ).

We are closing for today. If you search in alchemy, at one point you will find the expression V.I.T.R.I.O.L. (= visit the centre of the earth and by rectification you will find the stone). The alchemist- writers are quite mistaking here. We recommend our 16 words from our first mail: first the stone is produced, then the journey to the inner earth starts. The stone is found in the body, not in the earth. Mind you, everything is, in the end, found in the body. If an alchemist travels through the earth, he's doing that in the microcosmos of the body. Remember what we said: the real sun and moon (and earth) are in you. Not outside. And this explains why our friend could still hear common street noise outside his apartment when he traveled to the centre of the earth over 19 years ago with tremendous speed.

It will be more than clear to you now that nothing 'Christian' has happened in the year 33. Let alone something crucial. The acts of Jesus are as fictional as the acts of Parzival.[The Paris 4]


"Anyone who thinks that the Paris 4 Letters are a fraud or a forgery is simply not paying attention."
[Jay Weidner]



"Nonetheless, the real history of the world seems, in verba Jungi, to be 'the progressive incarnation of the deity'. When Jung spoke of this incarnation though, he was speaking of a gradual one, and of the masses, where he should have spoken of the existence of a sudden one in the individual, the alchemist." [JRA]


"If the testimony of the Paris 4 is true, and I have no reason to assume it isn't, are we then living in the 'Latter Days'? Petrus Bonus, who still thinks one is to be resurrected from a grave by the way, Petrus Bonus tells us that the old philosophers discerned the Last Judgement in the germination and birth of the Stone of Alchemy, the agent to the Kingdom of God." [JRA]


"This is what the Kingdom of God is like: a man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how." [Gospel according to Mark]


"[That Kingdom] grows quite the way Jesus tells us it grows; like a plant, in the body, with the full grown chakra's as the flowers in the end." [The Paris 4]


"The Paris 4 confirm that that seed sprouts and grows by itself. They tell us their gay man had no active part in his Work of the Sun. It was all done by the inner alchemist." [JRA]


"All by itself the soil produces grain. First the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come." [Mark]


"But where does all this leave us, 'ordinary' people, not having been decapitated by Kali Ma? Are we the tares from Matthew 13 perhaps?" [JRA]


"The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

The servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field [on September 4th 1986/Fox]? From whence then hath thy field tares? He said unto them, an enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn." [Matthew]


"Because every tree [i.e. spine and brain/Fox] that does not bear good fruit [i.e. chakra's/Fox] will be cut down and thrown into the fire." [Matthew]


"Without a parable he didn't speak to them; but privately, to his own disciples, he explained all the things." [Matthew]


"It is clear that the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven are about alchemy. - But 'why secrets?'(Nietzsche)" [Wood]


"For whosoever hath [i.e. lightbody] , to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. Therefore speak I to them in parables." [Matthew]


"Is Spitzer right then when he claims that 'a metaphysical theory is bogus, if that theory tells us that we are all, potentially or not, children or priests of God, and equal before Him?' Or are we to trust the CE2 who wouldn't be surprised 'if the gold of immortality is fetched by some for the benefit of many?'"


In other words, Gardiner and Osborn had failed to see that the Elixir of Life is produced in the lightbody of the victorious alchemist (the Shining One), i.e. man deified. That it is a purely microcosmic elixir therefore, and not a macrocosmic one, meaning one mixed in a skull for instance and presented to some patient. In yet other words: the Elixir of Life is not swallowed, it is exclusively produced and consumed in the body of a triumphant alchemist.[de la Censerie on the Forbidden Letters]



'In the human body is concealed a certain metaphysical substance which needs no medicament, being itself an incorrupt medicament.' [Gerard Dorn]


'The Naassenes considered Naas, the serpent, to be their central deity. (...) Eden, they said, is in the brain.' [Carl Jung]


'The Sethians, Hippolytus says, compared the Father with the cerebrum and the Son with the cerebellum and spinal cord.' [Carl Jung]



"You will be given 'the right to eat from the tree of life [spine and brain/Bernier] that is in the garden of God,'[Revelation 2] and 'of the hidden manna.'[Ibid] A purely microcosmic manna, dispensed by the human brain. After all, 'Eden is in the brain,' (Carl Jung quoting the Naassenes) and 'the Father compared with the cerebrum.' (Carl Jung quoting the Sethians)"


"The nuptial union in the thalamus [Greek for inner chamber or bridal chamber/Bernier] signifies the hieros gamos (the alchemical wedding of the microcosmic male and female) and this in turn is the first step towards incarnation, towards the birth of the saviour who, since antiquity, was thought of as the filius solis et lunae (the son of the Sun and Moon), the filius sapientiae (the son of Wisdom), and the equivalent of Christ." [Carl Jung]


"The word thalamus (bridal chamber) is Greek. We are told that the thalamus received its name in the second century from Claudius Galen, an Ionian Greek anatomist and Christian who had studied at the Great School in Alexandria, Egypt and was a doctor at the gymnasium attached to the local sanctuary at Asklepios." [Gary Osborn]


One of the respondents nevertheless went so far as to say that...

'... the Forbidden Letters by the Paris 4 are the conclusion to the mysteries of alchemy.'


'You have the energy of the sun in you, but you keep knotting it up at the base of your spine.'
[Ibn Rumi]


'In short, my friend, build a temple [meaning a Lightbody/Hume] from a single stone.' [The alchemist Zosimos of Panopolis]



The two best articles IMO are the ones by de la Censerie and RFC.

Edited by - AYPforum on Oct 07 2007 08:41:10 AM


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Posted - Oct 07 2007 :  08:41:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
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Posted - Oct 22 2007 :  10:36:55 AM  Show Profile  Visit torino's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Two new articles have been published:

Plus the Second Newsletter by the Paris 4:
(left column of : www.world-mysteries.com/PhilipGardiner/ )

And here are some extra quotes taken from the 'de la Censerie'-article:

'Within the visible body there resides a spiritual body which Boehme compares to an 'oil' which must be set on fire.'[Aniane]

'And at night, Isis ('who belonged to the cosmology of Heliopolis' [Baring and Cashford]) placed the child in a fire to burn away all that was mortal in him.'[Baring and Cashford]

'Texts about 'burning Horus' and his salvation are extant in various Egyptian and Greek documents.'[Burkert]

'Throughout the Middle Ages, pilgrims visited Heliopolis to view the tree in whose shade, according to the Christian texts, the Holy Family rested on their flight from King Herod. [Quirke]

'You are born once with a soul and a body, and a third agent, spirit, can come in to save that body and soul by making it immortal in the Work of the Sun.'[Hanno Temming in his article on the Forbidden Letters at World Mysteries]

'Through baptism by fire, man, who was before dead, is made a living soul.'[Aurora Consurgens]

'Let the dead bury the dead.'[Jesus in Matthew]

'I am baptizing you with water, for repentance, but the one who is coming after me is mightier than I. I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the holy Spirit and fire.'[John the Baptist in Matthew]

'Nothing depends on baptism with water. Baptism with water only symbolizes the fact that we were born through water, meaning biologically born. We need two births to be saved. The one through water which gives us our spine and brain, the Tree of Life, that infrastructure for the Work of the Sun, and a second one through fire, when God plants our Tree of Life in that fire 'to stand everlasting.' So it's silly to say that you need to be baptized. You need to be biologically born through water, and to be born again though fire. That fire being the alchemical one called Kundalini, that water being the water of the womb. People who practise baptism and think anything depends on that confuse the symbol with the real thing.'[Fenelon]

'Whoever is near me, is near the fire, whoever is far from me, is far from the Kingdom.'[Jesus in Thomas]

'Kundalini either saves or destroys.'[de Beaumont]

'You Christ, who are all fire, have mercy on me.'[Ephraem the Syrian]

Edited by - torino on Oct 22 2007 11:13:31 AM
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