Hey guys. I have been doing beginnerish asanas for over a month now. I learned them from a book and I believe it is of the Hatha yoga school. Anyway, it encourages the practice of developing your own vinyasanas, but I was worried that if the seqeuence is even slightly "incorrect" it will do some sort of damage, as if the series are so meticulously designed that no mere mortal could construct them. I understand the basic principle of balancing forward bends with back-bends, standing with sitting ect...however, I notice most vinyasanas including the Salutations do not seem to directly reflect this which suggests some flexibility. For example, would this be a healthy sequence
1. Mountain 2. Warrior 2 3. Trigangle 4. Warrior 2 (other side) 5. Triangle (other side) 6. Downward dog 7. Plank 8. Upward dog 9. Hero 10. Child 11. Tree 12. Staff 13. Corpse
I know I could stand to learn some more sitting poses and twists...but my knowledge of poses is somewhat rudimentary at this point. I feel no prana whatsoever in any of my practices at it is still early so I am not sensitive to whether a practice is "good or bad".