You may have noticed that a lot of topics have been moved from the Satsang Cafe to other forums lately. These have been accompanied by a moderator note: "Topic moved for better placement."
This is a one-time housekeeping function that has been undertaken to better organize topics by subject, going all the way back to the beginning of the AYP forums. It is nearly done now, and apologies for any inconvenience this activity may have caused anyone.
quote:...and apologies for any inconvenience this activity may have caused anyone.
That will only bring some convenience!!
I have a suggestion which I'm not sure whether it's appropriate. Why don't we have all the new topics be reviewed by moderators and then put them into appropriate forums, rather than entering the texts into the forums by our choice? That would make everything clear right from the start. But on the other hand, when the posts develop naturally into other topics (as they frequently do), their nature may change and it's difficult to determine how they will develop when they're first posted. So I'm not sure whether it's a good idea.