I'm so glad that I've found this forum! Thanks for all the kwnolege you are sharing!
I'm preparing a trip for India (or maybe Nepal?) with the objective of finding an ashram or temple where learn about classic Tantra. Do you have any suggestion about where to head?
The only thing I'm finding at the moment are occidental oriented schools
I would suggest asking Christopher Wallis. He is a Sanskrit scholar and practitioner of Classical Tantra. He has translated some of the classical tantric texts. He would be a good person to ask about Classical Tantric ashrams and temples.
As you probably know AYP is not Classical Tantra although it is inspired by many of the Classical Tantra practices and some of the philosophy behind Classical Tantra. Generally AYP uses more modern practices and is based on more modern philosophy than is found in Classical Tantra. A simple Google search for Christopher Wallis would bring up his website and Facebook page etc.