As the devotoees gathered...some up and down......I was sitting peacefully
until intense pain shot through a part of my body...
Satsung did not start....but the group was was just singing....
Someone entered the Ashram.....a group of people......
already myleft hand was across on my chest...I was very close to head and body bowed.....
I had no idea what was happening.......because this never happened before Satsung
the individual that entered the ashram had his left arm severed and was in bandages........
For the first time I was glad he did not stay.......I felt his pain.....(this is not the first time)
This was definitely not a wonderful experience...
Next episode
We had another new devotee.....a teenager.......again I went straight to him....guided and all.......for the third time I actually felt something pouring out of my hand onto this guy ..........
I really don't know which one of us was more scared......I just keep my cool(don't really have a choice)
Anyway he was dealt with its up to him now to help himself.........
this is third time I felt pouring of something huge..more than magnetic from the right palm.