I came across what I thought was an interesting discussion of continuous male orgasm (http://www.sexuality.org/l/sex/cmo.html) by B. Benders. Although I doubt whether it is the same kind Yogani has in mind when he speaks of continuous orgasm, there are a number of aspects about what Benders has to say that I find especially interesting. First he emphasizes the importance of understanding male physiology as a necessary prerequisite to accomplishing this goal. I confess that prior to my own investigation of tantra my own knowledge was lacking, being unaware of the existence of the seminal vesicles and mistakenly thinking that semen was produced by the prostate and having never heard of prostatic fluid.
In addition he seems to have achieved a level of physical self-awareness that seems very valuable--specifically the ability to feel the movement of each of these fluids through the various organs prior to the point of ejaculatory inevitability. His level of self-awareness led to a degree of control that he claims to have--the ability to separate what he calls emission (various fluids entering the urethral bulb) from ejaculation and by relaxation, halting the ejaculatory reflex and then through muscle contraction pushing the fluid back.
I am curious whether anyone has read his account and if so your reaction to it and also whether anyone has been able to duplicate this level of self-awareness and control.