This is my second trip since starting up AYP. I'm pretty consistent with my twice-daily practice when at home, in my normal routine and schedule. But when visiting friends and family, I find the opportunity to meditate very much constricted. With all the coordinating with schedules, kids, jobs, and sightseeing, I feel a bit self-centered to say "please wait for 20 minutes so I can meditate". I typically try to at least acknowledge the sit time before the meal, and if possible do a short 2-minute sit. Rarely do I achieve any stillness or even focus.
Any suggestions on what to do during these times? I always feel like my meditation is "set back" after missing multiple days in a row. It always takes me a few days or a week to get back into the groove.
I went camping recently with a lot of people I didn't know. I didn't feel it was necessary to let them know what I was doing but I really wanted to meditate. In the morning the best time is really as soon as you wake up. No one has any wants, needs or desire for your time. For the evening before you go to bed might work. Again you have said goodnight and it would not inconvenience anyone. When I have felt really rushed I have also skipped everything except 10 minutes of DM. which is pretty easy to fit in anytime.
Thanks for the tips. I tend to be the last one up so morning meditations are tougher. Before bed seems to be the easiest as I'm usually the last one to go to sleep. In general I seem to slip off of habits when my schedule is disrupted.
Dear Yogaman Consistancy in practices is very important but we tend to cling even to practices ! So when on vacation I just take it easy. ..if the outings spontaneously allow me to do sitting practices I do them...if not well I dont do them or just reduce the duration of the session. ..taking a short break is not bad :-)
Dear Yogaman Consistancy in practices is very important but we tend to cling even to practices ! So when on vacation I just take it easy. ..if the outings spontaneously allow me to do sitting practices I do them...if not well I dont do them or just reduce the duration of the session. ..taking a short break is not bad :-)
That's a great point! I was able to get in evening meditations during my visit. Thank you.