What will happen if kundalini arises through Ida or pingala instead of sushmana and activates ajna chakra? will that means all lower chakras are not activated?what are the symptoms which indicate kundalini went through ida or pingala instead of Sushmana?
The ida and pingala nadis are two nadis which spiral up from the pelvic area around the central chanel ending at the ajna chakra. If kundalini awakens through these chanels, or just one of them, it is felt as if it is a snake like energy moving in a spiralling fashion. If it reaches the ajna chakra then that chakra will become illuminated temporarily. It does not mean that the lower chakras will not be activated as these 2 nadis cross through the lower chakras also.
If a kundalini awakening occurs in the side channels first it will later be drawn into the sushumna nadi when this becomes purified enough to take it.