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 Kundalini Issues Not Related to the AYP System
 Kundalini Awakening VS The Real World
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6 Posts

Posted - Aug 01 2013 :  06:23:19 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but here goes.

I've been having Kundalini symptoms for over three years, it's been quite a roller coaster ride with plenty of ups and downs.

I feel now that I am in somewhat control of the energy as long as I devote myself time to work on it.

There is some things however that bothers me.

I have not told anyone in my close circle about my Kundalini experience. I don't how to exactly explain it and I think it would be really weird to talk about it. I live in a typical western country where spiritual matters is kinda laughed at. I feel very isolated and alone with this, I have to come up with lame excuses to family or friends when the Kundalini symptoms occur and I must set aside time for it. I haven't been in a relationship since the K activated, I don't know how I could fit that with both working a full time job and dealing with Kundalini. I have met nice girls that I get along with but feel I cant commit to a serious relationship while this is going on. Let alone explain it to them.

Before the K activated I used to like having some beers and hanging with friends\colleagues, but now I rarely drink or go out to have fun.

How do you guys here deal with having Kundalini activation versus living in the real (and very material) world?
Do you tell your friends and family?
Can you manage it while being in a relationship?
Does it affect your work life?

I am thankful for any insights or tips here.


6 Posts

Posted - Aug 01 2013 :  07:00:53 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I might add that the Kundalini activation was unintentional.
I never heard of it before it happened to me. I wastn into yoga or spirituality either so I looked many places for information, but it's really difficult to find any solid facts.
I have found it best to just drop all the guru stuff and let the K do it's thing.

Other things I think about regarding Kundalini vs Real life is all the claims being made about Kundalini, like it's an intelligent and divine force that can bring powers like elevating and mind-reading. Yet no evidence has been put forth.

And, I also see many gurus and philosophies talk about total ego-elimination being required for a success full K activation.
Living in the west that's almost impossible, and isn't the idea of having no ego just another form of ego-stroking
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587 Posts

Posted - Aug 01 2013 :  10:56:16 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Onico

Five brief comments on your well articulated post: 1)Use intuition when evaluating claims made about kundalini, 2)Use common sense when figuring out how to fit your k awakening into mundane life, which appears to be exactly what you are doing, 3)Unintentional k awakening is called Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening, 4)Your post totally blew me away as I've been contemplating some of the same queries you posed and 5)Have a look around the forum as there's a lot of good information here.

Welcome to the forum! and wishing you the best on your path.

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734 Posts

Posted - Aug 01 2013 :  11:13:37 AM  Show Profile  Visit mr_anderson's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Yes, the idea of having no ego is a misnomer. However, enlightenment is about moving beyond duality (identification as being a separate self/body in a universe of separate objects) to non-duality (realization of oneself as non-dual awareness, that which is one with all things).

So there is a shift from feeling/believing you are a body-mind, to realizing your true nature as formless awareness. Whether you live in the East or the West doesn't matter much, anyone, anywhere, can realize their true nature, with the right knowledge, contemplation and practices.

I can't comment on kundalini too much, I have considerable bliss and ecstatic experience, but no particularly crazy fireworks. I wish you the best!


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1275 Posts

Posted - Aug 01 2013 :  3:32:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Onico
How do you guys here deal with having Kundalini activation versus living in the real (and very material) world?

Hi Onico,

You pose a very important question, one that I have not resolved myself. So as for clear answers, I don't know. I personally am inclined to opt out of what many people regard as necessary material comforts, and at times it makes me look a bit crazy. That's just me. There are any number of ways to negotiate lifestyle options.

That said, I think it is fair to say that AYP is intended to be a solution to precisely the problem you are facing: "How do you guys here deal with having Kundalini activation versus living in the real (and very material) world?" What yoga offers is a path for optimizing personal freedom.

Yogani, the AYP writer, is retired from a career as an engineer in the US, and he is married with children and grandchildren. His yoga methods, based on his own explorations over the course of his adult life, are designed to integrate spiritual awakening, and specifically kundalini awakening, with daily, active life -- the world of calculating how to keep a building standing, and becoming skillful in how to relate to a lover/spouse and how to responsibly nurture a child. The answer in a nutshell: cultivate inner silence through twice daily meditation sits, and abide in inner silence between sits. Treat is as a gradual, lifelong practice. Yogani has done a great job of putting it all into writing.

I offer this for your consideration. The lessons are free online (see the left of this screen), and books are also available (see the right). Of course, the choice is yours as seek your particular path for integrating your energy experiences with your social and material environment.

Blessings to you,


PS. Correction made. Thanks to those who alerted me to the odd, (Sit to sh*t, Freudian slip?) spelling mistake.

Edited by - bewell on Aug 02 2013 12:08:04 PM
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6 Posts

Posted - Aug 02 2013 :  02:56:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you for your responses. I will go trough the lessons here and hopefully find good ways to deal with it.

Im still curios though to hear from others who are experiencing Kundalini on how they function in the real world. Has anyone told their close social circle about?

Im just so fed up with whole thing, I have gone trough about 1500 hours of letting kriyas unfold, yet dont seem to have gain any noticable effect or benefit from it. All while the world is moving on. I am afraid that am wasting my time.

For me the most frustrating thing with Kundalini is not pain or fear, but confusion on what's really going on.

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734 Posts

Posted - Aug 02 2013 :  11:06:25 AM  Show Profile  Visit mr_anderson's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Do you have a practice for cultivating inner silence (such as deep meditation)?

Kundalini energy on its own has very little benefit if you are not doing anything to cultivate abiding inner silence.

As for talking about kundalini and spiritual practices, my policy is: If the person isn't very obviously interested or open-minded to it, I don't talk to them about it. That includes family members and friends. It's really only a tiny percentage of the population who believe in, or are open to, anything beyond what sense perceptions and mainstream mass-beliefs appear to indicate about reality.

Out of the open-minded people, even a smaller percentage are genuinely interested in enlightenment and so on. There was a point where I'd try to talk to family members and so on about my spiritual path, but I realized it was falling on deaf ears. People either have an inner appetite for this thing, or they tend not to be interested.

I've gone out of my way, however, to make new spiritual friends - many of whom have had kundalini awakenings, spiritual awakenings of other kinds, and generally share a similar path to me. I do this via retreats, finding meet-up groups online, and so on.

Like you, I'm not really one for going out and drinking beers and so on anymore. I know if I tried to tell my friends who I used to drink with that I didn't drink largely because "Identification with form is dropping away, and having awakened from the sense of being a separate body-mind entity, the joy and silence within is far greater than anything which comes from drinking alcohol, and I prefer simply resting in the silence that I Am" They'd probably think I'd gone off the deep end

Like Parvati said you have to use your intuition about who might be receptive to hearing about your experiences, and who will just simply think you're crazy.
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6 Posts

Posted - Aug 05 2013 :  09:30:11 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by mr_anderson

Do you have a practice for cultivating inner silence (such as deep meditation)?

Kundalini energy on its own has very little benefit if you are not doing anything to cultivate abiding inner silence.

I have read several places that Kundalini optimally will sort you and itself out over time - and that it could be dangerous to continue spiritual practices when it's awakened. This goes back to my question and wonder about what kind of intelligence Kundalini really is. It certainly knows my body mechanics better than me, but that doesn't prove it's sentient and all knowing either.
Some people treat it like an impersonal and objective energy to be controlled while others claim it is pure divinity manifested.

From my experience and reading on the subject it is impossible to know for certain, and there is so much contradictory information out there.
The only way to learn anything seems to be by experiencing things for oneself, and now am gonna try that with deep meditation and see how it goes. It would be beneficial anyway if it helps with real world things like stress reducing and more clarity of thought.

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971 Posts

Posted - Aug 05 2013 :  10:28:25 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Onico,

Welcome to the forums. In my case, I have some more spiritually minded friends that I talk with, but for the most part I do not discuss it with people. Also, with my Christian spiritual friends, I describe it as the power of the Holy Spirit, rather than kundalini.

As you have said, there are many different perspectives as to what Kundalini is, but I think the easiest way to describe it is a driving force towards greater "clarity". If along the way, you "let go of" the fears, issues and obstructions, it is a very smoth ride. If you hold on to those issues and fears, the road can be very "bumpy". But, as it progresses, you come to realize that you always were that energy that was pushing you along. Some would call it your divine higher self, others, the natural light of clarity starting to shine through the obstructions (of ego-mind).

Best wishes,
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Posted - Aug 16 2013 :  2:41:11 PM  Show Profile  Visit matthew70's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Onico, it seems we are walking along similar paths. I'm sure what you describe here in terms of your personal challenges, is similar to what many others are also experiencing. There are many aspects of this that are confusing and difficult to express in a way that describes what it is, to those who have no experience in it. This is a challenge even with family and loved ones. I find that expressing myself creatively helps me get it out there - such as with writing. If you're inclined, you can read my own experiences at http://thehiddendoorwaywithin.wordpress.com. I talk about how it all came about and my personal feelings and thoughts on how I perceive the kundalini -or whatever the energy might be. I also empathize with what seems like your reluctance to engage in the traditional talk about kundalini, as in what everyone else says it supposed to be. I too feel the same way - wanting to take from it only what I experience and not apply previously described notions or theories on what it's supposed to be.

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48 Posts

Posted - Aug 17 2013 :  04:05:23 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Onico

How do you guys here deal with having Kundalini activation versus living in the real (and very material) world?
Do you tell your friends and family?
Can you manage it while being in a relationship?
Does it affect your work life?

I am thankful for any insights or tips here.

Hello Onico, I haven't posted here in a while, but this thread really hit home for me right now.

I feel that sense of 'vs' so much, that I almost feel as though I am walking in 2 worlds at once. I mean, dealing with a kundalini awakening while cloistered away in an ashram or monastary is one thing, but while navigating a full life in the western world? It's tough at times. But, I guess maybe that's the point.. it's like we are spiritually evolving- collectively- all over this planet. So just like the kundalini has to purify samskaras, issues, biological stuff, etc.. to reach it's/your full potential, so too do we have to navigate an outer world that doesn't reflect the highest energy that wants to be born- collectively. As within, so without.. both for us as individuals, and as part of the human race.

I hope I'm making sense, just streaming with the thoughts as they come.

I too don't feel the urge to go out and drink or socialize in the 'normal' way anymore, which has been the case for quite some time for me. I'm good with it, I'd rather be at a yoga class, on a silent retreat or by myself out in nature tbh.

I've told my family, and they are actually pretty supportive of me, though they don't have the same interest level or experiences. The understanding isn't there, but they love and respect me, and will listen to me if I choose to share. Which, I don't feel as strong a desire to do anymore. My internal experiences are really what captures my attention. And hey, paper always listens, lol.

As for relationships? I've been single for a long time, by choice. For one thing it's hard to find someone compatible, and tbh, I don't want a 'normal' relationship where we just meet each other's basic needs, I want much more than that- something sacred I suppose. Short of that, I am content to channel it all into my spirituality. Which is what I have been doing for many years. That and being a working single mom, which is plenty on its own.

Work has been the most difficult piece for me lately. I spent a lot of money and effort to educate myself in my field- psychiatric nursing. And in many ways (financially, ability to get time off, enjoy the people I work with) it suits my life just fine. But I honestly feel like a part of my soul dies here more and more every day. The things I see.. and am complicit in just by virtue of my being here, bother me.. a lot. So lately I have been seriously considering some other options.

I guess I have no tips to offer, because I feel as though I'm in the same boat, hope at least that offers some sort of solace :)

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maverick angel

42 Posts

Posted - Aug 20 2013 :  07:16:44 AM  Show Profile  Visit maverick angel's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Everyone seems to have a slightly different experience with kundalini, no doubt the experience they need. For me kundalini has always presented itself as an intelligence that interacts with me through dreams, altered stes of consciousness ect. About a year after awakening I was having doubts as to whether this really was kundalini as all the phenomena were internal and I was wondering was it just in my head. I was standing outside looking at the stars and I just spontaneously asked the question,'Is this really kundalini?' I was rewarded immediately with an open eyed, 'real world' vision of such beauty, magnitude and magic that it was life-changing. This direct response confirmed to me that I was dealing with an intelligent power way way beyond my comprehension. After this kundalini became the 'real world'. Do talk about it but just be discerning, what has become experiential reality for you is just way to out there for the majority of people.
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846 Posts

Posted - Aug 20 2013 :  11:13:19 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by maverick angel

Everyone seems to have a slightly different experience with kundalini, no doubt the experience they need. For me kundalini has always presented itself as an intelligence that interacts with me through dreams, altered stes of consciousness ect. About a year after awakening I was having doubts as to whether this really was kundalini as all the phenomena were internal and I was wondering was it just in my head. I was standing outside looking at the stars and I just spontaneously asked the question,'Is this really kundalini?' I was rewarded immediately with an open eyed, 'real world' vision of such beauty, magnitude and magic that it was life-changing. This direct response confirmed to me that I was dealing with an intelligent power way way beyond my comprehension. After this kundalini became the 'real world'. Do talk about it but just be discerning, what has become experiential reality for you is just way to out there for the majority of people.

Hey onico and others,

Yes, I've been thinking lately how I couldn't imagine life without siddhis anymore, haha.

The majority of my 'adult' life has been with k, so that's become my standard for what it means to be a mature person. I'm not sure that I can really understand the type of suffering that the normal person goes through anymore. I mean, in the first person. I've just kind of lost that perspective in favor of a bigger identification. Not that this says anything about 'enlightenment' blah blah blah.

Everything is waves and phases anyways. Never worry about this stuff because we're all being led by this mysterious intelligence, and those who are k'ed up even more so. I try to look to my internal and external environments and find balance. If its in your world its meant for you in some way. Seasons come and go.

I generally don't talk to others about it because there is such a knowledge gap. How can you explain trigonometry to a hunter gatherer shaman in s.america? He may be very intelligent, but that's just a different knowledge base. Look at all the semantic issues people have on this board even.

Relationships are tougher. I wouldn't say no to real bonafide love, that's for sure.

In the end, k just makes you more authentic and aware, a better agent in this big old drama. Makes you a better actor that's all' try not to take it too seriously!
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796 Posts

Posted - Nov 29 2013 :  2:48:53 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Onico,

"How do you guys here deal with having Kundalini activation versus living in the real (and very material) world?"

There is no versus, people are delighted by your extacy and joy radiation, everyone is happy. All very nice :)

"Do you tell your friends and family?"

Friends, family memeber and people who already are into yoga, kundalini and co partly know, partly experience or just ignore the obvious. Close friends and family members who are not much into it, do not know it by words, but surely all of them are happy :)

"Can you manage it while being in a relationship?"

Works fine, independant of she knowing and being into it or not. If she is into it, even if you tell her of kundalini, she may not believe (happened here). Kundalini has also a lot to do with inner insight, when extatic radiance becomes insane and she is still not gettign it, what to say. She enjoys the extacy and all is fine, nothing to bother with words and co :P When she is not into it, she will just wonders where all the energy is coming from, then stil no need to talk about it, love god ;)

"Does it affect your work life?"

It affects everything, depending on the purification and expression through the chakras and the body-mind. Life flows more in tune with your inner delightful flow, huge transformation for you and everyone involved with your body-mind happens in ways that joy, bliss, peace, happiness pours into every part of life, from the very basics into the most refined.

But k needs to be channeled properly, otherwise the result can be anythign but pleasing. Spiritual techniques like yoga and co are very much of a BIG help, the same goes for realized people and the grace that can happen to you when relating with them. If k is approached randomly, aka no structure in practice and/or no supervision under someone where the topic of k is finshed long ago, then it may surely be more of a burden or problem. Otherwise, welcome to paradies :)

Peace and happy practice ;)
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