Sometimes I go into a state where I don't think I'm sleeping but I'm not conscious either. It happens 10 or 20 minutes into the sitting. I used to get into it 25-30 yrs ago but only if I meditated sporadically, like once a week.Anyway I stopped but have been back into regular meditation for a few years now. My question is; Am I sleeping but not like normal sleep or is some kind of meditative state? Also, is it worth anything? I mean does it help the brain and emotions at all or is it just a mini-vacation? And finally, is it better not to get that way or does it make no difference? Thanks all, L
It happens to me in cycles - I can have a few weeks or months of not going very deep and then a few weeks, months of 'blacking out' or sleeping while meditating.
I remember when I was trying to astral project I used to be able to go into a trance where I was conscious while I was snoring. It's funny you actually annoy yourself with your own snoring! That's about as far as it got.
No idea what it is I just say it's purification. Your noggin rewiring. It seems I need a lot.