Hello everyone. I wanted to share my experience with Deep meditation and adding Pranayama too quick before having a solid foundation of deep meditation in place. I started doing DM around the last week of august of this year and before that for a few months I was doing some spiritual practice and self study but not in a structured way.
I had been planning to add Pranayama in October(if i felt ready) and this was after listening to AYP audiobook on Deep mediation and studying the beginning chapters of the AYP lessons. So yesterday I woke up and the first thing I had was a strong desire to do Pranayama so I did my 20 minutes of deep meditation and was feeling great and had a good vibration. I went to work and had a normal Sunday morning.
After work I decided for my evening meditation I was going to add 10 minutes of Pranayama before my DM (my first mistake should of been 5 mins), so I listened to the audiobook on Pranayama but right before I was about to start I got a phone call from my oldest son and had some anger after that and went with that into my practice. Well lets say the rage boiled up later on that night, it was like a lightswitch one minute I am having a great and positive evening and next rage infected my peace. Before this while just practicing DM my anger was well subdued and I was enjoying the stillness in my daily life.
So I decided to cut back to 5 mins pranayama before DM at my morning meditation and had the same results almost instantly so now I am cutting back to Deep Mediation only for a few months...Obviously I am not ready for this powerful practice so early and want to share my mistake so that if someone has a similar experience that they will listen to Yogani's words on self pacing unlike I.
Well I decided to try to cut back the pranayama to 2 minutes instead of not doing it, so far my last two practices were very good. maybe i should of put this in the pranayama forum........ and thanks maheswari for the support, it feels nice not to feel so isolated while trying yoga.
Two minutes of Pranayama was where Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who taught me how to meditate, always started all new initiates, and this always after several months of regular meditation alone. I found that starting with 2 minutes has been just about right for most of those whom I have taught over the past 36 years... Stay with that 2 min for a month or two and add only a minute at a time over the course of perhaps another couple of months. Your patience with this methodical approach will pay off! Michael