Hi folks, I'm new here and this is my first post. I practice Kriya Yoga in the Hariharananda lineage and somehow stumbled on this site. The AYP practices seem nice and clean and accessible, which is great to share them with the world!
My question is regarding the "Dynamic Jalandhara" / chin pump. I'm curious what the origin of this practice is? Khechadi Mudra and others are really often referred to in yoga classics like Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gherandita Samhita, etc. But I haven't ever read about the chin pump in any traditional yoga texts.
Did AYP just simplify Lahiri Mahasaya's Thokkar Kriya and call it Dynamic Jalandhara or is there a common source from which AYP and Lahiri got this technique? If you have any cites, that would be awesome. Thanks!
I don't know the original source of Dynamic Jalandhara but I can say that it greatly improved my pranayama as a deeper development from static jalandhara. i had been intuitively going in that direction already, holding my head in various positions other than just chin down ( head back, to the side, etc) and since I had never been taught that had doubts if it was "correct". The dynamic jalandhara put my worries to rest and gave me a clear direction to practice in that way.What definitely feels incorrect os to do breething retentions with the head up as in meditation.
in general the spinal breath is not much discussed in any original text, yet in the bhagavad gita there is a hint to it. To me it looks like a kriya yogic technique with its origin in living masters. I'm sure yogani had insight into the teachings of one or more kriya yoga masters or at least to the book from Paulsen and teaches it in a simplified way here.