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 Questions: Kechari, Samyama, & Other Thoughts
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129 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2012 :  11:56:25 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Okay, I'm being sort of lazy right now and am not up to posting separate topics for the questions I have, I'm just going to condense it all into one topic.

First I'd like to discuss kechari, because it's been on my mind a lot lately and am curious about the whole practice. Upon first learning about kechari through AYP, I quickly found out I have an extremely short tongue, one that makes it VERY difficult to even ATTEMPT to practice stage 1 kechari with. My tongue will only extend a few centimeters out my mouth before the frenum is caught in the middle of my lower two center teeth. This was very frustrating to me, and I knew it would be a long time before I could consider surgery or anything like that. Still, curiosity got the best of me and I decided I would do a little snipping, just to get to process going at least.

So I snipped just a little bit, there was a drop or two of blood and some stinging. After that I decided I would do some stretching in the shower and pulled on my tongue with a hot towel, stretching it in various direction.

The next day I woke up and my tongue was really sore, especially the frenum and there was a little bit of pain. What I noticed most was a slit had been made along the center of the frenum, or rather there was a crater, like the snip I had made opened into a big hole. It's been getting bigger since, I think, and I've been stretching a little here and there assuming this is normal. It's been a few days, and the area is still sore. I was wondering if this is what usually happens to the frenum, and if so where do I go from here? Should I stop the snipping for a while and do something else, and if so what practices can I do to help me reach kechari. I'm not rushing or anything, I just want to be making advances.

Another question(s) I have is in regards to Samyama and to what extent and purpose I can use it for.

My main question is the development of skills, talents, and qualities through Samyama. The question sprung up one day thinking of people who are naturally really skilled and talented at something since they are young, and how some people believe these talents are "God given." So I wondered what if I really wanted to be a singer or dancer, a pianist, or basketball player, etc. but couldn't because I had no talent in those areas whatsoever. Of course the natural response is "Nobody is really good at anything unless they practice and hone their skills" which is essentially true. But what role could samyama play in these things? If talents can really be God given, could I then via Samyama, develop skills and talents that I am drawn to yet haven't really been able to express any true skill in. How can Samyama help in these areas. Would it help in developing and practicing these things?

Similarly, can samyama help with qualities we'd like to develop? If I wanted to be more funnier and humorous, could I develop a quality like that through Samyama. Or if I wanted to be more outgoing and charismatic, could Samyama help me to become that? What is a sutra that will work on these things best?

Another question I have is about the intense attractions I've had with some people throughout my life, which has had me thinking hard lately. I sometimes dismiss it off as infatuation or lust, but there has to be more meaning behind it. I don't want to be developing attachments here.

I've had several experiences where I've been STRONGLY attracted to a stranger or a new face in my life. And I mean strongly as in wishing to experience these people as a part of my life, wanting to know them better, and have a relationship with them. It just confuses me when I have such strong feelings for someone I barely know, and I wonder what am I supposed to do with these feelings. Sometimes I try visualizing and feeling into an experience of having them in my life. Sometimes it works, too. I've become friends with someone I used to long for after meeting them one night. Barely even spoke. Something just clicked the minute I met them and I just KNEW I had to make them a part of my life. Maybe I'm just crazy and delusional, or maybe I'm looking into things too deeply. I remember reading Frequency by Penny Pierce and she said most relationships are karmaic, and sometimes when we feel a pull towards someone, often ties are already being formed behind the scenes and we will eventually form relationships with these people. Is this true? Has anyone else felt intense attraction towards strangers and new people to the point where you felt they needed to be in your life?

Also if anyone has read the book Frequency I'd like to know your thoughts on it.

Last question, but not least, is to what extent can a yogi change his body's form? Are there any possibilities of consciously altering the shape and size of ones body? In Autobiography of a Yogi I remember reading a part where Yogananda meets The Tiger Swami, and this quote is what has me thinking;

"Mind is the wielder of muscles. The force of a hammer blow depends on the energy applied; the power expressed by a man's bodily instrument depends on his aggressive will and courage. The body is literally manufactured and sustained by mind. Through pressure of instincts from past lives, strengths or weaknesses percolate gradually into human consciousness. They express as habits, which in turn ossify into a desirable or an undesirable body. Outward frailty has mental origin; in a vicious circle, the habit-bound body thwarts the mind. If the master allows himself to be commanded by a servant, the latter becomes autocratic; the mind is similarly enslaved by submitting to bodily dictation."
At our entreaty, the impressive swami consented to tell us something of his own life.
"My earliest ambition was to fight tigers. My will was mighty, but my body was feeble."
An ejaculation of surprise broke from me. It appeared incredible that this man, now "with Atlantean shoulders, fit to bear," could ever have known weakness.
"It was by indomitable persistency in thoughts of health and strength that I overcame my handicap. I have every reason to extol the compelling mental vigor which I found to be the real subduer of royal Bengals."

Are such feats possible, and if so how? Will persistent thought really be able to affect and change my body? Maybe I don't want to fight tigers, but perhaps I do want a body more fit for athletic pursuits. That's just me though, and this is just a question. I'd like to hear some of your input.

Okay, those are just my thoughts for now. Sorry if it's a lot, I just didn't want to post a bunch of separate topics. Feedback is appreciated :)


342 Posts

Posted - Mar 27 2012 :  2:46:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Well I can address the attraction bit. I do believe that often there are karmic attractions, but most often or in addition to karmic attractions, when we seem instantly drawn to a person it may be due to astrological affinities. Karma will be in the charts. Similarities or affinities in the two astro charts will be revealed by attraction or a certain ease with a person (or opposite). Even if you are instantly drawn to some one there may be no relationship but the chart would reveal that. Very interesting when you look into it.
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United Kingdom
382 Posts

Posted - Mar 27 2012 :  4:29:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Chaz

With regards to your kechari snipping I would lay off stretching your tongue for a few days until it is not sore anymore. You may have snipped a bit too much this time. Don't worry, I do it all the time; raging bhakti and cuticle snippers are not a good combination.

I think the lessons below will answer your questions about samyama and using it for powers (siddhis).

Lesson 184
Lesson 243

Edited by - woosa on Mar 27 2012 6:54:24 PM
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4854 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2012 :  7:49:54 PM  Show Profile  Visit Shanti's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Chaz,

That's a lotta questions in one post.
Just a suggestion... please don't take it the wrong way, you have many good questions here, but it gets hard for someone to go through one long post (more a mental block in my case, wow that's a long post, will read it later, and later I forget)... So even if it takes a while, make them separate posts and you will get lots of replies.

Kechari: the crater is normal... the soreness is also normal, especially since this was your first snip and with all the milking, your tongue is tired. Take a break if the soreness gets too much. You can use an antiseptic mouthwash if you'd like for a few days if you feel the cut is not healing. Maybe wait to snip again and work with the milking.

Smayama: I highly recommend you stay with the base samyama practice, till you feel the letting go of sutras into stillness happens naturally. When you get good at the samyama base practice, then rather than get specific with a talent, maybe just do samyama on the intention that your talent is revealed to you. We all have talents, but they are hidden and one day you will feel a draw to start something and it will take you by surprise.
I started painting 2 years back and had no idea I had it in me. If you enjoy something, and you know it and you feel you dont have a talent for it, just have faith that as you open more to stillness your true talent will be revealed to you. It may not be what you want ( though it could be) but there is something special about all of us and we will see it as we open into stillness more and more. Create from stillness.
Same applies for other characteristics... we don't know what is right for us at a mind level. If we have an inclination toward it, it will be enhanced as stillness starts manifesting itself through us.

About connection/attraction toward people we don't know. We are all connected. According to Kashmiri Shaivism, two of the five powers of Lord Shiva are concealing and revealing. We are all connected, but when we meet someone, get to know them, the connection is revealed(isn't everyone a stranger at one point) at times due to misunderstandings or life circumstances we may move apart and the connection is again concealed, but the connection is always there. So if you feel a connection to a complete stranger, it's because that conncetion has always been there. Something about the person intrigues you and the connection is revealed. Many such mysteries will become clearer as we move along our path.

Book: not read the book sorry.

Siddhis: anything is possible. But do you really want to put the energy into developing a siddhi or would you rather experience peace, better quality of life and outpouring of divine love. Your choice. Siddhis will come to you naturally as a byproduct of increasing stillness. If we get caught up in it, then we will stay there, if we see it as a byproduct but keep going, we will get more and more... these things are very subtle and we don't see it while our mind is active, so continuing with our practices and letting go mind ideas of what these siddhis look like or feel like will help us experience them.

Hope some of this helps.
Let me know if you need further clarification on any of the things I have written.

Wish you all the best.

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129 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2012 :  9:52:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Lol SO many smiley faces Shanti! I actually caught myself smiling back at your post.

Posting separate topics probably would of been more efficient, I thought about that after I had posted. I'll keep that in mind next time.

Woosa you can imagine how I feel, especially with my tongue being so short it makes me feel like I have some long ways to go. No pun intended.

Shanti does the crater remain there? If so do I snip in the crater, or the edges? I probably won't snip for a good while at any rate. Hopefully I wont have to too much.

I've been at Samyama for a few months, I think I'm pretty okay at it though my mind likes to wander around the fifth or sixth sutra. I've switched up the sutras a little, I added in some of my own such as harmony and grace. I often localize my sutras at my solar plexus. I was drawn to do this after I started doing the solar mantra enhancement. It has a profound effect on me in many ways, I can almost feel my energy responding to the sutras. I tend to add in different sutras here and there when I'm drawn to do so, I admit I haven't set out a clear sutra list though I usually stick with Love, Radiance, Unity, Harmony, Grace, Strength, Health, Abundance, and I may add another sometimes depending on what I feel like I should do Samyama on. I haven't practiced with the sutras listed in the lessons yet, but I've been thinking recently that that may make a difference and I should probably try the AYP ones out to see the effects. I'll get around to it probably, I'm just comfortable with mines since I've been using them for a while now.

I'll ask my inner silence to guide me on this one then. I often forget what my mind thinks it knows is nothing compared to what inner silence knows. I'm just so ready to find my creative passion I'm just confused as to what it is.

Well I can address the attraction bit. I do believe that often there are karmic attractions, but most often or in addition to karmic attractions, when we seem instantly drawn to a person it may be due to astrological affinities. Karma will be in the charts. Similarities or affinities in the two astro charts will be revealed by attraction or a certain ease with a person (or opposite). Even if you are instantly drawn to some one there may be no relationship but the chart would reveal that. Very interesting when you look into it.

Yes it all is very interesting. Makes me think of kindergarten when I had first started attending a new elementary school. I sat down on the carpet in the middle of the room after being introduced to the whole class and a cute little girl grabbed onto me and told me I was her new boyfriend. We've been best friends ever since. And come to find out, astrology wise we are said to be a good match. I'm a Gemini and she's a Libra. I did a numerology reading on myself and her as well and just the same, we are a compatible match. It makes me really consider the reality of these possible influences.

Still, should I act on my attractions? Some people can trigger AMAZING feelings within me, some have been strangers in the past too. I've had numerous experiences with a friend exchanging/connecting really intense and pleasurable sexual energy with them, though we've never really done anything sexual other then the energy aspect of it. I wonder if it's real though, I've never asked personally if they felt what I was feeling but what I was feeling was real and enjoyable enough for me not to care. I think it is real, I've noticed a physical response from the said person. And some strong connection is just there, hard to explain but hard to deny. The energy is really strong between us two, in fact the energy connection feels "home-y" to me, something I don't feel with many others which makes me a bit sad because I haven't really been able to express it fully. I really want to strengthen this connection and explore it, as well as the other connections I've felt with others, such as strangers. These things are so confusing... *sigh*

As for Siddhis, I guess I couldn't avoid that one. I can say I'm not trying to look for supernatural powers, but who am I kidding, in reality that's what it boils down to. I suppose its just the desire of the ego to manipulate and control. But I genuinely feel I'm entitled to a body I'm happy with. I'm sort of happy with my body now, but I want to improve it. I guess daily exercise and diet would be the answer to this, though some of the physical changes I'm seeking are outside the realms of diet and exercise, specifically the size of my bones and the health of my eyes (eyesight is horrendous :( )

I guess I wont understand these things anytime soon, hopefully one day along my path I will. Thank you guys for doing your best to help me down the way though! Much love!!
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United Kingdom
1812 Posts

Posted - Mar 29 2012 :  03:43:31 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
This is an early stage. Some want direct material riches, some want more subtle material riches related to the personality. As things progress then some of those desires will break away and will drive greater spiritual progress. All in good time.

We all have talents but we all have values and internal beliefs. The values and beliefs will supress the talents. For instance you might be an incredible sniper, but if you are strongly motivated towards peace then that will not manifest.

An easier route, if you insist on Maya is to set goals appropriately according to your life values. So, for instance, if you seek fame and also a world free from poverty, then you can set a goal to become wealthy in order to spread that wealth around the world as a benefactor or as a specialist setting up clean water facilities in third world countries.

You can choose to be broadcast by media, or remain an unknown it's down to you.

Some goals are unlikely, such as becoming an Olympic gold medal sprinter if you are over 70 or have some restriction that stops you running ( that's not to say its impossible, just unlikely).

You also need to go with your life values not against them, although it is reasonably easy to modify them. There is also a requirement to overcome limiting beliefs. For instance, you might think you should have an expensive car, but believe that anyone with an expensive car is an evil drug dealer, that needs to be overcome.

As to tongue snipping........I know nothing......nothhhhinnnnnggggg.
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4854 Posts

Posted - Mar 29 2012 :  09:11:19 AM  Show Profile  Visit Shanti's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Chaz

Lol SO many smiley faces Shanti! I actually caught myself smiling back at your post.

<---- another one for you.

You haven’t received any long emails from me that's why you were impressed with only those many smileys... my emails have way more.

The crater will go away as it heals. And I agree on taking a break with further snipping. When the soreness is gone, go back to milking.

Regarding adding your own sutras and changing them around....
I would say get a few that you are drawn to and stay with them.
(The AYP set is very complete, makes for a good overall balanced opening). If you are looking for water, chances of finding water increases if we pick a spot and continue digging in the same spot rather than dig many many holes. Samyama will change a lot over time. Soon every min of life becomes samayma... but we don’t try to do that unless it comes naturally.
Regarding localizing the sutra in a certain area... I would say drop that. Samyama is about letting go... not holding anything in any place. Just pick the sutra and hold it where ever it is for a few seconds and dropping it in silence. This way you will allow the practice to change as it needs to. The longer you hold on to, try to control any practice in any way, the longer you are delaying the full potential of the practice to manifest. Have fun with what the energies do/work outside of practice, but during practice let go the control. (now you have made me conscious of every smiley I add )

Regarding finding what you are good at, well you have waited this long, why not just be patient and let your inner silence show it to you? You know, these things are so very subtle at first, that if we are looking with our minds, we miss it. The example I always give is, when God says he is going to visit us, and we wait to see him/her in the form we have imagined him to be in, we miss him when he brushes our face as a butterfly (unless of course you are that one person in a zillion who was expecting to see God as a butterfly.). So let go the mind expectation of finding something... you will be amazed at what will be revealed.

How to act with respect to attraction to others... it's you and your inner guru's call. I cannot answer that one for you. Letting it unfold as it does is what I would do. I let everything go in stillness and ask the stillness to show me. And trust whatever is send my way... even if it is not what "I" like.

Siddhis... let them come to you... don’t go chasing them... you will soon find them chasing you. Add health to samyama sutras for the rest (eyesight etc.)

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