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843 Posts

Posted - Sep 30 2011 :  11:10:54 PM  Show Profile  Visit Radharani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Hey, friends - It's been wonderful hanging out here and conversing with all of you. The sangha is awesome and it is just such a pleasure and relief to interact with people who really get It. Love you guys so much! Anyway, an update on my situation/practice: After my reality changed in May I was blown away and just kind of getting acclimated for a while. Then I went to spend a week with my teacher about a month ago and we did a lot of intense energy work. Since then I have been experiencing a LOT of purification, just "stuff" coming up, obstructions from way back in childhood being released. It's interesting because I have incredible ecstasy and Love just pouring through me and silence within and without 24/7, total freedom, and yet "stuff" still comes up from somewhere and I witness it and watch it burn away... Recently I've decided to go through the AYP Lessons and look at all the main practices to ensure that I am familiar with them. It's been fun, and it turns out nearly everything here at AYP I have learned elsewhere in the past, and also is the same as the advanced practices we do in HOY. One thing I believe I have not done (unless perhaps by another name?) is samyama. I am still in the process of reading the Lessons about this and am excited to do it. Based on what I have read so far, it seems like it would "work" really well under my current circumstances with all the silence here, but just not sure exactly what to "do" with it. I need to investigate further. Any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks again for all your encouragement. Much Love to you. xoxo

Edited by - Radharani on Oct 03 2011 7:16:08 PM

Bodhi Tree

2972 Posts

Posted - Oct 03 2011 :  9:08:18 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bodhi Tree's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hello fellow Floridian/FSU graduate,

Mmmm...samyama. Mind over matter. Subtle thoughts amplified by inner silence. Outward automatic expression of our most potent essences.

Once I started to really have a sense of inner silence, I got hungry for samyama too. It's only been a few months of practicing samyama (and somewhat sporadic too because of time management) but what I have found is that it satisfies that hunger for moving from within. It feels like standing on a vast landscape, throwing a boomerang (the sutra) and letting it return to be thrown again--not worrying so much about the flight path as just trusting that it will return (in about 15 seconds). Although, the sutra has to be released completely, so it's more like your throwing a new boomerang each time, or whatever metaphor you want! Just this morning I practiced samyama, and I was like, now I'm ready to get up and do some creative things!

And what's great, is that there is a very genuine, verifiable, visceral sense that samyama is both using silence as its fuel, while simulataneously replenishing and increasing the cache of the Infinite.

More specifically/personally, I have found that samyama has smoothed out some friction in family relationships. The other weekend, my dad was withdrawing hardcore from pain pills, so I kind of took care of him for a few nights, and I noticed how un-phased and strong I was during the experience. I mean, as he was writhing and twitching from the withdrawal symptoms, I could just feel the pervasive presence of stillness in the motel room--and the essences of health, strength, and wisdom (three of my favorite sutras) were helping both of us weather the storm. It was a great experience that confirmed the validity of samyama's effectiveness.

As Yogani says, the trick is to be consistent and persistent with the selection of sutras--sticking with a certain set, and making it part of your regular practice.

I really hope we cross paths at this unfolding Florida retreat, and may the sutras of samyama boost your already vibrant practice.
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849 Posts

Posted - Oct 04 2011 :  6:18:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Jamie

Nice to hear your progression..

Samyama is very easy the way I understand it, too easy as in all things enlightenment-related

The instructions Yogani gives are very to-the-point. you "pick up" the word in your mind in a faint way or if not faint then however it comes. Then you release it into silence, as in, drop it altogether and rest in the silence that was cultivated during the meditation. If it comes again during the next 15 seconds that's fine, let it come and go, you watch and rest. If any other thoughts come, that fine too, they come and you watch and rest. then after 15 seconds the next sutra. very easy, no trouble.


Bodhi nice experience with your dad sounds great....

Edited by - Yonatan on Oct 04 2011 7:08:01 PM
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3189 Posts

Posted - Oct 04 2011 :  7:44:38 PM  Show Profile  Visit CarsonZi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Jamie and All

To me, samyama seems to have basically become a way of life, not just a formal practice (although it is that too).

Some of the ways I use the principles of samyama outside of my practices times (I assume you don't really need any pointers on how to do a formal samyama practice Jamie, it's all there in the lessons) are as follows....

Before eating we (my family and I) will bow our heads and drop a personal sutra into silence as a prayer of thanks for our food. I personally use the sutra "Gratitude." I think that, as Yonatan mentions above, that a lot of the effect from samyama comes from consistently using the same sutra. This seems to be the case for me. I've been using the "Gratitude" sutra as a prayer at meal times for somewhere between 8 months and a year now.... and what I have noticed is, you guessed it, a massive increase in gratitude.

I've also been using the samyama principles at the beginning of each of my AYP classes. I start each of the classes by having the practitioners sit in silence for two minutes while watching their breath. After two minutes I invite everyone in the class to set a personal intention for that class. I ask them to find one word or a short phrase that represents their intention for that class, to gently touch that word or phrase with their attention and then drop it in silence and come back to watching the breath for another 30 seconds. While they are doing this I drop the sutra "Opening" into silence. This is my personal intention for the classes. I've been opening my classes like this (and personally using the "Opening" sutra) for probably a year and a half. The result of this has been, yup, you guessed it, an awful lot of opening.

I also use the principles of samyama in a slightly less "focused" way during my daily activities. If something comes up that bothers me, that stirs some "dirt" up for me, I will often touch the sensations this "stirring" causes (or touch the predominant thought) with my attention and then drop it into silence. This doesn't always result in opening past whatever it is that is bothering me, but it often does. Sometimes there is something "sticky" there that requires some self-inquiry to open past it, but often using the samyama principles in this way is enough to let go of whatever it is that is pulling me away from my self.

Anyway, just thought I would share this with you. Hope it was helpful in some way.

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843 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2011 :  12:50:57 AM  Show Profile  Visit Radharani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
THANKS, guys, that is very helpful! and makes sense. Something new for me, because thus far the only thing I've intentionally dropped into the silence is the Names of God and comments like "I love You" and personal stuff like that; it had not occurred to me to attempt to manifest anything. I admit I have not finished reading the Lessons.

Carson, I actually was wondering about what you mentioned in the last paragraph, where when "stuff" comes up you drop it into the silence. I ran across that before and it confuses me a bit because I am thinking of samyama as dropping an intent into silence so it will manifest externally. But if the item is something that stirs up "dirt" or whatever, will that become manifest? or will the Silence just swallow it up and transform it into purification?

I hope that's not a dumb question. Now that I am in the silence basically 24/7 I am concerned about what I might be inadvertently dropping in there, since it has been pointed out that doing so (samyama) can have an external effect. On the other hand, it's where I live, so I guess pretty much EVERYTHING is going into the silence and I was not concerned about it until the question of samyama came up! It's been wonderful hanging out in the silence and having divine Love/ecstasy pouring through me. But, now that I am aware something can be done purposely I want to make sure I am making the most of it. Please advise if I am looking at this incorrectly or missing something here.

Edited by - Radharani on Oct 05 2011 02:28:58 AM
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2516 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2011 :  01:24:58 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
wonderful post CarsonZi very inspiring....in daily life when i am about to teach asanas class...i mentally ask my external Guru to teach it then drop it into silence ...then i start the class....at the end of the class students and me feel very happy and energized....as if we came back from a wonderful magical journey
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3615 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2011 :  07:58:44 AM  Show Profile  Visit Etherfish's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Very interesting Carson; thanks.
I'm going to start using "samyama" as a sutra and see if it has an ourobouros effect of the snake swallowing his own tail. Just kidding . I'll do some hard thinking about how i could use it.
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971 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2011 :  09:11:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

It is a very good question. When you "drop things" in silence, it is the intent that is the key. That is why the lessons tell you to just use the word and not define it in your mind. Using more specific the intent creates more dependencies, making it harder.

Things manifest both internally and externally. What Carson is doing is giving the intent of "tracing" the dirt and getting the internal manifestation.

Also, with 24-7 silence, everything is basically Samyama. The difference is intent and the resulting energy. Try dropping in a word like "love" and see if you can watch/feel the energy in the silence.

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3189 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2011 :  10:22:12 AM  Show Profile  Visit CarsonZi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Jamie

Originally posted by JamieRadha

Carson, I actually was wondering about what you mentioned in the last paragraph, where when "stuff" comes up you drop it into the silence. I ran across that before and it confuses me a bit because I am thinking of samyama as dropping an intent into silence so it will manifest externally. But if the item is something that stirs up "dirt" or whatever, will that become manifest? or will the Silence just swallow it up and transform it into purification?

I'll give you an example and hopefully that will make things more clear.

Let's say I am at work and one of my co-workers is upset with me because he feels I should have been more attentive to something. So he comes into my office and goes off on me calling me lazy etc etc. This then causes thoughts to surface about how lazy I am and I start in with my common self-depracating habits and allow these thoughts to cycle in my mind and I begin to lose presence because of it (I begin to live in my thoughts). At some point I realize that I am living in these thoughts of how lazy I am (which I very well may be ) so I choose to touch the thought "Lazy" and then let it go into silence, samyama style. This may be the end of the "lazy thoughts" or they may continue to come back several more times. If they continue to come back again and again I will continue to touch the word "Lazy" each time I notice I am engaged in these thoughts about how lazy I am, letting them go into silence, over and over again.

What I have noticed in using the samyama principles like this is that it is usually the thoughts that have the most identity attached to them are the ones that will continue to surface over and over again. If there isn't much identity lodged in a particular thought one release into silence is often enough to end the "cycling" of thoughts. If the thought continues to surface over and over again (for several hours for example) this is when I choose to change my approach to one of self-inquiry into why this thought is so "sticky." Usually the "sticky" thoughts are the ones that still have some identity attached to them and inquiring into where/what exactly that identity is is what creates the "space" required to let it go.

Now, with regards to what is actually happening when I release a thought like "Lazy" into silence, here is how I view it..... It is essentially just a letting go of the thought. Personally it's not about "manifesting" anything. Letting go of a thought into silence (for me) is like giving permission to "Source/Silence/Life" to do with it what it needs. For me, the result is a letting go of the "holding on" that I may be engaged in with a specific thought. How it returns/what is manifested from this is also let go of. For me it's all about a surrendering of the personal will. With the above example I may want to be seen as "not lazy," I may want to not be lazy, I may want all sorts of stuff to do with the "lazy thoughts"... but what *I* want doesn't matter.... it's all about what Life needs. So I surrender my "lazy thoughts" to "Source/Life/Silence" and let "That" take care of it. Essentially it's just taking the "me" out of the equation and letting Life flow how it needs to.

I'm not sure if this is going to make things any more clear, but, there it is...

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739 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2011 :  11:07:59 AM  Show Profile  Visit trip1's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by JamieRadha
I hope that's not a dumb question. Now that I am in the silence basically 24/7 I am concerned about what I might be inadvertently dropping in there, since it has been pointed out that doing so (samyama) can have an external effect. On the other hand, it's where I live, so I guess pretty much EVERYTHING is going into the silence and I was not concerned about it until the question of samyama came up!

Hi Jamie and everyone,

Disclaimer: Please take the following with a grain of salt. I have observed samyama to produce extraordinary results, and this is an extremely rare and isolated instance that may not even have anything to do with the practice. And mods, please don't hesitate to delete this post if it is felt that the negative effects of the conversation outweigh the positive.

I had an experience a few years ago (following a pretty big opening) in which I was outside my house in the morning appreciating the beauty of everything, and when looking up at the power lines, thought to myself that it was amazing I had never seen a bird affected by the electricity which runs through the lines. I do understand the science of this, and it was just a wandering observation with no ill intention whatsoever.

The next morning when I came outside I heard a strange sporadic buzzing sound, and looked up to find a cooked bird on the same power line. The mind was (and still is) skeptical of the coincidence, but regardless it was a bit tough to rationalize. I was more than a bit shook by the whole thing at the time, in large part that I felt responsible for the death of the bird, but whether or not I had anything to do with it, it certainly felt like I did and I accepted it as a lesson in the power of releasing intention into silence.

I'm not trying to scare anyone with this, and honestly don't believe that samyama can be used with the intention to cause harm or ill-will, as those who would try to use it in that way simply wouldn't have the accessible inner silence in place to do so. But it does open up the conversation of "accidental samyama" and if this is even possible. Would be interested in hearing others take on that, as to this day I still "cancel out" perceived negative thoughts by immediately thinking something positive, in an attempt to cut it off before it can be released into silence!

I was very interested to hear at Mench Mill of the use of samyama as a practice in literally "letting go" (Carson's above post touches on this as well), and have been actively using it in this manner since my return home. No birds have been harmed as a result.

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5201 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2011 :  11:11:07 AM  Show Profile  Visit yogani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi All:

Good example, Carson.

And on a broader scale, here is how it works when regarding global dysfuntions:


The essence of it:

"In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the principle of surrendering obstructions to inner silence is presented, where we can do samyama directly on an obstruction (a negative influence) in order to remove it. This supports the assertion that all sutras, regardless of content, will bring a positive effect when utilized within samyama.

In using a sutra that represents an obstruction (or group of obstructions) we do not have to specify what we want done with the obstruction. Inner silence knows what to do with the obstruction – dissolve it!"

This applies on every level, from the personal to the global (and cosmic), with the only prerequisite being the presence of abiding inner silence. The way we develop this 24/7 ability is with structured samyama practice built into the routine of our daily deep meditation sittings.

And not that we should be doing samyama on problems/obstructions all the time. But when we notice them, they can be easily released in stillness without concern that we will be amplifying anything negative. In fact, we will be be doing the opposite -- dissolving the obstructions to reveal peace, joy and creativity, individually and collectively. It may not happen all at once, but with all things released in stillness over time, the obstructions will be worn away. It is the rise of life lived as "stillness in action."

This is why we have said that samyama is a "morally self-regulating" practice. Real samyama (in stillness) can do no harm. Our abiding inner silence can be trusted 100%.

It's also why we say...

The guru is in you.

PS: All of this and more is also covered in the AYP Samyama book.
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351 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2011 :  11:13:11 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement
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5201 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2011 :  11:58:58 AM  Show Profile  Visit yogani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
PPS: None of the above is to imply we should not continue to act on the physical plane as inclined in whatever situation we find ourselves. Nor does it guarantee that things won't happen that do not fit our expectations, like a bird getting fried on a wire.

Everything happens for a reason, and that is infinitely more true in abiding inner silence than in any other mode of human consciousness. As this world moves increasingly in stillness, we can expect unpredictable aspects of purification and opening to continue in the months and years ahead. We are shifting into an age of accelerating rising consciousness. We are at the end of the old age, and beginning the new one. The overall time scale of this is vast (thousands of years).

Like Spring announcing itself each year before March 21st (or Sept 21st in the southern hemisphere), the new enlightened age has been announcing itself quite a lot before the actual cosmological turning point, which many are saying is December 2012.

It is a great time to be a spiritual practitioner.

The guru is in you.
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843 Posts

Posted - Oct 07 2011 :  02:45:43 AM  Show Profile  Visit Radharani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I appreciate all your helpful comments!

Jeff, you said: "it is the intent that is the key... Also, with 24-7 silence, everything is basically Samyama. The difference is intent and the resulting energy. Try dropping in a word like "love" and see if you can watch/feel the energy in the silence."

"Love," yeah I already know what happens with that.

And Carson, you said, "Letting go of a thought into silence (for me) is like giving permission to "Source/Silence/Life" to do with it what it needs... For me it's all about a surrendering of the personal will."

I have been mulling over this and trying to figure out, "How would it be different from what is already happening?" You have basically just described my current state of existence, which ties into what Jeff said! There is an ongoing flow where everything is offered up into the silence, although not specifically. So it would appear that the "intent" and focus as a "practice" per se is the only difference. And yes, when I DO that I can definitely appreciate the results which have clearly manifested both internally and externally. (more details later if you wish).

My purpose in going over the AYP Lessons is primarily to make sure I am familiar with everything so that in case anybody asks me a question I won't have to be ignorant. But I am realizing that how everything appears to me now is probably very different than how it would have looked (or worked) before. So in the case of samyama, which is a practice I had not consciously done in the past, I have to be able to understand it on the level of, "How would this work for somebody who was not in silence all the time?" Techniques have largely fallen away. I stop whatever I am doing and I'm in meditation. Hence what Yogani said about the importance of samyama in relation to deep meditation practice is very useful.

Trip, your story about the bird getting fried was exactly what I was worried about! As a matter of fact, just a couple of days ago (before reading your post) I happened to look up at the power line and thought about why birds don't get electrocuted, and then I stopped myself in case I might inadvertantly lend energy to such an event! It would be easy to become paranoid thinking like that, and I do understand what was explained, that the divine silence will take care of everything. However, it does make me think I ought to watch my thoughts and words more carefully, just to be on the safe side...

Edited by - Radharani on Oct 07 2011 02:46:46 AM
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3189 Posts

Posted - Oct 07 2011 :  11:32:05 AM  Show Profile  Visit CarsonZi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Jamie

Originally posted by JamieRadha

Carson, you said, "Letting go of a thought into silence (for me) is like giving permission to "Source/Silence/Life" to do with it what it needs... For me it's all about a surrendering of the personal will."

I have been mulling over this and trying to figure out, "How would it be different from what is already happening?"

Well, I can't speak for you so I have no idea how what I said above is different from what is already happening for you, but for me, if I am honest with myself I can always find areas where there is (a least a subtle amount of) personal will still. Using the samyama principles in this way, as an active practice, just helps me to get out of the way of myself and allows Life to flow a little easier. Life is already flowing easily, but in my experience it can always "flow easier". Personally, no matter how much abiding inner silence there is, there always seems to be more to drop/let go of. It seems that the "letting go" is an unending process (for me). I have no expectation of this ever ending.

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843 Posts

Posted - Oct 07 2011 :  7:10:49 PM  Show Profile  Visit Radharani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Carson, ok, apparently a slight miscommunication here. I said: "There is an ongoing flow where everything is offered up..." Yes, it is "an unending process" of surrender. I am agreeing with you. What I am saying is that this is how I live essentially all the time, and I was not previously aware of it as a specific "technique" or "practice." Now that you have explained it to me as a "practice" I can and have used it in a focused manner in specific moments and yes, it is useful. Thanks again. Much Love.
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Bodhi Tree

2972 Posts

Posted - Oct 08 2011 :  2:33:17 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bodhi Tree's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by yogani
We are shifting into an age of accelerating rising consciousness. We are at the end of the old age, and beginning the new one. The overall time scale of this is vast (thousands of years).

Ummm...anyone else have the strong urge to yell wildly in unbridled triumph and celebration upon reading this prophetic observation by the radical non-guru who has named himself Yogani? Just checking the bhakti barometer here...
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843 Posts

Posted - Oct 11 2011 :  02:08:50 AM  Show Profile  Visit Radharani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Well, I had a wonderful opportunity to really put this (samyama) into practice over the weekend. My partner is unable to keep his apartment he was renting on the beach (long story), and I am helping him get packed up so he can move back in with me. He had claimed that he is "a changed man" since our trip to visit my teacher in NY a little over a month ago, that he was doing his daily yoga practice, no longer excessively drinking, only smoking electric cigarettes, cleaned up his diet, etc. However, on Friday night I learned that in fact he has been drinking like a fish, chain smoking cigarettes, and eating hamburgers every day (which he had supposedly quit, not only for spiritual reasons but because he has gallstones), and not actually doing his daily yoga practice, and meanwhile LYING to me about everything - telling me what I want to hear, which alcoholics are really good at.* Not only that, the beautiful apartment which I will miss visiting, the fireplace in front of which we began consciously doing tantra together last Christmas Eve, all those fond memories - it was unbelievably filthy and looked like he was raising wild hogs in there. Needless to say, the situation was a major buzzkill and I was furious. I gave him a written list of my House Rules (e.g., no getting sh*tfaced, especially on work nights) which he agreed to (but I'm not holding my breath). On Saturday morning after deep meditation I did the samyama technique and dropped my partner's name into the silence. About a minute later I was totally ok with everything, feeling that we are all in God's hands and I'm no longer stressed about it, and if my partner really wants to ruin his life and/or drink himself to death, it's not my problem. My mind returned to its new "normal" peace, love and expansiveness. I went to the beach, did some asana, caught some nice little glassy 1-2 foot tubes (tiny but well formed and rolling in very nicely), then we ended up having the most incredible sex for hours and hours all weekend. In spite of the significant amount of time spent surfing and in bed, we managed to successfully move all the furniture into storage and made great progress and did not fight. So the technique was extremely effective, much more so than ordinary prayer. It enabled me to let go of my negative and positive expectations and leave everything to the divine will. *(by the way, yes, he has "tried" AA and it made him want to drink more, which I have also heard from some other people; he would drink on the way home from meetings, or skip the meetings entirely and go drink, then lie and say he was at the meeting.)
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843 Posts

Posted - Oct 11 2011 :  02:11:50 AM  Show Profile  Visit Radharani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Bodhi, re: the prophetic observation. Yes, I feel it too.
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Bodhi Tree

2972 Posts

Posted - Oct 11 2011 :  4:46:24 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bodhi Tree's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Jamie, so glad to know you feel the change and the rising tide. In regards to your predicament with said partner, I fully empathize--having recently sobered up myself (about a year now) and living with my twin brother, who has not stopped. It's been a tug of war, and inner silence has guided me and taught me patience, while also giving me the necessity of firmness and steadfastness in my own path. Here's a good lesson from Yogani on the subject that might strike a chord with you:

But, sounds like you're having some great tantra experiences, which is full of healing.

Roll on.
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843 Posts

Posted - Oct 11 2011 :  11:04:26 PM  Show Profile  Visit Radharani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Bodhi, thanks for the encouragement! It is very comforting to know that you yourself (and others on AYP) have successfully sobered up, and therefore it is possible. Without the inner silence and the deeply established yoga practice which gives me great strength and patience, I would not be able to handle this situation (which is why he moved out a year ago). Given my current state, I find it merely very annoying and sad, but samyama is REALLY helping! It is an amazing practice. Re: Yogani's advice in that link, yes, Tough Love is definitely in order here, which my teacher also recommends. Fortunately my partner is not abusive in the slightest; he is a silly, happy, mellow drunk, and my "self-esteem" is intact. I am at peace with the fact, and have made it very clear to him, in writing, that if he fails to toe the line (which is statistically likely, although I am open to a positive outcome happening) I will throw him out and it will be over. We have been together for 6-1/2 years, we are best friends, share many interests and activities in common, and have had the most incredible sexual/ spiritual connection from the very beginning even before I introduced him to tantra. (Yes, it is very healing.) He is a natural yogi, my teacher saw it in him and pointed it out, but unfortunately he doesn't see himself that way. With a regular yoga practice I am still hopeful that he will learn. Thanks again for your support and encouragement!
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843 Posts

Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  03:48:28 AM  Show Profile  Visit Radharani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Ok, I am LOVING samyama! Initially it was unclear (see above, my discussion with Carson), "how would it be different?" from my current state which is an ongoing flow of surrender in the silence. Now that I have been doing this for a little while, I see that samyama is actually a specific focused application of that same state and yes, it does flow even better. And it has deepened my prayer life, too. It's interesting how focusing the intent into just ONE word and letting it go, is so much more powerful.
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  10:23:24 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
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Posted - Oct 26 2011 :  5:59:19 PM  Show Profile  Visit Radharani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I wasn't sure where to post this - money? milestones? but does pertain to samyama, so: Have been facing some financial difficulties lately; my income has decreased by about 60% over the last 15 years, plus now paying twice the taxes (being an independent contractor), deep in credit card debt (yes, I know it's bad but that's what happens when your outgo exceeds your income). I am "land rich" but "cash poor." Found out I cannot qualify for bankruptcy, refinance, debt relief, etc. - nada. Long story short, it's looking like I will have to sell the beautiful home I designed and built and had intended to retire there some day. Had a LOT of attachment and grief about this and offered it up in samyama, "house" and "money." Went outside and did surya namaskar with danda samarpana on the grass, tears offered to the earth. Told the Lord, "I just want You. Whatever is Your will." There was a feeling of total surrender, Ishvarapranidana, and as I was doing asana suddenly I felt very light, although at the same time very grounded, and I could FEEL the inhalation going all the way down into my feet. There was an incredible openness, as if all the nadis/channels are wide open and divine Love and ecstasy just pouring through me, I mean even more than it already has been. I was quite blown away and the openness and Love has persisted. Later I happened to be inspired to look online at homes for sale on the beach (where I have always wanted to retire, not out here in the boondocks) and discovered they are selling them dirt cheap. I went over all the numbers again and figured out that I can sell the big house I built, pay off all my debt and still have enough left to buy a smaller place on the beach! And still keep the yoga studio and some acreage and hopefully, the horses (my babies). Which is awesome, of course, and unexpected; but the main thing to me is the incredible opening and deepening of my spiritual life as a result of the samyama/surrender. Just when I think I can't contain more Bliss it keeps getting better. And regardless whatever else happens with the house/money, my prayer is totally answered.
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2516 Posts

Posted - Oct 27 2011 :  02:40:47 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
that is wonderful Jamie
danda samarpana

meaning the face down prostration ?
do u say any mantra?

Edited by - maheswari on Oct 27 2011 08:39:37 AM
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United Kingdom
266 Posts

Posted - Oct 27 2011 :  10:03:28 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Jamie - that 's fantastic - thanks so much for sharing this with us
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