Some time back my wife had an out of body experience where she could see her body lying on the bed. This lasted for about 5 secs and she was scared a lot. She used to practice AYP back then (now she has shifted to some other meditation practices). Also yesterday one of my neighbours (she does pranayam/meditation taught by the Paramahansa Yogananda Institute) reported a similar incident which lasted for few minutes and she was able to see herself walking around and also lying on the bed. She too was very scared (thought she was dead) and felt going back into her body a few minutes later and felt a huge choke at her throat. She was normal in few minutes. Is this some kind of unconcious samyama happening? Would appreciate any mind share from the group.
This has happened to me a lot of times, and is probably from getting into the astral body, and watching the physical. There is absolutely nothing to be scared of. just observe. being scared actually works against you in such cases. Sometimes if you're scared it makes you paralyzed. usually if you can shut off the fear and just relax it's easier to move around in the astral body. Be sure you shut off the fear as soon as it starts, like within a couple seconds. Otherwise you can get caught up in it.
Etherfish, any patterns in practices preceding this which might have triggered it off. I still am unclear on the phenomenon. Am hoping clear knowledge of whats happening will help warding off instinctive fear.
No i haven't noticed anything that triggers it. We have to remember that we are not this body. We are an immortal point of perception, this body is ours to use temporarily, and it is natural to travel out of it occasionally. most people just block it out or think of it as a dream. Don't worry, you will always automatically come back to your body until it is your time to leave it naturally.