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 Spinal Breathing Pranayama - Self Pacing
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Posted - Dec 23 2009 :  03:57:52 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Dear Friends,

I’m now up to lesson 55 & I’ve decided to pause here before going any further.

Since implementing the Spinal Pranyama techniques taught up to this point, I have found it challenging to adjust to it.

Trying to breathe slowly and smoothly. Trying to visualize the spinal nerve. Trying to exhale using the Ujjayi technique.

It has only been about 5 days since starting pranayama.

So the plan now is simply to keep practicing from where I’m at for the next 7 days, then reassess. If I’m still feeling challenged with the basics to give it another few days & so on, till I feel comfortable progressing.

I do understand every persons pace is different. But is there a general guideline here?

Or does one simply go with the flow & continue to progress as they feel ready?

On a general note, no mystical experiences or anything out of the ordinary, besides maybe a physical twitch or two (at best).

I’m not even sure if I’m letting go into the “I am” properly yet. It has only been a couple of weeks now.

But I am continuing to feel the results in my daily life. There is a greater peace & growing within me. It’s nice. Most importantly my appreciation of self and daily life is growing.

So I must be doing something right.

That's why my current priority is to continue trusting in the process knowing it’ll all fall into place (naturally) with a disciplined and dedicated practice.

The help/feedback here is an added 'luxury' I very much appreciate.


Matt #9786;


4854 Posts

Posted - Dec 23 2009 :  08:13:39 AM  Show Profile  Visit Shanti's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by mattb23

I do understand every persons pace is different. But is there a general guideline here?

Yep, there is a general guideline:

So the plan now is simply to keep practicing from where I’m at for the next 7 days, then reassess. If I’m still feeling challenged with the basics to give it another few days & so on, till I feel comfortable progressing.
You got it already. People stay with meditation only for weeks/months, then add spinal breathing (SpB) and stay with only meditation and SpB for weeks/months. Like you said, each one is different, and each person evaluates what works for them and then adds more practices. So once you are comfortable with what you are doing you can add something else. I would recommend sticking to meditation and SpB for a few weeks/months and then introducing something else.

Originally posted by mattb23

On a general note, no mystical experiences or anything out of the ordinary, besides maybe a physical twitch or two (at best).

I’m not even sure if I’m letting go into the “I am” properly yet. It has only been a couple of weeks now.

But I am continuing to feel the results in my daily life. There is a greater peace & growing within me. It’s nice. Most importantly my appreciation of self and daily life is growing.

So I must be doing something right.

The best way to judge your practices is by the way to feel in between practices. So you are doing great.

Originally posted by mattb23

That's why my current priority is to continue trusting in the process knowing it’ll all fall into place (naturally) with a disciplined and dedicated practice.

You got it!!!
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99 Posts

Posted - Dec 23 2009 :  4:45:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Awesome...that helps heaps!

I'll give it a few weeks at least.

Thanks Shanti
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