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 Spinal Breathing question
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Posted - Nov 04 2009 :  12:15:11 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
During the last couple weeks or so, every now and then when I am sitting relaxed on a chair or my recliner doing nothing in particular (smoking, reading, digesting, relaxing etc), when I remember about 'it', I try this "very light spinal breathing" and I'm astounded by the result.

This practice is sort of like a very simple AYP spinal breathing:
I just notice my breath and whether or not I'm on the out-breath or on the in-breath. If I'm on the out-breath, I just easily, lightly, with very little willpower, guide my attention down to the root. Then, on the in-breath, I guide my attention up to the brow. I'm not trying to follow the spinal nerve, in fact I'm not trying to do much at all, just guide my attention up and down! I don't control my breath at all, I just coordinate the up and down with the in and out.

This whole procedure is very light. It's not like gearing up for a "round of spinal breathing" and then performing spinal breathing. There is no root lock or sambhavi or kechari. It's more like ever so lightly following the flow of breath and gently gliding your attention up and down the spine (or somewhere around there), and not really trying. My posture is just relaxed, even slouching (doesn't seem to matter).

The result is that the root/perineum starts to radiate a constant stream of ecstatic energy in very little time (almost right away). At first it feels really good. After two minutes of performing this "light spinal breathing", the feeling of ecstasy is so intense that I have to stop. I feel that if I don't stop I would orgasm or explode or something. Afterwards, it takes a few hours for the intense ecstasy to cool down, sometimes longer. I just finished two minutes of that "lsb" and already I think I've overdone it and I just want to scream or start climbing the walls. It feels like my whole lower body/pelvis area is tense, aching, alive, ecstatic... my arms and upper body are tingling slightly and my face is warm.

Has anyone else here ever tried this 'light spinal breathing' and had the same results?

I've contemplated trying the 'light spinal breathing' for a longer period of time, to see how far I could take it, if maybe it would result in a surge up the sushumna, but the threat of prolonged after- effects are keeping my curiosity at bay! Has anyone else here ever tried this form of 'light spinal breathing' for an extended amount of time?

Is this 'light spinal breathing' being powered by my active kundalini which is causing the effects of the practice to be way more intense than they would normally be? Am I flaming the fires?

Any insight into this will be greatly appreciated.




United Kingdom
4537 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2009 :  4:26:47 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi TI,

Yes, your active kundalini is producing this effect. I have often practiced SBP in this way, as it is a more gentle approach than the full version. As you have found, simply alternating the attention between the third eye and the root, with the in and out breath, can have a powerful effect on kundalini, and on sexual arousal.

It is important to self pace properly with all pranayama practices, as overload symptoms are not pleasant, and often result in a longer journey overall. There can be a time delay between pranayama practices and overload experiences which is all the more reason to carefully pace what you are doing. So going for a "surge up the spine" is not necessarily a good idea, however tempting it may be. Ecstasy is a factor of enlightenment; surges up the spine are only symptoms of practice.

The best way to make fast progress with SBP is to set up a regular system of practices and to time your practices. That way you will be able to get an idea of how much SBP you can handle on a daily, or twice daily basis over the long term. Without doing this, you are really working with the whim-of-the-moment, with the resulting energy overload problems, which inevitably come with that approach. Also, by structuring your practices you can put SBP immediately before meditation, which means that you can take ecstasy directly into inner silence. The merging of ecstasy and silence is the equation of enlightenment.

If you find that you are getting unpleasant sensations outside of practice times, then back off to a more stable and balanced routine. Gradually, the powerful sexual feelings become refined into purely ecstatic experiences. It sounds like you have some good ecstatic conductivity going there and I wish you all the best in working with it in a well structured way, taking it to higher and higher levels of ecstatic radiance.

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758 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2009 :  11:29:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Christi

Hi TI,

Yes, your active kundalini is producing this effect. I have often practiced SBP in this way, as it is a more gentle approach than the full version. As you have found, simply alternating the attention between the third eye and the root, with the in and out breath, can have a powerful effect on kundalini, and on sexual arousal.

It is important to self pace properly with all pranayama practices, as overload symptoms are not pleasant, and often result in a longer journey overall. There can be a time delay between pranayama practices and overload experiences which is all the more reason to carefully pace what you are doing. So going for a "surge up the spine" is not necessarily a good idea, however tempting it may be. Ecstasy is a factor of enlightenment; surges up the spine are only symptoms of practice.

The best way to make fast progress with SBP is to set up a regular system of practices and to time your practices. That way you will be able to get an idea of how much SBP you can handle on a daily, or twice daily basis over the long term. Without doing this, you are really working with the whim-of-the-moment, with the resulting energy overload problems, which inevitably come with that approach. Also, by structuring your practices you can put SBP immediately before meditation, which means that you can take ecstasy directly into inner silence. The merging of ecstasy and silence is the equation of enlightenment.

If you find that you are getting unpleasant sensations outside of practice times, then back off to a more stable and balanced routine. Gradually, the powerful sexual feelings become refined into purely ecstatic experiences. It sounds like you have some good ecstatic conductivity going there and I wish you all the best in working with it in a well structured way, taking it to higher and higher levels of ecstatic radiance.


Hi Christi,
Thanks for the comments. I think they are valid and I agree with them. I do have a regular practice in which I incorporate regular spinal breathing. For September and October, I dropped all practices and did "Sensing the inner body" twice a day as a regular routine. (I also did some other things too on the side.)

But, as of November 1'st, I've changed my practice back to doing this routine twice a day. It takes about 35 minutes:

1) Salutation to God, Jesus and Holy Spirit... prayers for the people on my list

2) 2 minutes breath of fire to clear the nasal passages and prevent nose-whistle.

3) 5 minutes spinal breathing with kechari, sambhavi and root lock. I also kick in/send/draw prana from my lower tan tien and move it along with my attention as it goes up and down the spine. It looks like this misty white cloud-energy stream that is about 1 inch thick. It starts at the navel, goes down to the perineum and then up the spine. I have to sort of "lunge" something in my lower abdomen to kick something in for the stream of prana to activate. This produces a stream of ecstasy that goes from the root up to the brow, but the best feel-good part is more intense up to my heart chakra then kind of dwindles off. Then, on the way down, I take a beam of blueish light from the star in the third eye space and bring that down to the root. That part also feels great, but somehow different that the upward draw.. it feels more "flamey". (Note: this is not a standard AYP practice)

4) 20 minutes I AM deep meditation with kechari and sambhavi. (I ignore all the visions, takes a great effort to ignore the visions. I also have to ignore the visions in spinal breathing now as lately they started appearing there too).

5) 5 minutes "sensing the body" and just letting go. Sometimes I keep this part going for a lot longer because it feels so good. :)

I guess the point I was trying to find out was that it seems to me that "not really trying" is more powerful than "trying". The light touch seems to be more efficaceous. Just wondering if anyone else found this to be true...

The other thing that I was going to mention is this.. You've described the feelings as sexual feelings. I don't think they are sexual feelings as there is no feeling, stimulation or change in size in the genitals. In other words, it does not 'turn me on' at all in the conventional sense of the term.

I guess I'm feeling talkative.. sorry :)

The thing that intrigues me about kicking in the flow of prana from the navel to the perineum and then up the spine is this (two things):

1) When i first discovered that I could do that technique about 4 months ago, it resonated with something I read about "pranayama is like guiding a horse and cart". The breath is the horse. The cart is the prana. The prana follows the horse, in other words, it always lags behinds. You get to control the horse, but normally only control the cart indirectly. ( Probably some kind of biological evolutionary protection mechanism to prevent instant prana direction or something.) So, it always takes a few seconds for the prana to catch up to the breath. And, when you direct the breath, the prana follows. I believe I've learned how to direct prana directly. It feels like trying to control a whiplash.

2) A couple days ago I was reading about JJ Semple's kundalini activation instructions at this link:


4. When you notice air current movement in the lower belly as you inhale (about 100 days in), reverse your breath (the backward-flowing method).
The purpose of the backward-flowing method is to divert the sexual energy (the seminal fluid or, in the case of a woman, the cervical fluid) to the brain. If you thought it had any other purpose, you were mistaken. This is the Secret of Life — plain and simple.

Semple has a diagram on the Tao bums, showing a wheel in the lower abdomen which depicts the direction of the breath. It is a 6 or 8 inch wheel turning from the navel to the spine, then down and then up from the perineum area back to the navel. If you were looking at a person's body at their right side, the wheel is turning counter-clockwise.

To reverse the breath, you take the 'breath' first from the navel, then down to the perineum area, then to the spine and then to the navel. Again, viewing the person's right side from the right side, the rotation is now turning clockwise.

So if we imagine a wheel turning one way with normal breathing, by moving the breath along part of the outer wheel at any point, it will change the direction of the wheel if that force is counter-rotational... like blowing on a toy windmill to make it turn the other way. If we imagine and take the breath up the spine, it spins the wheel in the reverse order. If we take in prana from the navel and go down to the perineum, then it also spins the wheel in the reverse order.

So, I've concluded that, if these theories are correct, spinal breathing (the upward draw) and 'kicking in a stream of prana from the navel downwards to the perineum' both rotate that wheel in the reverse order. So both methods would be highly effective.

The other thing that jumps into mind is that if coming up the spine spins the wheel in reverse rotation, then going back down the spine would cause the wheel to change back to the normal rotation. I wonder if this is a hinderance... Perhaps the downward flow should stop at the heart, leaving the lower wheel spinning in the correct reverse rotation.

Another hypothesis that follows from this discussion is this: I believe prana enters from the navel area (lower tan tien), not the perineum. When I exhale all the way and hold it as long as I can, the first thing to kick in is the realease of prana from the navel. The perineum or root kicks in secondly. So, if this is correct, there should be an unlimited supply of prana which comes from the navel. Kundalini should not be limited to how much prana is stored in the perineum. The perineum is just a buffer zone. The implications of this are contrary to convetional yogic belief that one has to conserve one's sexual essence, for, if you spin the wheel in the reverse order, the prana should come from the navel, down to the perineum and then up the spine.

The last thing I will mention is that now I believe that chakras rotate from front to back, not from left to right. If I follow the flow of the lower wheel in a clockwise fashion, I can sense that there are other wheels at each chakra all spinning from front to back, some clockwise and some counter clockwise. I have a natural tendancy to follow that kind of a pattern instead of a straight line up the sushumna.. wonder what that means.,,.

These are the kinds of things that I've been thinking about.

Anyway, thanks for listening. I appreciate it.

**Note: the aforementioned techniques, ideas and practices do not reflect standard AYP teachings.
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United Kingdom
4537 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2009 :  09:54:31 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Ti,

Hi Christi,
Thanks for the comments. I think they are valid and I agree with them. I do have a regular practice in which I incorporate regular spinal breathing. For September and October, I dropped all practices and did "Sensing the inner body" twice a day as a regular routine. (I also did some other things too on the side.)

But, as of November 1'st, I've changed my practice back to doing this routine twice a day. It takes about 35 minutes:

1) Salutation to God, Jesus and Holy Spirit... prayers for the people on my list

2) 2 minutes breath of fire to clear the nasal passages and prevent nose-whistle.

3) 5 minutes spinal breathing with kechari, sambhavi and root lock. I also kick in/send/draw prana from my lower tan tien and move it along with my attention as it goes up and down the spine. It looks like this misty white cloud-energy stream that is about 1 inch thick. It starts at the navel, goes down to the perineum and then up the spine. I have to sort of "lunge" something in my lower abdomen to kick something in for the stream of prana to activate. This produces a stream of ecstasy that goes from the root up to the brow, but the best feel-good part is more intense up to my heart chakra then kind of dwindles off. Then, on the way down, I take a beam of blueish light from the star in the third eye space and bring that down to the root. That part also feels great, but somehow different that the upward draw.. it feels more "flamey". (Note: this is not a standard AYP practice)

4) 20 minutes I AM deep meditation with kechari and sambhavi. (I ignore all the visions, takes a great effort to ignore the visions. I also have to ignore the visions in spinal breathing now as lately they started appearing there too).

5) 5 minutes "sensing the body" and just letting go. Sometimes I keep this part going for a lot longer because it feels so good. :)

It sounds like you've got a great regular routine going which I am sure will really pay off over the long term.

I guess the point I was trying to find out was that it seems to me that "not really trying" is more powerful than "trying". The light touch seems to be more efficaceous. Just wondering if anyone else found this to be true...

Yes, "not really trying" is more powerfull than putting a lot of effort in. This works with any deep spiritual practice... meditation, samyama etc.

The other thing that I was going to mention is this.. You've described the feelings as sexual feelings. I don't think they are sexual feelings as there is no feeling, stimulation or change in size in the genitals. In other words, it does not 'turn me on' at all in the conventional sense of the term.

Sexual feelings are not always limited to the genitals. As ecstasy expands upwards, it changes and becomes less sexual and more radiant, if that makes sense.

1) When i first discovered that I could do that technique about 4 months ago, it resonated with something I read about "pranayama is like guiding a horse and cart". The breath is the horse. The cart is the prana. The prana follows the horse, in other words, it always lags behinds. You get to control the horse, but normally only control the cart indirectly. ( Probably some kind of biological evolutionary protection mechanism to prevent instant prana direction or something.) So, it always takes a few seconds for the prana to catch up to the breath. And, when you direct the breath, the prana follows. I believe I've learned how to direct prana directly. It feels like trying to control a whiplash.

Yes, prana follows breath, but it also follows consciousness. In this way it can be directed with or without the breath.


Edited by - Christi on Nov 05 2009 09:55:26 AM
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