Hi Yogani, I have listened to most of your radio shows and they are very good especially while driving to/fro from work. I realized that listening can also be an experience as sometimes I listen to something and there is a beautiful experience like energy spikes in the body. For example you were talking about saibaba and jesus in the samyama practice and there was a feeling of connectedness. I have been initiated into Kriya Yoga and lot of the AYP practice seems very similar to my current practice. Samyama is something that I could try and add to my practice. In one of your other radio shows, I heard you talked about Osho in the context of the time not being ready for spreading of the truth. were you his disciple ? One of my favourite books is the book of secrets by Osho which contains all the spiritual practices that we would ever need to know. I feel strongly connected to the master.
After a certain stage it feels that all the masters are connected but while we are in the path before that we have to kind of follow one particular path. I feel very blessed to have a Guru but who is humble enough to say that he is not a guru. He says that during initiation he is just a messenger from Babaji and that he is not even there during that moment. Its wonderful to be in this age where the divine guidance is spreading so fast and there are so many fellow travellers who are interested in receiving it.