I have been perusing very deeply a book called Inner Yoga by Sri Anirvan. He has a beautiful going to sleep meditation for the transformation of sleep. Also emphasizes meditation with awareness not mind. He also talks about the awareness's natural tendency towards stillness. I am really not doing justice to the depth of this book, but I can say it is a great read.
I was just reading this book again and was inspired by some recommendations for observing nature as informal practice time. Integrating the everyday into practice. Observing a flower and feeling its beauty and then internalizing that feeling as that of our true luminous nature. He recommends sky gazing practice immensely. Its a very easy way to have focus that is very concentrated and yet expansive. The author lived in the late 19th and through the middle of the 20th centuries. He had a very small following including a Western women who wrote memoirs of her time with this master.