Hello everybody, I am new member of your group and a fellow traveller in yoga journey... Indeed I have restared my practieces after many years of pause. Initially I was doing only asans.Now I have included mudra,bandh,pranayam in my routine practice. I would like to know whether sequence of my practice is o.k. or even more improvment can be made by adding some more things... and where to add Vajroli and other mudras along with some asans or indipendentlly ? my seqence is as follows:-
Morning:- Onkar nad (om chanting) Frist walking for 20 minutes
Evening:- 1.Surya Namaskar (5 round) 2.Shava asan (rest) for 5 minutes 3.Chakra asan 4.pash_chimotta asan 5.Dhanurakarshan asan 6.Lola asan 7.ArdhaMatsendra asan (both side) 8.Agnisar Kriya 9.Bhastrika (along with mool,uddiyan and jalandhar bandh) 2-3 times 10.Sarwngasana along with Ashvin mudra 11.Hala asan 12.Matsendra asan with ujjani breath 13.rest for a while 14.Nadi shodhan pranayam (only 1st stage)