lately I have been worling on breathing quite a bit. When in sitting posture I can trace the spine with the breath but sometimes the weird thing is I will feel the breath come up the back of the spine and down the front of the spine. as IDA and PINGALA are concerned they circle the spine going up and down and the main current runs through the centet, not sure why I feel it come up the back and go down the front, maybe it is just my mind playing tricks just thoughts neil
I have felt the same thing lately as well! And on the way down it tickles A LOT, solving stuff around the navel area, often bringing shakes and shivers! I think it is because of a more opened throat chakra - having Jim's "front channel" topic in mind...
I used to mostly treat this as scenery, I pretty much always had feeling in the front when spinal breathing. You can watch how it goes, don't really force it one way or another, just keep focusing up and down the spine. I think if you come from another practice that focuses on "front chakras" it's pretty much inevitable that this'll happen, though AYP is for clearing the central channel and letting the rest do it's thang, which makes a lot of sense to me.