I have been working with yoni chin pump for a few weeks now and realized I was doing it wrong but I am wondering if there is anything wrong with what I am doing.
When I do it, I plug my nose and nudge my eyes as in regular yoni mudra and keep my arms in zero gravity mode and perform the neck circles. I stop after three repetitions in one direction, bring my head up to neutral position and then exhale while tracing the spinal nerve from ajna to root. Then I do another breath and rotate 3x in the opposite direction. Total of two or four breaths in a practice session.
I guess I misread the technique as it says to plug the nose with the finger and thumb of one hand. I just started doing it this way which is quite easy for me to do and I detect no adverse reaction.
Adding the eye action makes for a more powerful practice. Nothing wrong with that if you can handle the extra stimulation, and can do it without poking your eyes out.
Don't forget to self-pace as needed.
For those who are interested, the two hybrid practices in the lessons combining elements of yoni mudra with chin pump and spinal breathing are covered here (not for beginners):