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 deeper samadhi - sakshatkara
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71 Posts

Posted - Mar 23 2008 :  04:07:54 AM  Show Profile  Visit Nancy's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
I am hoping somebody you can help me understand what is happening to me. I have had many various unexplainable “things” go on in my life for the past 17 years. I am confident that there are no more doctors or specialist that I can go and see that will ever have any answers for me.

I had posted a kundalini question a little while back and am now pretty certain that is what I had experienced. However, I feel I am in need of an Emergency Solution. I am uncertain as to why, so I want to begin with my burning question. I have been meditating regularly since only this January 2008, sometimes twice a day with the spinal breathing. This week I have experienced some amazing meditation – I saw Jesus, he was walking on water and towards me, I felt him lay his hands and kind of twist all my chakras clean – we didn’t speak, I felt like he put this halo on me, because all week I keep touching my head feeling like there is something on top of it. I mentioned to my husband that I feel like my head is carrying something, he put his hand above my head and said Nancy, My God you have so much energy above your head. So I went back on line searchind and I have found this site, which I am quoting ” Then there is yet another deeper samadhi where the soul comes out of your body and stabilizes about six inches over the head. Then you can get God realization [sakshatkara]. After some time the soul re-enters the body”
Has anybody experienced this and kif so now what?
What am I to do during this time of the soul leaving my body?
Thank You


420 Posts

Posted - Mar 23 2008 :  05:55:31 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
favour the practice over the experiences that come up :). Getting hooked on this sort of thing is often times just more ego, trying to turn something completely normal into something special.

I've had all sorts of visions during meditation, some of them just random imagery, others felt like they were visions of a past life... wether or not they really were is insignificant on my spiritual path. To me it's all just side effects of purifying out the nervous system.

As for your soul leaving your body... I don't know about that, though I've heard of higher chakras, above the head. It's best not to tread here though. It takes very very subtle awareness of chakras to work with this sorts of thing. Messing with your crown chakra (and above) too early can really slow you down.

To be honest, I very much doubt your soul is leaving your body. I myself have often had pressure feelings at the crown. It definetly feels almost like something is cradling my head. Many many new sensations will come up from meditating. It's best not to obsess over them nor worry too much. Just continue favoring your practices over the experiences.

What you describe, might simply be the initial symptoms of overdoing your meditation. Feelings of pressure at the crown, or like there's too much energy in your head, is a clear sign to tone down any practices that stimulate production of energy.
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Czech Republic
314 Posts

Posted - Mar 23 2008 :  09:42:37 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi, I recommend this lesson: # 201 - The drama of a premature crown opening


the chaos of it
and our identification with the chaos can create karma also -- a
weird kind of karma that can lead us into a cycle of premature
spontaneous crown openings, life after life. If we continue working
at the crown in this situation, we perpetuate the whole thing, and
spiritual progress can be elusive, even as our visions continue. It
is only by our conscious intervention in the form of stabilizing
practices that we can get off this wheel.


The great nineteenth century kriya yogi, Lahiri Mahasaya, said that
enlightenment is the "merging of emptiness with euphoria." This is
the merging of inner silence with ecstatic conductivity. That's it.
It is very simple. Nothing else is necessary. So, if we are inundated
with visions and revelations, we will be wise to easily go back to
our practices, the ones that cultivate these two modes of functioning
in our nervous system that lead to our liberation.

So what to do? Stabilize your practice, make sure you're building your house on the rock so to say. If you're uncomfortable, then self-pace. Don't get distracted by the visions, let them go.
Practice is simple and the result is simple, so don't make it too complicated for yourself :)
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71 Posts

Posted - Mar 23 2008 :  10:08:34 AM  Show Profile  Visit Nancy's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Hi Divineis & Tadeas
Thank You for your reply, and I pre - apologize for the length of this current post, however I am in search of answers and am willing to share some extremely personal information. Pre mature crown opening? I dont know... I feel that I have had Kundalini rising a few times, just unaware of what it truley was.
I dont think I am caught up in my meditation experience verses the practice. I have had many visions and past life experiences now and in the past without even meditating, I journal my experiences in the even that I am fully unable to understand, then I research to see if I can make some better understanding of what I am being shown, or what I am to know. Hence, the visioin of a "Godly figure" has never been experienced in meditation, so I am "Researching"

Age 4 or 5
I had some form of psychic ability (at least I think it was/is)
However I didn’t embraced it, as it terrified me
- Doors fiercely opening and closing
- My school photo changing images before my eyes
- Bunk beds were only the top bunk would shake
- feeling energies and in fear most of my life

Ages 13-16
seemed “normal”. I did attend my cousins church a few times where they put their hands on your head. I believe it was a Reborn Again Christian Religion

Age 17
My father became ill with cancer, the doctors gave him 2 – 6 months to live. I went to a tent revival with a friend’s mother, as a special healer was going to be there. He put his hand on top of my head for less than 30 seconds, I remember him doing that 2 or 3 more times. He said; ok your father is healed!
I felt like he literally took the top part of my head off, I felt like I was going to pass out, and maybe stumbled because my boyfriend’s mother acted like she was holding me or picking me up. Then I began to cry uncontrollably. An attempt at an explanation of such a powerful feeling has no words.

Now…This is where it all begins..

Approximately 4 months thereafter - my lower body began to easily bruise then my upper body.
My platelet count was 200. A normal count should be 100,000 - 400,000, my white blood counts were extremely high as well.
If I would of banged my head, I could of died with internal bleeding, so the doctors put me in the hospital, transfused 6 bags of Platelets (gamma goblin) into me to get my counts back up. They also ran various tests to see what and why this was happening - performed a bone marrow test, which showed my bone marrow was producing platelets, as well as a leukemia test, which came back negative, the doctors were scratching their heads. They finally called it ITP which was a rare blood disorder found in elderly people. They couldn’t find a reason I would have contacted this disorder and put me on oral steroids, as even after the transfusion, my counts were still dropping

The doctors also checked my thyroid as my throat looked “different”, but the results came back okay

Age 18
Car accident, laid me up for a total of 2 years. Double compound fracture to my right leg, hairline fracture to my left collar bone. My platelet count that still wasn’t stable dropped considerably again, doctors didn’t know what to do, they thought my spleen was killing them, so out came my spleen and the platelet counts did return back to normal.

Sitting up in bed one night I looked up and saw the clearest image of a younger boy spirit, about the age 9 or 10

A different night I was woken up to see another image of an older woman wearing a purple type of longer layered shiny material dress, her face looked pleasant at first, and for the first time I didn’t scream, then the face began changing into really scary faces and I screamed and it went away

Experienced major cluster headaches and migraines – EKG reports showed unusual brain waves in the subconscious part of the brain

Age 19

Age 20
Pregnant and lost my baby - not the normal miscarriage way - the baby had no heart beat

Age 21
Pregnant – all was well until I was 7 months pregnant with a sudden onset of severe toxemia, which is also a very rare disorder. My blood pressure 110/220, 4+ protein in my urine, my liver was literally beginning to burst, doctor said we have to do an emergency c - section . He said I don’t know if the baby is going to make it, but by law we have to try and save the mother’s life. Baby made it fine and only minor issues, I didn’t get to see her for 4 days, I was in intensive care they still didn’t know which way my life was going to go...
The doctors still use my story today - as the only person with such severe toxemia that made it

In the middle of the night for about a 2 week period I would wake up and begin to uncontrollably shake, be freezing cold, yet I was sweating
Age 22 - 24
OK health - no visions while awake – Divorce at 24

Age 25 -26
Attended a personal life growth Corse called Lifespring. The Corse has been classified as a New Age/human potential training company. The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.
The trainings generally involved a three-level program starting with a "Basic" discovery training, an "Advanced" breakthrough course, and a 3-month "Leadership Program" which taught the students how to implement what they learned from the training in their lives. The training itself consisted of a series of lectures and processes designed to show the participants how they were holding themselves back in their lives. Many complained that they felt harangued, embarrassed, or humiliated by the trainer during the trainings. I didn’t so much feel that...
Additionally, the trainer used many English words in a manner that was different than their usual meaning....."Commitment," for instance, was defined as "the willingness to do whatever it takes." "Conclusion" was defined as a belief.
Also, words like
"responsibility," "space," "surrender," "experience," "trust," "consideration," "unreasonable," "righteous" "totally participate," "from your head," "openness," "letting go" were redefined or used so as to assign them a new meaning.
ZEN - Sciences - various forms of meditation and group interaction - at one point during the trainings I remember now thinking back how I was so charged and felt total love by the world and I loved right back - I was in such a state of bliss that I felt I could take on the world

Age 26 -27

Gave birth vaginally with not one ounce of drugs to a healthy baby boy

Had cosmetic surgery

In the middle of the night again for about a 1 ½ to 2 week period I would wake up and begin to uncontrollably shake, be freezing cold, yet I was sweating

I was deeply bothered, irritated within and jumpy - everybody else called it depression, I went to a psychiatrist who said it was post partum depression – I said my baby is 9 months old?
Doctor said, you can have post partum for up to 18 months, and he gave me medicine that totally elevated the situation for the worst. I felt more irritated, I walk around with so much fear my body would shake, didn’t know why. One time as I was driving, I felt this horrible freighting energy as if I had the devil in my car, I had to stop driving it was so powerful. I stopped the medication – the doctor got upset and dismissed me from being his patient

Doctor also had me check my thyroid as my throat area look enlarged or different – test results came back fine

My daughter was 4 years old and terrified to stay in her room, she would wake up in the middle of the night and run upstairs to my bedroom, and ask me who that man on the stairs was.

On other occasions, I would hear her talking and I would go over to her and she would say thanks mommy you made my super friends go away. A different time she was playing in her room and her bedroom door slammed shut, I went in there and said why did you slam the door honey, she said I didn’t my super friends did

I had a little sound therapy machine which played a heart beat or ocean waves, etc. that my daughter just loved so much and wanted to always play with, so I just gave it to her- one night the machine just turned on by itself, I shut it, walked away, it turned back on with a different sound, I turned it off and pulled the plug out of the wall, walked away, the light on it then turn on, I ran and got my husband and there were no batteries in it.. That made me call my church to have the priest come and bless my house. The day after my home was blessed, there was an un explainable letters written on my mirrored wall. The way the letters were written seem impossible for the human hand to write.

Age 28
Major Pulsing like Headaches right in the center of my head which would last for about a week then it would go away.
White Blood counts high enough for a cancer specialist again, with no infections or cancer found

Age 29 (seems like the symptoms went away and came back exactly one year later)
Major Pulsing like Headaches right in the center of my head which would last for about a week then it would go away.
White Blood counts high enough for a cancer specialist again, with no infections or cancer found

Age 30 - 31
Pregnant, he was birthed by C Section

The nighttime shakes were experienced again for approximately 2 weeks

face pain down to my bones

behind my left knee major pains

curvature of the spine

Age 32
when I would breath in deeply, I felt like my heart was skipping a beat then about a week later - my right arm felt like I had a rubber band around for 2 days, on the third day, I could hardly move it and stood home from work. That same day I literally dropped to the floor and was paralyzed in bed for 2 days – my entire body, especially my lower back and neck have never experienced so much pain. I thought I was dying. I couldn’t see my white light on the second night in bed, all I could see was black, no matter what I did to try to meditation and pray, I could only see black. I called my husband and mother into my bedroom and asked for my cross, white candle, holy water, and sage. I asked my husband to open the slider doors in my bedroom that lead out into my lanai, had my mom rube sage on me, light the candle and I told them to please pray so hard, I told them I was black inside, I asked my mom to send any evil force out. Within moments, 4 of my dead relatives appeared by my head on my right upper side (I only just saw them I can’t hear them talk), but I was able to see white light, and got out of bed the next morning and walked – My deepest inside feeling is that I died that day

Age 33 - 35
Facial Rash
Recently found out my neck doesn’t have the normal curvature that we all have
My C6-7 discs are bulging and have formed spurs on the back of them causing some major daily tingling in both arms and fingers and feet and toes...
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3115 Posts

Posted - Mar 23 2008 :  3:27:57 PM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hello Nancy, Divineis and Tadeas.

Ans nice post Nancy and i myself had an early crown chakra opening this year but it's all under control now thx to pranayama spinal breathing and the meditation of the mantra I AM in the main lessons on the AYP site.(god bless Yogani)

as to the usual side effects i have experienced side effects like the uncontrolable state of my crown chakra it was like a volcano of energy that wasn't under control which lead to headache and lack of concetration on my usual duties.

and by the way i experienced a lot of visions and time to time siddhis since i was really little too and i'm gonna be 24 years old after some few days.

and by the way cases similar to ours are said to be due to spiritual activities in our past incarnations. (it's not smthg definite, but it explains a lot)

and i advise u to seek liberation and not siddhis and out of reality experiences.

stay real and down to earth cz all these experiences are but flowers in the garden of enlightenment (moksha) and u should seek that only and everything else is insignificant.

and this is the link for smthg i posted a while ago and the responses and the links in them will really help and i'm telling u that out of experience.

here's the link:


namaste and sorry for the bad english if there are any mistakes.

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420 Posts

Posted - Mar 23 2008 :  7:16:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you for sharing Nancy. That's some interesting experiences, though I feel ESPECIALLY because of them, you should be focusing on self pacing and not forcing a crown opening.

You seem to of had quite a few health complications possibly resulting from spiritual related matters. I reckon the other person here that mentioned pre-mature crown awakenings in past lifes might be right. Just because it's happened before, does not mean this time will be any better (if the rest of the support system is not properly taken care of).

From what I know, here in AYP, the crown basically takes care of itself. We focus on the central channel, and the crown is indirectly taken care of. It's left "under the hood" for very good reasons.

Trust me, your current symptoms are indicative of a plain and simple over-doing of energy cultivations. You're currently "top" heavy.

Somebody once told me, "the same god who created your higher chakras, made the lower ones too". I think those of us meddling in the world of spirituality, tend to favor the higher chakras as somehow being "better". We tend to search after those spiritual experiences and let our egos get hooked on the fact that these experiences should actually mean something. They mean nothing except your nervous system is purifying itself out, and you're getting closer to realising what you ALREADY are. We're all there already. Getting hooked on spiritual experiences, no matter how amazing, how miraculous, it's just ego stuff taking us away from the Here and Now. That's all we have, this moment, embrace that. Just let go of all your beliefs centered around your experiences. Let go of what people told you they mean. They mean you're getting closer to a state of being that cannot even be explained. Adding beliefs to explain the process just keeps you further away from embodying the end goal. You're already there anyway, trust me, we all are, we just forget it, we let the things we hold on to (beliefs, desires...) get in the way.
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34 Posts

Posted - Mar 25 2008 :  2:08:12 PM  Show Profile  Visit satyan's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
hi Nancy,

I have had similar experiences like yours though in a different way and i too was banging my head trying to understand what it is, why it is, and how it is but didn't find any answer from any person, not even from the person whom i considered the most "enlightened" person in the world nor from any "divine" persons. Then, I came to a point where i became tired of these things as they were interfering in my life so strongly and the worst part is that i could not get rid of them, they kept popping out in my head. Then slowly but steadily stopped giving attention to them. Once i started to have my attention get away from these things, they started to give meaning to my life. I began to understand things one by one and started to correlate with actual happenings and now i lead a peaceful life even with those spiritual surges and i experience a lot of bliss and now my mind is clear, clear as a crystal that even with the strongest confusion storms i dont get debilitated or disheartened i carry on, carry on with my life in an ever blissful way.

Hence my word for you is surrender, let go off it, surrender to your highest spiritual goal, surrender to GOD in whatever meaning or form you like the most and I am sure you will get all the answers you wanted so desperately and you will find peace within.

As Yogani always says, "THE GURU IS IN YOU", and that is where literally you have to search.
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71 Posts

Posted - Mar 25 2008 :  3:55:44 PM  Show Profile  Visit Nancy's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Saytan
I cannot tell you how much your words alone have already helped. I felt your emotion when you stated you kept searching and searching, my very own priest will not discuss this with me. Surrender... I want to so desperately, but how do you really surrender? Surrender such that your mind and heart get it at the same time so the act of surrendering is a real surrender
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3115 Posts

Posted - Mar 25 2008 :  5:45:22 PM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
surrender yourself to god 1st, plus do spinal pranayam and the iam meditation and i'm talking out of experiene they will really help in a very short time plus u'll discover what Saytan is saying.

and i know that these happening and visions and so on are amazing but sometimes over whelming but the truth be said the way we r experiencing them without any regulation and so on is building up karma.

so the best advice i can give u is don't get attached to these stuff, just let go and discover ur true self that's what matters the most just look at the life of the enlightened ones.

Free yourself, from yourself.


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71 Posts

Posted - Mar 25 2008 :  7:04:52 PM  Show Profile  Visit Nancy's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Ananda

I appreciate your input and support! I have a comment & question - I feel I have always been surrendered to God, and at times I will admit I have had to remind myself that I am feeling a certain way because I was attempting to control something and then have always been able to return to God. (I firmly believe I wouldnt be alive today if I hadn't)
I do the spinal breathing and I AM, daily sometimes twice a day, I was doing guided meditation for my health, previously before I had any knowledge of any of this.
So sticking with that the surrender happens? I have noticed lately moreso that during the I AM - i am actually not drifting away as much and feeling grounded.
I have one more question and I am so sorry to bother everybody, it's just - I have finally found others who understand, relate, don't think I am crazy or want to put me on drugs - I am sure my questions will slow down and I will be able to offer support as well.
Okay the question - Ananda you had stated...
the truth be said the way we r experiencing them without any regulation and so on is building up karma.

What KARMA building are you speaking of - a healthy one?
I dont know if I am so much attached to the experiences vs feeling like I know they mean something and I am unable to determine what they mean, I feel like I need to understand the "message" to be able to move on - kinda like when we keep having the same dream over and over, until we understand, it's our higher self attempting to tell us something.
As I am writing this, I am just now begining to think that not attempting to figure out the meaning of whatever experience and not trying to understand is where the surrendering happens and that is when it will all be unfolded anyway regardless. Oh, my did get that right???

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3115 Posts

Posted - Mar 25 2008 :  9:31:20 PM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi nancy

well concerning the meditation of the mantra i am, i'm not a pro myself on ayp exercises and i'm new here but been practising a lot of stuff b4 i came.

and after reading a lot about it my advice is to give it time and u'll c great benefits u just have to be patient.

and concerning the surrendering, it's not just letting go like that it's the deep need and want of surrendering the self to god and this is bhakti and it's the essence of all.

and concerning your questions ask as much as you may, this is y this place of the forum is called satsang it's here 4 this.

so just relax and shoot we r all here 4 each others and god bless mr. yogani for this great website it's really a blessing 4 people like us.

concerning the karma we r accumulating here it's a bad one and i'm gonna later in this post give u the links that might help u understand what i'm saying.

and concerning dreams and visions and so on they r all material and they might of help to us that's true but what we shouldn't give them much credit bcz they r distractions from the right path which concists on focusing on the practice in order to reach the ultimate goal which knowing ourselves and thus deliverence.

and concerning the last part of your post :) which is true wisdom all i have to say is this quote (Be still and know that i am god)

and i hope u got that last part and concerning the practice it's better to do it twice daily in order to get the best benefit there is from it.

and now here are the posts to premature crown chakra opening and by the way contact yogani he gives good advice:

premature crown chakra opening:

kirtanman's hothead!

the drama of a premature crown opening:


Ananda :)
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34 Posts

Posted - Mar 25 2008 :  10:36:57 PM  Show Profile  Visit satyan's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Nancy

As I am writing this, I am just now begining to think that not attempting to figure out the meaning of whatever experience and not trying to understand is where the surrendering happens and that is when it will all be unfolded anyway regardless. Oh, my did get that right???

hi Nancy,

Bingo! You are bang on target! Not trying to understand is the way out.

As for what surrender is, what do you do with the person you love the most? actually you surrender, you do whatever he or she says without questioning or reasoning what he says. You just do or try to do the thing he or she wants you to do. Surrender is just that. Doing what your highest goal in your spiritual life wants you to do, doing what your inner voice wants you to do without reasoning what it wants to say. If you do not understand or get what it says just leave it don't make any effort to get it or understand it. It will come back to you and will make you understand by itself.

Having said so, i can only guide you to some extent but only you can make it happen. Knowing what "sugar" is different, tasting "sugar" is different. Similarly knowing what "surrender" is different and experiencing it is different, and also there is no one way of doing it and for each person it is different. Experience it and enjoy!

As always Yogani says, "THE GURU IS IN YOU"
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758 Posts

Posted - Mar 25 2008 :  11:24:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Nancy

I am hoping somebody you can help me understand what is happening to me. I have had many various unexplainable “things” go on in my life for the past 17 years. I am confident that there are no more doctors or specialist that I can go and see that will ever have any answers for me.

I had posted a kundalini question a little while back and am now pretty certain that is what I had experienced. However, I feel I am in need of an Emergency Solution. I am uncertain as to why, so I want to begin with my burning question. I have been meditating regularly since only this January 2008, sometimes twice a day with the spinal breathing. This week I have experienced some amazing meditation – I saw Jesus, he was walking on water and towards me, I felt him lay his hands and kind of twist all my chakras clean – we didn’t speak, I felt like he put this halo on me, because all week I keep touching my head feeling like there is something on top of it. I mentioned to my husband that I feel like my head is carrying something, he put his hand above my head and said Nancy, My God you have so much energy above your head. So I went back on line searchind and I have found this site, which I am quoting ” Then there is yet another deeper samadhi where the soul comes out of your body and stabilizes about six inches over the head. Then you can get God realization [sakshatkara]. After some time the soul re-enters the body”
Has anybody experienced this and kif so now what?
What am I to do during this time of the soul leaving my body?
Thank You

Hi Nancy,
The general message on this site is that Jesus is just another vision and surely must be a premature crown opening. They will tell you to back off, reduce practice or simply ignore Him.

I met Jesus many years ago in a church one night. He told me I was saved and then I couldn't move for about 40 minutes. I had waves of tingles going through me. I've written about that experience elsewhere. The following week in the same church, I saw the Holy Ghost shooting beams of light down onto people's heads and the result was an upside down pair of wings directly above the person's head.

I believe that you met Jesus and that he has blessed you with an annointing of the Holy Ghost. Actually, I know this. Jesus is smiling right now! (I know, lots of people think I'm crazy when I tell them that I met Jesus, but I can't deny my experiences and I'm not crazy).

What you can do is this. Don't meditate or do anything special so it can't be misconstrued as just another kundalini meditation vision. Just close your eyes, raise your right arm forward and thank Jesus for the clearing and annointing. Do you see him? Can you feel his presence? Does he feel like the most powerful being you've ever met? That's him! Jesus is always there. All you need to do is focus on him. When you do, you will feel tingles and you will know that he is always there for anyone who seeks him. You have been blessed. Don't let anyone take that away from you.

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3115 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2008 :  03:54:11 AM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
you've seen mine and satyan's post from one hand and on the other you've seen Tibetan ice post.

now the choice is up to u.

(the guru is in u) thus said yogani :).

best wishes, and tc of yourself.

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5201 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2008 :  11:22:44 AM  Show Profile  Visit yogani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

The general message on this site is that Jesus is just another vision and surely must be a premature crown opening. They will tell you to back off, reduce practice or simply ignore Him.

Hi TI:

For the record, in AYP, relationship with our divine beloved, whomever or whatever that may be, is not discouraged. It is the relationship with our chosen ideal (ongoing devotion - bhakti) that leads us along our path, including to practices.

When we are in practices, we follow the procedure of the practice, which means favoring the practice over visions and other experiences that may come up during that brief structured time in our day. Then our experience during everyday living will be all the more infused with stillness and divine energy, including our divine beloved. If purification and opening occurring within us crosses over into excess, then we self-pace as necessary -- in our practices, and also tempering the intensity of our relationship with our divine beloved if our stability and health are at risk.

Balance in all things ... we each know what we can accommodate. It is a matter of understanding and applying the underlying principles of human spiritual transformation, and proceeding with reasonable prudence over the long term. Then there will be steadily rising joy and outpouring divine love in all aspects of our life, and our divine beloved will be with us always.

The guru is in you.
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3115 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2008 :  11:53:31 AM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
i should've answered that myself i guess it's my fault but i thought everyone will get what i meant especialy that you've written about it mr. yogani in this subject (Some house cleaning tips: http://www.aypsite.org/94.html )as well in others.

guess i should've mentioned that up there sorry.

and i replied the way i did at the end bcz i didn't want to get into an argument with Tibetan ice even though i mentioned surrendering to god and the basis of bhakti and so on b4.

kind regards

Edited by - Ananda on Mar 26 2008 12:09:00 PM
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Posted - Mar 31 2008 :  9:07:26 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Nancy,
I can't comment on how and why super normal things are happening to you and around you but I can tell you that in principle (IMO) any pain and unease in life (whether super normal or not) must be a result of Karmic expressions and Karmic expressions are in most cases the result of an imbalance between energy movements in your body and your inner silence.

Please double check this with Yogani and other guys here but if you're still lacking some peace in your life I would strongly recommend you to practice deep meditation on its own for a longer while before you start on any other spiritual practice. I even suggest you'd cut down on Pranayama and maybe shorten it to 5 minutes or less and only before meditation. Then keep the habit of 2 meditations a day every single day for a few month until your inner silence expand and take charge.

If this happens you'll notice that your mind will start to calm down and as a result of that Karmic expressions will be reduced. This can bring some peace and harmony to your life.
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United Kingdom
4430 Posts

Posted - Apr 01 2008 :  6:57:29 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Nancy
I am hoping somebody you can help me understand what is happening to me. I have had many various unexplainable “things” go on in my life for the past 17 years. I am confident that there are no more doctors or specialist that I can go and see that will ever have any answers for me.

I had posted a kundalini question a little while back and am now pretty certain that is what I had experienced. However, I feel I am in need of an Emergency Solution. I am uncertain as to why, so I want to begin with my burning question. I have been meditating regularly since only this January 2008, sometimes twice a day with the spinal breathing. This week I have experienced some amazing meditation – I saw Jesus, he was walking on water and towards me, I felt him lay his hands and kind of twist all my chakras clean – we didn’t speak, I felt like he put this halo on me, because all week I keep touching my head feeling like there is something on top of it. I mentioned to my husband that I feel like my head is carrying something, he put his hand above my head and said Nancy, My God you have so much energy above your head. So I went back on line searchind and I have found this site, which I am quoting ” Then there is yet another deeper samadhi where the soul comes out of your body and stabilizes about six inches over the head. Then you can get God realization [sakshatkara]. After some time the soul re-enters the body”
Has anybody experienced this and kif so now what?
What am I to do during this time of the soul leaving my body?
Thank You

The sensations you feel on top of your head are related to your crown chakra becoming active. It is a good sign, and not a problem, and happens to everyone at some time. It will increase your experience of bliss during meditations, and later during your everyday life, and so will make practices easier.

Seeing Jesus is very beautiful and very powerful. He didn't speak to me either when I met him. The intensity of the power and love that radiate from his light body can leave you feeling a bit disoriented. But again, the vision is a good one, and nothing to be concerned about.

I am sorry to read about your long history of illness, but I have a feeling things will start to get better pretty soon... on the physical illness front and in the rest of your life.

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