I’m listening to “Parama Karuna” by Rasa at work and I’m having a hard time holding back the tears. The singer seems to be able to draw me into her private world of divine devotion until I feel that I am part of the process. I don’t understand the tears.
Last week I entered into a wonderful meditative state during the drive to work. I could feel the energy moving up to my head and my eyes moved skyward. Goosebumps covered my head, back and arms and a cold shiver shook my body. I thought the prayer/mantra, “Thank you God” to myself, over and over again. A few small tears made their way onto my cheeks. They had the most extraordinary quality – almost like eucalyptus. As they dried I had a ”Vick’s vapor rub” –type sensation on my face. I felt drained.
Yes. I experience similar tears of devotion when listening to spiritual music. The tears are sometimes accompanied by visions of my beloved Guruji smiling and gently placing his hands on my crown center.
I use my commuting time in my car as a time for listening to spiritual music and remembering Ram. Tears of devotion come from time to time.
The tears come from a place beyond words and thoughts, and when they leave, they leave behind a heart and a mind and a consciousness more pure, more luminous, and more blissful than before...