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 Spiritual Envy and Jealousy
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1457 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2007 :  09:04:50 AM  Show Profile  Visit Sparkle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Part One

This is a story of how I became very jealous and envious of certain people on this forum, of their spiritual progress, of leaving me behind with their experiences. Because of relationships, built up over the past two years with these people on the forum, coupled with the practices, the intensity of the experiences was quite fierce.

Envy and jealousy are things that have not been much part of my life. For most of my life I had trouble of ever being aware of experiencing them.
My understanding of these is founded on some study and tuition whilst doing a psychotherapy course some years ago.
It is often difficult to distinguish one from the other, but basically
Jealousy produces anger, which can be changed to sadness or other emotions, jealousy is based in the gut.
Envy, on the other hand results in hatred and is centred in the heart.

Although this has probably been building for a while it came to a head on Christmas evening and the following day.
On Christmas evening I had a very intense clearing of the throat and upper chest area. The clearing seemed to give me the ability to see into the dark creative feminine, first in one thing, then in me, in everything. It felt like I could see and reach into the primordial oneness of everything.
I didn’t sleep much and was experimenting with reaching into my body with this awareness, into areas of pain, to see the root causes.
I became angry and was thinking of certain people on the forum. Of how they were forging ahead with their practices and seemingly going to “the next level” – without me!!!!. Posts I have read would come back to me and I started getting very jealous and angry at these people. (for the record the people were Kirtanman, Anthem11, Shanti, Jim and Emc)
I hit out at them with my mind and energy, and in my mind I challenged them collectively to do their worst in retaliation. I lay there open and waiting. Nothing came. About an hour later the retaliation did come, it came in waves of love from all of the above people and there was nothing I could do about it, I just had to lie there and take it. I was disarmed by this but still felt a lot of anger.

I logged onto the forum and saw Kirtanman’s Christmas poem, whilst appreciating the beauty of it, I also became even more angry hehe!. I was bulling all day – mainly internally, although I was a bit outwardly tetchy, I wasn’t slamming any doors or anything.
Then at about 5pm I logged on again and saw Emc’s post in the relationship thread, at that point I just gave up. I shut the pc down and felt intense envy for all these people, the envy turned to hatred. As soon as it did I felt it deeply in the heart. Fortunately my heart has been quite open recently and it got dissolved away without me projecting it onto anybody.
I gave up as such, with the notion that I would just be plodding on, for the next, how many years.
I had been doing the 2nd mantra enhancement and instead of this I returned to just the IAM mantra.
It was a deep meditation, and at some point I came to the realisation that “I can’t get, what I already have”. Coming face to face with this, something shifted and freed up.

Had a shower after that, whilst in the shower I thought of a psychotherapy tutor I had about 12-14 years ago.
He had been responsible for chucking me out of a four year course, with only one year to go. What he did throughout the year was to drag me through the psychological gutter and at the end caste me onto a psychological scrapheap. This course was to be the culmination of about fifteen years of practices whereby I could finally attempt to break away from engineering and enter a world of service. Twenty seven years ago I had a profound spiritual death which left me with an unquenchable desire to serve God.
The process of that year dismantled the desire to serve God, categorised it as a saviour complex, part of the illusion, and basically left me with no desire to serve and no psychotherapy course.
Hatred welled up for the first time in my life and this effectively destroyed me for about 10 years.
In that shower, when I thought of this man, I cried a deep full body cry for about half an hour. They were actually tears of gratitude for this man, and all I felt for him was love. I cried sporadically throughout the evening whenever I thought of him.
Finally free of that awful projected hatred.


1457 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2007 :  09:07:06 AM  Show Profile  Visit Sparkle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Part Two
I’ve been toying with the notion that people describe on the forum, about observing the mind, or the story of the mind at work.
Thinking about how I’ve been for the past while, a lot of processing going on, some emotional stuff, but in meeting people I would be cheerful and genuinely happy with them, as if there was two of me.
I realised that this happy cheerful me was the real one and the other stuff was all the stories of the mind.
It brought me back to when I did that psychotherapy course. I had discovered a similar thing there. I had discovered an internal video going in inside me all the time. I labelled it my unconscious drives. It was possible to watch this video being played out with other people’s videos and once this was observed I could bring it into consciousness and not allow it to control me.
In seeing the connections, I looked at the above story, of my envy and jealousy, and saw it like a big monster inside me, saw it for what it was, all illusion, and it dissolved away to nothing.

Thought this might be helpful for some people here, as spiritual envy and jealousy are not often expressed.
With all the experiences being talked about here it seems natural that it could arise in some.
It has also helped me to express it.

Thanks for listening.
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5201 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2007 :  11:31:11 AM  Show Profile  Visit yogani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Louis:

Thanks very much for your courageous sharing. It is purification and opening on the move for sure. Let's just let it happen, while self-pacing as needed.

The progress that matters most is our own in relation to where we were last month and last year. Everyone is on their own journey. And, ultimately, everyone's progress is our own also.

The phenomenon of widespread human spiritual transformation, which used to creep imperceptibly from century to century, shifted to being observable over a few decades during the past 50 years. Now, amazingly, the same multi-decade process can be observed to be happening over a few years!

We seem to be heading in the right direction. It's a great time to be on the path, yes?

Onward into 2008, and beyond, and all the best to everyone!

The guru is in you.
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470 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2007 :  11:58:18 AM  Show Profile  Visit Wolfgang's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Louis,

could you imagine that people now become envious about you !?
About you being able to share this

Wishing all of you a wonderful 2008, but most of all
wishing everybody a wonderful NOW

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549 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2007 :  12:49:27 PM  Show Profile  Visit anthony574's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I experience a lot of trouble with this too. I am in my 8th month of doing yoga and I do not experience all these great things some people do. Some people on these forums sound like their tripping on Ecstacy all the time...talking about hand orgasms, talking to trees, ect. I become very jelous over someone I know on the forums who has been doing yoga about the same time as me but is way further along than I am. I suppose I bring a lot more complexes and blockages to the table...but I really can't help but feel angry at spiritual people sometimes and it is difficult to find my way through this thought. It is surpirisng that someone like Sparkle would feel jelousy whereas I was jelous of him.
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Jim and His Karma

2111 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2007 :  4:28:05 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Yoga happens on a level beyond surface personality and mind. Those things remain what they always were. The change is that we cease identifying with them.

Yoga isn't another ladder to climb. It's not another bell to hit. Our ladder-climbing bell-hitting selves are so deranged as to think that they're climbing a ladder in the skill of non-ladder-climbing, and ringing bells re: reigning in their bell-ringing compulsion.

The sniffing, the comparison-making and the level-gauging are part of how mind works, part of its survival instinct of creating a false dichotomy between me-in-here and that-out-there. Accomplishment (striving thereto or basking therein) is one of its tools. So if you congratulate me for accomplishing a kundalini awakening, or for cultivating silence, my nattering, at-stake surface personality and mind will gladly accept the compliment and swell with pride. But fact of the matter is that they had nothing to do with it. In fact, they were exactly the block that needed to be transcended and circumvented!

And that which does the transcending is actually all there is. So it's the same for all of us.

That which feels puny in comparison to others will eventually feel much, much more puny. Best not to forestall that inevitable end game by feeding it.

Edited by - Jim and His Karma on Dec 31 2007 4:44:53 PM
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586 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2007 :  5:21:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Jim, I think it is just my misunderstanding over the figure of speech, when you state that Yoga is beyond the mind, since the process of contemplation and meditative silence is to bring clarity to the conscious mind. I think it was Buddha who deemed the term right-mindfulness. I guess you meant Yoga is beyond thoughts, experience, which create the personality, but are not to be associated with who we are, or the true individual.


Edited by - VIL on Dec 31 2007 5:34:46 PM
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409 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2007 :  7:26:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Louis,

Happy New Year to you.

From a fellow yogi, who perceives that he has been merely treading water for the last little while.

Best wishes, yb.

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1457 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2007 :  9:04:43 PM  Show Profile  Visit Sparkle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Yogani, you said:
Thanks very much for your courageous sharing. It is purification and opening on the move for sure. Let's just let it happen, while self-pacing as needed.

Not sure from this that you think I am overdoing the practices and need to self-pace back to a more comfortable level where all this will get toasted in due course without all the drama?

Hi Wolfgang
Hi Louis,

could you imagine that people now become envious about you !?
About you being able to share this

Yes, anything’s possible hehe!!
I think it would be a mistake for anyone not to share something here because they thought someone might be envious or jealous.
The Zen traditions and some other traditions take this line of not relating experiences for this very reason.
But it’s all “Grist for the Mill” of self-enquiry, and as long a people treat it like that then there can be great benefit.

Hi Anthony
I experience a lot of trouble with this too. I am in my 8th month of doing yoga and I do not experience all these great things some people do. Some people on these forums sound like their tripping on Ecstacy all the time...talking about hand orgasms, talking to trees, ect. I become very jelous over someone I know on the forums who has been doing yoga about the same time as me but is way further along than I am. I suppose I bring a lot more complexes and blockages to the table...but I really can't help but feel angry at spiritual people sometimes and it is difficult to find my way through this thought. It is surpirisng that someone like Sparkle would feel jelousy whereas I was jelous of him.

Well you know what they say – we are all beginners – and this is so true. For anyone to think they are too advanced to experience anger, jealousy, envy etc. means they are possibly caught in a trap of spiritual pride.
What does seem to change is the speed at which it is processed. At a zen retreat in France a small child asked Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh if he ever got angry now. He said he did occasionally, but the further along he goes on the path the quicker he is able to deal with it. What might have taken weeks or month many years ago might take seconds or minutes now. The point is, the issues are still rising.
I went to see Tolle in Dublin this year and he related that when his parents died recently he wept and felt the pain, he moved on pretty quickly but nevertheless he was caught by it for a while.

So my take on it is that as we do more self inquiry on these things in association with inner silence, the time taken to process gets less. We attach less of a story to the emotion. If we feel jealous of someone, the story is about you and that person in your thinking mind. If we can recognise this thinking process as just another thought story our mind has created and just stay with the feeling of the experience in our body, then inner silence will take care of it.

Jim said
The sniffing, the comparison-making and the level-gauging are part of how mind works, part of its survival instinct of creating a false dichotomy between me-in-here and that-out-there. Accomplishment (striving thereto or basking therein) is one of its tools.

Couldn’t argue with that Jim, well recognised by me.

Yogibear said:
From a fellow yogi, who perceives that he has been merely treading water for the last little while.

Yeh, done lots of that “treading water” although I have to say I’ve hardly had time to take a breath since I started AYP hehe!!.

Wishing you all a great 2008

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397 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2008 :  04:56:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Recently I have heard "The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry". I figure it is the same thing with jealousy and praise. The more praise you offer to the people that exceed you in spiritual merits and soul maturity, the less jealousy you will feel towards them. Something to meditate upon.

Edited by - Chiron on Jan 01 2008 06:26:34 AM
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1457 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2008 :  12:04:26 PM  Show Profile  Visit Sparkle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Recently I have heard "The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry". I figure it is the same thing with jealousy and praise. The more praise you offer to the people that exceed you in spiritual merits and soul maturity, the less jealousy you will feel towards them. Something to meditate upon.
I see it from the point of view that it actually has nothing to do with the person or people I would feel envy or jealousy for, and everything - 100% - to do with me. I am just projecting these thoughts and feelings onto them.
If I cop on to myself and realise that it is just a story of the thinking mind, which feeds and fuels the emotions and feelings. When I do this then inner silence is given a chance to purify, open and expand the consciousness.

I think too that "withheld love" is another story we all have. If we see it as a story and just feel the effects of it in the body without attaching anything to it - just be present in the moment, when we eat our dinner, be fully conscious in eating our dinner, when we walk -feel the pavement with our feet, see the trees, be present to people passing by etc etc.
In this way those feeling, which we are also aware of in the present moment, will dissolve away, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowely.

Of course the base practice, of the AYP deep meditation and spinal breathing, maintains and developes the inner silence necessary for all this to happen.
Just my 2 cents
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5201 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2008 :  12:50:46 PM  Show Profile  Visit yogani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Sparkle

Recently I have heard "The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry". I figure it is the same thing with jealousy and praise. The more praise you offer to the people that exceed you in spiritual merits and soul maturity, the less jealousy you will feel towards them. Something to meditate upon.
I see it from the point of view that it actually has nothing to do with the person or people I would feel envy or jealousy for, and everything - 100% - to do with me. I am just projecting these thoughts and feelings onto them.
If I cop on to myself and realise that it is just a story of the thinking mind, which feeds and fuels the emotions and feelings. When I do this then inner silence is given a chance to purify, open and expand the consciousness.

I think too that "withheld love" is another story we all have. If we see it as a story and just feel the effects of it in the body without attaching anything to it - just be present in the moment, when we eat our dinner, be fully conscious in eating our dinner, when we walk -feel the pavement with our feet, see the trees, be present to people passing by etc etc.
In this way those feeling, which we are also aware of in the present moment, will dissolve away, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowely.

Of course the base practice, of the AYP deep meditation and spinal breathing, maintains and developes the inner silence necessary for all this to happen.
Just my 2 cents

Hi Louis:

You have just summed up the new Self-Inquiry book. Good job! Especially since the book isn't out yet.

The book focuses on underlying principles and common sense applications of self-inquiry, while avoiding giving "cookbook" approaches. Key measuring rods are included covering the relationship between rising inner silence (the witness) and self-inquiry, to aid us in seeing where we are in the over all process, so we can self-pace our practice accordingly.

The book will be out in a few weeks.

All the best!

The guru is in you.
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1813 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2008 :  1:34:22 PM  Show Profile  Visit Katrine's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you for that open, naked post, Sparkle.

How wonderful to have all that off your chest

May you sparkle forever!
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1457 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2008 :  3:18:38 PM  Show Profile  Visit Sparkle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Louis:

You have just summed up the new Self-Inquiry book. Good job! Especially since the book isn't out yet.

Good to know I'm on the right track Yogani, thanks for the confirmation
Really looking forward to the new book.

Thank you for that open, naked post, Sparkle.

How wonderful to have all that off your chest

May you sparkle forever!
Thanks Katrine, yes, literally off my chest hehe!!.
May you sparkle forever too
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397 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2008 :  3:36:53 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Sparkle

Recently I have heard "The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry". I figure it is the same thing with jealousy and praise. The more praise you offer to the people that exceed you in spiritual merits and soul maturity, the less jealousy you will feel towards them. Something to meditate upon.

I see it from the point of view that it actually has nothing to do with the person or people I would feel envy or jealousy for, and everything - 100% - to do with me. I am just projecting these thoughts and feelings onto them.
If I cop on to myself and realise that it is just a story of the thinking mind, which feeds and fuels the emotions and feelings. When I do this then inner silence is given a chance to purify, open and expand the consciousness.

Yes it does have everything to do with you. But those people that you felt envy or jealousy for can be used as objects of meditation. By sitting and bringing up their characters in your mind you can cultivate the feelings of praise towards their practice and their spiritual achievements. Envy and jealousy result in us trying to stop the progress of the objects of our envy, at least in our thinking. And by one of the basic laws of the universe, if we hamper the progress of others, our own progress will be hampered. So by feeling envy and jealousy towards the spiritual achievements of others we are distancing ourselves from such achievements. Praise on the other hand, establishes our vector towards their spiritual progress.

This is a 'mechanical' way of addressing the issue, a more direct, pinpoint way of altering the subconscious. While the AYP mantra meditation and spinal breathing are more general and automatic approaches to the subconsious. I don't see why both can't be used in tandem when the need arises.

So I am talking about altering the subconsicous - the deeper source of our feelings and thoughts. Not the surface mind which we usually associate with our thinking. Alterations in the subconsious rarely happen overnight or over the course of a few days.
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1608 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2008 :  11:29:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Louis,

Your courage in sharing these thoughts is humbling and a healing gift for all of us who read along. We all have/had thoughts like these but not always the freedom to share them. Your willingness to face it all is inspiring.

I have been wanting to post for a few months now about the "spiritual ego" that we can find lurking inside our minds, sometimes when we least expect it, and am glad you have brought the light of awareness in to expose it for us all.

There have been numerous occasions over the last couple of years when I have started to post, only to realize that my primary motivation for posting was ego driven. So many a post have wound up in my recycling bin especially on occasions when I realized I wasn't writing from my heart.

Not long ago a series of posts in a thread I was writing in made me keenly aware of my own spiritual ego. I became aware that I was bothered with how I thought I was being perceived by other "forumites". Like you, I have found great solace with self-inquiry and doing Byron Katie's work on issues like these and have subsequently realized what a gift that thread was for me despite how much it bothered me at first!

It's a funny thing how for a long time we see our egos to be such an impediment on our spiritual journey. Of course the ego is the impediment to seeing what Is, but at the same time it is also (ironically) the source of the tremendous energy and motivation we find for us to forge "ahead" on our spiritual paths. The good old ego has fueled the imaginations of many a spiritual seeker, I just have to become enlightened first!

It's the great undoing, this spiritual path we are all on. In order to be the infinite we come to "undefine" ourselves, in other words, to realize what we are not. I am not a doctor, or parent, or good guy, or my emotions, or my thoughts, or my body, nor am I a spiritually advanced ego either. Paradoxically, I have also been a liar, a beginner, stupid, uncharitable, kind, selfless, a thief and an angel. We are all of it and yet none of it. Loving Stillness in silent action.

Thank you Louis for your sharing.

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2072 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2008 :  02:53:49 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you, Louis for this great topic and for your guts to write such a post!

Anthem wrote:
There have been numerous occasions over the last couple of years when I have started to post, only to realize that my primary motivation for posting was ego driven. So many a post have wound up in my recycling bin especially on occasions when I realized I wasn't writing from my heart.

Not long ago a series of posts in a thread I was writing in made me keenly aware of my own spiritual ego. I became aware that I was bothered with how I thought I was being perceived by other "forumites".

I believe many of us are prone to hesitate and ponder on "how will this look in forum", knowing the thoughts are going public. What is the consequence? Well... that we all show our best face all the time. If Anthem only writes pure posts from his heart here - we wont get an idea of how much he is struggling in between and how his ego-driven selfishness looks, and it is easy to fantasise of Anthem being very, very deep all the time! And that of course certainly goes for me too, and all of us, I guess to a greater or lesser extent.

It is hard to write an ego-driven post after a period of heartfilled posting, pathetically showing the inability to stay in awareness. LOL! I had that struggle after the retreat while flip-flopping and falling back into sneaky ego.

Thank you, thank you, Louis, Anthem and all of you sharing! The thoughts we build up around each other are truly a tool for further inquiry. Fascinating how the naked truth brings us closer and more intimate, how it gives openings for even more dropping and relaxation!
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1457 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2008 :  3:14:04 PM  Show Profile  Visit Sparkle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you Anthem and Emc, I am humbled by your words.
It was difficult for me to make that post, but it wouldn't leave me alone untill I got it out of the way.
I've been at this game a long time and havn't even remotely had those sort of feelings. It is just where my purification process is at the moment, the particular stuff being cleared.

There has been something else going on too, which I've been meaning to talk about and since it is connected will say it here briefly.
I have been getting very powerful energy experiences every Tuesday evening for a while. At first I thought it was someone sending me healing but checked with that person and they said no.
On Tuesdays I go to a group meditation and thought it might be triggered by that, but when I was away and missed it, the exact same thing happened and has happened since on two more occasions with no group meditation.
A while ago I twigged that the time it was happening was exactly the same time I had received a hug from Amma. I think it was more than just a hug because I got something from her through the eyes. So thought it might be shaktipat.
This is the only explanation I can come up with. Basically I've been on a rollercoaster ride since then.
Christmas day was no exception, and that is what triggered the experience related in this thread.

I thought since it was such a breakthrough dealing with that old hatred from the past, that it might stop now, but no, last night it came again between 10.30 and 11.30pm and the effect continued for hours. All day today there are energies running through me in relation to this thread, I'm just letting them process but feeling quite vulnerable.
If past weeks are anything to go by, the energies will taper off tomorrow and virtually disappear untill next Tuesday.

This is very strange for me and would love to hear if this is considered normal.

I should add too that I recieved a Kali mantra from Amma on the following day and have been saying this throughout the day apart from the AYP meditation.
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1457 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2008 :  3:29:45 PM  Show Profile  Visit Sparkle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Chiron said: Yes it does have everything to do with you. But those people that you felt envy or jealousy for can be used as objects of meditation. By sitting and bringing up their characters in your mind you can cultivate the feelings of praise towards their practice and their spiritual achievements. Envy and jealousy result in us trying to stop the progress of the objects of our envy, at least in our thinking. And by one of the basic laws of the universe, if we hamper the progress of others, our own progress will be hampered. So by feeling envy and jealousy towards the spiritual achievements of others we are distancing ourselves from such achievements. Praise on the other hand, establishes our vector towards their spiritual progress.

This is a 'mechanical' way of addressing the issue, a more direct, pinpoint way of altering the subconscious. While the AYP mantra meditation and spinal breathing are more general and automatic approaches to the subconsious. I don't see why both can't be used in tandem when the need arises.

So I am talking about altering the subconsicous - the deeper source of our feelings and thoughts. Not the surface mind which we usually associate with our thinking. Alterations in the subconsious rarely happen overnight or over the course of a few days.

I would agree with you there Chiron, that we can praise or send love to the person/s and this will make a difference. This is particularly useful if we are stuck in a rut of negitive thinking about a person.
What I do in that case is, think of the person and keep saying I love you, I love you, I love you. When I do this I can feel the change in me and if the person is nearby there seems to be a corresponding change there also.

In the case here it all happened so fast there was no need and no time to do anything like that, but it's not always like that, I agree.
That guy I talked about in the first post was a case in point, it took me years to make any transformation.

So yes, a combination of the two seems like a good idea to me also

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United Kingdom
4429 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2008 :  1:29:14 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Louis,

What a great sharing!
I guess we all experience these emotions, anger, jelousy, frustration, as we are all human. I know I do. And it's interesting to see you relating the experience to the opening of the throat chakra. This is a very beautiful chakra that doesn't get much press... everyone likes to talk about the heart and the third eye and the crown, but the throat seems to get left out somehow. Personally I am just beginning to apreciate it's importance and the amazing transformational effect it has on the whole system as it opens. Hating everyone is just the beginning :)

I think Yogani may well have been suggesting that you could be due some self pacing. If you think that's in order you could leave off chanting the mantra that Amma gave you, for a while, until things settle down. She is a more amazing lady than many people realize, and it sounds like her darshan alone is going to take time to work it's way through your system.

I don't know what mantra she gave you, but if it starts with "Om Sri" and ends with "Namaha" then it is fairly obvious that you have now got most of the ingredients of the full AYP mantra "Sri Om Sri Om I am I am Namaha Namaha" and you're doing it all day!

Just maybe that's the killer...

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1457 Posts

Posted - Jan 06 2008 :  02:29:36 AM  Show Profile  Visit Sparkle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Christi
Just maybe that's the killer...

You mis-interpret me Christi, I'm not having a hard time

It may appear from some posts above that things are a bit rough and out of hand. As stated, the energies come in on Tuesday and tail off on Thursday.
If they were like that all the time I would agree that self-pacing would be required. I do self-pace usually by cutting back on samyama and/or amoroli, this usually does the trick on those days.

From my point of view the last thing I would want to do would be to upset the beautiful openings that are going on, so will be continuing with what I'm about.
And it's interesting to see you relating the experience to the opening of the throat chakra. This is a very beautiful chakra that doesn't get much press... everyone likes to talk about the heart and the third eye and the crown, but the throat seems to get left out somehow. Personally I am just beginning to apreciate it's importance and the amazing transformational effect it has on the whole system as it opens.
Yes, I'm just beginning to get a view of this chakra too, far more than I would have thought.
It seems, from talking to people, that the throat chakra is often the most difficult, for Westerners, to open.

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4429 Posts

Posted - Jan 06 2008 :  03:01:39 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Louis,
Just maybe that's the killer...


You mis-interpret me Christi, I'm not having a hard time

Wow.. You're going through all that, and you are not having a hard time!

You can summarise books that have not yet even been released!

And you have sex with women on the astral plane without even thinking about it!

One day I will be at your level Louis. In the meantime I will try hard not to be jealous.

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1457 Posts

Posted - Jan 06 2008 :  10:56:29 AM  Show Profile  Visit Sparkle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
You can summarise books that have not yet even been released!

And you have sex with women on the astral plane without even thinking about it!

One day I will be at your level Louis. In the meantime I will try hard not to be jealous.

Hehehe!! nice one Christi

BTW. "nice one" is slang for "good joke" where I come from, in case anyone is confused

Edited by - Sparkle on Jan 06 2008 5:11:38 PM
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1608 Posts

Posted - Jan 07 2008 :  11:06:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by emc

I believe many of us are prone to hesitate and ponder on "how will this look in forum", knowing the thoughts are going public. What is the consequence? Well... that we all show our best face all the time. If Anthem only writes pure posts from his heart here - we wont get an idea of how much he is struggling in between and how his ego-driven selfishness looks, and it is easy to fantasise of Anthem being very, very deep all the time! And that of course certainly goes for me too, and all of us, I guess to a greater or lesser extent.


This is a bit of a late reply to this post, apologies, but I was away.

Of course there is no suggestion from here that we should only write posts that we feel will reflect well on us in the forum, I agree that would be counter productive. I think that writing from the heart is what exposes the ego. From my experience, the ego doesn't usually want to expose itself, it's pretty important for the ego (at least mine) to try to look good whenever it can and it can be an incredibly sneaky f***er about it!

I think Louis's first post is a beautiful example of writing from the heart. I assure you that any posts written from my heart will continue to let everyone know how I curse other drivers when I drive (which I find highly amusing), how I swear far too often and how I continue to ride the ever running emotional roller-coaster ride of the purification process. My heart could certainly never say that I always can't wait for my next life lesson from that never resting task-master named karma!

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2072 Posts

Posted - Jan 08 2008 :  03:20:11 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I think you wrote that post only to look wise and good and humble and honest...

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United Kingdom
4429 Posts

Posted - Jan 08 2008 :  07:20:04 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I think you wrote that post only to look wise and good and humble and honest...

I think you only wrote that post to look astute, witty and humorous

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