As the techniques practiced here are neurobiologically based, does anyone have experience with the beneficial use of specific herbs, supplements, foods (not just generally "satvic" foods) etc. towards the direct enhancement (of significant note) and or improvement of "Deep Meditation" or "SBPranayama" type practices and related spirtual states of mind? I am NOT talking about illicit "drugs" here. I point to things like Holy Basil or Rhodiola Rosea and some of the claims surrounding those herbs.
I am curious about specific herb and food type "supplements" and their potential use for effectively providing the proper nutrients to benefit certain centers or glands (like the pineal gland) in an effort to improve spirtual practices as utilized in AYP. I suspect dopamine and DMT stimulation specifically may play a large role in such methods and "spirtual" experiences in general.
Any experiences and knowledge would be interesting to hear.
this site has lists of supplements and herbs, as well as every single other biological functioning behind kundalini energy. I would caution you about becoming too dependent and expecting of supplements to replace real work and Bhakti, but I assume you probably know about this and are just looking to make sure your diet is one more conducive to conductivity.