From the 4th to the 7th of November I will be leading an online AYP retreat using Zoom. The topic will be "Opening The Heart Chakra: Forgiveness and Compassion on the path of yoga".
The heart is possibly the most important chakra in the body in relation to spiritual awakening, coming into play at the beginning of the path with the rising of spiritual desire, again in the middle stages and it is where everything ends up, with a life lived in divine love.
Basic practices on the retreat will include asana, spinal breathing and deep meditation. In addition, we will be integrating a number of additional practices including heart breathing, loving kindness practice, brahmari, anuloma viloma and dynamic jalandhara bandha.
Time Zone: London
Platform: Zoom
Suitable for all levels of experience
Language: English
Dates: 4th to 7th November 2021
Practice sessions will start at 4pm each afternoon.