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United Kingdom
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Posted - Dec 27 2006 :  6:09:08 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Philip,
I was just wondering how you know that Jesus of Nazareth was Master Aberamentho. Is this channeled information? If it is, do you know who channeled it?

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394 Posts

Posted - Dec 27 2006 :  6:30:24 PM  Show Profile  Visit Doc's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Although some minor variations of interpretation are found in the Kabbalah literature regarding the Sefirah Tifereth, it is generally identified with the 'Place of the Heart' or the 'Heart Center', and is thus akin to the 'Anahata Chakra' or 'Heart Chakra' of the Vedanta/Yoga Tradition.

The Sefirah Tifereth is normally associated with the second aspect of the soul, 'Ruah' or 'Spirit', sometimes specifically referred to as the 'Spirit of Intellectual Discernment', because it enables one to discern the essential natures of 'good' and 'evil', and their various manifestations.

Thus, when the Sacred Presence of Holy Wisdom and Divine Beauty is established and maintained in the Place of the Heart, Sefirah Tifereth perpetually mediates the soul's 'good' and 'evil' polarities by acting as a 'Central Pillar'...the Moral Foundation of Balanced Discernment...connecting and overseeing both the Rightward Path and the Leftward Path.

In this way, one becomes ever more conscious of that which constitutes the greatest good of self and others, as well as ever more conscious of the evil that potentially threatens the greatest good of self and others. Such Consciousness serves to motivate the soul towards Purity and Righteousness in order to maintain the Divine Presence of Wisdom and Beauty in the Heart Center.

These ideas can also be found in a few Christian Traditions as well. In Western Christianity, this would include the Roman Catholic and Anglican Catholic 'Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus' and the 'Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus'. And in Eastern Christianity, these elements are also encountered in the Greek Orthodox 'Practice of the Prayer of the Heart' as described in the Philokalia Writings.

Regards ~

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Posted - Dec 27 2006 :  7:18:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Vil,

FYI, I don't think there is a better site than http://gnosticteachings.org/ . But also, feel free to ask anything here, sometimes a personal answer is much better.

Thanks, Phillip, I appreciate your generosity, and website, and will look it over tomorrow.

Great post, Doc:

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397 Posts

Posted - Dec 28 2006 :  01:22:29 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Doc

Greetings Chiron and Philip:

I hold no grudge against either of you. I also have no desire to engage the two of you in a 'my religion is better than your religion' debate and 'mud slinging' contest. In fact, quite sincerely, I feel great empathy and compassion for both of you. And I would like you to know that it saddens my heart to think that you apparently had an unpleasant 'church experience' or a hurtful religious upbringing, probably in a Christian church congregation of some kind.

Not outside Christianity looking in, as if trying to peer through darkly tinted glass, but from the inside where I am able to fully and clearly see the intrinsic value of everything within, I can tell you from direct and profound personal experience that Eastern Orthodox Christianity does in fact possess an 'Inner Circle' compilation of esoteric spiritual writings, teachings, and practices.

Traditionally, from the earliest days of Christianity, these materials and practices have been accessible to all Orthodox, but have been primarily preserved and perpetuated by monastics and ordained clergymen. This is because individuals in these two groups most often represent the majority of those who thirst for such Knowledge, Revelation, and Illumination.

I am such an individual, having been both a monk and a clergyman. Thus, I humbly speak on behalf of this 'hidden tradition' by posting on topics such as this one! It's a dirty job sometimes, but someone needs to do it!

I am not at liberty to openly discuss some things, but can freely comment on other topics at my own discretion. And I will gladly do so if there is an interest, but only if the Christian bashing ceases and desists on this thread.

Happy Holidays!


No I have never had a hurtful religious upbringing. In fact, I had no religious upbringing. Not that my family was against religion, but lets just say that no-one in my family was ever interested in religion that much. I was born and raised in an Eastern Orthodox Christian country, where congregations and preaching are not common in the churches. Until my spiritual awakening most I have done in a church was light up a candle - and this goes for most people, if they even go to church that is. Now I have lived almost half of my life in a western county and have seen what the churches are being used for - community halls, place to gather, to chat and to meet other people and socialize. They are not being used for inner spiritual development.

I am not against the church and I am not against Christianity. I am against the beliefs of people who style themselves Christian yet do not follow Christ's teachings with their heart, and who do nothing to bring themselves closer to God. I am against the beliefs of fat priests who claim to represent God, yet they have not even beaten the most basic desire ie. hunger and the desire for taste. I have seen plenty of such priests in the Orthodox churches and on television and I have seen plenty of such people in the west also, from many religious denominations.

And in no way is this directed sarcastically at you Doc. From what I gather you are aware that the infinite cannot be found through the five senses or understood by the mind which processes data collected by the five limited senses. And that we must go beyond the senses and the mind to find the truth of ourselves. Through silence.. oops, here comes the preaching again, hahaha.

I consider religions and systems of spiritual practice which teach the seeker to go beyond the senses and the mind to be esoteric - inner spiritual sciences. This is AYP, kabbalah, Sufism, zen buddhism, taoism, theosophy, gnosticism and the 'Inner Circle' compilation of esoteric spiritual writings, teachings, and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church (hesychasm?) that you speak of. I am not against any of these systems because as far as I know all provide a path to the truth. What I am against, is the prominence of the exoteric religions that teach little to no actual spiritual practice. The monastic orders that you speak of are not known about by the general populace, their teachings are not available to all 'Orthodox' , I know this for a fact.

These exoteric religions are making a mockery of the Bible by intepreting all of it literally. They make genuine truthseekers like david throw away the baby with the bathtub by making them reject the bible along with their perverted version of Christ's teaching.

For example: it is not enough to believe in "the only begotten Son" and that he suffered and gave his life on the cross for our salvation. At least it is not enough to believe it in a literal, exoteric sense. In that a man who was the only son of God (and we are just lowly creatures) came and suffered, for you and me, was nailed to the cross and was resurrected. It is all possible (although God does not have children because God does not reproduce for God already is everything, ofcourse, not everything is God), but I personally cannot know for sure if it truly happened, not two thousand years ago. I don't think you can either unless only through spiritual abilities. If I were to believe in that it would be called blind faith, and this leads to degradation. But if we believe that it is possible for us to imbody pure consciousness, to nurture the inner Christ within all of us through specific spiritual practice (which alot of times is suffering and pain), to become indifferent to this physical body for the development of our chakras and kundalini (aka putting our physical body on the spiritual cross) in order to achieve unity with infinity.. and have portions of this belief be constantly verified through direct experience, then we are bound to find the truth.

As a result of this thread I have been reading some of the gnostic teachings and noticed that a variety of traditions are being quoted in support of the material presented. From what I gather so far it is a universal teaching. No trace of sectarianism. I think you should not be against Gnosticism as much as you should be against the prominence of exoteric 'Christianity'. Even if some gnostics claim that they have the authentic keys to deciphering the bible (a claim which we cannot accept or reject with certainty just like we cannot know whether the Lineage of Apostolic Succession has really remained authentic, withstanding modification during two thousand years of Direct Oral Transmission and Ritual Initiation) there are still way more similarities between gnosticism and AYP and hesychasm than between gnosticism, AYP, hesychasm and the mainstream exoteric religions.

PS. I went to an Orthodox church yesterday and put up two candles. One for Love and one for Peace. I love you my friends. And I apologize for my aggressive methods of delivery. The demons have alot of sway over me, still, so I'm quite someways away from being a humble servant-of-God but we shall indeed be the change we wish to see in the world. :)

Edited by - Chiron on Dec 28 2006 04:56:04 AM
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Posted - Dec 28 2006 :  08:07:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Chiron, your better delivery makes all the difference in the world. Doc, if you find it imperfect still, I'd entreat you to focus on the improvement and encourage it.

From what I gather so far it is a universal teaching. No trace of sectarianism.

Where there is sectarianism, sometimes, there is sectarianism in teachings themselves, but often the teachings are not sectarian but the practicioners are very much so. So if you (not Chiron in particular) follow non-sectarian teachings, don't think that makes you free of it, because sectarianism is a human problem, like anger and hate and prejudice.

Until 'grace' removes them, these tendencies will be there to an extent. So the best we can do is improve our 'grace' by best spiritual practices on the one hand, and on the other give our 'ungrace' as little say in our outward behavior as possible, and our 'grace' as much say as is possible. That's the two-pronged inner and outer solution. An online forum is good training for the outer solution in a number of ways. It has the effect of making things and people seem even more outrageous, but it has the advantage of giving us time to think before we reply and make ourselves a good example of the outer solution.

Edited by - david_obsidian on Dec 28 2006 08:12:09 AM
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Posted - Dec 28 2006 :  10:18:19 AM  Show Profile  Visit Doc's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Greetings to All!

Great post, David. Tell it, Bubba...tell it! You da man!


Thanks for sharing your previous experiences with us. It sure sounds like a "bad church experience" to me. Sadly, this kind of experience is not uncommon anywhere. It is the exact reason why so many people in Western Culture, especially Europe and the Americas, are attracted to Zen Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and a wide variety of other non-Christian religious and spiritual paths.

Ironically, it is also the exact same reason why so many people in India and the Orient are attracted to Christianity, Islam, and a host of other non-Buddhist...non-Eastern religious and spiritual paths! In either case, I'll bet that the vast majority of these people, in both Eastern and Western Cultures, are rejecting the unpleasant experiences of their contact with the formal religious institutions, not necessarily the person of Christ, Moses, Krishna, or Buddha, and perhaps not the Spiritual Teachings of the Bible, Torah, Vedas, or Sutras.

In my own spiritual search, I have made observations like yours at every conceivable variety of church, synagogue, temple, zendo, mosque, monastery, ashram, etc. People are usually much the same everywhere, and "a few bad apples always spoil the lot", no matter what their 'brand' of religion. I recently spotted a couple of automobile bumper-stickers which read: "I'm cool with Christ...but I have a problem with some of his followers"....and "Jesus loves you, and I'm trying to".

In the end, however, we must realize that the faults and short-comings of other people are external factors, resulting from human imperfections combined with spiritual immaturity, that are found everywhere that people congregate, whether for religious worship or any other group activity. To judge the inherent value of any religious path by these externals alone, or to assume what the spiritual potential of its teachings and practices will be by observing the 'official card carrying membership', is destined to be a less than favorable observation in most instances.

When you enter a Church Temple, and light a candle in the Narthex, remember that the purpose in being there is a spiritual reason, to nurture your Soul with Unconditional Divine Love, to feel Eternal Hope and Increased Trust (Faith) in the Compassion and Mercy of Divine Providence to forsee our needs and to answer our call, to find an increased capacity for Forgiveness of self and others, specifically by establishing a personal, mystical relationship with God...through Christ.

The social, political, economic, judgemental human externals need to be left at the door! This is why God told Moses to "remove your sandals, for you are standing on Holy Ground". That's why many ethnic Orthodox leave their shoes at the front door. This practice is also common at Hindu and Buddhist Temples, Islamic Mosques, and other places of religious worship throughout the world.

Look past the people, and their many imperfections and contradictions, in order to peek behind the veil of the iconostasis into the Sanctuary of God's Holy House...for it is there that the Revelation of Mysteries is revealed, and there that the soul is comforted and nourished. When there is also an opportunity for pleasant fellowship with other others in the Church Hall afterwards, then well and good, but we don't come to the Church Temple primarily for that.

Lastly, the esoteric books and writings are in fact available to all, but unless one already knows what to look for, will probably only be found in the Church or Monastery library. These works don't ever make it onto the New York Times Best-Seller List!

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!


Edited by - Doc on Dec 28 2006 2:17:51 PM
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Posted - Dec 28 2006 :  1:59:45 PM  Show Profile  Visit Philip's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Christi

Hi Philip,
I was just wondering how you know that Jesus of Nazareth was Master Aberamentho. Is this channeled information? If it is, do you know who channeled it?


In Gnosticism, Aberamentho is the Name (Word, Logos) of the Monad who's son had the terrestrial name of Jesus, or Yeshua. This is the name used in Pistis Sophia books, for example.

In esotericism, there is what is called "esoteric age." One's esoteric age may be 100, 200, 300, 5000 years old, etc. See These are, by the way, the esoteric meaning of many of the ages listed in the Old Testament, which can be used to understand certain when and how aspects of the path of the self realization of being occurs. Aberamentho's "esoteric age" would probably be a whole order of magnitude beyond any other monad in the "corner" of the universe, and is referred to by Samael Aun Weor as a Paramarthasatya, a monad whose natural center of gravity is the Ain (Absolute Abstract Space). He is a very special case, has He left the Ain in order to manifest specifically for the sake of this humanity, due its profound suffering and special "karma of the gods." He personally integrated his astral body with the earth in order to aid it, thus he really is the savior of this world. Yet, only if one knows how to make use of "gold" can one truly be rich. If you possess a pot of gold but you do not know the true value of it, then really it is valueless.

The following is a quote from the Pistis Sophia, with kabbalistic commentaries made in parenthesis:

Jesus said unto his disciples: "Draw near unto me." And they drew near unto him. He turned himself towards the four corners of the world, said the great name over their heads, blessed them and breathed (Aleph) into their eyes.

Jesus said unto them: "Look up and see what you may see."

And they raised their eyes and saw a great, exceedingly mighty light, which no human being in the world can describe.

Jesus said unto them anew: "Look away out of the light and see what you may see."
They said: "We see fire, water, wine and blood."

Jesus, -- that is Aberamentho, -- said unto his disciples: "Amen, I say unto you: I have brought nothing into the world when I came, save this fire (Shin), this water (Mem), this wine (the overflowing of Divine blessing out of transmutation of the waters of Yesod) and this (purified) blood (by Nous). I have brought (from Schamayim) the water (Mem) and the fire (Shin) out of the region of the Light of the lights (the world of Atziluth) of the Treasury of the Light (Ain Soph Aur); and I have brought the wine (the overflowing of Divine blessing out of transmutation of the waters of Yesod) and the blood out of the region of Barbelo (the Ain Soph Aur, the Solar Absolute, the Sun, the Atom Nous in the Heart). And after a little while my father sent me the Holy Spirit in the shape of a dove.

'And the fire (Shin), the water (Mem) and the wine (of Alchemy) are for the purification of all the sins of the world (the Microcosmos, the human being). The blood on the other hand was for a sign unto me because of the (venom blood in the) human body which (becomes purified blood through the effluvia of the Atom Nous in the Heart which) I received in the region of Barbelo (the Ain Soph Aur, the Solar Absolute, the Sun, which is) the great power of the Invisible God (the Ain Soph, Aelohim or Adhi-Buddha). The breath (Aleph, the three Supernals in Atziluth) on the other hand advances towards all souls and will lead them unto the region of the Light.

"For this cause have I said unto you: "I am (Eheieh) come to cast fire (Shin) on the earth (Malkuth),' -- that is: I am (Eheieh) come to purify the sins of the world with fire (of Alchemy).

"And for this cause have I said to the Samaritan woman: 'If you knew of the gift of God, and who it is who say unto you: Give me to drink, -- you would beg of me, and I will give you living water (Schamayim), and there would be in you a spring (a Mem) which welled up for everlasting life.'

"And for this cause I took also (in Yesod, the Ninth Sphere) a cup (a Yoni, the Holy Grail) of wine (of Alchemy), blessed it and give it unto you and said: 'This is the blood (fire of the Ain Soph Aur) of the covenant (Perfect Matrimony) which (the Atom Nous) will be poured out for you (through scientific Chastity or sexual transmutation) for the forgiveness of your sins (Karma)."

'And for this cause they have also thrust (Shin, the fire through) the spear (the Iod) into my side (left ventricle of my heart), and (by means of sexual alchemy) there came forth water (Schamayim from the Mem in Yesod) and blood (Fire through the Atom Nous from the Mem above). "And these are the mysteries of the (Cross that hides the) Light which forgive sins; that is to say, these are the namings and the names of the Light (Iod, He, Vav, He)." - Pistis Sophia

See this glossary for finding your way through these Hebrew terms: http://www.gnosticteachings.org/com.../Itemid,115/

Edited by - Philip on Dec 28 2006 2:13:51 PM
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Posted - Dec 28 2006 :  2:00:57 PM  Show Profile  Visit Philip's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
The narratives of the Doctrine are its cloak. The simple look only at the garment - that is, upon the narrative of the Doctrine; more they know not. The instructed, however, see not merely the cloak, but what the cloak covers. - The Zohar, iii.

The Mysteries of the Faith (are) not to be divulged to all ... It is requisite to hide in a mystery the wisdom spoken. - St. Clement of Alexandra, Stromateis

These quotes are taken straight off the title page of Book II, Part II: "Esoteric Tenets Corroborated in Every Scripture", of the Secret Doctrine by H.P.B. ( http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena...sd2-2-01.htm ). There one can find IMMENSE information, if one knows how to read it. One really needs to know quite a bit before even having the ability to digest the information on these pages, thus, in my opinion, is the reason why the content of these pages is largely ignored by common man and woman.

In these pages one will find that Sacred Phallism is central to the Bible and to, indeed, the entire Jewish religion (Vol. 2, Page 471). That the Star of David is a tantric symbol (Vol. 2, Page 592).

Read the following if you are interested in the actual quote:

The Hindu Lingham is identical with "Jacob's Pillar" -- most undeniably. But the difference, as said, seems to consist in that the esoteric significance of the Lingham was too truly sacred and metaphysical to be revealed to the profane and the vulgar; hence its superficial appearance was left to the speculations of the mob. Nor would the Aryan Hierophant and Brahmin, in their proud exclusiveness and the satisfaction of their knowledge, go to the trouble of concealing its primeval nakedness under cunningly devised fables; whereas the Rabbi, having interpreted the symbol to suit his own tendencies, had to veil the crude significance; and this served a double purpose -- that of keeping his secret to himself and of exalting himself in his supposed monotheism over the heathen, whom his Law commanded him to hate. A commandment now gladly accepted by the Christian too, in spite of another and later commandment -- "love each other." Both India and Egypt had and have their sacred lotuses, symbolic of the same "Holy of Holies" -- the Lotus growing in the water, a double feminine symbol -- the bearer of its own seed and root of all. Viraj and Horus are both male symbols, emanating from androgyne Nature, one from Brahma and his female counterpart Vach, the other, from Osiris and Isis -- never from the One infinite God. In the Judaeo-Christian systems it is different. Whereas the lotus, containing Brahma, the Universe, is shown growing out of Vishnu's navel, the Central point in the Waters of Infinite Space, and whereas Horus springs from the lotus of the Celestial Nile -- all these abstract pantheistic ideas are dwarfed and made terrestrially concrete in the Bible: one is almost inclined to say that in the esoteric they are grosser and still more anthropomorphic, than in their exoteric rendering. Take as an example the same symbol, even in its Christian application; the lilies in the hand of the Archangel Gabriel (Luke i. 28). In Hinduism -- the "Holy of Holies" is a universal abstraction, whose dramatis personae are Infinite Spirit and Nature; in Christian Judaism, it is a personal God, outside of that Nature, and the human Womb -- Eve, Sarah, etc., etc.; hence, an anthropomorphic phallic god, and his image -- man.

Thus it is maintained, that with regard to the contents of the Bible, one of two hypotheses has to be admitted. Either behind the symbolic substitute -- Jehovah -- there was the unknown, incognizable Diety, the Kabalistic Ain-Soph; or, the Jews have been from the beginning, no better than the dead-letter Lingham-** worshippers of the India of to-day. We say it was the former; and that, therefore, the secret or esoteric worship of the Jews was the same Pantheism that the Vedantin philosophers are reproached with to-day; Jehovah was a substitute for purposes of an exoteric national faith, and had no importance or reality in the eyes of the erudite priests and philosophers -- the Sadducees, the most refined as the most learned of all the Israelite sects, who stand as a living proof with their contemptuous rejection of every belief, save the LAW. For how could those who invented the stupendous scheme now known as the Bible, or their successors who knew, as all Kabalists do, that it was so invented for a popular blind -- how could they, we ask, feel reverence for such a phallic symbol and a NUMBER, as Jehovah is shown most undeniably to be in the Kabalistic works? How could anyone worthy of the name of a philosopher, and knowing the real secret meaning of their "pillar of Jacob," their Bethel, oil-anointed phalli, and their "Brazen Serpent," worship such a gross symbol, and minister unto it, seeing in it their "Covenant" -- the Lord Himself! Let the reader turn to Gemara Sanhedrin and judge. As various writers have shown, and as brutally stated in Hargrave Jennings' Phallicism (p. 67) "We know from the Jewish records that the Ark contained a table of stone. . . . that stone was phallic, and yet identical with the sacred name Jehovah . . . which written in unpointed Hebrew with four letters, is J-E-V-E or JHVH (the H being merely an aspirate and the same as E). This process leaves us the two letters I and V (in another form U); then if we place the I in the U we have the 'Holy of Holies'; we also have the Lingha and Yoni and Argha of the Hindus, the Isvara and 'supreme Lord'; and here we have the whole secret of its mystic and arc-celestial import, confirmed in itself by being identical with the Linyoni of the Ark of the Covenant."

Now, concerning the tantrism of the “Star of David” and the “Cross,” we can read the following:

Ragon gives in his Maconnerie Occulte a very good illustration of the "hieroglyphical senary," as he calls our double equilateral triangle, [star of david image]. He shows it as the symbol of the commingling of the "philosophical three fires and the three waters, whence results the procreation of the elements of all things. The same idea is found in the Indian equilateral double triangle. For, though it is called in that country the sign of Vishnu, yet in truth it is the symbol of the Triad (or the Trimurti). For, even in the exoteric rendering, the lower triangle with the apex downward, is the symbol of Vishnu, the god of the moist principle and water ("Nara-yana," or the moving Principle in Nara, water;**) while the triangle, with its apex upward, is Siva, the Principle of Fire, symbolized by the triple flame in his hand. (See the bronze statue of Tripurantika Siva, "Mahadeva destroying Tripurasura," at the museum of the India House). It is these two interlaced triangles -- wrongly called "Solomon's seal," which also form the emblem of our Society -- that produce the Septenary and the Triad at one and the same time, and are the Decad, whatever way this sign is examined, as all the ten numbers are contained therein. For with a point in the middle or centre, thus it is a sevenfold sign; its triangles denote number 3; the two triangles show the presence of the binary; the triangles with the central point common to both yield the quaternary; the six points are the senary; and the central point, the unit; the quinary being traced by combination, as a compound of two triangles, the even number, and of three sides in each triangle, the first odd number. This is the reason why Pythagoras and the ancients made the number six sacred to Venus, since "the union of the two sexes, and the spagyrisation of matter by triads are necessary to develop the generative force, that prolific virtue and tendency to reproduction which is inherent in all bodies."

Belief in "Creators," or the personified Powers of Nature, is in truth no polytheism, but a philosophical necessity. Like all the other planets of our system, the Earth has seven Logoi -- the emanating rays of the one "Father-Ray" -- the PROTOGONOS, or the manifested "Logos" -- he who sacrifices his Esse (or flesh, the Universe) that the world may live and every creature therein have conscious being.

Numbers 3 and 4 are respectively male and female, Spirit and Matter, and their union is the emblem of life eternal in spirit on its ascending arc, and in matter as the ever resurrecting element -- by procreation and reproduction. The spiritual male line is vertical ; the differentiated matter-line is horizontal; the two forming the cross or [symbol of cross image].


H.P.B. does not mention that Sixth Arcanum of the Tarot is also related with tantrism, see:

All of this gives us tremendous information to meditate upon, to extract the conscious values found therein and deposit them within the depths of our personal consciousness.

According to ancient traditions that exist throughout the world, and with my own personal experience, to cross the lingam and yogi, to sing the mantras such as I. A. O., and to disconnect without having reached orgasm or ejaculation is the highest form of sexual transmutation. The essential thing is to never loose a drop of semen, or to waste the sexual energy in any form. This is why anuttarayoga tantra, the Highest Yoga Tantra of Tibet, outlined in the Kalachakra literature, states that one must NEVER loose the sexual energy. Let us remember, for those of us who have read some Theosophical texts, H.P.B. was undeniably in connection with Kalachakra in some form, this is how she wrote The Voice of the Silence which has very similar wording to the aforementioned sacred text.

In Tibetan Buddhism, especially if you look at the iconography of the deities with their consorts, you can see a lot of very explicit sexual symbolism which often gives the wrong impression. Actually, in this case the sexual organ is utilized, but the energy movement which is taking place is, in the end, fully controlled. The energy should never be let out. This energy must be controlled and eventually returned to other parts of the body. What is required for a Tantric practitioner is to develop the capacity to utilize one's faculties of bliss and the blissful experiences which are specifically generated due to the flow of regenerative fluids within one's own energy channels. It is crucial to have the ability to protect oneself from the fault of emission. It is not just a purely ordinary sexual act. And here we can see there is a kind of special connection with celibacy. Especially in the practice of the Kalachakra Tantra, this precept of protecting oneself from the emission of energy is considered to be very important. The Kalachakra literature mentions three types of blissful experience: one is the blissful experience induced by the flow of energy; one is the immutable blissful experience; and one is the mutable blissful experience. To me, when Buddha took the celibacy vow, at that level he did not explain all the reasons behind that rule or that discipline. The complete explanation comes when we know the Tantrayana system.
– The Fourteenth Dalai Lama, The Heart of the Buddha’s Path

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Posted - Dec 28 2006 :  5:21:48 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Chiron,
Great post, it was a joy to read.
Chiron wrote:
I am not against the church and I am not against Christianity. I am against the beliefs of people who style themselves Christian yet do not follow Christ's teachings with their heart, and who do nothing to bring themselves closer to God. I am against the beliefs of fat priests who claim to represent God, yet they have not even beaten the most basic desire ie. hunger and the desire for taste. I have seen plenty of such priests in the Orthodox churches and on television and I have seen plenty of such people in the west also, from many religious denominations.

I really don't think we need to be "against" anything. It takes so much energy that could be used for much more positive things. Once we start being against something, the list of things that we could be against is almost endless. Everyone is working out their own karma, and they are doing what they need to do, as we are. I once heard that when we reach a fairly high stage on the path we enter the causal realms where we are able to directly change the world and history merely by using our thought. "Wow" I thought, "I can't wait to get to that stage, there are so many terrible things that I want to change about the world". Then I heard that once we reach that stage, we realize that everything in creation is perfect, and is happening for a reason, and we wouldn't want to change a single thing. I thought I'd throw this in, as it gives a different angle on being "against" something. If God is letting something happen, he might just have a reason that he isn't telling us.
we shall indeed be the change we wish to see in the world. :)

Now you're talking. This is where we need to put all our energies.
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Posted - Dec 28 2006 :  5:43:29 PM  Show Profile  Visit Athma_Shakti's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

...everything in creation is perfect, and is happening for a reason

wonderful post Christi
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Posted - Dec 28 2006 :  7:42:00 PM  Show Profile  Visit Doc's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
"I write of what was from the Beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked upon and our hands have touched: The Word of Life." 1 John 1.1

"And the message which we have heard from Him and announce to you is this: GOD IS LIGHT, and in Him is no Darkness." 1 John 1.5

"He who says that he is in The Light, yet hates his brothers, is in the Darkness even until now. He who loves his brothers abides in The Light, and for him there is no stumbling. But he who hates his brothers is in the Darkness, and walks in the Darkness, and does not know where he goes, because the Darkness has blinded his eyes." 1 John 2.9-11

"For how can he who does not love his brothers, whom he can see, love God whom he does not see?" 1 John 4.20

"If we love one another, God abides in us and His Love is perfected in us." 1 John 4.12

Just a few very simple, easy to understand Biblical verses, which reflect the True Teachings of Christianity from the beginning, to compare with the very complex and difficult to understand gnostic writings that have been posted here thus far.

Hari OM!


Edited by - Doc on Dec 28 2006 7:46:31 PM
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Posted - Dec 28 2006 :  8:09:28 PM  Show Profile  Visit Philip's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able. – 1 Cor 3:2

Let everyone receive what they are able to receive, and gain benefit upon the level they are able to.

Kabel = to receive, as in Kabbalah. Paul was surely well versed in the kabbalah.
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Posted - Dec 28 2006 :  11:16:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hey, Phillip, I have been researching Daath and the Abyss and was wondering if you could explain this as it relates to the Sephiroth of bodily experience.

Thank you,

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Posted - Dec 29 2006 :  12:00:40 AM  Show Profile  Visit Doc's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

"No man can receive anything of his own will, except it is given to him from Heaven." John 3:27

"Who makes you to differ from another? What do you have that was not given to you? And if you did receive it, why do you boast and glory as if you had not received it?" 1 Corinthians 4:7

"Therefore, do not judge before the time, until the Lord comes and brings to light the hidden things of darkness and reveals the thoughts of the heart..." 1 Corinthians 4:5

"So let every one of you, according to the gift he has received from God, minister the same to your fellowmen, like good stewards of the manifold Grace of God." 1 Peter 4:10

The Traditional Orthodox Jewish and Orthodox Christian Prayer Posture:
(click on picture for larger image)

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

Happy Holidays!


Edited by - Doc on Dec 29 2006 2:51:29 PM
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Posted - Dec 30 2006 :  11:54:58 AM  Show Profile  Visit Philip's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by VIL

Hey, Phillip, I have been researching Daath and the Abyss and was wondering if you could explain this as it relates to the Sephiroth of bodily experience.

Thank you,


Hi Vil,

Daath means "knowledge" and is what is called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in Genesis. The other tree, the Tree of Life, is what is commonly spoken of in kabbalah. The second tree, the Tree of Knowledge, is Daath itself. This is the Tree of Gnosis.

Daath is the "hidden" sphere, it is therefore the hidden knowledge. But what type of knowledge? How is "daath" used in the Bible? Let us take a look at few quotes:

And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived... Gen 4:1

Adam knew his wife again; and she bore a son... Gen 4:25

And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived... Gen 4:17

Behold new, I have two daughters which have not known a man... Gen 19:18

Four hundred young virgins, that had known no man by lying with any male... Judges 21:12

Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing that I known not a man? Luke 1:34

Daath is tantric knowledge, which means: the knowledge of how to harness the energies manifested through the crossing of elements. Remember that tantrism does not mean "sex," it means continuum, or loop of thread, which is implying the continuous current of energies that is flowing everywhere. There many means of crossing: wisdom and compassion, man and wife...

The harmonious march of a system of worlds depends on the cross - the magnetic point where the two forces (centrifugal and centripetal) are found equilibrated. Therefore, the power which supports the worlds is in that magnetic Cross of space.

A masculine cell (named zoosperm) is crossed with a feminine cell (named ovum) in order for the human entity, the outcome of this cross, to emerge. Consequently, the Human Being is the outcome of the crossing of a masculine zoosperm with the feminine ovum.

Nothing can come into existence without the power of the Cross.

The sincere and ideal shaking of hands crosses and harmonizes the mutual affection of two people. Therefore the Cross of the handshake originates the living affection between two souls.

Walking on the street, a handsome youngster finds an attractive damsel; they glance at each other, and from that prodigious, subtle and impalpable Cross (yet palpable in its magical power) affection, love, is born, which later organizes a home. Their Cross will produce astonishing effects, such as the multiplication of their species, the grandiosity of a country, and perhaps the birth of a new genius who will increase the progress of science or philosophy for the sake of the world. The magnetic crossing of two views shows and demonstrates that power is in the Cross.

A Seed is introduced within the earth and it crosses its power with the chemical elements which constitute the structure of the planet; thus, trees, flowers, fruits and new seeds are produced, which will eventually increase their species and multiply them ad infinitum. Therefore, the power is in their Cross.

Nothing new can exist, nor can the old be transformed without the Cross.


How is Daath the cross? See the the following images:

The Hebraic Kabbalists speak unto us about the mysterious Daath that appears in the Tree of Life, the Sephirah that has no designated divine name, nor Angelic host of any type, and that has neither a mundane sign, planet nor element.

Image Daath, the Sephirah of Hebrew Mystery, is produced by the Esoteric conjunction of Shiva-Shakti, Osiris-Isis, perpetually united in Yesod, the Foundation, the Ninth Sephirah, the Ninth Sphere, the sex, but hidden by the mysteries of Daath which has the Tantric knowledge, which is processed with the Sahaja Maithuna, or Sexual Magic, that when correctly utilized permits the Intimate Self-realization of the Being.

It is necessary that all of us profoundly reflect, that we deeply comprehend all of this. He and She are united in the Cubic Stone of Yesod, which is the sex. The perfect Tantric knowledge is the outcome of the union of He and She with which we can internally Self-realize ourselves in all the levels of the Being.


Daath is the Tree of Good and Evil because "good" is just evolution of energies, and "evil" is the devolution of energies. If you wish to modify the "good" and "evil" currents within yourself, the sexual act is the way to do it.

The answer to your question is that Daath is the Larynx (throat) of God. The top triangle of the tree of life (Kether, Chokmah, Binah) are the "head," the "crown of life" spoken of in Revelation. If you place the image of a man so that these three form a crown, Daath is placed at the throat. Why the larynx? Because it is from the larynx that the creative Word comes from. When God speaks, he Creates: Let there be light! And all creative acts are sexual acts. Creativity is sexuality of another name.

The larynx of everyone is sexual. We know this through our own lives, when, by becoming sexually mature, our voices changed due to the sexual activity of our nervous system. Daath (throat) is related with Yesod (sexual organs). This is why we pronounce sacred mantrums, in order to transmute the sexual energy found in Yesod. Pronouncing a mantra during the sexual act transmutes the energies upwardly; the vapor of the seminal (sexual) energy rises up the whole body, vitalizing it. This is also why the common man and woman cannot help but scream like animals when they fornicate, this is the instinctive "evil" or downwardly influence that "daath," tantrism, can imply upon the nervous system in order to forcefully expel the sexual energy down from the superior worlds to the inferior worlds. There is a reason why there is an instinctive push to expel the sexual energy via orgasm, and to scream like an animal when it happens, why it feels so "natural;" if you want to know why then read the chapter entitled The Liberation of Good and Evil, here: http://kalignosis.com/book/13TheLib...dAndEvil.php

What we want, through sexual transmutation and psychological transformation, is the following: http://www.gnosticteachings.org/ima...lah/star.gif

The Abyss is Klipoth, Hell, the Inferno, the Amenti, etc., etc., etc. The Infradimensions of nature. The Abyss is the Nine Spheres of Hell, the inverted Nine Spheres of Heaven, which is the Tree of life.


Within the personal Abyss lie all of our defects. It is necessary to submerge one's self into the Abyss to extract all the values that we currently have trapped there, in side of Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. When we extract the values from our defects, the result is virtue and awakened consciousness. The Abyss is our subconsciousness, our unconsciousness, and our infraconsciousness. These are 49 levels of the mind, the 49 demons of Yaldabaoth (see Pistis Sophia), and every level of the mind contains a demon that is us. We comprehend our own vices and defects through meditation. This is why so many heroes enter into Hell to perform a great task, it is the symbolism of dieing to one's sin. When one dies to everything they are (the ego), then they are "dead," and when one is dead, only then can they resurrect. Because with Death, one kills Death, and becomes immortal.

When we "eat" of the Tree of Good and Evil, in other words when one wastes the sexual energy through orgasm, Jehovah Elohim says, "you shall surely die," this is the death of the spirit. This is Cain being born and killing Abel. But when one "kills" death by psychologically dieing, symbolized by the decapitation (head, ego, "I") of John, then one "kills" death, which is Cain, and enters back into the Garden of Eden. Eden means "voluptuousness." One enters Eden through the perfect sexual transmutation of the Four Rivers of Eden. Each river is a part of one's nervous system. So when one kills "death" (ego) then one can enter back into Eden and eat from the the Tree of Life, which is immortality.

And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.

The land of Havilah is our own physical body, and the gold of this land is the solar atoms from our seminal system, that is to say, the semen’s potable gold.

And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.

This second river is the Cephalo-Rachis liquid, which is the other pole of our seminal system. With it we encompass the whole land of Ethiopia, that is to say, the whole of our head and throat, since we form the brain and throat with the Cephalo-Rachis liquid.

And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates. (Genesis 2:10-14)

The river which goes toward the east of Assyria and the river Euphrates are the two poles of the woman’s seminal system. Therefore, the woman is towards the east of us, because she is the door of Paradise and this door is always towards the east. Eden is sex itself. Thus, the Tree of Life is within Eden itself. The great Hierophant Eliphas Levi said that the Great Magical Arcanum is the Tree of Life and that “at the foot of this Tree is the source of the four mysterious rivers of Eden.” Yet, he fearfully says in a moment of consternation: “Here I must pause, and I fear that already I have said too much.” This is the formidable, unutterable secret which no Initiate has ever dared to reveal. This is the formidable secret of the “Great Arcanum.” The four rivers of Eden are the sexual forces of man and woman. The Tree of Life is in the midst of these four rivers of Eden." - The Revolution of Beelzebub

All of this information and much, much more is explained in the four Gnostic Kabbalah lessons.
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Posted - Dec 30 2006 :  1:52:40 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Phillip, thank you for taking your time with such an informative post. I'm very grateful!!

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Posted - Jan 01 2007 :  2:47:18 PM  Show Profile  Visit Philip's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by VIL

Phillip, thank you for taking your time with such an informative post. I'm very grateful!!


You are welcome to it! It is best, in these times, that this information be freely given to whosoever is looking for it.
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Posted - Jan 01 2007 :  7:52:39 PM  Show Profile  Visit Doc's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Happy New Year to All!

I normally wouldn't even bother responding to any of the material which Philip has posted here, if it was presented in a more neutral and less offensive fashion, but since it is allowed to be insistently posted as the only accurate perspective on Christian Doctrine, and the only genuine esoteric interpretation of Biblical Scriptures and symbolism, I feel compelled to be a dissenting voice of disapproval regarding this Gnostic information.

St. Paul's advice regarding such spurious material, as it relates specifically to authentic Christianity, is as valid today as it was when he initially wrote it in the 1st Century A.D.:

"Beware lest any man mislead you through philosophy and vain deceit, depending on human traditions derived from the elements of nature, and not according to the Teachings of Christ, in Whom the Fullness of God is embodied. Only in Him has All been made complete, for He is the Head of All Angelic Orders and Powers." Colossians 2:8-10

Although this Gnostic material is certainly interesting on some levels, it has always been so complex, both in content and in interpretation, as to necessitate a serious course of study in order to grasp any real understanding of its eclectic mixture of confused theology, clever philosophical devices and complicated mythological constructions. Very few people in any generation thus far have been willing to invest the kind of time and energy needed to pursue such overtly occult studies just for the sake of discovering whether any real spiritual benefits may or may not be forthcoming from the effort.

From the very outset of Gnosticism, beginning with the writings of Valentinus and his followers, the overwhelming majority of devout Christians who investigated and studied the Gnostic theology in depth judged these teachings to be in direct theological opposition to both the received Oral Transmission of Apostolic Succession and the Authentic Scriptural Tradition of Christianity. Even after the Great Schism of 1054 A.D., in which the Eastern Orthodox Church and Western Roman Catholic Church separated over issues of theology, both Eastern and Western Churches continued to view the Gnostic teachings and theology as incorrect and unacceptable, as did the newly formed Churches of the Protestant Reformation in the Christian West several hundred years later.

As a result, Christians of all major Church affiliations in both the East and West have always rejected this so-called Christian Gnosticism as heresy which DOES NOT represent the True Teachings of Jesus Christ the Messiah (Yeshua Ha-Mashiach). Thus, the Gnostic Tradition has never gained a widespread following within mainstream Christianity, and probably never will.

The Gnostic Philosophy and Mythology has long remained a mostly hidden, proprietary body of seriously questionable material primarily advocated by a few zealous adherents in each generation, who present themselves as the self-appointed guardians and torchbearers of 'secret esoteric doctrines', unknown to the masses, descended from a lineage of teachers and writings hardly anyone has ever heard of.

Given the claims of its proponents, a number of very serious and important questions arise. Namely, by whose spiritual authority should the Gnostic Teachings and Theology be accepted as the most authentic and accurate interpretations of Jewish and Christian Holy Scriptures and Biblical Symbolism? And who can be pointed out from the Gnostic Tradition as its Spiritual Luminaries....i.e. those who have personally achieved the Highest Levels of Spiritual Attainment in demonstration of the practical value and validity of the Gnostic Teachings and Methods?

Who has appeared from among the Gnostics akin to Sri Ramakrishna (Hindu Advaita Vedanta), Pir Hazrat Inayat Khan (Sufism), Milarepa (Tibetan Bon/Buddhism), St. John the Divine (Eastern Christianity), St. Francis of Assisi (Western Christianity), Ibn'Arabi (Islam), Rabbi Yizchak Luria (Jewish Kabbalah)...to name but a few of the innumerable examples of Saints, Sadgurus, Sages, Pirs, Arhats, Bodhisattvas, Rabbis, Roshis, Rinpoches, et al, of other Spiritual Traditions who have inspired and instructed humanity with the superb personal examples of their Godly lives, as well as with their spiritual writings and/or teachings?

If the Gnostic Tradition really represents the 'True Esoteric Teachings' as claimed, why has it not produced a greater number of notable and familiar individuals in demonstration of its supposedly superior spiritual potential? It would seem, therefore, that Gnosticism is focused solely on the intellectual rationalism of its mythological doctrines, primarily for its few adherents, not on the collective spiritual betterment of humanity as a whole.

Hari OM!


Edited by - Doc on Jan 02 2007 04:26:10 AM
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Posted - Jan 01 2007 :  9:11:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Samael Aun Weor: So, you became amazed with my statement about the three brains? Well, comprehend me: We have the intellectual brain within the cranium. We also have the motor brain within the superior part of the dorsal spine, this is the capital centre of movements. And the emotional brain is within the solar plexus and other sympathetic centres. Did you understand me now?

Hey, Phillip, I read some of Samuel Aun Weor's Writings, yesterday, and agree with what he said with the above, since I was investigating various dream states beforehand, as related to the area of the brain called Pons:


This was a great find, as it relates to my experience/research of the REM State of consciousness during the wake state. I have more exploring to do and have to connect these centers with the chakra centers!


Edited by - VIL on Jan 01 2007 9:52:12 PM
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Posted - Jan 02 2007 :  1:59:58 PM  Show Profile  Visit yoginstar's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Philip,
By the grace of an "accident" I happen to fall right into this highly interesting discussion over here, but I am finding that I don't have any time currently to read everything as yet. So I decided to just read your original post and I don't know whether this helps you, but the original coding of the I Ching equals Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of the Astrological Mandala. I just don't really have an idea whether this elucidates, or should elucidate or what, but maybe you find it interesting:-))
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Posted - Jan 02 2007 :  9:10:27 PM  Show Profile  Visit Philip's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Given the claims of its proponents, a number of very serious and important questions arise. Namely, by whose spiritual authority should the Gnostic Teachings and Theology be accepted as the most authentic and accurate interpretations of Jewish and Christian Holy Scriptures and Biblical Symbolism? And who can be pointed out from the Gnostic Tradition as its Spiritual Luminaries....i.e. those who have personally achieved the Highest Levels of Spiritual Attainment in demonstration of the practical value and validity of the Gnostic Teachings and Methods?

Hello Doc and other friends,

Doc we must amicably agree that we do not agree on the history of Christianity, and that there is obviously no amount of dialogue that would, or should solve this.

To me it is obvious that:

All the founders of Christianity were, indeed, Gnostic.

The Gnostic Catholic Church is the original church founded by Jesus Christ, whose first pontiff was Peter.

All religions are necessary and true Gnostics are not against any religion.

The Gnostic Catholic Church is found in the Superior Worlds. The student must learn how to travel in the astral body to visit the Gnostic Temples which exists in the Superior Worlds. There one can speak directly to the Angels, the Saints, the Buddhas, the Masters, etc. There one can investigate the mysteries of life and death. But first it is necessary to awaken.

The Gnostic Movement is giving the keys in order to awaken the consciousness in a single lifetime in order to free people from the immense darkness they suffer.

Saints such as: Saturninus of Antioch, the celebrated Kabbalist, belonged to the Primitive Christian Catholic Gnostic Church; Simon the Magician, who unfortunately deviated; Carpocrates, who founded several Gnostic convents in Spain; Marcion of Ponto, Saint Thomas, Saint Valentine; the Great Master of Major Mysteries called Saint Augustine; Tertullian; Saint Ambrose; Irenaeus; Hippolytus; Epiphanius; Clement of Alexandria; Mark, the Great Gnostic who took care of the Holy Gnostic Unction and left us the extraordinary teachings about the path of sexual forces through the twelve zodiacal doors of the human organism. Also Cerdon, Empedocles, Saint Geronimo and many other saints were members of the Primitive Christian Catholic Gnostic Church from which the current Roman sect deviated. - The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor

In history there were many sects who called themselves, or were called by others "gnostic," but really they were not.

Anyone who has "gnosis" is by corollary a Gnostic.

There is one Truth and this truth is found at the heart of all religions, nevertheless, because man is imperfect, he always deviates and manipulates the doctrine, consciously or unconsciously. Buddha rightly stated that his doctrine would become unrecognizable after 500 years.

Very few people in any generation thus far have been willing to invest the kind of time and energy needed to pursue such overtly occult studies just for the sake of discovering whether any real spiritual benefits may or may not be forthcoming from the effort.

I am actually quite young and can count the number of years I have studied any form of religion, philosophy, mysticism, occultism, etc., on the fingers of one hand. And yet, the spiritual benefits palpitate with every beat of my heart. The purpose of my posts are not to offend, but to help show the ways to comprehend one's self and transcend the state of suffering that exists within everyone.
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Posted - Jan 02 2007 :  10:21:45 PM  Show Profile  Visit yoginstar's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Djezus Christ Philip, I personally can see that you actually do know what you are talking about. And Doc you will remember how your first entry-in-this-forum-post reclaiming your own gnostic tradition made me jump from delight.. and I told you then about this experience I had once in Cyprus going with my sister to the top of a little mountain where there was a holy church, for one person.... by the way that was true. You had the audacity to send me a picture that had something to do with emancipation of women or something, which frankly really offended me. But it didn't matter, I just never replied to you on that one:-)
Anyways, I actually did get some sleep this night, I have now proven to myself that it is under certain specific circumstances possible to not go crazy and not sleep either, providing a forum of truly wonderful people is prepared to help you there, and again I thank you for your help, for I really needed it indeed I hope to downgrade myself soon and get into normal states of communication:-)))
Love to all
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Posted - Jan 03 2007 :  09:23:56 AM  Show Profile  Visit Philip's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
This was a great find, as it relates to my experience/research of the REM State of consciousness during the wake state. I have more exploring to do and have to connect these centers with the chakra centers!

There are three primary nervous systems:

1. Intellectual - Cerebrospinal Nervous System - Brain - Throne of The Father (+)
2. Emotional - Grand Sympathetic Nervous System - Heart - Throne of the Son (Heart) (-)
3. Motor-instinctive-sexual - Vagus or Parasympathetic - Sex - Throne of the Holy Spirit (=)

Every chakra has its relationship with all three. Each chakra does have a specific relation to a gland or organ, however. This is detailed in Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor.
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Posted - Jan 03 2007 :  1:59:38 PM  Show Profile  Visit Doc's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Philip:

"The Gnostic Catholic Church is the original church founded by Jesus Christ, whose first pontiff was Peter."


This is undoubtedly the most erroneous statement, IMO, that you have posted thus far. Clearly, you are not educated in factual Christian Church History, so perhaps I can assist you in filling in the gaps.

The Unified Christian Church of the first 1,000+ years of Christianity, founded by Jesus Christ, was and is the Greek Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church. This is a historical fact! It is the oldest, original Christian Church from its beginning at the first Pentecost. The original Apostles and Disciples of Jesus were all members of this Unified Orthodox Church, which is why it is referred to as 'Catholic'...i.e. Universally United Everywhere in Correct Belief (Orthodoxis) and Correct Practice (Orthopraxis)...and 'Apostolic'...i.e. disseminated in a Direct Lineage of Oral Transmission and Scriptural Interpretation from the Original Apostles.

The Christian communities, for example, to whom St. Paul wrote his New Testament Letters or Epistles...i.e Collosians, Corinthians, Galatians, et al, were at that time, and are still today, Greek Orthodox Christian Congregations. For 1,000 years, to be a Christian was to be Greek Orthodox.

Of the original five Apostolically Founded Church Patriarchates (Seats of Primary Bishops)...namely Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Byzantium (later renamed Constantinople), and Rome...the Roman Church attempted to assert its dominance over the other four Apostolic Patriarchates as 'First Among Equals' for several centuries. Failing to do so, Rome separated from them to become an independent Apostolic Church in the so-called Great Schism of 1054 A.D. The Roman Church remained Orthodox in her Beliefs and Practices for several hundred more years, though, except for an addition to the Nicene Creed called the Filioque, before beginning to independently change the original Orthodox Doctrines without the majority vote approval of the other Apostolically Founded Churches as originally done.

The Protestant Reformation later split the Roman Church into many independent church factions, which number in the hundreds today in the Christian West. Eastern Orthodox Christianity, however, has remained united to this day, never adding to or deleting from the original Christian Doctrines of Faith established by the Ecumenical Councils of the first three hundred years of Christian History, which were unanimously agreed upon by all of the Patriarchs, including the Roman Bishop, and their local church congregations by a majority vote of the community members.

Those who have any interest in seeing and experiencing this Eastern form of Christian worship from the Apostolic Era can still do so by attending a 'Divine Liturgy' at any Eastern Orthodox Church on any Sunday of the year. Regardless of the ethnic affiliation of these Orthodox Christian Churches...i.e. Greek, Russian, Romanian, Armenian, Ethiopian, Coptic, Bulgarian, Serbian, and so forth...Belief and Practice is the same everywhere, differing only in local ethnic customs and the recognition of national ethnic Saints in the yearly Calendar of Feast Days as minor variations.

The Gnostic Catholic Church, however, was founded in 1907 by Jean Bricaud, Gerard Encausse, and Louis-Sophrone Fugairon...all of whom were members of the Gnostic Church of France, founded in 1890 by Jules Doinel. Doinel abdicated his position as Patriarch of the Gnostic Church, and resigned from membership as a Freemason in 1895 to become a Roman Catholic. His expose of the Gnostic Church and the Freemasons written thereafter...entitled 'Lucifer Unmasked'...is a very revealing, 'inside look' at the core of both organizations. Additional, accurate information about the history of the Gnostic Church and the Gnostic Catholic Church can be found here:


Hari OM!


Edited by - Doc on Jan 03 2007 8:12:58 PM
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586 Posts

Posted - Jan 03 2007 :  5:31:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Phillip: There are three primary nervous systems:

1. Intellectual - Cerebrospinal Nervous System - Brain - Throne of The Father (+)
2. Emotional - Grand Sympathetic Nervous System - Heart - Throne of the Son (Heart) (-)
3. Motor-instinctive-sexual - Vagus or Parasympathetic - Sex - Throne of the Holy Spirit (=)

Every chakra has its relationship with all three. Each chakra does have a specific relation to a gland or organ, however. This is detailed in Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor.

Hey, Phillip, I will definitely check out Samael Aun Weor's Book, once I find a free online source, or may purchase. I appreciate you listing the information. And you're right, I'm looking for body correlation to specific organ, gland, whatever.

Thanks again:


Edited by - VIL on Jan 03 2007 5:35:30 PM
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