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 Kundalini Issues Not Related to the AYP System
 What happens after Prana/Kundalini?
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Posted - May 01 2020 :  9:52:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
I say Prana because I'm told many people tend to confuse it with actual Kundalini awakening. The awakening, as it were, only occurs once the Prana has reached the crown, which is when (and where) the "transformation" is said to happen (more on that later).

So the Prana has been burning its way across my body for a good year. First it was the abdominal area and then, after a period of cooling down (most likely due to grounding), it's suddenly ripping my heart/lungs apart (the heart Chakra. Medics say I have normal lung fields and oxygen levels in my blood and am overall fine). It's so sensitive I can't sit down and read a book or do anything that mimics doing a mantra without there being some kind of pressure/energy building up in my chest and heart (anything that restrains my breath, even if otherwise enjoyable. Think about smoking a tobacco pipe, which you don't inhale, or having an argument with someone or even praying. In fact, I was praying and deeply involved in my prayers when my heart Chakra first opened up and it was clear to me that the inner silence and mantra-like recitation from the prayers had triggered it. Thought I was having a heart attack that night and had to call 999).

What's worse is that people say I'm to expect even more trouble after the actual "awakening" begins. They say the actual awakening (once Prana has reached the third eye and crown) is when the real ordeal begins, and I mean all sorts of psychological horror episodes. Everything from fear and depression to uncontrollable lust and schizophrenia (I'm already getting the nightmares and a sudden depression which I don't understand)!

Is this true? Am I going to become insane? Would Kundalini turn an otherwise normal brain mad? What good is all this anyway? Sorry if it looks like I'm complaining but besides all the physical symptoms (which have made my life, work and even holidays a nightmare) I now have to expect episodes of psychosis and horror?

You'll say grounding and self-pacing? Well, I haven't meditated for a year, since my Prana/Kundalini erupted, and I have a feeling that long walks and cold showers won't cut it this time. Is physical yoga actually a good way to slow down the "cleansing" of Prana/Kundalini?

Please guys, don't let me face this thing alone. Point me to someone who can understand and help, like Yogani (if he's still here anyway. I've read all his lessons btw).


540 Posts

Posted - May 02 2020 :  12:44:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Piruz, I'm sure other more experienced practitioners will share with you soon but wanted to let you know you aren't alone and this is a supportive community that will help you. I started my practices about a year ago. I did have some brief periods of energy excess which had some symptoms like you are experiencing. I think many of the things you are worried about are theoretical. The reality is you are suffering from some type of energy excess right now, I wouldn't worry about further crown opening insanity stuff as you are suffering now and likely will not follow the path of excess that would lead to that. Since you aren't doing any practices now I do believe grounding practices are still important. I'd be curious what type of practices you were doing that got you where you are now? AYP is a pretty safe path as Yogani has outlined a controlled way to slowly develop the prana/kundalini energies. Share a little more and I'm sure you'll get some good suggestions.
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United Kingdom
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Posted - May 02 2020 :  9:03:53 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I'm not sure by what name it goes (perhaps mindfulness) but I simply sat down (lotus position) and observed my inhales and exhales for up to an hour 4 days a week or more and in doing so I could feel the silence which would eventually stimulate energy through the spine moving it up to the third eye and crown (the third eye would particularly be stimulated. I always enjoyed that!). At the time it felt exciting and I would always try to get more of it because I was under the impression that no matter how inconvenient it might get it is basically under control and only experienced during deep meditation. One night I was trying to sleep and Kundalini, for the very first time, showed me how untame it was. Little did I know that whatever was happening at the depths of my meditations would soon become my life.

I'd been on it for years because those fuzzy new age wannabe yogis on the media/internet keep on saying stuff like "meditation isn't goal-oriented" and "nothing bad comes from it" and that it was "a just-do-it sort of thing without special dynamics and rules". Those idiots should be banned from lecturing on meditation because, apparently, they don't know the first thing about what it can (and most likely will) do to an uninitiated mind and/or body, which most minds and bodies are.

I only started reading Yogani's lessons after my Kundalini/Prana ordeal had already began. It all made sense and the framework outlined was so thorough and exact I really felt sorry for myself for not having stumbled upon it earlier. I realized that, all this time, I was practically begging my Kundalini to erupt like a volcano.

But I feel it's too late for that now. I'm already in over my head and my feathers are far too ruffled for a thorough revisit of the practice. In fact, I can't go anywhere near meditation (even grounding meditation encouraged by Yogani for overload symptoms) because my nervous system is far too sensitive. I mean even in grounding (a year of it) and no meditation and yoga, the Kundalini is making its way up at a fine pace. All the "surgical" practices outlined by Yogani for stimulating Prana at specific regions and unblocking certain Chakras are simply unnecessary for my Prana is doing it all by itself, naturally and, if I might add, painfully. There's no stopping it.
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United Kingdom
73 Posts

Posted - May 02 2020 :  9:05:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Which brings me back to my original question: what happens after Prana/Kundalini when the circuit is complete and awakening is imminent? Does this "awakening" happen to all people? Or do most people experience it as a gradual and sensible transformation of their mental lives?
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2242 Posts

Posted - May 02 2020 :  11:19:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hello again Piruz

Yogani explains imminent awakening in his answer in this lesson.
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2516 Posts

Posted - May 03 2020 :  04:09:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hello Piruz
Dogboy pointed out lesson 201 which answers your main question
i just want to reply to your question whether yoga asanas can ground. In my experience and the experience of many practitioners i know, there is no certain answer. For some asanas are grounding and for otherS asanas make the overload worse.You have to find out for yourself. In case you are interested then i would recommend the gentle yoga asanas in ayp or gentle hatha yoga practice, not the ashtanga practices.
Kundalini takes long time to settle down, i have not done done any sitting practices since almost 5 years and i still ground. Also as you might have read in the lessons, eating heavier helps. In my experience meat helps a lot.
As pointed out in lesson 201, the energy is not enough , it should be married so to speak to inner silence.When this union happens, you simply live your daily life in a much smoother way no matter what life brings.
PS. you mention praying. Well that is powerful practice that triggers the energy, so self pacing is not only about not doing meditation, it is also about avoiding any forms of bhakti, spiritual readings , spiritual music etc...

Edited by - maheswari on May 03 2020 04:13:53 AM
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93 Posts

Posted - May 03 2020 :  11:12:07 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Piruz, hope you found some guidance ready, since tere are many lessons that cover your problem.
First i would reccomend you not to worry to much about it since stress could aid your malady. What I would say happens, is that you went a little too far with practices, which created those energy imbalances, I'd also reccomend you not to be too keen on your theory that prana must first reach the crown before kundalini awakens. Since prana is pur life force,and is constantly everywhere, you could also say that pur bodies are just an envelope for prana. From your message it's preety clear that your kundalini awakened, and it can awaken anywhere in te body. And many symptoms may arise, which can be alleviated, I and any user here would reccomend you to self pace, since you said you used to meditate more than an hour, something that can really stir your internal life energies, and kundalini isn't merciful. It indeed seems as if everything is and will be alright in deep meditation, but later on deep obstructions will be released, and the kundalini will be stimulated. I would reccomend you to find a balance between your practices and daily life. On how to do it you just have too searc a little about self pacing and kundalini awakenings in the lessons provised by yogani.
Also just think of it as something that will pass, and many more beatiful things will come, after some time you will get used to this carousel that spiritul practices bring.
Wish you all the best, and may your karma structure dissemble silently.
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United Kingdom
73 Posts

Posted - May 03 2020 :  7:50:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Guys, I've recently tried doing warm up exercises like shoulder stretches and then swinging my body right and left (since my Kundalini is mostly stuck at the chest and throat I though I might need to work that area instead of just taking longs walks) and seriously I could feel and hear hot air coming from my lungs as I alternate between left and right movements even though I'm not breathing hard. It's like having trapped hot air being released or having fluids in your lungs and the air travelling through!

What the hell is going on? I thought my doctors said I had "normal lung fields"!

I'll address everything else later I'm currently too freaked out.
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4429 Posts

Posted - May 04 2020 :  09:08:48 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Piruz,

Sorry to hear about the difficulties you have been having and are still having. Things will settle down over time.

It would be helpful if you could complete this questionnaire. It would put us in a better position to be able to advise you.


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United Kingdom
73 Posts

Posted - May 04 2020 :  8:31:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Q1: What are your symptoms and how long have you had them? Are your symptoms primarily physical, psychological, or both?

A: My symptoms are primarily (and thankfully) physical (I say thankfully because those who's bodies don't process Prana with all the pain involved tend to experience more acute mental symptoms. Right?). Well, I'm not sure energy moving across the body the way Kundalini does can be described as physical, but it's more in the body than it is in the mind. I've had them for a year now. It first started in the abdominal area, burning through the body every time I was about to fall asleep (it's hardly ever dormant, but it's mostly active when my guard is down). Now it's in my chest and throat. Feels like pressure (but feels like electricity when the "blockage" is unblocked). Spinal nerve is usually the last thing to be triggered (most likely because it's where the Prana is "trying" to go in the first place) and I feel better afterwards (I say afterwards, because the spinal shock is quite shocking lol).

Q2: Are your symptoms ongoing, or intermittent? If intermittent, when are they most likely to occur -- during what kind of activity and/or time of the day? Is your sleep affected?

They're both. Though, I mean, they are intermittent in the sense of being stronger at times, but as pointed earlier they're never truly dormant no matter what I'm doing. Sleep is definitely affected, as the energy is most active when the mind is silent. Deep involvement in my prayers seems to trigger Kundalini in the deepest way and, paradoxically, to balance it sometimes.

Q3: Do you consider your situation with kundalini to be the result of spiritual practices, or do you regard it to be spontaneous?

I'd say it's definitely the result of meditation. I've had the same symptoms before during my meditation sittings (in fact, I invited them), but I was under the impression that they will stay there (the sittings). I couldn't have been more wrong.

Q4: What sort of spiritual practices have you been engaged in, if any? How long? How often? Are you aware that excessive spiritual practice can aggravate kundalini, often with a delayed reaction?

Mindfulness. I practiced for up to an hour a day, 4 to 6 days a week, for over 2 years. And yes, the reaction (Kundalini/Prana overload) was clearly delayed. No one told me to self-pace and the lunatics on the internet said "the more you do it the better".

Q5: Do you consider yourself to be “sensitive” to spiritual practices? If so, with what practices, and what sort of measures have you taken to accommodate your sensitivity?

Don't about before Kundalini but I've definitely grown sensitive to spiritual practices. My heart Chakra "opened" during prayers (praising God in a mantra-like recitation as I was falling asleep. Like I said, I called 999 that night because I thought it was a heart attack).

Q6: Do you think drugs have contributed to your kundalini situation?

I don't do drugs. Never have and never will. I don't even drink. I do smoke a pipe and drink strong tea but I find it difficult to believe that stimulants would alter my mind in any way.

Q7: Have you experienced traumatic events in your life that may have a bearing on your current symptoms?

Yes. I have many issues, some more serious than others. The first time I had what could be described as an OBE (out-of-body experience) I was feeling very depressed and was dwelling so hard on my situation I suddenly realized I was "floating behind my back" and it was before I started meditating. I believe my past (and present) traumas may have contributed to my energy imbalances. OCD also struck me a couple of years ago, but it's a wounded beast now. I don't believe I'm mad or psychotic in any way, just hurt.

Q8: Is your sexual lifestyle affecting your symptoms? Are you aware that obsessively limiting sexual release can increase kundalini energy and symptoms?

I believe so. My libido is strong at times and not so much at others. It all depends on how far stretched the Kundalini is and where it's dynamically more present.

Q9: What is your general diet? Are you aware that a lighter diet can stimulate kundalini?

It's a mixed diet. Nothing unusual just a lot of sugar (been off the sugar addiction for the past 10 days though). But all that tea and tobacco has been suppressing my appetite. During periods where my Kundalini is highly volatile, I wake up more hungry than usual and eat more during the day.

Q10: Do you engage in moderate exercise regularly, like walking, yard work, etc? Are you aware that regular exercise can help stabilize ("ground") kundalini symptoms?

I only started incorporating exercise into my daily routine after Kundalini simply because I had no other choice. Long walks, sometimes power walking, helped me a great deal when my Kundalini first erupted. The energies became more managable and I was able to live with them (even harness them in a good way, one would say). I'm back to them now after a long period of being too lazy to workout (4 months) but I feel like walking isn't enough. I'm surprised to learn how the energy (Prana) is extra-sensitive to certain types of movements more than others every time I try something new out. I am dying to know what types of sporta are right for the different Chakras! I KNOW there's a relation between movement in the body and Prana movement in the "subtle body".

Q11: Are you a highly devotional person? Are you aware that excessive devotional activity, satsang or spiritual study can aggravate an active kundalini?

Not sure if I'm devotional or not. On a theoretical level, I'm very devotional. But there's hardly a price to pay for fantasies. When theory meets with reality, however, that's when I'm initially thrown off. I always find a way to get my devotions back even when I'm down and broken. Who can live without dreams?

Q12: Are you engaged in ordinary daily activities like a job, school, family, parenting, social activity, service to others? Are you aware that such activities, undertaken without spiritual intention or expectations, can help ground excessive kundalini energies?

I have a job and keeping up with my job routine (waking up early and forcing myself to sleep early) is perhaps the single greatest challenge my Kundalini poses. When Kundalini burns through, your sleeping pattern is the first thing to be affected. You want to sleep at midnight but you can't force your Kundalini to calm down just because you have work the next day. When the energy calms down is when you can go to sleep, not the opposite. Kundalini has its own sleeping pattern and as long as you interfere with that you can't expect a speedy recovery. Waking up feeling tired and going to sleep feeling restless has been my life for months.

Q 13: Have you been examined and treated by a medical doctor or mental health professional for your symptoms in the past? If so, what was the result?

Yes. It was 5 AM and, like I said, what was mostly likely a violent heart Chakra opening seemed to me to be a full-blown heart attack. I was very alarmed and called the ambulance. After many x-rays and blood tests I was told that I had normal lung fields and that my heart was a "young man's heart". Blood pressure was fine as well (it baffles me how medical indicators can fail to detect the cause of all that pain in my body when it's screaming "I'm all over you"!).

Q14: Are there other factors and/or measures you are taking in relation to your situation that are not covered above?

Not sure. I think not.

Q15: What is your approximate age (teen, 20s, 30s, 40s, etc.)? What is your gender? We ask because the manifestation of kundalini symptoms can be affected by these factors.

Male. 28 miserable years old.
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Posted - May 05 2020 :  08:33:43 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Piruz,

Thanks for completing the questionnaire.

It does sound as if you are going through a powerful kundalini awakening as a result of overdoing mindfulness practices and prayer. I would suggest that at this stage you stop all spiritual practices, including prayer. Try to avoid exercise which raises the heart rate, as this can also increase the flows of prana in the body, making symptoms worse. Walking and simple activity such as working in the garden, or cleaning the house are much better for grounding.

Eating heavier foods for a while can help, as well as drinking plenty of water. If tea and tobacco suppress your appetite, then cut down on them, or give them up. You certainly should not be thinking about opening or activating chakras, as this will not help at all.

Usually these simple measures will be effective in a few days or weeks, to bring the subtle nervous system back into balance, and for any negative symptoms to stop. However, in rare cases, it can take longer, so you will need to be patient.

See this lesson on dealing with kundalini symptoms:

Lesson 69 - Kundalini Symptoms, Imbalances and Remedies

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United Kingdom
73 Posts

Posted - May 05 2020 :  7:56:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I haven't meditated in a year and don't intend on going back to meditation anytime soon for the simple reason that I'm too terrified to do so. Prayers only trigger an episode when I don't self-pace, unlike meditation, which would most likely trigger an overload no matter how much I self-pace. That being said, the Prana won't stop no matter what, and I don't need to meditate for Prana to do all sorts of crazy things to my body (things which are otherwise meditation-induced) and climb to my head. Most advanced practices outlined by Yogani that aim to unblock one Chakra or another happen to me naturally (and, of course, painfully). Grounding helps a great deal in incorporating the rush and calming the fires down, but it won't stop it altogether and the Prana will eventually take my experience to the next level (or should I say, the next Chakra). This Kundalini ordeal is always an episode waiting to happen.

Which brings me back to my original question, what happens next after the Prana has unblocked the main Chakras and reached the crown? I'm DYING to know so please don't keep me in the dark if you know something guys.
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2516 Posts

Posted - May 06 2020 :  03:18:41 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Piruz

Prayers only trigger an episode ...Which brings me back to my original question, what happens next after the Prana has unblocked the main Chakras and reached the crown? I'm DYING to know so please don't keep me in the dark if you know something guys.

Hello Piruz,
an episode or more than an episode, prayers , bhakti, chanting, being in holy places etc...need to be stopped for good
As for what happens later on, as explained in this thread and in AYP lessons, the energy does not necessary move from one chakra up to the other one, this theory in main stream yoga books is not accurate.So there is no goal to make it reach the crown.There is a process that we try to make as smooth as possible and when the blockages in the nervous system are less and less, then simply you feel kundalini extreme symptoms less and less and you go on living your life, there is nothing to expect nor a dream to become true nor heaven coming down to earth nor any other fancy experience...you just live your life at ease and all questions will be dropped cause there is no more interest in answers
Also i suggest that whenever you feel extreme symptoms do not resist them or analyse them or focus on them too much (especially that doctors already told you that physically you are well) , cause this will make the symptoms even worse. It is not so easy but try and with repetition you will see an improvement in your reaction to what is going on. Less reaction and more keeping yourself busy in mundane stuff, till the episode subsides, That is why in AYP building a solid base of inner silence is extremely important cause this silence will help us navigate not only kundalini symptoms but also whatever life brings

Edited by - maheswari on May 06 2020 03:28:54 AM
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United Kingdom
73 Posts

Posted - May 06 2020 :  8:11:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Maheswari, I tend to agree with you that, in experience, the Chakras are not so detached from each other as thought, and that the Prana tends to flow in all of them. But not with equal intensity (at least not in all people) and here's why. During the first phase of my Prana awakening, about a year ago, the lower part of my body was the most affected and it was where all or most of the symptoms use to occur. That being said, I could still feel symptoms in the upper parts of the body (crown included) back then but it wasn't where the "fireworks" were "originating" from. Today, after my heart opening, the chest, throat and head are the most affected, and things I couldn't dare do during my "abdominal phase" (like certain sleeping positions that out pressure on the abdominal area and triggered more energy there) are providing me with some relief because it's the upper part that ails me. This only makes sense when we understand that the Chakras are not all activated at once and that mainstream thinking still holds.

As to there not being any "major or sudden awakening" after all the Chakras are unblocked, I'm trully relieved to hear that as miracle and visions come at a price in my experience. It's always best to transition at a reasonable (and therefore slow) pace. But for someone who's prone to energy overload and drama, am I not simply engaging in wishful thinking? What happens when the head (third eye and crown) become the main point of intensity like the heart and stomach once were?
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Posted - May 06 2020 :  8:33:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Update: This is new so please pay attention guys. I'm getting very low feedback from my libido. I'm not in a relationship and don't have a sexual life to begin with but normally (and to some extent) arousal makes you feel happy because it shows you're "back in the world". Now, every time I'm exposed to arousing material or am having a fantasy of some sort, I feel like I'm being "pulled back" from the physiological response and my heart races and had I been in a relationship I'm pretty sure I would be unable to make love.

But then all of a sudden I get these tingling sexual sensations and the physiological response of sex starts to kick in when I'm least thinking about it and am too busy doing other stuff.

I think I can trace this back to an "experience" I had on my way back from work two weeks ago. I was falling asleep on the bus and could feel my sexual organs becoming aroused (it was a hot sunny day full of women dressed in revealing outfit, after all). But then, all of a sudden, the sexual energy "changed course" to the heart and I had a vision screaming "I'm awakening! This is too good!". The euphoria was intense, perhaps too strong for the heart, but was short lived.

What the hell is going on? Are Kundalini-awakened people really unable to make normal love for the rest of their lives and are only aroused when they're not even in the mood? This is crazy! Is this all mentioned in Kundalini literature (I remember coming across something like it once or twice)?
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1731 Posts

Posted - May 07 2020 :  05:29:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Piruz
During the first phase of my Prana awakening, about a year ago, the lower part of my body was the most affected and it was where all or most of the symptoms use to occur. That being said, I could still feel symptoms in the upper parts of the body (crown included) back then but it wasn't where the "fireworks" were "originating" from. Today, after my heart opening, the chest, throat and head are the most affected, and things I couldn't dare do during my "abdominal phase" (like certain sleeping positions that out pressure on the abdominal area and triggered more energy there) are providing me with some relief because it's the upper part that ails me. This only makes sense when we understand that the Chakras are not all activated at once and that mainstream thinking still holds.

Hi Piruz

Over the years, I have had purification symptoms alternating between the upper and lower chakras. For a few weeks there would be a lot going on in the abdomen, then the energy appeared to have moved up to the chest, then back down to the abdomen and so on.

I doesn't seem to me that this is a linear process moving towards the head. In fact, I have not had any serious symptoms at the crown. There has been tingling and I have disliked the top of my head being heated by the sun (because of this, I have acquired a collection of hats, for wearing throughout the summer). But other than that the energy didn't cause any havok in the upper centres. You just don't focus on the crown.

Since you are so sensitive, it would be safer to stay way from any practices for a while, as you have been advised. You need to find outlets for the energy in practical activities. Channel it outwards, that is. Even thinking about energy movements and worrying where it might go is a way to keep it simmering.

What do you do with yourself these days? Do you work, or study? Is there something in you life to draw you out, rather than inwards?

All the best.

Edited by - BlueRaincoat on May 07 2020 05:31:58 AM
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2516 Posts

Posted - May 07 2020 :  08:59:04 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
But for someone who's prone to energy overload and drama, am I not simply engaging in wishful thinking? What happens when the head (third eye and crown) become the main point of intensity like the heart and stomach once were?

Hello Piruz
Why think about third eye and crown if no symptoms might appear there in the first place? As i said you are analyzing too much
which makes you into drama as you said. Mind is a good tool if used in daily life but it is a bondage if it controls you.
I'm awakening! This is too good!

in AYP we need both inner silence and energy to smoothly sail. You have little inner silence that is why you are unable to observe what is happening with a cool attitude.Inner silence will come with time if you self pace and ground, meanwhile drop the idea that spirituality is exciting fireworks , or that enlightenment is happening to me. Experiences even if grandiose are a ripple on the surface, they quickly pass , only silence is solid and in this silence there is no identification like: I am Piruz, I am a seeker, kundalini is happening to me....all these are mind stuff and can make your symptoms feel worse
Are Kundalini-awakened people really unable to make normal love for the rest of their lives and are only aroused when they're not even in the mood? This is crazy! Is this all mentioned in Kundalini literature (I remember coming across something like it once or twice)?

People with awakened kundalini have a normal sexual life, AYP has the tantra lessons in this regard. But now do not read them nor apply any of it cause it will make your situation worse.Even reading them will make you overload just like your prayers. Just ground.
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Posted - May 07 2020 :  8:31:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
BlueRancoat, I never "focused on the energy" in the first place (apart from my meditations a year ago, that is, after which I stopped meditation for good). After my initial awakening I took up grounding exercises and things settled down and were under control. 5 months later, however, and after a period of being unable to carry on with my grounding exercises (someone took my cardio machine and I was literally addicted to it), the Prana shocked me at some night and was ripping my heart apart. The Kundalini had gained momentum again, moving to new Chakras (the heart and throat). Now I wake up in the middle of my sleep about to choke on my tongue which, for some reason, moves back to the throat (I know there's a name for that sort of thing, a practice, one in which I had never engaged in my life. Like I said, it all happens naturally and forcefully).

All in all, however, there's no question that the process is not linear, and not the same for all people. I wish I hadn't been prone to overload and drama, which unfortunately I am and have always been (even before Kundalini).

Yes, I do work, 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, and when I'm off I'm busy with family stuff or simply too overloaded with Prana to go to work. I am far from retired from the world, just not so pleasantly involved in it. I'm pretty sure that being engaged in things I like would provide me with an outlet for all those wild energies. I'll be working on that as soon as things at work being to settle down. Being engaged in the world isn't enough and you need to find activities that you actually enjoy.
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Posted - May 07 2020 :  8:37:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Maheswari, I am suddenly becoming too anxious when sexually aroused (so glad I'm not in a relationship for it would have ended badly that way). Something is pulling me back (or should I say, up!). Obviously, I won't go about forcing sexual arousal or enjoyment just to confide in the notion that I am "normal". I will leave it and let it be for now, but in doing so I would really appreciate some insight.

I this normal in so-called Kundalini awakening? I mean ups and downs (or even malfunctions) in libido during Prana and/or Kundalini? I haven't had a wet dream in weeks (not that I'm complaining but it does come with a touch of anxiety/fear, like something is holding the arousal back or up as mentioned earlier).

Please advise if you know anything about this.
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Posted - May 08 2020 :  01:27:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Piruz,
I'm sorry to hear of your difficulty. You are not alone. You are right to seek support. It appears that people have very individual experiences with Kundalini. When it first happened to me I too became scared. You wrote that you had once been depressed and had been hurt in the past. You said you were,"dwelling so hard on my situation." I wonder if you are doing the same now with the symptoms? Sometimes it can help to reframe what is happening. To "be with" it instead of fighting it. I don't know if you have ever gotten any professional help with past emotional trauma but this too may help you. Spending time with nature and helping others can also assist. Try yoga asanas or other stretching exercises. I would stop reading Kundalini/spiritual books/info. Be kind to yourself. Focus on the mundane for now.
All the best,
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1553 Posts

Posted - May 08 2020 :  01:40:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Dear Piruz,

Sounds like you are having fun... just joking . You have been given loads of excellent advice. I will re-emphasize some elements you may have missed.

To answer your question - will you go crazy when kundalini reaches the crown - the answer is no. Not likely. Internet nutters love to exaggerate and create fear.

Kundalini arises from the storehouse of sexual energy situated at the base of your bum, so yes, it impacts sexual functioning. What you are experiencing is a transcendence of sexual energy used merely for the purpose of sex and procreation to a spiritual transformation.

Question 12 of the survey talks of service to others - this, in my experience, is the best means of grounding. I recommend you find a direct means of helping others.

Remember this is a natural phenomena. Kundalini awakenings happen, spontaneously or through practices. It can be a rough ride but there is nothing to fear, even when it gets fearful. Laugh at yourself.

Now for a practical tip. When the energy gets too much, especially in the night when you don't have immediate means of grounding, sit up in bed, dip your chin into the little hollow at the base of your neck. This will help divert the energy into the heart chakra and ground it. Then simply let the energy do its thing. It will shake you, bend you, spin your upper body. Then it will calm down.

Remember there is nothing to fear.


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2516 Posts

Posted - May 08 2020 :  04:41:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hello Piruz
Q8 was a very important question but your reply was vague. Obsessively not releasing makes the symptoms worse, not having wet dreams as you mentioned makes the symptoms worse. Your kundalini is far from grounded so in your case the excess should be released and not cultivated
You seem to judge yourself too much ( glad i do not have a girlfriend cause it will end bad) How do you know that for sure? Just drop your too many thoughts and live your life.
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United Kingdom
73 Posts

Posted - May 08 2020 :  7:11:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Update: I'm becoming breathless during hot showers. The steam from the hot water is inducing Kundalini-like symptoms. I don't know whether it's a physical problem or not, but is it a coincidence that hot steam and deep prayers are producing very much the same symptoms? Is there something which, during heart openings, makes your lungs and/or heart less able to function normally or that the organs therein are too tired integrating all that Kundalini. I think it may be the case that this is the response of my lungs and heart to the dynamics of Kundalini (Gods know how complicated they might be) rather than any disease.

Another update: I've noticed that, unlike grounding during my initial (abdominal) awakening, in which it was sufficient to take long and slow walks, the grounding of the heart Chakra requires more robust power walking (which felt "too much" during the abdominal grounding). Here's how I came to this conclusion. I had intense heart/chest tightness tonight (on the left side of the body) so my hunch was, like always, telling me it was clearly a heart problem and not a Kundalini problem. 10 minutes of power walking, however, moved the tensity to the right area, indicating (if not demonstrating) an energy problem. The grounding was robust enough to fully overcome the left-sided tightness in my body. But look what happened next! I'm now feeling fear traveling downwards from the heart to my feet after the robust grounding walk I took, like it's a response to the grounding exercise. I know this response is temporary but what does it indicate?

What is happening to me? I'm only 28 years old and I'm starting to feel like a 70 year old with all the illness-like symptoms I'm getting!

Stay with me guys. I'll never forget the help and advice of those who offered any during this very upsetting period of my life.
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United Kingdom
73 Posts

Posted - May 08 2020 :  7:17:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Regarding question 8, I'm not "obsessively limiting sexual release", not by any means. It's just that my arousal response has, all of a sudden, become one of stress and anxiety. I'm getting sexual tingling down there all day and it feels fearful. It's not an ordinary sexual response, doesn't even feel like it, and, in fact, it has the power to upset any enjoyment of (and involvement in) sex. Forget about relationships (which I don't have any), my sexual response has become upset and distorted.
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United Kingdom
73 Posts

Posted - May 08 2020 :  7:30:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
For those who say "don't try to analyze too much", in a sense I agree, getting lost in analysis paralyzes the mind and makes the problem worse and ultimately the problem cannot be solved by analysis, for our experiences of the mind and body are just that, personal experiences and our involvement in them is primarily intuitive.

But just like too much is bad, so is too little. For what purpose would there be of having a community where people share (and study) experiences if not to make the problem and our understanding of it (from all sorts of angles) more communicable to others and more (though not fully) grounded in observable facts?
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2516 Posts

Posted - May 09 2020 :  03:26:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
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